(PDF) Supercomputing of Tomorrow - Artificial Intelligence in A Smarter World-HUMANITIES

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3/20/24, 8:54 AM (PDF) Supercomputing of Tomorrow - Artificial Intelligence in a Smarter World

We are going to share our responsibilities with superior computer systems (See: Helbing
et al 2017), which are tracking and surveying every one of our digital activities, whereas
we have no idea of the decision-making processes inside the machines. The threat is lying
in expected processes of machine autonomy and abdiction of human responsibilities in
the society, which makes it necessary to define comprehensive rules and laws for such
autonomous systems, which determine the human interaction between cybernetic
systems and biological individuals. We should define a new digital humanity on a large
and interdisciplinary s cale. The main objectives of this discipline should include our
relationship to nature, our handling of the complexity and diversity of nature, and the
technological influences on society, in order to avoid a technical colonialism by
supercomputers governing a smarter world, smart cities and smart nations, but bereft of
any emotional or humanistic implementation

https://w w w .researchgate.net/publication/342816672_Supercomputing_of_Tomorrow -_Artificial_Intelligence_in_a_Smarter_World 1/1

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