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3 Patent Summary Sheet

In your engineering notebook or on the attached form document each patent you find related
to the major project problem you have identified.

Source (APA format):

In your engineering notebook or on the attached form document each patent you find related
to the major project problem you have identified.

Source (APA format):

Ohnari, H., Fukuoka, D., Takenoshita, K., Nakagawa, S., & Fujiyoshi, T. (n.d.). Shoe dryer and

control method thereof. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from

Patent Number:
Patent Summary:
Summarize the patent in your own words. Highlight the key pieces of information, including
features and benefits.
This patent is for a specialized drier that is meant to help dry out pairs of shoes. The drier
blows air into the shoes to make sure that they die fast and evenly. The drier can dry three
pairs of shoes at once as shown in the designs provided. The main goal of this patent is to
dry out shoes so that they are not damaged by being wet and last longer.

Patent Critique:
How does the patented item solve or attempt to solve your problem or a similar one? What
are some good and bad attributes of the item? What unique aspect does the patent add to
your overall research?
This patent helps directly solve shoe waste being an issue because it helps stop shoes from
being worn down and damaged. This helps with the issue because people aren't throwing out
shoes that are ruined because of being wet. A good aspect of the design is that it can dry
multiple pairs of shoes at once meaning that it can get more done. However, it is very large
when it comes to the amount of area it takes up and would be loud when running. Overall,
this patent benefits our research by showing use some of the more complicated ideas on
Attach images or sketches related to the patent that help describe the solution.

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