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International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology

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An exploratory study of integrative approach between

3D body scanning technology and motion capture
systems in the apparel industry
a b
Yijing Zong & Young-A Lee
Fashion Design and Engineering , Donghua University , Shanghai, P.R. China
Apparel, Educational Studies and Hospitality Management , Iowa State University , Ames,
Published online: 24 May 2011.

To cite this article: Yijing Zong & Young-A Lee (2011) An exploratory study of integrative approach between 3D body scanning
technology and motion capture systems in the apparel industry, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and
Education, 4:2, 91-101, DOI: 10.1080/17543266.2010.537281

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International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education
Vol. 4, No. 2, July 2011, 91–101

An exploratory study of integrative approach between 3D body scanning technology and motion
capture systems in the apparel industry
Yijing Zonga and Young-A Leeb*
Fashion Design and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai, P.R. China; bApparel, Educational Studies and Hospitality
Management, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA
(Received 21 September 2010; final version received 1 November 2010)

The purpose of this study is (1) to examine the current usages of three-dimensional (3D) body scanning technology
and motion capture systems in the apparel industry, (2) to explore methods of complementing the limitations of 3D
body scanning technology and motion capture systems and (3) to seek possible implementations of both of the
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technologies together in research areas related to apparel design and product development. This study discovered the
shortages of motion capture systems applied in apparel-related research and the limitations of 3D body scanners
used to capture information of bodies in non-standard postures until now. The integration of these two technologies
is recommended to overcome some of the limitations of each technology when using them for the research in apparel
design and product development.
Keywords: 3D body scanning; motion capture system; apparel; product development

1. Introduction projection or low power lasers to illuminate a narrow

The human body is the core of research in the area of strip of the object’s surface, and the white light or laser
apparel design and product development. With tech- light is detected by charged coupled device cameras. As
nological advancements in modern society, two emer- with the outcome of a 3D body scan, the surface area
ging technologies, three-dimensional (3D) body of an object is composed of point clouds which have
scanning technology and motion capture systems been triangulated and assigned in 3D spatial coordi-
have been given growing attention by apparel re- nates (Lerch et al. 2008). Some other scanning systems
searchers who investigate the relationships between a also exist, but are not used as widely as the two
certain apparel product and the human body. The 3D mentioned above.
body scanning technology captures the surface area of A light-based 3D body scanning technology
a human body by using two different approaches, employs white light sources to project a contour
white-light based and laser based, without physical pattern on the surface area of an object. Two types
contact with the body. It records a static 3D image of a of white light sources that are commonly used are the
human body, while the motion capture systems allow Moiré light projection technique (e.g. Wicks and
the capture of the dynamic actions of the human body. Wilson Limited) and a phase measuring profilometry
The purpose of this study is (1) to examine the technique (e.g. [TC]2) (Istook and Hwang 2001). A
current usages of 3D body scanning technology and noticeable characteristic of light-based scanners is
motion capture systems in the apparel industry, (2) to faster data acquisition. A laser-based 3D body scan-
explore methods of complementing the limitations of ning system like Cyberware1 (Paquette 1996) obtains
these emerging technologies and (3) to seek possible data using a triangulation method in which a strip of
implementations of both of the technologies together light is emitted from laser diodes onto the surface area
in research areas related to apparel design and product of the scanned object. It is then viewed simultaneously
development. from two locations using an arrangement of mirrors.
Unlike other body scanning systems, the laser scanners
generate RGB colour values. The process of identify-
1.1. 3D body scanning technology ing colour-coded landmarks is conducted for data
3D whole body scanning technology is a relatively new extraction after scanning (Istook and Hwang 2001).
emerging approach that measures the surface areas of Compared with traditional measuring procedures
a human body. It mainly uses moiré-based light (i.e. tape measure), 3D body scanning technology has

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1754-3266 print/ISSN 1754-3274 online

Ó 2011 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/17543266.2010.537281
92 Y. Zong and Y.-A Lee

been shown to provide precise, scan-derived measure- body regions or the whole body. According to the core
ments within a short time period (Lu et al. 2009). technologies adopted, the systems can be classified as
Although 3D body scanners are still expensive marker-based and markerless techniques.
apparatus for apparel researchers or design profes- Marker-based motion capture systems are usually
sionals to use in research or product development, based on magnetic sensors that provide the accurate
these devices can produce an unlimited number of identification of a body’s figure points as well as its
accurate and reproducible measurements of the human movements (Herda et al. 2000). One major problem of
body within 10 to 15 s. The scanners also provide the the marker-based approach is that a computer can
flexibility to extract new or revised measurements at only track performers wearing precisely placed and
any time during the data analysis process, and to create calibrated markers. Other limitations are related to (1)
3D garment moulds covering the shapes of unique long preparation time for the setup process, (2) high
human bodies as well. The garment moulds are cost of markers, (3) marker positions and lack of
obtained in a digital format that can be used with visibility which can cause experimental artefacts and
computer-aided design (CAD) pattern development deform the subject’s silhouette (Ceseracciu et al. 2009)
systems (e.g. Gerber1, Lectra1 or Optitex1) for and (4) the limited range of measurement spaces. These
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further applications (Pargas et al. 1997). marginalise the applications of human motion capture
Various researchers have also identified several to the domain of industrial usages.
disadvantages of this technology, such as missing data, Markerless motion capture systems, which are
colour sensitivities and pose limitations in scanning. involved in sophisticated vision algorithms, observe a
Because of shading, particularly in armpits and crotch person by the use of one or several cameras (Boulay
areas, missing data necessitates that researchers spend et al. 2006). These systems promote the application of
extra time and effort on additional data processing, motion capture for industrial usages that are not
such as filtering, smoothing, filling and compressing limited to the laboratory. However, computational and
using advanced 3D modelling computer software, for technical complexities of a full 3D description of the
example Polyworks1, Geomagic1 and RapidForm1. kinematics of a human body have slowed the
Light absorption by dark colours limits the clothing introduction of this markerless approach in various
that can be worn for the 3D body scan. Usually, dark- industries (Surer et al. 2009).
coloured outfits are not recommended for the body Unlike the 3D body scanning technology only
scan. In addition, movements of the subject during the capturing the 3D surface area of a human body in a
scanning process affect the results of body measure- static position, motion capture systems provide accu-
ments (Daanen and van de Water 1998). Almost all 3D rate 3D data that include exact skeletal motions and
body scanners are designed to scan static poses of a body dimensions. They adopt the full speed tracking
human body. Therefore, many portions of the body technique for motion capture in real time. Motion
are difficult to capture when a person is scanned in capture systems have several limitations in use: (1) the
different positions, such as bending, crawling and systems provide information only about joints and
sitting. skeletons, but not about flesh and skin, (2) the
captured data lack flexibilities, for example, they are
not easy to edit or modify for other purposes because
1.2. Motion capture systems these data are solidified and designed for specific
A motion capture system records the movements of a purposes or circumstances and (3) the data format may
performer, which is typically, but not always, a human vary depending on the type of motion capture system
being. Motions are based on an articulated rigid used. Each motion capture system defines its own data
structure of a model of a human body. They are format to express the captured contents, ranging from
captured using either a model-based or a feature-points a simple segment form to a complex hierarchical
approach to the problem of tracking joints (Zelman structure form (Morales 2001, Chung and Lee 2004).
et al. 2009). Different from a simple video recording, a
virtual human body mimicking the performer’s posture
can be viewed in real-time through the use of motion 2. Current applications of 3D body scanning
capture systems, which compute 3D skeletal represen- technology and motion capture systems
tations of the motions with sufficient quality (Gleicher With the development of advanced technologies, 3D
and Ferrier 2002). Motion capture systems vary in the body scanning technology and motion capture systems
number of cameras used (camera configuration), the have been widely applied in research and in practice.
representation of captured data, the types of algo- Unlike 3D body scanners, motion capture systems have
rithms programmed into the system, the various not often been used for the apparel industry but have
models used, and the application to either specific been more involved in human–computer interactions,
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 93

such as entertainment and computer animation. Both scanning technology provided a quantitative approach
technologies have also been successfully employed in the to assess surface area coverage and degrees of ballistic
fields of biomedical engineering and ergonomics. protection for different design styles of protective body
armour. In several other studies, researchers obtained
virtual 3D body models of soldiers wearing full combat
2.1. Applications of 3D body scanning technology gear and imported these models into specialised
The initial aim of using 3D scanning technology was to programs in order to conduct further investigations.
efficiently obtain anthropometric measurements of a For example, they used an infrared signature to help
human body, which can replace the method of determine how effective the material and other design
traditional tape measurements in the apparel industry. features are at minimising soldiers’ vulnerability to
In recent decades, researchers in the field of textiles and detection, or simulating jumps of fully loaded para-
clothing, especially in the area of design and product troopers from a military transport aircraft (Paquette
development, have used 3D body scanning technology 1996). Lee et al. (2007) used 3D body scanners to
to conduct nationwide surveys, mainly to develop measure microclimate volumes in layered clothing,
standardised sizing systems as well as analyse demo- which contributed a novel approach to evaluate the air
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graphic changes in various nations, such as the USA, layer under the clothing.
Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK, Germany, A few studies also tested the effectiveness of using
China, France and South Korea (Lu and Wang 2008, 3D body scanners to scan clothed participants for a
Lu et al. 2009). Body measurements and 3D human clothing fit analysis. Using multiple measurements
models alike were collected through these surveys to derived from the scan data, researchers evaluated the
build a comprehensive nationwide database. way the sizes ranged, measurement specifications, and
Some studies have also employed 3D body scan- grading rules that could be improved to better
ning technology to gain partial anthropometric mea- accommodate a set of pants designed for a specific
surements and 3D body models. For instance, several female target market (Ashdown et al. 2001, Ashdown
studies were focused on female breast shapes and et al. 2004, Loker et al. 2005). Daanen and Hong
brassiere development (Lee et al. 2004, Lee and Hong (2008) compared two methods of using 3D body scan
2007, Wang and Zhang 2007, Zheng et al. 2007). In data, two-dimensional scan-derived measurements and
addition to generating two-dimensional (2D) body triangulations of the scanned 3D body model, when
measurements, 3D body scanners have been used to producing skirts. The findings showed that the fit of
record the surface area and volume of the entire body the 3D-generated skirt was much better than that of
or the selected parts of the body. Yu et al. (2003) made the skirt based on the two-dimensional scan
the use of 3D body scanning technology to derive a measurements.
formula to estimate a simple body surface area using a Aside from using this emerging technology in the
sample of 3,951 Chinese adults. Yu et al. (2008) also field of textiles and clothing as discussed above, 3D
used 3D body anthropometry data to investigate the body scanning technology has also been widely
percentages for the surface areas of the hand and palm adopted in other fields, such as industrial engineering,
of the body surface area. computer animation or graphic, biomedical engineer-
Mass-produced custom apparel design is a process ing and ergonomics. Particular body scanners are
that seeks to produce clothing designed and fitted to an mainly used in the movie industry. Computer anima-
individual’s body size and proportions. Body measure- tors employ them to generate animated movies,
ments obtained from the 3D body scan are combined computer-generated special effects and digital images
with CAD systems as well as single-layer cutting of famous personalities (Daanen and van de Water
machines to form a made-to-measure chain, which 1998, Ashdown et al. 2004). In the medical field,
enables manufacturers to efficiently create individua- scanning devices have been employed by craniofacial
lised products (Daanen and van de Water 1998). In a surgeons to measure and assess critical aspects of facial
few recent studies, 3D body scanning was adopted to morphology as well as in the complex breast region for
be one of the procedures of novel intelligent systems investigating the measurement of breast volume, which
for custom clothing making (Xu et al. 2002, Petrak and is necessary to evaluate the aesthetic result of breast
Rogale 2006, Lu et al. 2010). surgery (Paquette 1996). In ergonomics, whole body
3D body scanners can also capture the image of a scanners have provided an effective method to improve
fully clothed and equipped body. Based on this trait, the computerised human models used in ergonomic
researchers explored a number of applications of 3D design and evaluation such as the models used in
body scanning technology from functional/protective automobile seat designs and comfortable chair designs
apparel design and development to virtual apparel fit in the furniture industry (Daanen and van de Water
analysis. In a study of military garments, 3D body 1998).
94 Y. Zong and Y.-A Lee

design (Caputo et al. 2001). Furthermore, this system

2.2. Applications of motion capture systems has been broadly applied in the entertainment and
The major applications of motion capture systems are gaming industries, such as in avatar animation and
involved in motion analyses in various fields including their control. It has been frequently used in the
character animation. One of the research directions on interface of games, virtual environments, animation,
human motion analysis is in the field of human– and the control of remotely located implements (Lee
computer interaction, in particular related to computer et al. 2002).
vision and machine learning, which is concentrated on Compared with 3D body scanning technology,
tracking, estimating and recognising human motions for motion capture systems have not been widely used in
surveillance purposes (Mündermann et al. 2006) or the apparel industry. Cheung and Ng (2007) used the
simulation purposes. For example, Kapur et al. (2005) method of a marker-based motion capture system to
conducted a study to train a machine to identify different measure rear-foot angles of runners in order to
human emotions, such as sadness, joy, anger and fear by investigate the efficacy of motion control shoes in
implementing the technique of capturing full body reducing excessive rear-foot motions of fatigued
skeletal movements. Some other researchers also de- runners. A few previous studies focused on developing
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signed humanoid robots based on the data from human textile-based wearable motion sensors as an alternative
motion capture (Dasgupta and Nakamura 1999). method to a marker-based motion capture system, but
Motion capture systems were also used in the field they made little contribution to the research in apparel
of biomechanics. Corazza and Andriacchi (2009) design and product development.
adopted a 3D markerless motion capture system to Plenty of relevant studies have been separately
measure the postural movements of the body’s centre completed using either 3D body scanning technology
of mass, which is a key variable in posture graphic or a motion capture system; however, there has been
analyses. Another similar study was conducted to limited research using an integrative approach of these
evaluate the measurements of vertical displacements of two technologies in the area of apparel design and
a single point on the sacrum in order to estimate the product development. Therefore, the purpose of this
entire body’s centre of mass while subjects ran on a study is to provide possible future research directions
treadmill using the marker-based motion capture for researchers to implement both 3D body scanning
system (Gullstrand et al. 2009). The functional technology and motion capture systems in their
identification of joint centres was conducted by research, particularly in the area of apparel design
adopting motion capture, which is of great importance and product development.
in biomechanical applications, especially in the devel-
opment of musculoskeletal models of a human body
(Corazza et al. 2007). 3. Methods
Moreover, researchers in the field of clinical and A female college student was conveniently chosen in
physiotherapeutic medicine employed motion capture this study to explore a possible integrative approach of
systems to analyse patients’ body movements. A using 3D body scanning technology and a motion
motion capture system that used infrared passive- capture system. A large number of subjects were not
reflective markers was adopted to examine the needed because the study only focused on exploring
accuracy of video-based observational posture ana- possible usages of 3D visual data from the two
lyses in the area of the elbow and shoulder, which are technologies.
related to occupational shoulder disorders (Lowe A series of motions designed by researchers, which
2004). In another study, Garrido-Castro et al. (2009) were mainly related to the various movements of legs,
examined the reliability of measuring spinal mobility were recorded by a motion capture system. Then,
using a marker-based motion capture system for the several similar postures in the motion sequence were
assessment of ankylosing spondylitis. Similarly, a captured by a 3D body scanner. The data were then
group of Polish researchers attempted to use a motion transferred into several 3D modelling programs step by
capture system to evaluate the kinematics of a spine step and processed using those programs to some
deformed by scoliosis (Maciejasz and Chwala 2006). extent. Possible applications and implications of these
In addition, motion capture systems have been used two technologies are discussed later in this article.
to help analyse the body movements of athletes and
trainers in order to improve their performance. Several
ergonomists have also employed motion capture 3.1. 3D body scanning technology and motion capture
systems to track the motions of users and to transfer systems
them to virtual manikins to conduct the detailed A [TC]2 NX-16 white-light body scanner and the
analyses of the users’ comfort in the field of industrial Animazoo1 IGS-190 motion capture system were used
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 95

for this exploratory study. The 3D body scanner

employs optical triangulation with white-light scan-
ning technology, which records precise non-contact 3D
measurements of a human body via 32 independent
cameras from the front left, front right, back left and
back right at four columns. The images captured by
each camera are combined to form point-cloud data
with 600,000 to 1 million points. Then, segmentations
of the body and the measurement extractions are
gained from the raw data of 3D scans ([TC]2 2008).
Animazoo IGS-190 is an inertial gyroscopic motion
capture system that features 19 tiny inertial sensors
attached to a flexible Lycra1 suit. The moveable gyros
are possible to achieve optimum placements ensuring
the accuracy of measurements from the joint and not
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the muscle (Animazoo 2010).

Figure 1. Actor file creation.

3.2. Procedures
Three steps were involved to collect data in this study:
(1) two photos of a participant were taken to create an 3.2.3. Step 3 – 3D body scan
actor file which would be used in the process of a The participant concluded the motion capture by
motion capture, (2) the participant was asked to wear a visiting the 3D body scanning laboratory. The partici-
suit with sensors provided by researchers and then pant was first asked to wear a light colour, tight-fitted
asked to act out a series of motions followed by the suit provided by researchers. In the 3D body scanner,
motion capture script that was developed by research- the participant’s body information was then recorded
ers and then (3) the participant was scanned in the via point clouds which were segmented into seven parts
several postures that were similar to the motions including the trunk, arms, hands and legs. Aside from
involved in the second step. The total time spent the standard standing posture shown in Figure 2,
for the data collection was approximately 1 h and researchers also asked for the participant to pose several
45 min. different body positions which were consistent with or
similar to the motions involved in Step 2.

3.2.1. Step 1 – actor file creation

The participant was asked to stop by the motion 3.3. Data processing
capture laboratory several days before conducting the The data obtained by the motion capture system are
participant’s motion capture. Front and side views of typically in the *.an file format which can then be
the participant were initially photographed to acquire imported into Animaview1 to edit key frames and to
relevant body information. An ‘Actor File’ was then clean footsteps of a human body. It specialises in
generated using configurable user body geometry with correcting jumps, climbs or descents, effects of skin,
the AutoCal1 software, which uses an intuitive drag-n- muscle or clothing artefacts on the root sensor, and
drop approach that is overlaid on two photos of the most importantly, cleaning the contact between the
actor posing inside a jig with known dimensions (see floor and all of the body parts that might need to touch
Figure 1). the floor, especially feet (also head, shoulders, elbows,
hands, knees and the buttocks) (Animazoo 2010). The
files could be exported as the file format *.bvh, which
3.2.2. Step 2 – motion capture could be processed by common animation programs
The participant needed to revisit the motion capture such as ‘MotionBuilder’ and ‘Cinema 4.’
laboratory at the time appointed to conduct the The 3D body scan data can be saved as the file
motion capture part. The participant was first asked formats of *.rbd (default file), *.obj and *.wrl (VRML
to wear a special Lycra1 suit with 19 sensors. After file). The RBD file is the basis of extracting body
completing a system calibration, the actor was asked to measurements that could be used to conduct data
perform a sequence of motions. These motions extraction based on the 3D body models. The OBJ file,
included several leg actions, including relaxed walking, a universally accepted format, is a simple data format
marching, squatting, kneeling and sitting. that represents 3D geometry. The VRML file is the
96 Y. Zong and Y.-A Lee

standard 3D file format for the Web that is possible to with comprehensive tools for 3D animation, model-
import and export in many 3D authoring tools (Chen ling, simulation, visual effects, rendering, match mov-
2003). ing and compositing. The Maya1 program requires
In this study, the data of 3D body scan and motion the high quality of the surface model for characters.
capture were processed by various 3D modelling Therefore, the model filtering, filling and smoothing
programs. The motion capture data and 3D body should be completed to eliminate all of the triangular
scan data were converted into FBX and DXF formats, surfaces before running the Maya1 program. In this
respectively. Both files could import into the Maya1 exploratory study, the data from 3D body scan and
program which offers an end-to-end creative workflow motion capture were not imported into the Maya
program for further data analysis since the data
cleaning had not been processed.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Results and discussion of motion capture and 3D
body scan
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The visual data recorded by the motion capture system

are shown in Figures 3 and 4. These two figures show
the movements of skeletal structures which are
composed of joints and bones without muscles and
A number of unbalanced errors of foot placements
as jumps existed in the raw data. Researchers could
identify these jumps and then conduct small changes
using Animaview software; for example, an incorrect
foot placement shown in Figure 4(c) in which the left
foot should be placed on the ground. After adjusting
the foot placement using Animaview, the virtual model
could achieve a balanced status as shown in Figure 5.
Although the adjusting process using the available
software could make tiny leans or displacements to the
coordinates of the space, it could not really change the
error of the foot placement. Morales (2001) states that
the data lacks enough flexibility to be edited or
modified as restrictions exist in current motion capture
The 3D visual images from 3D body scan are
Figure 2. 3D body scan image in a standard static position. revealed by point clouds as shown in Figure 6 and

Figure 3. Motion captures of walking, marching, and kicking.

International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 97

were imported to 3D modelling software to conduct

further data analyses. Therefore, body models needed
to be patched and filled in by researchers before they
conducted further data analyses. Advanced 3D model-
ling computer software such as Geomagic1, Poly-
works1 and RapidForm1 can be employed to conduct
further data analyses including filtering, smoothing,
filling and compressing the data. This part of data
cleaning was not processed for this exploratory study.
This experimental, exploratory study found that
3D body models were not able to generate in certain
Figure 4. Motion captures of sitting, kneeling, and
squatting. body positions when using the [TC]2 NX-16 body
scanner. In other words, the body information can be
captured and saved as *.wrl files; however, it fails to
save as *.rbd files on some occasions. This study
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demonstrates that the body measurement system fails

to identify the measurements of a certain body area in
certain body positions such as the postures shown in
(a), (e), (f) and (g) of Figure 3 and Figure 4(d). Within
these five failing postures, one common point that was
found in (a), (e), (f) and (g) of Figure 3 was that one of
the legs was leaving the floor. It is possible to assume
that the generation of a body model in the [TC]2 body
scanning system is related to the position or placement
of the foot. If the foot is leaving the floor, the system
may not locate correct key measurement points, which
causes errors to extract measurements on the legs.
Additionally, too closely located legs can be caused to
clearly identify the measurements on the legs. For
example, although two feet exactly contact with the
floor at the same time in Figure 4(d), two legs contact
each other too closely, which may hinder the measure-
ment extraction on the legs.
This finding leads to the following assumption that
the 3D body scanner used for this study limits the
applications of 3D body scanning technology to non-
standard positions because the [TC]2 measurement
system generates body models based on distinct
measurements, at least from the legs and the feet.
This assumption is supported by Certain and Stuetzle’s
(1999) study which failed to obtain body measure-
ments and 3D body models from obese subjects whose
Figure 5. Squat I motion capture after the correction of a
foot placement. legs might touch all the way down to the knees.
Since the [TC]2 body measurement system auto-
matically extracts body measurements, it cannot
Figure 7. A few obvious missing parts were observed exactly identify the key points and position measure-
on the top of the head and the tips of the hands or feet. ments when the participant is modelling in a non-
Light absorption by the participant’s black hair was standard position. In particular, it only extracts
one of the reasons for missing a relatively large area on horizontal sections as circumferences except the girths
the head. The missing parts on the tips of the hands of the upper arm, elbow and wrist. Shortly, when the
were due to the shadow of the handles of the scanner. trunk or the legs are in non-standard postures, the
The undersides of the thighs and the hips were also program fails to extract correct measurements.
shadowed by the chair that was used when scanning a To overcome this limitation, Xu (2008) proposed
sitting position (see Figure 7(a)). These missing parts an available approach to acquire coordinated data of
failed to form a closed 3D visual model when the data any section from the horizontal and the vertical as well
98 Y. Zong and Y.-A Lee
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Figure 6. 3D body scan image in standing and walking postures.

Animazoo and the data could be saved as BVH files

after the completion of the data cleaning. BVH files
can then be imported into MotionBuilder1 and
Cinema 4D1, and be read by Maya1 and 3D Studio
Max1 after further format conversions are completed.
Although the characters used to add skin to the
skeleton in these programs are pre-designed, or
designed based on bitmap, not vectorgraph, these
programs are not easily applied to build precise body
models with specific measurements or simulate real
human motions. Ma et al. (2004) formulated solutions
via the establishment of various computer algorithms
and developed a human body posture simulation
Figure 7. 3D body scan image in sitting, kneeling and program with VC þþ 6.0 and Open GL. This
program could detect eigenvalues of the human
gridding model, which was built from 3D body scan
as at different angles of the body model. The girth of data and extracted the skeleton to build mapped
each section could also be computed in this approach. relationships. The posture dynamic simulation to a
According to the Xu (2008) study, the data imported particular body was also completed by inputting the
the VRML file into the 3D Studio Max1 program and angles of joint movements.
was exported in a *.dwg or a *.dxf format, which is
used for AutoCAD1. In order to read data points on
the surface area of the body and the clothing, the 4.2. Applications of 3D body scanning technology and
researcher programmed a plug-in with Visual C þ motion capture systems
þ 6.0 based on the DXF files employed in Auto- This study presents various applications of 3D body
CAD1. This method made it possible to acquire scanning technology and motion capture systems to
human body measurements in various non-standard obtain accurate body measurements of 3D body
positions. models in a non-standard posture and to simulate the
In the field of animation, captured motion data are dynamic postures of a particular body model, which
usually processed as a skeleton of a character by 3D could be further explored in the field of textiles and
animation programs, such as MotionBuilder1, 3D clothing, especially in the area of apparel design and
Studio Max1, Maya1, Poser1 and Cinema 4D1. The product development. Future research applications of
motion capture system used in this study was integrating these two technologies include: (1) to build
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 99

motion simulative models, (2) to examine the mobility garments on their own avatar, also called as a virtual
and function of apparel and (3) to promote custom- body. However, the conversion of 3D scan data to a
made clothing. virtual model is not a simple procedure. In addition,
many other issues such as a garment draping by
different types of fabrics are played along with an
4.2.1. Building motion simulative models accurate generation of 3D virtual body model. Easy
The first application, building motion simulative data conversion system should be developed for many
models, can be used to calculate the skin stretch or apparel companies to adopt this emerging technology
constringency in a particular area when human for their e-retailing and this will lead to the satisfaction
gestures change. It is possible to conduct further of online customers. The combined application of 3D
research on fit analysis in various gestures. For body scanning technology and motion capture systems
example, the elasticity of materials and the flexibility will contribute to the development of virtual fitting
of garments could be deduced based on the measure- rooms for online customers.
ments of skin stretch. In addition, it could dynamically The integration of these two technologies is also
simulate worn clothing, which may display the varia- highly beneficial to meet various individuals’ clothing
Downloaded by [Cornell University Library] at 08:27 12 November 2014

tions of pleated fabrics at the joint areas or draping needs, including people with disabilities who have
shapes of a skirt when the wearer’s gestures change. irregular body traits and motion characteristics that
Furthermore, the integration of these two technologies are different from others. The integration of these
will contribute to apparel configuration designs such as emerging technologies will compensate the limitation
optimal designs for the knee area or sleeves. of each technology and definitely solve some limita-
tions that clothing researchers and design professionals
face when designing new products to meet the needs of
4.2.2. Examine the mobility and function of apparel various individuals.
Further integrative approach of 3D body scanning
technology and the motion capture system can be an
effective method to examine the mobility and function 5. Conclusions
of apparel. Researchers could use both technologies to This exploratory study clearly presents various possi-
explore the restrictions of clothing structure, size and bilities to integrate these emerging technologies – 3D
materials on complex acting performance of athletes, body scanning technology and motion capture sys-
soldiers or fire fighters. In the current study, the tems – together in the fields of textiles and clothing.
research involved in motion capture systems is based Through the literature review and the exploratory
on the particular suit which cannot be tested along experiment, this study found that (1) motion capture
with any other clothing. This limitation will be able to systems were not widely used in the apparel design and
resolve with the continuous effort on developing product development area so far, (2) 3D body scanning
precise markerless motion capture systems. technology has had the major limitation to capture 3D
body information in non-standard postures such as
bending and sitting and (3) the data of 3D body scan
4.2.3. Design and develop custom-made product and motion capture were in a different default file
The last approach of employing both technologies format so it has been challenged to easily process both
would be to encourage research on custom-made data in a commonly available software. In sum, three
clothing for diverse consumer populations including possible integrative approaches were proposed for
people with disabilities. With the development of high future research, which were to build motion simulative
speed Internet and dramatic increases in the popula- models, to measure the mobility and function of
tion who use the Internet, apparel researchers and apparel, and to promote online custom-made clothing
industry professionals have turned their interests to on- development.
line shopping or e-commerce. The results and interpretation of this experimental
One limitation of selling apparel products online is study are limited by the specific systems used for the
that customers cannot try the merchandise on. Since data collection – [TC]2 3D body scanner and the
3D body scanning technology has been introduced in Animazoo motion capture system. The non-standard
the apparel industry, several apparel companies tried postures scanned by the 3D scanner were still static key
to incorporate the 3D body scan data into virtual postures in a motion sequence; they were not real
avatar generation for their online customers. The basic dynamic motions. Thus, these key postures limit
assumption is that 3D body scan data will be able to further research and could not represent the dynamic
generate the virtual body of each individual in cyber- movements and status of clothing when the body
space and will allow online customers to try various moves. Additionally, the method of dynamic posture
100 Y. Zong and Y.-A Lee

simulation for a particular body discussed in this Daanen, H. and van de Water, G., 1998. Whole body
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