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Trick or treat

“Ok,let´s do it tomorrow”I said. But tomorrow isn´t

Halloween”Jim said. Hm... Jim you´re first bor mom
saw when we with you we can remain long outside,”I
saw Ok,when you saw it let´s do it now,"Jim said.He
puted the the superglue of his Halloween basekt.”
Ähm,Jim,”I saw. “What´s wrong,” Jim saw . “This
superglue is poisonous,pleas don´t put it in your hand
because you can die,”I said. “Oh,tha´s a good prank
but he can die,isn´t the prank going too far,”I ask jim.
Now Jim put the poisonous gluestick in his door lock.
Then we wait and wait and wait but the old man
listend in on there talking.”Do you think you can prank
me,”? “Now lets saw it,”.He will opend the door
because he will bed him the kids.He put his hands in
the door lock. “OK, one two three booooommmm
now locked he die,”Jim said. “We do it we muss be
inside in our house because I´m alittle bit scary,” Larry
saw. When they coming home they tell tell mom what
was this for a day and they tell mom:” we use a boy his
name is Jim and he 15 years old he went with us in the
same classe ok lets go sleep

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