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Skills I Have Activities

 I collaborate with others in group
1. Teamwork projects to enhance my teamwork skills.
 I actively listen to others' perspectives
and contribute my ideas.
 I practice effective communication and
conflict resolution within teams.
 I seek feedback to improve my
teamwork and collaboration skills.
 I engage in creative activities such as
2. Creativity painting, writing, or playing a musical
 I consider both short-term and long-
3. Decision-making term consequences of my decisions.
 I reflect on past decisions and learn
from any mistakes or successes.
1. Using the first table , Write three skill that you already posses and
share ways or activities that you so to improve or master it.

2. Write three skills that you want to learn and share ways or activities
that you could help you effectively acquire or master those skill.

Skills I Want Activities

 Participating in public speaking
1.Public Speaking
competitions or events to
challenge myself and gain
 Seeking opportunities to speak
in front of larger audiences,
such as volunteering for
presentations or workshops.
 Reading books or articles on
2.Financial Literacy
personal finance and
investment strategies.
 Attending financial literacy
workshops or seminars to learn
about budgeting, saving, and
 Tracking personal expenses and
creating a budget to develop
better financial habits.
 Seeking guidance from financial
advisors or professionals to
understand complex financial
Practicing self-awareness and
3. Emotional 
self-reflection to identify and
Intelligence manage emotions effectively.
 Seeking feedback from others
to gain insights into how my
emotions impact relationships
and interactions.

3 . What skills do you possess that you are proud of? How did you acquire those skills?

I acquired creativity through a combination of exploration, practice, and exposure to different

forms of art and expression. First, embracing curiosity, I have always had a curious mindset,
which led me to explore various interests and hobbies. Second, Engaging in diverse activities,
when I am in elementary level I actively participated in activities that stimulated my creativity,
such as musical instruments and I even trying out different forms of instruments like banduria,
guitar, ukulele, melodion and xylophone. These activities allowed me to tap into my imagination
and express myself in unique ways. Lastly, Seeking inspiration. I found inspiration from different
sources including movies and youtube. By observing and appreciating the world around me, I
was able to gather ideas and incorporate them into my own creative endeavors.

4. How do we effectively learn new skills? What are the activities that help you acquire
those skills?

Learning new skills effectively requires a combination of intention, practice, and reflection. Set
Clear Goals. Clearly define what skill you want to learn and set specific, achievable goals. Having
a clear direction and purpose will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the learning
process. Break It Down. Break the skill down into smaller, manageable components. This allows
you to tackle each aspect of the skill systematically and build a solid foundation before moving
on to more advanced concepts. Seek Learning Resources. Identify and gather learning resources
that suit your learning style. This could include books, online courses, tutorials, workshops, or
mentorship. Choose resources that provide clear explanations, practical examples, and
opportunities for hands-on practice. Practice Regularly. Consistent practice is key to mastering a
skill. Dedicate regular time to practice and apply what you have learned. Set aside specific
practice sessions and create a routine that works for you. The more you practice, the more
comfortable and proficient you will become. Embrace Mistakes:. Don't be afraid to make
mistakes. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.
Module 06
In ttl 2

Submitted by : Angel A. Espiritu

Btled he-3

Submitted to: Mr. winston Domingo

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