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Research Project

Submitted to the Faculty

Department of Computer Studies

Cavite State University

City of Imus, Cavite

In partial fulfillment

Of the requirements for the subject of

DCIT 60B - Methods of Research





July 2023


Background of the Study

In the present digital age, organizations across industries recognize the importance

of utilizing technology to improve communication, accessibility, and support for their

members and clients. Going digital enjoys operational efficiency, productivity, and

information security, while reducing overall cost. Organizations that have transitioned

from paper-based processes to digital or paperless processes on computers benefit from

enhanced flexibility in managing documents. Moti, Masinde, Mugenda & Sindani (2012)

stated that organizations that adopt paperless workflows can handle significantly higher

volumes of documents within the same time frame as their traditional counterparts.

Paper-based processes result in inefficiencies, occupy significant office space, and

present security vulnerabilities (Selvi, et al., 2011). To address this, the emergence of

modern technology offers a viable solution by introducing innovative approaches that

simplify various aspects of our lives, including complex tasks (Mbam & Igboji, 2013).

The Bukluran Multi-Purpose Cooperative, formerly known as Bahay-Lingkod

Community, is led by Sister Marilena Narvae who is the founder leader of the

cooperative since 1996. Cooperatives are voluntary organizations that provide services to

all eligible individuals who are willing to accept the responsibilities of membership

without any form of discrimination based on gender, social status, race, politics, religion,

or other factors (Rilwan, Oyelakin & Usman, 2021). BMPC operates on a loan-based

system of 90 percent and a service-oriented approach of 10 percent. It also provides

insurance coverage for life, motor vehicles, personal accidents, fire, as well as titles for
land and lots. In accordance with their established rules and regulations, the cooperative

is collectively owned by all its members. To become a member of the mentioned

cooperative, it is required to inquire and fill up an application form. Subsequently, they

will be scheduled to attend a pre-membership education seminar, which can be conducted

online or face-to-face. During this seminar, potential clients are provided with

comprehensive information about the cooperative's history, services, and the benefits they

can obtain from joining BMPC. Due to their online seminar option, BMPC faces the

challenge of recycling their post about the schedule of the seminar on their Facebook

page, resulting in redundancy. This also hinders their outreach to a wider audience

because they are not able to post other content without it getting buried by the repetitive

posts of the schedule. The cooperative also opted to transition to the digital process of

managing application forms in order to avoid the manual processes involved in

evaluating, verifying, and assessing loan applications could lead to slow response times,

inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and possible errors.

According to Manayon, et al., (2018), management systems achieve substantial

advantages by enhancing the speed, accuracy, and dependability of loan processes. This

is to alleviate the burden on administrators or loan officers who dedicate significant time

to processing and calculating loan-related operations. while the transactions are

efficiently executed and free from errors and inaccuracies. Additionally, it seeks to

implement a precise and secure system that adheres to protocols regarding data

confidentiality. By doing so, it aims to minimize time consumption and the reliance on

paper-based tasks during loan operations.

A potential solution is to create a web-based loan application management system

with SMS and email notification, which describes a system designed to facilitate efficient

loan application processing and provide timely status updates to clients via SMS and

Email, thus minimizing time-consuming administrative tasks and eliminating the need for

extensive paperwork. Additionally, the system allows administrators to securely store and

manage essential client information such as name, address, date of birth, identification

card, and other personal information, as well as send the schedule of the next available


1.2 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of Web-based Loan Application Management System

with SMS and Email Notification.

Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual framework of the study, which is composed of

three primary components: Input, Process, and Output (IPO). The IPO Model serves to
describe the flow structure of information within a system. The input phase consists of

various requirements, including knowledge, software, and hardware. In the knowledge

requirements, proficiency in programming languages and database management is crucial

for establishing a software with a strong foundation. The software development phase

involves the utilization of specific software programs necessary for the creation of the

intended software such as Internet Browser, XAMPP Server for offline testing, Visual

Studio Code, JavaScript, HTML/CSS and PHP. Lastly, the hardware requirements entail

the use of laptops with a minimum of 4GB RAM and an Intel Core i3 CPU, operating on

Windows 10 or 11. In the process phase, the system's planning phase involves conducting

a client interview, exchanging ideas, and identifying the software features. Lastly, the

output phase where the initial planning would result in the creation of a web-based loan

application management system with SMS and email notification.

Statement of the Problem

Despite the many benefits that cooperative societies contribute to their members,

it was observed that BMPC is keeping records of members and loan applications

manually. There has been little focus on the design and implementation of custom and

ICT solutions that can be used for managing the records of cooperative members as

regard loan application management.

To solve the following issues, web-based loan management with automated SMS

and email notifications for BMPC must be created:

The existing manual-based system of BMPC has several shortcomings. Staff must

use paper records for record-keeping, which is a risk of data loss or damage that adds to
delays and mistakes. Data entry by hand into the system takes time and can be inaccurate

and inconsistent. The laborious procedure of collecting and storing data can negatively

impact the organization’s reputation which may cause serious problems for the

organization later, ultimately leading to decreased growth. “How to handle the records

and data of members and potential clients of Bukluran Multi-Purpose Cooperative?”

Lack of automation makes it difficult to manage incoming loan applications

effectively. Without automation, staff must manually sort through each application to

determine loan eligibility, evaluate creditworthiness, and labor-intensive tasks for loan

officers. This issue can cause delays in processing times, increasing the risk of losing

potential borrowers and impacting the revenue of the lending business. “How to provide

a software to Bukluran Multi-Purpose Cooperative that manages incoming loan

applications to address the challenges associated with manual processing?”

Many employers still rely on outdated communication methods, making

communication with applicants challenging. Lack of effective communication channels

between applicants and employers can hamper communication. Miscommunications or

unclear instructions during the application process have adverse effects on

communication. Instructions that are confusing, unclear, or inconsistent create

frustrations for applicants, ultimately leading to inefficient applicant communication.

"How can SMS and Inbox notification be employed to ensure clear and consistent

instructions are provided to applicants during the application process?"


The main purpose of the study is to create an efficient and manageable Web Based

Loan Application Management System with SMS and Email notification for BMPC.

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Convert the manual process of loan application management into a digital


2. Manage the challenges associated with manual processing the records and

data of members and potential clients.

3. Integrate SMS And Email notification to the Web Based Loan Application

System in order to notify clients and enhance communication efficiency.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The "Web-based Loan Application Management System with SMS and Email

Notification" is a software that aims to assist Bukluran Multi-Purpose Cooperative in

digitally managing their clients' application forms and providing them with notifications

regarding their application status via SMS and Email. This section will delve into the

scope and limitations of the software, exploring its potential strengths and weaknesses

and the impact they may have on the proposed features.

The study's participants will be limited to the staff members of Bukluran

Multi-Purpose Cooperative and potential future clients who are willing to participate. The

researchers may not have the resources to include a large sample size or reach out to all

individuals within the cooperative and potential clients. Due to budgetary constraints, the

researchers may have restricted capacity to provide devices for testing the system's
functionality and user experience to participants. As a result, the findings and conclusions

of the study may be based on the experiences and feedback received from a specific

number of participants who have access to the provided devices. Despite these

limitations, the study aims to gather valuable insights from the participants' experiences

and concerns, providing meaningful recommendations for improving the loan application

process and communication channels within Bukluran Multi-Purpose Cooperative.

Loan Application Module. This feature allows people to apply for loans from

Bukluran Multi-Purpose Cooperative. It makes the loan application process easier by

providing a form where users can enter their information and upload necessary

documents. It simplifies the loan application process and enhances convenience for both

parties involved.

Client Record Management Module. This module is designed to effectively

manage and organize client records in a convenient and user-friendly manner. It allows

cooperative staff to organize client records systematically, enabling easy retrieval and

search capabilities. Staff members can categorize records based on various parameters,

such as client name, loan type, application status, or any other relevant criteria. It

streamlines the record-keeping process, ensuring easy access to client information for

cooperative staff and improving overall operational efficiency.

SMS and Email Notification Module. This module enables effective

communication between the cooperative staff and loan applicants by sending SMS

notifications and inbox messages. These notifications keep applicants informed about the
progress of their loan application, such as when it is received, under review, approved, or

rejected, as well as important updates.

Definition of Terms

1. Application System – refers to a software or technology solution designed to

support and enhance the operations and activities of a cooperative


2. Administrator - is an individual or a group responsible for overseeing the

day-to-day operations and management of the cooperative organization.

3. Computer System - a collection of interconnected devices, hardware

components, and software programs that work together to perform various

tasks and facilitate collaboration among multiple users or entities.

4. Cooperative- refers to an autonomous association of individuals or businesses

who voluntarily come together to meet their common economic, social, and

cultural needs and aspirations.

5. CSS - is used to control the visual appearance of web pages, including layout,

colors, fonts, and other design aspects.

6. Database Management - refers to the management and administration of

databases within a cooperative environment

7. Data Encoding - refers to the process of converting information or data into a

specific format or representation that can be efficiently transmitted, stored, or

processed by multiple participants in a cooperative manner.

8. Email - refers to the electronic communication system used by the

cooperative members to exchange messages, documents, and information.

9. HTML - is the standard markup language used for creating and structuring

the content of web pages.

10. JavaScript - is a high-level, interpreted programming language primarily

used for developing interactive and dynamic web pages.

11. SMS - a text messaging service that allows the exchange of short messages

between mobile devices, such as cell phones, smartphones, and other portable


12. PHP - is widely used in the development of websites and web applications,

ranging from small personal websites to large-scale enterprise systems.

13. XAMPP Server - is a free and open-source software package that provides a

complete web server solution for running dynamic websites and web

applications on a local machine.

14. Visual Studio Code - is widely used by developers for writing, editing, and

debugging code across various programming languages.



In this chapter, the review of related literature and studies are presented and

discussed by the researchers. The topics included help in familiarizing information that

are relevant and similar to the present study and serve as essential guidelines for the


Local Literature

Paper-based System

According to Caluza (2017), the limited space in the university and the effect of

natural disasters like typhoons, earthquake, and fire are the identified issues of having a

paper-based system. The staff mentioned that many documents were wet, disarranged,

and blown away when the university experienced the strongest typhoon ever recorded

with international name “Super Typhoon Haiyan”, resulting in misclassification,

degradation, and security concerns. These issues led to difficulties in document

monitoring, retrieval, and other related tasks, posing challenges considering that the

records kept are essential student information.

Coping strategies were identified, including seeking support from the

administration through budget allocation and the Annual Procurement Plan (APP) of the

university. While the office received support through APP, the release of requests took

time, affecting efficiency. The office resorted to using a log book to track document
reception and release, but this method had drawbacks such as improper filing and delays

in document release.

Despite the coping strategies mentioned, issues such as limited storage space,

document misclassification, security concerns, and delays in document retrieval persisted.

To address these challenges, the development of an electronic document archiving

management system was proposed to assist the office in overcoming these problems.

Records Management

In the words of Cabalinan (2016), records management aims to effectively and

systematically manage the lifespan of records that are created as a result of various

activities and transactions. These records are crucial for the institution to operate

efficiently, be accountable to its stakeholders (such as staff, students, and the

community), and make informed decisions. Records help in organizing documents,

serving as evidence of policies, decisions, transactions, and activities, and can be valuable

in legal situations.

Records management refers to the managerial activities involved with respect to

records creation, records maintenance and use, transmission, retention and records

disposition in order to achieve adequate and proper documentation of policies and

transactions of government for its efficient, effective and economical operation (National

Archives of the Philippines Act of 2007, Section 4).

Database Management System

Database Management System has been widely used by different offices as it

promotes convenience, accuracy, and an innovative approach of collection of data and

records. This system tends to be a solution for safety keeping and management of reports

that is vital to every organization. Government Agencies as well as Local Government

Units turning paperless transactions and retrieval of information being at the tip of the

finger of every employee (Azuelo & Solidsrios, 2021).

With the advancement of technology leading us the researchers wanted a

convenient and hassle-free transactions for our users, it is inevitable that conforming with

the latest development like Mobile Application and Database Management System, these

will serve as reliefs for visiting numerous offices to process and pay requirements, travel

expenses and endless queue under the heat of the sun.

Records Management System

As stated by Romero (2021), records management & administrative assistant

organizes and manages the hardcopy documents for the Administrative Division by

creating, deleting, retrieving and replacing files. This position reports to and provides

administrative support for the Administrative Professionals and staff as designated. It is a

visible position and makes some independent decisions within the scope of responsibility;

it has some company-wide formal and informal influence. Records Management &

Administrative Assistant must demonstrate quality outcomes and be above censure (i.e.,

reliable, sincere, discrete, prudent, and honest).

Mosweu T. (2019), Records form the backbone of every organization as they are

used as evidence of business operations. Citizens can also use them to make informed

decisions and hold governments accountable.

Records management has become a game changer in the records and archives

management field. Traditional records and archives management work procedures, work

methods, theories and principles have been questioned and new schools of thought,

paradigms and philosophies birthed.

Foreign Literature

E-mail Notification

Dalal et al. (2012) designed and implemented an automated system to notify the

responsible inpatient physician of the finalized results of TPADs using secure, network

email. The system coordinates a series of electronic events triggered by the discharge

time stamp and sends an email to the identified discharging attending physician once

finalized results are available. A carbon copy is sent to the primary care physicians in

order to facilitate communication and the subsequent transfer of responsibility. Logic was

incorporated to suppress selected tests and to limit notification volume. The system was

activated and developed by our group so they received approximately email notifications

per transaction and for any information that matters about concerns and questions.

Security Management

Cyber security is an important part of information and communication

technology. Securing private information and privacy of a user is becoming challenging

day by day. Cyber-crime is increasing day by day. Many big companies and public

sectors are taking many precautions to protect private information and prevent

cyber-crime. Whether it is an IT firm or not, every company has to be protected equally.

With the development of the fresh technology in cyber security, the attackers similarly do

not collapse behind. Cyber security is essential because military, government, financial,

medical and corporate organizations accumulate, practice, and stock unprecedented

quantities of data on PCs and other devices. An important quota of that data can be

sensitive information, whether that be financial data, intellectual property, personal

information, or other various kinds of data for which illegal access or acquaintance could

ensure negative concerns (Sheth, Bhosale, Bukhari, & Kurupkar, 2021).

In the current world that is run by technology and network connections, our group

believes that it is crucial to know what cyber security is and to be able to use it

effectively. Especially for our Loan Application System Management, important files,

data, and other important virtual things are at risk if there is no security to protect it. It is

important because attackers are consuming better and enhanced hacking techniques and

aim for the weak points of many businesses out there like ours where money is involved.

Cooperative Messaging System

Messaging systems like traditional email and news, as well as instant messaging,

shared calendars and bulletin boards, are among the most successful and widely used

distributed applications. Today, these services are implemented in the client-server model.

Messages are stored on and routed through dedicated servers, each hosting a set of user

accounts. This partial centralization limits availability, because a failure or attack on a

server denies service to the users it supports. Also, substantial infrastructure, maintenance

and administration costs are required to scale to large numbers of users. This is true for
the semantically richer and more complex messaging systems like Lotus Notes (Thomas

& Hoyt, 1998).

According to Ansley, (2018) POST is a decentralized messaging infrastructure

that supports a wide range of collaborative applications, including electronic mail, instant

messaging, chat, news, shared calendars and whiteboards. POST is highly resilient,

secure, scalable and does not rely on dedicated servers. POST assumes the existence of a

certificate authority. This authority signs certificates binding a user’s unique name (e.g.,

her email address) to her public key. The same authority issues the nondeId certificates

required for secure routing in Pastry. Furthermore, the authority may set policies for each

user (such as ensuring that each user owns a nondeId bound to a live IP address), thus

forcing the user to contribute resources to the system. Users can access the system from

any node, but it is assumed that the user trusts her local node, hereafter referred to as the

trusted node, with her private key.

Short Message Service (SMS)

Short Message Service (SMS) is a method for transmitting short messages over

mobile networks. It operates through a store and forward mechanism, where messages are

stored in a central short message center (SMS) before being forwarded to the intended

recipient's mobile device. This allows messages to be delivered even if the recipient is

temporarily unavailable. SMS messages are limited to a maximum of 160 characters and

can contain either text (alphanumeric) or binary Non-Text Short messages (Veena &

Thakare, 2010).

A web-based system with SMS notifications provided a convenient way of

notifying their customers through the use of mobile phones, which is a common personal
communication medium for most people. The purpose of developing such a system is to

reduce the cost and time consumed (Osman et al., 2017).

Loan Management System

Loan Management System is a complete multi-user system that was created to be

used for day to day transaction management. The system was created and designed to

meet the specific requirements of organizations as well as to offer comprehensive

management information. Using installment sale type transactions, the system is useful

and beneficial for micro-lenders, financiers, banking and retail institutions.

The system was designed to track the deal from quoting stage through to settlement

or natural expiry, as well as to handle the specific and unique requirements of the industry

such as electronic payments, radiances, repossessions, structured collections etc (Majuru,

et al., 2021).

Local Studies

Web-Based Management System with SMS and Email Notification for Binan

Tricycle Franchising and Regulatory Board

The system created for the Biñan Tricycle Franchising and Regulatory Board em

valuable time during the application process. Additionally, the system greatly aided the

management in easily monitoring violators, leading to time savings and more efficient

application processing. It also assisted in identifying individuals with unsettled violations,

preventing them from renewing their franchise. Furthermore, once an applicant's

application is approved, the system automatically sends SMS and e-mail notifications to
keep them informed. Lastly, generating reports using internet browsers proves to be

convenient and flexible, allowing for the easy printing of Violations, Certificates, Audit

Trail, and other related reports. These outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness and

practicality of the developed system in enhancing the operations and services of the

BTFRB (Paldez, 2019).

Event Management System with SMS Notification for Mindanao People’s Care


With the primary goal of solving the issues that come up while handling events

manually, provide a practical solution, and hasten the transmission of information about

the client's meetings and activities, the Mindanao People's Care Foundation Inc.

(MPCFI). An Event Management System with SMS notification to notify the employees

of the aforementioned clients about important and/or urgent events and announcements

(Gomez, 2023). The following features share similarities with the proponent's system: it

sends notifications via SMS using a GSM/GPRS modem; the SMS service was chosen

over an Internet connection using GPRS due to its widespread availability in Mindanao

and the ability to receive or send messages from any mobile phone; it stores contact

information (both patient and specialist information); the notification details sent are

saved in the database (as well as the patients' responses to allow for advance knowledge);

and it stores contact information (both patient and specialist information). In order to

send notifications, the administrator must choose which contacts should receive them. It

can also add new contact information or change existing ones. Patients who get the

notifications can quickly respond to them. The project includes SMS send/receive
software that runs on a PC with a modem and enables remote locations without an

Internet to use it. A web module is developed with Internet-based system access to be

able to be notified by experts or other people connected to a specific activity. This

module also enables tracking responses to SMS messages sent. Its SMS Messaging

Module makes use of the Frontline SMS messaging system, which was chosen for its

compatibility with other software components already in use and ease of use by

non-technical end users. Additionally, it contains a web module that provides access to a

website for database module upkeep, new medical event generation, and appointment

duration configuration for this specific notice. It is also possible to see how the alerts

were received and how the health initiative performed. In order to have the same

information in both locations, it also features a replication module that allows the data

contained on the computer to be replicated to the website and vice versa. The system's

advantages include minimum hardware needs, simple integration with other telemedicine

platforms already in use, and the ability for notification recipients to utilize any mobile

device that can receive SMS messages. The technology can successfully support the

medical specialists, enabling them to carry out their tasks in a more structured manner

and boosting the productivity of medical campaigns. Furthermore, as receiving and

sending SMS is a routine task in daily mobile phone use, the training needed for potential

patients to use this system is minimal (Gomez, 2023).

TUPMMPC Loan Monitoring and Management System

Technological University of the Philippines-Manila Multi-purpose Cooperative

(TUPMMPC) is a cooperative which has at least 300 members consisting of employees

from Technological University of the Philippines-Manila.

According to Carranto (2021), TUPMMPC offers loan management services to

its members and with that, it is necessary for the organization to be convenient and

efficient with loan application processes. It is difficult for the organization to handle loan

application requests and queries efficiently. The current manual process of the

organization is prone to human errors, as if a lot of members simultaneously apply for a

loan, the manual process method is not effective enough to handle and accommodate all

of the application of the members, as it will take a lot of time to process approval and

documentation. Hence, the study proposes to develop a loan management system through

web portals and mobile application mediums for users, and a web admin panel for

administrators. Through all of this, the members are updated with their loan application

status by the means of email notifications, as well as to the credit committee, whether the

loan should be approved or rejected with the automated recommendations from the


Foreign Studies

Web-Based Cooperative Loan Application Management System

According to Olorunlomerue (2017), proposed a web-based cooperative

information management system for handling records of cooperative societies in Nigeria.

The authors used Java as the programming language and MySQL for building the
database. The approach used in the study was to develop a solution that can be used for

cooperative society registration. Thus, this solution can assist the government in the

collation of data on cooperative societies for planning.

Onyeama (2017) developed a system that essentially manages both short-term and

long-term loans, and keeps track of cash inflow and outflow of a cooperative society

among others. The proposed solution made use of SQL Server database architecture at

the back end with PHP, CSS and HTML at the front end. The authors argued that

interactions with operators and stakeholders and through observation of records of

activities aided the gathering of the required information. Furthermore, they investigated

how loans made by co-operative societies in rural areas meet the financial needs of their

members and, by extension, the role of the co-operative lending in rural finance.

The study made use of primary data from nine focus group discussions

comprising seventy-two members selected randomly from twelve co-operatives in six

local government areas. Data was analyzed using tables of numbers and percentages,

content analysis and quotations from participants. The study did not promote the

development and deployment of ICT-based solution for cooperative loan management.

Authors used SQL Server database architecture at the back end and Visual Basic Net

framework at the front end. They argued that such approach makes the proposed solution

to be highly interactive. However, it was observed the work failed to identify a case study

in which the proposed system can be found operational.

Web- based Centralized Cooperative Database system

Cooperatives are community-based, rooted in democracy, flexible, and have

participatory involvement, which makes them well suited for economic development

(Gertler, 2018). The process of developing and sustaining a cooperative involves the

processes of developing and promoting community spirit, identity and social organization

as cooperatives play an increasingly important role worldwide in poverty reduction,

facilitating job creation, economic growth and social development. Over some years,

substantial work has been put into the use of the computer in cooperative society for

carrying out daily activities such as membership registration, loan monitoring and

deduction and all other operations and transactions within and outside the society.

Recently, there has been an upsurge in the information about capital base investments

profit-sharing or dividends a co-operative society in Nigeria used. Thus, it has become an

instrument of achieving rural, communal and national development.

According to Gibson (2019), a centralized system is a multiuser system that

contains more disks, memory, multiple CPUs and serves a large number of users who are

connected via terminals. In line with the foregoing, there is an urgent need for the

development of a centralized system for cooperative society particularly in Nigeria, so as

to help in keeping their large volume of data and performing necessary operation thus,

reducing the number of hours spent on compilation and other manual activities. The

system will eliminate the problem of the manual method of awarding the certificate of

registration to each cooperative society who registers under the ministry. Being a

web-based system, each cooperative society will have the opportunity to register her

society online. Also, much of the manual processing of fiscal year reports and paperwork

done by the auditors and inspectors sent from the ministry to each cooperative society to
monitor and supervise the accounts of the society will be reduced. Each cooperative

society will have the opportunity to send their end of year report to the ministry directly


Online Loan Management System

The system Online Loan Management can be applied and implemented with any

bank which provides mortgage loan processing. It provides an opportunity to customers

to borrow against a fixed asset at a short notice without much paperwork/attendant

hassles. The system provides services to customers who want to know the mortgage loan

processing procedures. In addition, the application allows applicants to go for thorough

verifications of all concerns and with this, the applicants can choose the best suitable

scheme for them. Furthermore, the Online Loan Management System reduces the hassles

of customers who always have to go to the bank for monthly loan payment, to issue and

update loan applications, etc. The Online Loan Management application will make the

interaction between the Admin, Employees, Customers etc. which saves a lot of time and

reduces the hassles of time taking procedures. The system allows the customers to see the

bank information regarding loans, interest details, and the application procedures. Aside

from it, the system also allows customers to apply for a loan online and they can

conveniently verify and update their application status remotely wherever they are. With

this, the system improves and makes all of the project management much easier and

flexible (Rajeswari & Reddy, 2020).



This chapter describes the procedures that will be used to collect data, develop,

design and implement during the entire process of the Web-based Loan Application

Management System with SMS and Email Notifications for Bukluran Multi-Purpose


Research Materials

In the process of creating and designing the system, the researchers utilized

software applications such as Visual Studio Code, XAMPP Server, JavaScript,

HTML/CSS , PHP 7. The system operated on a Personal Computer or Laptop with at

least 4gb of RAM, Intel Core i3 CPU, Windows 10 or 11 Operating system (64 bit).

Research Method

This research study on the "Web-based Loan Application Management System

with SMS and Email Notifications for Bukluran Multi-Purpose Cooperative" used the

Agile Development Model, a popular approach in software engineering, as the research

method. The Agile Development Model emphasizes iterative development, collaboration,

flexibility, and customer feedback throughout the software development life cycle


Research Design
Web-based Loan Application Management System with SMS and Email

Notifications for Bukluran Multi-Purpose Cooperative is intended to transition the

cooperative from a paper-based system to a digital-based system, manage client data and

provide timely updates on the application progress through SMS and email notifications.

Thus, it is a qualitative research and its purpose is to enhance data security measures,

streamline recordkeeping practices, and improve communication between the cooperative

and the client.

Participant of the Study

The participants in the study titled included two main groups: the staff members

of the cooperative and the potential future clients who are interested in joining the

cooperative. Their feedback and input will be valuable in creating an effective and

user-friendly web-based loan application management system with SMS and email

notifications for Bukluran Multi-Purpose Cooperative.


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