M Bài Cách 2

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S + has become a prevalent concern in contemporary society. This issue has

sparked contentious debate surrounding/ regarding its + N. Whereas some still
hold to the view that………………, others contend/ assert that ………………….
. Despite the compelling arguments on both sides, my personal inclination aligns
with the latter perspective.

1. Some people view conflict between teenagers and parents as a necessary

part of growing up, while others view it as something negative which should
be avoided.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

-> The relationship between teenagers and their parents students has become a
prevalent concern in contemporary society.
This issue has sparked a contentious debate surrounding its role in the process of
growing up. Whereas some still hold to the conservative view that conflict between
teenagers and parents is a necessary part of growing up, others contend that it is
something negative which should be avoided. Despite the compelling arguments
on both sides, my personal inclination aligns with the latter perspective.
2. It is evident that a significant proportion of current high school
students engage in cheating during tests and exams, or consider cheating to be
acceptable. Some people blame this trend on the intense academic pressure
and excessive workload placed upon students. Others think that it is no more
than the problem of students’ dishonesty and insufficient self-respect.
Discuss both views and state your opinion.

-> Cheating has become a prevalent concern in contemporary society. This issue
has sparked a contentious debate surrounding its roots and implications. Whereas
some still hold to the view that the surge in cheating can be attributed to the intense
academic pressure and excessive workload placed upon students, others contend
that it is no more than a problem of students' dishonesty and insufficient self-
respect. Despite the compelling arguments on both sides, my personal inclination
aligns with the former perspective.

3. Some people believe that children learn better when they are placed in the
classes with children of similar academic abilities. Others believe that children
learn better when they are in classes with children representing a diverse
range of academic abilities.
Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

-> The optimal way to structure classrooms for children has become a prevalent
concern in contemporary society. This issue has sparked a contentious debate
surrounding the arrangement of students based on their academic abilities.
Whereas some still hold to the view that children learn better when placed in
classes with peers of similar academic abilities, others contend that a diverse range
of academic abilities within a class fosters a more effective learning environment.
Despite the compelling arguments on both sides, my personal inclination aligns
with the latter perspective.

4. Some people support the idea that History should become a core
subject at highschool while others think that History should be an optional
subject. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

-> The role of history education in high school has become a prevalent
concern in contemporary society. This issue has sparked contentious debate
surrounding its status as a core or optional subject. Whereas some still hold to the
conservative view that history should be a core subject, others contend that it
should be an optional pursuit. Despite the compelling arguments on both sides, my
personal inclination aligns with the latter perspective.

5. Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a
very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others
believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion

-> The early commencement of formal education for young children has become a
prevalent concern in contemporary society. This issue has sparked contentious
debate surrounding its timing and the allocation of time between school studies and
play. Whereas some still hold to the conservative view that children should begin
their formal education at a very early age and spend most of their time on school
studies, others contend that young children should primarily engage in play.
Despite the compelling arguments on both sides, my personal inclination aligns
with the latter perspective.

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