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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to a complex and constantly

evolving topic like alternative energy sources. The field of alternative energy is vast and encompasses
various technologies, policies, and debates. As a result, conducting thorough research and organizing
your findings into a coherent and convincing argument can be a challenging and time-consuming

One of the main difficulties in writing a thesis on alternative energy sources is keeping up with the
latest developments and advancements in the field. With new technologies and policies being
introduced regularly, it can be challenging to stay updated and ensure that your thesis reflects the
most current information.

Another challenge is the diverse range of opinions and perspectives on alternative energy sources.
From scientists and engineers to policymakers and environmentalists, there are various stakeholders
with different views and agendas. As a thesis writer, it can be challenging to navigate through these
varying opinions and present a balanced and well-supported argument.

Additionally, alternative energy sources are a highly politicized topic, and there are often debates
and controversies surrounding them. This can make it challenging to find unbiased and reliable
sources, which are crucial for writing a strong thesis.

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Renewable or nonconventional energy sources are derived from natural sources, and they are
replenished over a short period. In conclusion, geothermal energy is a clean and sustainable source of
power that has the potential to significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Further the EA 03
has made it mandatory for SERCs -. The use of Alternative Energy Sources will also help the
growing energy needs of developing countries. Additionally, the inductive approach has seemed to
be suitable for conducting the present research as it allowed the researcher to observe the different
variables included in the research and to develop a particular theory based on the observation.
Alternative energy sources assignment BMC medical research methodology, 18(1), p.97. On the
other hand, the non-renewable energy is the sources of energy that are generally made from the
components available on the earth in very limited quantity. Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews, 82, pp.894-900. However, with the enhancement of the momentum of this trend and the
reduction of the cost of alternative energy technologies, the LDCs are required to make some
strategic considerations. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, pp.1357-1366. But when
coal burns, its carbon combines with oxygen in the air and forms carbon dioxide. National Oil
Companies (NOCs) as well as private and joint venture companies are engaged in. Several distinct
types of solar thermal systems have been developed in many countries. The major types of alternative
energy identified are the Hydropower, wind energy, biogas, Biomass fuel, and solar energy. The
utilization of renewable energy resources in energy-generating reduces pollution while also
improving economic benefits and ensuring energy security. Pandey et al., (2016), has identified that
in 5-20% of the LDCs, the solar energy projects had been implemented by 2017, while the wind
energy projects had been implemented in 10-36% of the LDCs. This project examined in the sections
of alternative energy sources assignment is first grid connected solar project and the same has been
developed by Independent Power Producer and the Burundi government has strong belief that this
project would provide effective result. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Related Papers Renewable Energy Sources- An Application Guide Co. While incorporating the
previous studies in the present research, it is important to ensure that the sources are properly
referenced and cited (Akaranga and Makau, 2016). There are different forms of energy such as
kinetic energy, potential energy, light energy, sound energy, gravitational energy, nuclear energy or
any other type of energy that can be easily altered into other forms and hence the total energy is
most likely to remain the same. However, it has been also emphasized that the availability of wind is
not equal in all the seasons and all the places. The cost reduction of the renewable technologies is
another important criterion for. And it’s enjoying its time in the spotlight. Q.4. What are the benefits
of renewable energy? A.) producing electricity from fossil fuels with no greenhouse gas emissions
while lowering some forms of air pollution. The turbines are connected to generators that produce
electricity. Three main renewable energy sources were evaluated. Thirdly, there remains a
controversy about land use. It has been identified in the case of alternative energy sources
assignment that the LDCs have made greater efforts to progress toward the enhancement of
electricity access. It is a clean and sustainable source of power that has been used for centuries, but
has gained increasing attention in recent years as a viable alternative to fossil fuels. In the present
research on alternative energy sources assignment, the validity and reliability have been maintained
with the incorporation of reliable and valid sources for data collection and the choice of appropriate
research methods to support the research problem. According to Bazen et al. (2018), half of the total
output of Bangladesh results from the widespread utilization of the PV generations and solar home
systems. Among the other countries, Nepal, Uganda, Angola, and Mauritania represent greater
adoption of solar energy technologies in providing electricity to the rural regions.
This can eventually create important jobs within the country, however, can also allow the citizens
with greater control within the power supply specifically for the remote and rural regions of the
country. The world population is expected to increase from 6 billion to 11 billion in this century and.
Sierra Leone is currently utilizing Solar-passive building design practice for minimizing the thermal
energy consumption in residential, industrial and commercial buildings (Munro et al., 2017).
Legislations, standards, regulations are promoting the alternative energy project implementation in
the country. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 58, pp.1070-1081. Indian Renewable
Energy Development Agency (IREDA) and other public sector agencies are. With the vast majority
of mankind solely relaying on nonrenewable resources here is what is considered nonrenewable. By
directly or indirectly using this energy or indirectly, electricity can be created depending on the
technology implemented. They focused on only using renewable energy to meet the demand of each
state. Theme 3 in the results and analysis chapter is based on the trend and feasibility of solar energy
in different LDCs such as Burundi, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, and Bangladesh. Much of the potential
lies in international conventions, where the power could not be used unless those countries were
industrialized; global ecological factors and the inability of the international conventions, to mobilize
capital and high-grade resources will impede industrialization in most of them. All of the objectives
(TEKS) are listed further down on the sidebar. If YOU have a great site or resource that you use at
home -- share it. Continuing along the same line, Dreidy et al., (2017), has stated that the importance
of renewable energy sources is gradually increasing in the competitive world as it decreases
greenhouse gas emissions. It does not emit any greenhouse gases, and the process of extracting and
using geothermal energy has a minimal impact on the environment. This is most likely to hamper the
future growth of the geothermal resources. The major assumption of the interpretivism is that the
access to the reality can be achieved with social constructions like instruments, shared meaning,
consciousness and language and this assumption has helped in assuming the various elements in the
present research. Development of renewable energy sources can actively contribute to job creation,
predominantly among the small and medium sized enterprises which are so central to the community
economic fabric, and indeed themselves form the majority in the various renewable energy sectors.
Cost reduction policies effectively reduce the cost investments with the application of loans, grants,
tax reliefs, rebates and subsidies. The financial assistance from United Nations would help to
enhance use of solar energy in least developed countries. On the other hand, as evidenced by Majid,
(2020), it has been evidenced in the alternative energy sources assignment that the adoption of
renewable energy within Sub-Saharan Africa along with several other countries within the region
consists of distinctive policies of national renewable energy while the regional policies have not been
formed totally due to the unsuitable approach of implementation. It is against this background of
emission by energy sources that attempts have been. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
68, pp.738-747. International Coaching Psychology Review, 11(1), pp.39-56. In the view of
Lipscomb (2019), Deductive research approach relies on the existing theory for the development of a
hypothesis, which is tested, with the design of a proper research strategy. In the 22nd conference of
the parties to the UNFCCC, the achievement of the 100% alternative energy by the year 2050 is
pledged by Climate Vulnerable Forum. The economic and financial implications of support schemes
for renewables are reaching. For example, because of the poor conditions of the economy within the
least developed countries such as Burundi, there has been a great distortion for the market of
renewable energy. Answer: Radioactive minerals that are decaying inside the Earth emit energy.
Question 4. What does a straightforward consumption of strong biomass create. The dwindling
investment scenario is one of the prime reasons behind the need for. Mahesh C Vipradas, Case Study:
Development of regulatory framework for renewable power in.
Hence, it is significant to minimize the harmful effects from such sources by planting more trees and
by making minimum use of the sources of energy. Unexpectedly, sustainable power sources are
delivered from inexhaustible sources. The research on alternative energy sources assignment has
identified that in the majority of the LDCs such as Burundi, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Bangladesh and
Zambia, the solar PV systems are highly popular in electrifying the rural and urban areas. Such big
projects tend to hamper the eco-system, minimize the biological diversity or alter the quality of water.
The researcher has ensured to consider the ethical principles along the course of the research process.
The previous research has focused more on the other alternative sources such as hydropower, wind
energy and incorporate less information on the emergence of solar power as a major source of
electricity. According to Seitz (2002, p. 127), the CO2 level is expected to double before 2100. The
positive attributes of generating electricity from renewable energy sources are widely. This
demonstrates that in the context of research on alternative energy sources assignment, philosophy
relates to the belief regarding the process of collecting information regarding a topic followed by its
assessment and utilization to answer the research questions. This is also known to lead the world
within the number of solar power systems which have been installed per capita with 20,000 and
above smaller solar panels that are sold within the country annually. The rate at which these energy
sources can be exploited, however, is limited by the global flow of energy in the form of falling
water, wind, and tides at any given time. There are two main ways in which geothermal energy can
be harnessed: through geothermal heat pumps and geothermal power plants. In simpler terms,
competitive electricity markets will ease the entry of. Aggregate output and factors affecting it,
Macroeconomics, Blanchard 2007. Hence, as stated by Nastasi, (2019) in context of alternative
energy sources assignment, solar energy seems to be a big player along with the announcement of
the government for the target of 175GW for renewable energy within 2022; 100GW of which might
come through this solar. Straightforward consumption of strong biomass like trash or wood creates
heat. The non-hydro renewables are confined to smaller-scale plants. Straightforwardly consuming
strong biomass like trash or wood to create heat; changing over biomass into biogases, for example,
methane or CO2 because of the bacterial movement that occurs without oxygen (similar to the case
in landfills) produce biomass. Growth of renewable energy in India has been supported through a
host of fiscal incentives. In conclusion there is an urgent problem of how to deal with the current
energy crisis caused by increasing demand of energy (e.g. oil) and lack of energy supplies. MNRE,
however, has been supporting the deployment of tidal power generation in India and. The evaluation
will look at the advantages and disadvantages of each solution in terms of its technology, cost and
environmental impacts. India Ltd. and its subsidiaries during 2008-09 as against the production of
379.459 million. The misusing and changing over from customary sources into sustainable power
assets is a great defining moment to us. In between 2000 and 2016, the number of LDCs that
reported the capacity of solar energy has risen from 10 to 40. The research identified the major
barrier regarding the implementation of alternative energy technologies is the cost-related barriers.
The study intends to identify the impacts of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy upon
the earth. It has been identified herein alternative energy sources assignment that more than 1.4
billion populations across the globe do not have access to modern services of energy. Despite
increasing dependency on commercial fuels, a sizeable quantum of energy. Here, the wind’s kinetic
energy plays a vital role in making the turbines spin and then creating a mechanical movement.

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