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(Art Appreciation Final Requirement)

Criteria Exceeds Expectations (4 points) Meets Expectations (3 points) Approaches Expectations (2 points) Below Expectations (1 point)
(and comments if applicable)

Play is clear, engaging, and well-

Play is mostly clear and engaging with Play lacks clarity or is not fully Play is difficult to follow or missing,
developed with a strong central
a central message or theme. Script developed. Script shows minimal and no central message or theme is
message or theme. Script
Content & Story shows some understanding of understanding of theatrical storytelling evident. Script shows no
demonstrates understanding of
theatrical storytelling techniques and techniques and does not effectively understanding of theatrical storytelling
theatrical storytelling techniques and
adequately conveys artistic concepts. convey artistic concepts. techniques.
effectively conveys artistic concepts.
Play demonstrates exceptional Play shows good originality and uses
Play shows some attempt at creativity,
originality and creative interpretation in artistic elements in a creative way. Play lacks originality and heavily relies
Creativity/Origina but overall concept and execution lack
its concept, execution, and artistic Some originality is evident, but some on clichés and copying existing works.
lity originality. Limited use of artistic
expression. Use of artistic elements is elements may borrow heavily from No use of artistic elements is evident.
elements is seen.
unique and impactful. existing works.
Characters are well-developed,
believable, and contribute Characters are underdeveloped or
Characters are somewhat developed Characters are missing or poorly
meaningfully to the story. Acting is inconsistent and do not contribute
Characterization and contribute to the story. Acting is developed, and acting is distracting or
strong and expressive, conveying meaningfully to the story. Acting is
mostly acceptable. nonexistent.
characters' emotions and motivations weak or unconvincing.
Props, makeup, costumes, and set Props, makeup, costumes, and/or set
Props, makeup, costumes, and set Props, makeup, costumes, and/or set
Props/Makeup/Co design are all well-designed, detailed, design are somewhat distracting,
design are mostly effective and design are poorly designed,
stumes/Set and contribute significantly to the inconsistent, or do not contribute
contribute to the play's atmosphere distracting, or missing, hindering the
Design play's atmosphere and visual significantly to the play's atmosphere
and visual storytelling. play's visual storytelling.
storytelling. and visual storytelling.
Lighting and special effects are used
Lighting and special effects are mostly
creatively and effectively to enhance Lighting and special effects are
Lighting & effective and support the mood, Lighting is poor or ineffective. Special
the mood, atmosphere, and theatrical distracting, poorly utilized, or hinder
Special Effects (if atmosphere, and theatrical effects are missing or detract from the
storytelling. Special effects are the theatrical storytelling. Special
applicable) storytelling. Special effects are play.
technically proficient and add value to effects are poorly executed.
the play.
Sound design and music are excellent
Sound design and music are mostly
and create a clear, well-balanced
effective and create an acceptable Sound design and/or music are weak
soundscape that enhances the play's Sound design and music are severely
soundscape that generally supports and distracting or hinder the
Sounds & Music atmosphere and storytelling. Sound lacking or missing, making the play
the play's atmosphere and storytelling. storytelling. Sound effects and/or
effects and music are all utilized difficult to understand or enjoy.
Sound effects and music are used music are poorly utilized or missing.
effectively, complementing the acting
and visual elements.
Play is impactful, leaving a lasting
Play is somewhat engaging and Play is not very engaging and leaves
impression on the audience and Play is uninteresting and fails to
leaves a slight impression on the little impression on the audience.
prompting them to think about the engage the audience at all. Actors do
Impact audience. Actors partially engage the Actors struggle to engage the
artistic concepts presented. Actors not engage the audience and the
audience and somewhat convey the audience and fail to clearly convey the
engage the audience and effectively play's message is unclear or absent.
play's message. play's message.
convey the play's message.

Evaluator's Name (optional) Evaluator's Signature

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