Lesson-Plan Proftv15

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Name of Teacher: Date: March 1, 2024

Section: LFCA322E40 Subject: Proftv15

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Empowerment Technology

Grade/Year Level 11
I. Subject Matter: The Role and Importance of Information Technology

II. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students must be able to:

* Understand the role and importance of information technology in different

* Explain the impacts of information technology on specific industries or
* Appreciate the use of information technology in our daily life.
* Establish a sense of responsibility for using technology in an ethical and
responsible manner.
* Utilize the role and importance of information technology in real life
* Demonstrate proper use of technology and digital devices or being
responsible users.

III. Learning Resources


* Powerpoint Presentation

* Laptop

* TV/ Monitor

* YouTube video https://youtu.be/_Twpy3E7Jas?si=0ObZOSUxXPnLMzdM

* Cartolina

* Rolled paper written with the names of different sectors

*Whiteboard and Whiteboard marker


Elmer L. Abayon, MIT IT Application Tools in Business Assistant Professor

UEP College of Business Administration elmerabayon.uepcba@gmail.com

(0939)606 8048; (0915) 473 5359- Module 1: Introduction to Information



III. Methods and Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
- I will play a video that will serves as a prayer.

- I will greet my students “Good Evening”
*Checking of Attendance
- I will ask the secretary to report the number of present and absent for
*Classroom Management
- I will flash the classroom rules and after that, I will ask my students to
arrange their chairs and keep their phones in their bag.

B. Motivational Activities
*Review- I will ask the students about our topic last meeting by asking the
- Based on what we discussed last meeting what again is
information technology?
*Motivation - I will conduct a motivational game named “ Word behind the





C. Presentation of Lesson
- I will introduce the lesson through evaluating the game above. All the terms
in the game are examples of sectors and areas that shows the importance and
significance of information technology in our lives.
- I will play a video clip about the importance of information technology in our
lives. https://youtu.be/_Twpy3E7Jas?si=0ObZOSUxXPnLMzdM

D. Discussion
The Role and Importance of Information Technology
We all knew that we are living today in what we called the “information age,” in
which information technology has become a part of our everyday lives, and a great
influence on our society.
1. Business
Businesses can utilize information technology through the use of computers and
different software to run their operations more smoothly. They use it in different
departments, including finance, manufacturing, human resources, and security.
2. Education
This includes the use of gadgets in teaching, such as computers, mobile phones,
and tablets, as well as the use of the internet as a medium of learning.
3. Finance
With an increasing number of transactions happening online, financial and
security institutions work together to make the internet a safe place. As more
transactions are done on the internet, there will be a need for more networks and
greater security, making it possible for banks to keep purchases and sales secure.
4. Health
With improvements in information technology, it is becoming easier to reform
the health sector. Medical offices are now able to share medical information, and
they can get your health data from your previous doctors. This makes it possible for
timely care to be delivered, as well as for costs to be reduced.
5. Communication
With the improvement in information technology, globalization has increased. The
world is brought closer, and the world’s economy is quickly becoming a single
interdependent system.
E. Application
- I will divide the class into 4 group. Each group will pick a name of sector and
they will do a presentation according the following task given to each group.

Group 1- Name poem

Group 2- Talk Show
Group 3- Skit/Role play
Group 4- Poster


Group Cooperation 10%

Presentation 15%

Creativity 20%

Content 50%

Total 100 %

F. Generalization
- I will ask the following questions:
1. Aside from different sectors that we discussed, can you give another sector
that you think information technology plays a vital role.
2. What sector or area do you think information technology is most
important or plays a vital role? Why?

G. Valuing

- I will flash a quotation that shows the role and importance of

information technology as a conclusion of our discussion.

“The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people

to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be
It lets people learn things they didn't think they could learn before, and so in a
sense it is all about potential” – Steve Ballmer

H. Evaluation
Direction: Read each statement carefully and choose the correct answer.

1. How can businesses benefit from information technology?

a) By avoiding the use of computers and software
b) By utilizing computers and software to run operations more smoothly
c) By relying solely on manual processes
d) By minimizing the use of technology in finance and manufacturing

2. What role does information technology play in education?

a) It has no impact on teaching and learning
b) It allows the use of gadgets such as computers and mobile phones for teaching
c) It discourages the use of the internet as a medium of learning
d) It only benefits students in urban areas
3. How does information technology contribute to the finance sector?
a) By reducing the need for online transactions
b) By decreasing security measures for online transactions
c) By making the internet a safe place for financial transactions
d) By increasing manual transactions in banks

4.What advancements in information technology have improved the health sector?

a) Decreasing accessibility to medical information
b) Limiting the sharing of health data among medical offices
c) Allowing medical offices to share medical information for better patient care
d) Increasing costs for healthcare services

5. How has information technology impacted global communication?

a) By isolating different parts of the world
b) By decreasing globalization
c) By bringing the world closer together through improved communication
d) By limiting economic interdependence

6. In which departments can businesses use information technology?

a) Finance and education
b) Human resources and security
c) Health and communication
d) Manufacturing and globalization

7. What devices are used in education as part of information technology?

a) Televisions and radios
b) Computers, mobile phones, and tablets
c) Typewriters and fax machines
d) None of the above

8. What is the primary concern for financial institutions regarding online transactions?
a) Decreasing network security
b) Increasing manual processes
c) Making the internet unsafe for transactions
d) Ensuring the safety and security of online transactions

9. How do improvements in information technology benefit the health sector?

a) By making it harder to share medical information
b) By increasing costs for healthcare services
c) By enabling medical offices to share medical information for timely care and cost
d) By limiting access to healthcare data

10. What effect has information technology had on the world's economy?
a) Decreasing interdependence among nations
b) Isolating different economies
c) Increasing globalization and interdependence
d) None of the above

IV. Homework

- Write a reflection paper discussing your personal experiences related to the

role and importance of information technology in our daily lives. Minimum

of 10 sentences.

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