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3/20/24, 8:53 AM (PDF) Supercomputing of Tomorrow - Artificial Intelligence in a Smarter World

Artificial intelligence
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are computing systems inspired by the biological
neural networks, which can learn to do tasks by considering examples, generally without
task- specific programming. A computer-based solution for AI involves the ability of
computers to learn from experience and to understand the task in relation to a hierarchy
of concepts (deep learning). The system allows the computer to learn complicated
concepts by combining them in different hierarchical levels. What once began as digital
computer architecture has developed more and more into an exploration of human
thinking. Human thinking is characterized by cognitive heuristics and emotions, which
cannot simply be implemented in machines operating with algorithms, procedural data
processing or ANNs. And we don’t have a technical solution for an implementation of
artificial emotions!
The ANNs will surely open the path to the developments for a smarter world in the next
decades, no matter if we expect human-like intelligence in super computers or simply a
computer controlled life, which represents to be more sustainable and guarantee a better
quality of life on our Planet Earth.

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