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Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 00: 1–11 (2015)

Automated Cerebrospinal Fluid Cell Counts Using the New Body

Fluid Mode of Sysmex UF-1000i
Sabrina Buoro,1 ∗ Sara Apassiti Esposito,1 MariaGrazia Alessio,1 Alberto Crippa,1
Cosimo Ottomano,2 and Giuseppe Lippi2
Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry, Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo, Italy
Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology, Academic Hospital of Parma, Parma, Italy

Abstract:Background: We evaluated the ࣙ 18 × 106 /L (r = 0.98; y = 1.01x + 8.90).

new body fluid module on Sysmex UF1000- Between-day precision was good, with co-
i (UF1000i-BF) for analysis of white blood efficient of variations (CVs) lower than 7.2%
cell (WBC) and red blood cell (RBC) in for both WBC and RBC. The LoBs were
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Methods: WBC 0.1 × 106 WBC/L and 1.2 × 106 RBC/L,
and RBC counting were compared between the LoDs were 0.7 × 106 WBC/L and 5.5 ×
UF1000i-BF and Fuchs–Rosenthal count- 106 RBC/L, the LoQs were 2.4 × 106 WBC/L
ing chamber in 67 CSF samples. This study and 18.0 × 106 RBC/L, respectively. Linear-
also included the evaluation of between-day ity was excellent (r = 1.00 for both WBC and
precision, limit of blank (LoB), limit of de- RBC). Carryover was negligible. Excellent
tection (LoD), functional sensitivity (limit of diagnostic agreement was obtained at 4.5 ×
quantitation, LoQ), carryover and linearity. 106 WBC/L cut-off (sensitivity, 100%; speci-
Diagnostic agreement for differentiation be- ficity, 97.4%). Conclusion: The UF1000i-BF
tween normal and increased WBC counts provides rapid and accurate WBC and RBC
(ࣙ5.0 × 106 /L) was also assessed. Results: counts in clinically relevant values of CSF
The agreement between UF1000i-BF and cells. The use of UF1000i-BF may hence
manual WBC counts was otpiaml in all CSF allow to replace routine optical counting, ex-
samples (r = 0.99; y = 1.05x + 0.09). A cept for samples displaying abnormal WBC
modest overestimation was noticed in sam- counts or abnormal scattergram distribu-
ples with WBC < 30 × 106 /L (r = 0.95; y = tion, for which differential cell counts may
1.21x − 0.15). A good agreement was ob- still be required. J. Clin. Lab. Anal. 00:1–
served for RBC counts (r = 0.98; y = 1.15x 11, 2015. 
C 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

+ 0.55), particularly in samples with RBC

Key words: cerebrospinal fluid; automated cell counting; white blood cells; red blood cells;
body fluids Sysmex UF-1000i-BF

INTRODUCTION encephalitis, neurologic diseases, and leukemic CSF infil-

trations (3). Normal CSF samples contain no red blood
Cellular analysis in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an es-
cells (RBC), whereas an increased RBC count reflects the
sential part of diagnosis and follow-up of many central
presence of subarachnoidal or intracerebral hemorrhage,
nervous system (CNS) disorders (1,2). An increased num-
and is also helpful to rule out a traumatic spinal tap or
ber of white blood cell (WBC) in CSF samples (i.e., >5 ×
surgical procedure bleeding as the underlying cause of an
106 /L in adults, >7 × 106 /L in children, or >27 × 106 /L
elevated WBC count (3).
in neonates) is a cornerstone for diagnosing meningitis,
Although optical microscopy is still the reference
method for cellular analysis of CSF, this technique has
∗ Corresponding to: Sabrina Buoro, Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry,
several drawbacks such as high interobserver variability
and poor reproducibility, and is also labor-intensive and
Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII, Square OMS, 1 24128 Bergamo, Italy.
E-mail: requires trained laboratory staff, especially in emergencies
(3, 4). A number of automated cell counters have hence
Received 20 February 2015; Accepted 27 July 2015
DOI 10.1002/jcla.21866 been evaluated for applicability in CSF analysis (5–9).
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( These studies revealed that automated cell counts in CSF

C 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
2 Buoro et al.

may be of limited value due to large imprecision and poor Sysmex UF1000i-BF Mode
accuracy, especially in samples with less than 50 WBC
As for analysis of urine samples, the UF1000i-BF em-
× 106 /L. To overcome these limitations, manufactures
ploys fluorescent flow cytometry with hydrodynamic fo-
have designed a new generation of analyzers with specific
cusing to provide quantification of corpuscular elements
applications for body fluid analysis (10–20).
in body fluid samples. Cells are categorized on the ba-
The Sysmex UF1000i (Sysmex Co., Kobe Japan) is an
sis of their forward scatter light (volume), side scat-
automated analyzer encompassing fluorescent flow cy-
ter light (internal complexity), and fluorescence intensity
tometry and hydrodynamic focusing to identify and enu-
(DNA/RNA content). The RBCs are counted in sedi-
merate cells and formed particles in urine. Although pre-
ment channel. The WBCs and TNCs are stained with
vious studies showed that UF1000i exhibits good perfor-
fluorescent dye and counted in bacteria channel after
mance for counting nucleated cells in CSF and peritoneal
lysis of RBCs, by tuning the sensitivity of the channel
fluid (21–23), a specific software module for RBC, WBC,
for WBCs and other nucleated cells analysis. The data
and TNC (total nucleated cells) counting in body fluid
are then displayed as histograms, scattergrams, and cells
samples (UF1000i-BF) has recently been developed (24),
number. Cells other than WBCs (i.e., mesothelial cells,
but no information for CSF analysis exists to the best of
macrophages, malignant nonhematopoietic cells) are re-
our knowledge.
ported as LC (large cells, a parameter for research pur-
This study was hence aimed to validate the analytical
poses only) and included in the TNC count.
and diagnostic performances of UF1000i-BF for cellular
The UF1000i-BF uses 398 μl of body fluid sample,
analysis in CSF samples, in accord with the reference doc-
which is less than half of the volume required for uri-
uments published by the Clinical Laboratories Standard
nalysis. The analyzer does not require any manual sample
Institute (CLSI) (3) and, recently, by the International
treatment and the throughput is 25 body fluid samples per
Council for Standardization in Hematology (ICSH)
hour. When switched from urine mode, the UF1000i-BF
automatically performs a rinse cycle, followed by a back-
ground check, to avoid cross-contamination from urine
MATERIALS AND METHODS samples. To avoid sample carryover in the BF mode, an
automatic rinsing is performed before sample analysis.
CSF Samples
The study included 67 consecutive CSF samples col-
Sample Carryover
lected from adult patients (older than 16 years), submitted
to the local laboratory for diagnostic investigation over 1 Carryover was assessed on three CSF samples with a
month. All samples (37 specimens obtained from lumbar high cell count (WBC from 104 to 153 × 106 /L; RBC from
puncture, 24 from external ventricular drainage, 6 from 770 to 822 × 106 /L). Each sample was measured three
reservoir) were collected in sterile tubes without additives, times (H1, H2, H3) followed by three measurements of
and analysis was performed within 2 hr from collection. saline (B1, B2, B3). Percentage of carryover was calculated
The investigation was based on pre-existing samples, so using the formula “carryover = ((B1–B3)/(H3–B3)) ×
that ethical permission and informed consent were un- 100” (26).
necessary. The study was carried out in accordance with
the declaration of Helsinki and with the terms of local
legislation. Between-Day Precision
Between-day precision was assessed by daily analysis
Manual Microscopy throughout 32 days of two levels (low and high) of Sysmex
UF-II control material. Mean values, standard deviation
Manual microscopic cell counting was performed in a (SD), and coefficient of variation (CV) were calculated for
Fuchs–Rosenthal counting chamber. RBCs were counted both WBC and RBC.
unstained on undiluted samples. To count WBCs, CSF
samples were diluted (9:10) with Turk’s solution (Carlo
LoB and LoD
Erba, Italy). For each sample, cells in the entire chamber
(3.2 μl) were counted at ×400 magnification. WBC dif- The LoB and LoD were assessed according to the
ferential was performed by an expert technician by light CLSI reference document EP17-A2 (27). LoB was
microscopy at ×400 magnification. The slides were pre- determined by using nonparametric analysis as the 95th
pared by cytocentrifugation of CSF samples at 100 × g for percentile value from 60 replicates of sample diluent of the
3 min (Cytospin2 Thermo Scientific, MA, USA), followed UF1000i-BF (UF Pack Sed Sysmex Co., Kobe, Japan).
by May–Grunwald–Giemsa staining. The LoD was then assessed on 12 CSF samples diluted

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CSF Analysis on UF-1000i-BF 3

with saline, to obtain very low concentrations of both significant bias is present when the 95% CI of mean of
WBCs and RBCs. Five replicates of each sample were differences does not contain the value 0.
tested, for a total of 60 measurements. The mean values
of samples ranged from 0.7 to 5.0 × 106 WBC/L and
Diagnostic Accuracy
from 2.4 to 6.7 × 106 RBC/L, respectively. The LoD was
determined as the lowest WBC and RBC concentrations The diagnostic accuracy of UF1000i-BF to distinguish
that could be detected above their respective LoB with normal from abnormal CSF samples was assessed by the
probability of 95% (27). area under the curve (AUC) in receiver operating char-
acteristic (ROC) curve. Using the counting chamber as
reference method, sensitivity, specificity, and agreement
Functional Sensitivity (Limit of Quantitation) (proportion of true-negative and true-positive samples
The functional sensitivity was assessed on ten replicates correctly identified by the UF1000i-BF) were calculated.
of eight samples displaying different cell values (WBC The Youden index (i.e., maximum value of sensitivity +
from 1.3 to 84.7 × 106 /L; RBC from 6.8 to 321.2 × specificity) was used to assess the optimal cut-off value for
106 /L). Samples were prepared by adding WBCs and discriminating samples in negative and positive groups.
RBCs isolated from peripheral blood after treatment with Manual WBC counts were grouped into five clini-
HetaSep (Sigma–Aldrich, Italy) to a pool of cell-free CSF. cally relevant categories ranging from normal (0–5 ×
The mean WBC count and RBC count of each sample was 106 WBC/L) to markedly high (>200 × 106 WBC/L;
plotted against the CV. Functional sensitivity was mathe- (3, 9, 11, 13). WBC counts in UF1000i-BF were then
matically determined from the power regression equation matched to these categories. Intergroups agreement be-
at the concentration in which the CV equals 20%. This tween the two methods was quantified by the linear
value was defined as limit of quantitation (LoQ) (4, 27). weighted kappa (κ) statistic along with the 95% CI (27,29).

Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using Analyse-it soft-
For linearity testing, WBCs and RBCs obtained from
ware version 3.80 (Analyse-it Software, Ltd., Leeds, UK),
peripheral blood after treatment with HetaSep were added
Microsoft Excel 2010, and CLSI Statis-Pro software ver-
to a pool of cell-free CSF. The concentrated sample was
sion 3.0.
then serially diluted with phosphate buffered saline (PBS)
to produce five aliquots in the low range of values (WBC
from 0.8 to 405.0 × 106 /L, RBC from 1.9 to 970.0 × RESULTS
106 /L). Each sample was measured five times consecu- Sample Carryover
tively. Results were plotted against the expected cell counts
and linearity was evaluated according to the CLSI refer- The carryover was negligible, being 0.00% for WBC
ence document EP06-A (28). count and never exceeding 0.13% for RBC count, respec-

Comparison of Patient Samples

Between-Day Precision
Comparison between UF1000i-BF and the Fuchs–
Rosenthal chamber counts was evaluated using Passing– The results of between-day imprecision are shown in
Bablok regression analysis, Pearson’s correlation Table 1. The CV values for WBC counts and RBC counts
coefficient (r), and Bland–Altman bias plot in 67 CSF were lower than 7.2% in both levels of UF-II control
samples. For RBC counts, 11 samples were not included material.
in the statistical analysis for the following reasons:
lysis and degeneration of RBCs observed at manual TABLE 1. Between-Day Precision
microscopy (two samples), data of manual counting
Sample Mean (106 /L) SD CV (%)
unavailable (five samples), RBC counts above measuring
range (up to 99,999 × 106 RBC/L of UF1000i-BF [four WBC UF II control low 40.5 2.89 7.1
samples]). The slope and intercept of Passing–Bablok RBC UF II control low 39.2 2.29 5.9
regression were calculated with their 95% confidence WBC UF II control high 761.7 16.97 2.2
RBC UF II control high 193.0 5.60 2.9
interval (95% CI) to check whether statistical significance
is proportional or systematically different between Results of between-day precision for WBC count and RBC count of
methods. In Bland–Altman plot, absolute differences Sysmex UF-1000i on two levels of Sysmex UF-II control material (low
were plotted against results of counting chamber. A and high) analyzed daily for 32 days.

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4 Buoro et al.

TABLE 2. Comparison Between the UF1000i-BF and Fuchs–Rosenthal Counting Chamber for WBC Counts

Passing–Bablok regression Bland–Altman difference plot

95% Limits of agreement

r Value Slope (95% CI) Intercept (95% CI) Mean bias (95% CI) (mean bias ± 1.96 SD)

All samples (n = 67) 0.99 1.05(0.97–1.12) 0.09(−0.21 to 0.38) −1.67 (−5.43 to 2.09) −31.88 to 28.54
WBC <30 × 106 /L (n = 55) 0.95 1.21(1.09–1.43) −0.15(−0.41 to 0.10) 0.90 (0.23 to 1.58) −3.97 to 5.78
WBC ࣙ 30 × 106 /L (n = 0.98 0.99(0.73–1.09) −5.32(−22.13 to 18.73) −13.46 (−35.57 to 8.65) −81.66 to 54.74

r Value, Pearson’s coefficient correlation.

LoB, LoD, and LoQ mean bias was −1.67 × 106 /L (Fig. 1C; Table 2). Fifty-five
The LoB was 0.1 × 106 /L for WBC count and 1.2 × of the 67 CSF samples (82.1%) had a manual WBC count
106 /L for RBC count, respectively. The LoD, calculated <30 × 106 /L, but the agreement between the methods
using the formula LoD = LoB + 1.645 × SDs (where SDs remained excellent in either of this subset of samples (r
is the pooled standard deviations of results on low-level = 0.95; y = 1.21x − 0.15) (Fig. 1B; Table 2). However,
samples), was 0.7 × 106 /L for WBCs and 5.5 × 106 /L for the UF1000i-BF demonstrated a significant proportional
RBCs, respectively. The LoQ was 2.4 × 106 /L for WBC overestimation with Passing–Bablok regression (95% CI
count and 18.0×106 /L for RBC count, respectively. slope: 1.09–1.43). This trend was confirmed by the Bland–
Altman plot that revealed a statistically significant bias,
even if rather limited, of 0.90 × 106 /L (95% CI: 0.23–1.58
Linearity × 106 /L) (Fig. 1D; Table 2). An excellent agreement was
The best fitting model was linear regression for both observed in the 12 samples with a manual WBC count
WBC count (y = 1.00x + 1.09; r = 1.00) and RBC count ࣙ30 × 106 /L (r = 0.98; y = 1.00x − 5.32; mean bias
(y = 1.00x – 3.51; r = 1.00). The bias between mean −13.46 × 106 /L; Table 2).
values of WBCs or RBCs and their predicted values were The differential count performed on cytospin prepara-
within ±10% in the ranges of 8–405 × 106 WBC/L and tions showed the presence of macrophages in four sam-
19–970 × 106 RBC/L. Notably, the bias was comprised ples. The agreement between UF1000i-BF and manual
within ±0.5 cells × 106 /L at the lowest expected cell value TNC counts in all CSF samples showed results similar to
(0.8 × 106 WBC/L and 1.9 RBC × 106 /L, respectively). those obtained for WBCs (r = 0.99, y = 1.04x + 0.17,
mean bias −1.79 × 106 /L; n = 67, data not shown).
For RBC counts, a good agreement between UF1000i-
Comparison on Patient Samples BF and the counting chamber was observed in all CSF
The comparison of WBC and RBC counts obtained samples (r = 0.98; y = 1.15x + 0.55) (Fig. 2A; Table 3).
with UF1000i-BF and the reference counting chamber Despite the RBC counts with UF1000i-BF tended to be
on patient samples are summarized in Tables 2 and 3, slightly higher compared to the counting chamber, the
respectively. In counting chamber, WBC counts ranged slope and intercept of Passing–Bablok regression did not
from 0.0 to 548.6 × 106 /L and RBC counts from 0.0 to significantly deviate from 1 and 0, respectively. The mean
3656.3 × 106 /L. A good agreement was observed between bias was 21.02 × 106 /L (95% CI: −14.69 to 56.72; Fig. 2B;
manual and automated WBC counts in all CSF samples Table 3). A separate analysis was performed in samples
(r = 0.99; y = 1.05x + 0.09; n = 67; Fig. 1A; Table 2). The with RBC count below (n = 28) and above (n = 28) the

TABLE 3. Comparison Between the UF1000i-BF and Fuchs–Rosenthal Counting Chamber for RBC Counts

Passing–Bablok regression Bland–Altman difference plot

95% Limits of agreement

r Value Slope (95% CI) Intercept (95% CI) Mean bias (95% CI) (mean bias ± 1.96 SD)

All samples (n = 56) 0.98 1.15 (0.99–1.36) 0.55(−0.32 to 2.38) 21.02 (−14.69 to 56.72) −240.29 to 282.32
RBC <18 × 106 /L (n = 28) 0.75 1.24 (0.95–3.33) −0.13(−0.41 to 1.84) 1.12 (−0.03 to 2.27) −4.68 to 6.93
RBC ࣙ 18 × 106 /L (n = 28) 0.98 1.01 (0.84–1.33) 8.90(−3.05 to 26.05) 40.91 (−32.02 to −327.73 to 409.56

r Value, Pearson’s coefficient correlation.

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CSF Analysis on UF-1000i-BF 5

Fig. 1. Comparison for WBC count between the UF1000i-BF and the reference Fuchs–Rosenthal counting chamber (manual count). Left panel:
Passing–Bablok regression analysis in all CSF samples (n = 67) (A) and in samples with WBC count <30 × 106 /L (n = 55) (B). Solid and dashed red
lines indicate the regression line and 95% CI of the slope, respectively. The gray line represents the identity line (y = x). Right panel: Bland–Altman
plot in all CSF samples (n = 67) (C) and in samples with WBC count <30 × 106 /L (n = 55) (D). The absolute differences between the results of
WBC counts by the two methods are plotted against the WBC count of the manual reference method. Solid and dashed blue lines indicate the mean
of differences (mean bias) and the 95% limit of agreement (defined as the mean bias ±1.96 SD), respectively. The gray line represents the identity
line (bias = 0). See Table 2 for the data of Passing–Bablok regression analysis and Bland–Altman plots.

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6 Buoro et al.

Fig. 1. Continued

LoQ of UF1000i-BF (18.0 × 106 /L). No statistically sig- an excellent AUC of 1.00 (95% CI: 0.99–1.00; P < 0.001;
nificant difference was observed in samples with RBC Fig. 3). At a cut-off value of 5.0 WBC × 106 /L, the agree-
count ࣙ18.0 × 106 /L (r = 0.98; y = 1.01x + 8.90; mean ment between UF1000i-BF and counting chamber was
bias 40.9 × 106 /L; Table 3). In samples with RBC count 97.1%. Only 1 of the 29 positive samples was classified as
<18.0 × 106 /L, a slight positive bias (1.12 × 106 /L; 95% negative (manual count, 6.9 × 106 /L vs. UF1000i-BF, 4.6
CI: −0.03 to 2.27; Fig. 2D) along with a major scatter × 106 /L). Only 1 of the 38 negative samples was classi-
around the regression line was observed (r = 0.75; y = fied as positive (manual count, 3.1 × 106 /L vs. UF1000i-
1.24x + 0.13; 95% CI slope: 0.95–3.33; Fig. 2C; Table 3). BF, 7.2 × 106 /L). Therefore, sensitivity and specificity
were 96.6% and 97.4%, respectively. At the optimal cut-
off value of 4.5 WBC × 106 /L, the agreement between
Diagnostic Accuracy UF1000i-BF and counting chamber increased to 98.5%,
Twenty-nine of the 67 CSF samples (43.3%) had a man- with 29/29 of positive samples and 37/38 of negative sam-
ual WBC count >5.0 × 106 /L and were hence considered ples being correctly identified. Sensitivity and specificity
positive. The ROC curve analysis for WBC count yielded were 100% and 97.4%, respectively.

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CSF Analysis on UF-1000i-BF 7

Fig. 2. Comparison for RBC count between the UF1000i-BF and the reference Fuchs–Rosenthal counting chamber (manual count). Left panel:
Passing–Bablok regression analysis in all CSF samples (n = 56) (A) and in samples with RBC counts <18 × 106 /L (n = 28) (B). Solid and dashed red
lines indicate the regression line and 95% CI of the slope, respectively. The gray line represents the identity line (y = x). Right Panel: Bland–Altman
plot in all CSF samples (n = 56) (C) and in samples with RBC counts <18 × 106 /L (n = 28) (D). The absolute differences between the results of
RBC counts by the two methods are plotted against the results of the manual reference method. Solid and dashed blue lines indicate the mean of
differences (mean bias) and the 95% limit of agreement (defined as the mean bias ±1.96 SD), respectively. The gray line represents the identity line
(bias = 0). Refer to Table 3 for the data of Passing–Bablok regression analysis and Bland–Altman plots.

The manual WBC counts were grouped into five (>30.0–200.0 × 106 /L, n = 5), and consistently high
categories classified as normal (0–5.0 × 106 /L, n = 38), (>200 × 106 /L, n = 5). The corresponding WBC counts
suspicious for disease (>5.0–10.0 × 106 /L, n = 8), mildly of UF1000i-BF were matched to these categories (Table
high (>10.0–30.0 × 106 /L, n = 11), moderately high 4). Intergroup agreement between manual and automated

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8 Buoro et al.

Fig. 2. Continued

WBC counts was excellent, resulting in a weighted κ value DISCUSSION

of 0.97 (95% CI: 0.93–1.00). Percentages of agreement
Although optical microscopy analysis remains the refer-
were 97.4% (37/38) in the category of normal WBC
ence method for cellular analysis of CSF samples, clinical
count; 77.8% (7/9) in the category of suspicious for
laboratories are under pressure to replace manual tech-
disease; and 100% in the categories of mildly high
niques with automation, in order to provide cost-effective,
(10/10), moderately high (5/5), and consistently high
rapid, and accurate results to clinicians. The unsatisfac-
(5/5) WBC count, respectively.
tory precision of automated analyzers at very low cell

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CSF Analysis on UF-1000i-BF 9

Fig. 3. ROC curve for UF1000i-BF in distinguish normal from abnormal WBC counts (>5.0 × 106 WBC/L; n = 29, 43.3%) in 67 CSF samples
using the Fuchs–Rosenthal counting chamber as the reference method. Results of ROC curve analysis were AUC 1.00 (95% CI: 0.99–1.00; P <
0.0001); optimal cut-off value UF1000-i BF 4.5 × 106 /L; sensitivity 100%, specificity 97.4%. Of the 67 CSF samples, only one false-positive result
was found.

TABLE 4. Reliability of UF1000i- BF in Classification of CSF ligible sample carryover, clinically usable LoB (0.1 ×
Samples According to the Reference WBC Counts (Fuchs– 106 WBC/L, 1.2 × 106 RBC/L) and LoD (0.7 × 106
Rosenthal Counting Chamber)
WBC/L, 5.5 × 106 RBC/L), optimal between-day im-
WBC precision (with CV values lower than 7.2% for both WBC
counting WBC UF1000i-BF (×106 /L) and RBC), as well as extended linearity, which covers cell
Group of CSF chamber
counts in the vast majority of clinically meaningful CSF
samples (×106 /L) 0–5 >5–10 >10–50 >50–200 >200
values. The LoQs were also excellent. More specifically, a
Normal (n = 38) 0–5 37 1 0 0 0 CV of 20% was obtained at 2.4 × 106 WBC/L and 18.0 ×
Suspicious for >5–10 1 7 1 0 0 106 RBC/L, respectively. Among published studies, simi-
disease (n = 9) lar results of LoQ for the WBC count were only reported
Mildly elevated >10–50 0 0 10 0 0
(n = 10)
using the UF1000i urine mode (CV = 16% at 3.5 × 106
Moderately >50–200 0 0 0 5 0 WBC/L) (21) or Sysmex XN1000 (CV = 20% at 5 × 106
elevated (n = 5) WBC/L) (16). It is also noteworthy that our results are in
Highly elevated >200 0 0 0 0 5 accord with manufacturer’s specification of UF1000i-BF
(n = 5) for CSF measurement (LoQ = 2.0 × 106 WBC/L; 15.0
Data are given as the number of cases in each clinically relevant group. × 106 RBC/L), and even better than those reported by
Numbers underlined in boldface indicate the number of cases in com- Fleming et al. for analysis of serous fluids (LoQ: 9.0 × 106
plete agreement by both methods in each clinically relevant group. Reli- WBC/L and 25.0 × 106 RBC/L) (24).
ability of UF1000i-BF: weighted κ, 0.97; 95% CI: 0.93–1.00.
The comparison between UF1000i-BF and manual
microscopy showed a good agreement for WBC counting.
counts has considerably challenged their widespread use The slight positive bias observed in samples with WBC
in CSF diagnostics (10–13). count <30 × 106 /L did not seemingly compromise the
In this study, we evaluated the analytical performance ability of UF1000i-BF to correctly categorize abnormal
of Sysmex UF1000i-BF for CSF analysis, showing a neg- WBC counts in proper clinical category, as observed by

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10 Buoro et al.

the excellent results of intergroup agreement between from bacteria should be unlikely since their morphology
manual and automated WBC counts (Table 4). Diagnos- (small in size and with less DNA/RNA content) is highly
tic accuracy was also excellent. At the threshold value different from blood cells. However, as observed by Flem-
of 4.5 × 106 /L, the UF1000i-BF proved to be highly ing et al. (24), aggregation of bacteria or yeast may gen-
sensitive (100%) and specific (97.4%) for differentiating erate signals that are interpreted as RBCs and WBCs,
normal and pathologic WBC counts (>5.0 × 106 /L). thus leading to overestimation. The sample also showed
To our knowledge, similar results of diagnostic accuracy abnormalities in histograms and scattergram, confirming
on CSF samples were reported in published studies only the need to perform manual microscopic review of sam-
using Sysmex XN1000 (sensitivity = 100%, specificity ples with abnormal scatterplot distributions.
97.4%; n = 67) (16) and UF1000i urine mode (sensitivity In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that the
= 100%, specificity = 84%; n = 77) (21). use of UF1000i-BF may be a reliable strategy for perform-
The comparison between UF1000i-BF and manual ing cell counts in CSF samples. In particular, UF1000i-BF
method also showed a good correlation for RBC count- may be useful for initial screening of CSF in urgent set-
ing, despite the presence of slight positive bias along with tings or outside the routine activity, when availability of
major scatter around the regression line in samples with expert and trained personnel cannot be ensured. More-
RBC count <18 × 106 /L. The RBC count in CSF is useful over, the analysis is rapid (i.e., <3 min), does not require
for diagnosing intracranial hemorrhage and for establish- pretreatment of samples or separate steps for RBC count-
ing whether an elevated WBC count may be secondary to ing, so that UF1000i-BF can save time and manual labor
a traumatic trap. Most hematological analyzers can reli- in clinical laboratories. To further improve the diagnos-
ably measure RBCs when the number is ࣙ1000 × 106 /L tic usefulness for CSF analysis, the UF1000i-BF should
(4–9, 11–16), thus limiting their use in acute intracranial be implemented with differential WBC counts, at least for
hemorrhage and in visually blood-contaminated samples. mononuclear cells and polymorphonuclear cells, and with
However, pediatric oncology protocols indicate that the count (or at least flagging) of bacteria and yeasts. These
presence of RBC >10 × 106 /L may be used as an index parameters, when available, could offer an extraordinary
of blood contamination (4, 28, 29, 32). Compared to this and cost-effective support for differential diagnosis of pa-
cut-off, the diagnostic accuracy of UF1000i-BF remained tients with suspected CNS infections.
excellent. In particular, the AUC was 0.98 (95% CI: 0.95– Despite the excellent analytical performance observed
1.00), with optimal cut-off value of 13 × 106 RBC/L in our study, the UF1000i-BF cannot completely replace
associated with 96.3% sensitivity and 86.7% specificity, manual microscopy so far, and this is mainly due to the
respectively. fact that the analyzer does not provide a WBC differential
Macrophages were only present in four samples in our count. Therefore, the need to manually perform cell count
study. In one case with 100% of macrophages/100 WBC, differential in samples with abnormal WBC counts or with
the results of UF1000i-BF (TNC = 21.0 × 106 /L, RBC abnormal scattergram distributions remains. Malignant
= 20.4 × 106 /L) compared with manual chamber (TNC fluids should also be excluded from automated analysis of
= 18.0 × 106 /L, WBC = 9 × 106 /L) demonstrated that WBCs, since cancer cells may be present in small numbers
these cells were not classified as LC by UF1000i-BF (LC = in CSF, and even in samples with normal WBC counts.
0.6 × 106 /L), thus leading to a significant overestimation
of WBCs. A similar case was reported by Fleming et al.
in pleural and ascites samples (24).
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