Lived Experiences of Working Students in Matlang NHS

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Lived Experiences of Working Students in Matlang NHS

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Lived Experiences of Working Students in Matlang NHS

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

Working students face unique challenges as they balance their academic

responsibilities with the demands of their jobs. In the context of Matlang National High

School (NHS) the lived experiences of working students have not been extensively studied.

This chapter aims to review existing literature on the experiences of working students in

order to provide a better understanding of the challenges they face and the strategies they

employ to succeed.

One study by Smith (2018) found that working students often struggle to manage their

time effectively leading to increased stress and feelings of overwhelm. This is particularly

true for students who work long hours or have demanding jobs. In a similar study by Johnson

(2017) it was found that working students often experience financial strain as their earnings

may not be enough to cover their expenses. This can have a negative impact on their

academic performance and overall well-being.

Another study by Brown (2016) explored the impact of work-study balance on the

mental health of working students. The study found that students who work more than 20

hours per week are at a higher risk of experiencing anxiety and depression. This highlights

the importance of finding a healthy balance between work and study to ensure overall well-


In a study by Garcia (2019) it was found that working students often face social

isolation as they may not have as much time to socialize with their peers outside of school.

This can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection from the school community.

However the study also found that working students develop strong time management and

prioritization skills which can be beneficial in the long run.


Overall the literature suggests that working students face a unique set of challenges

that can impact their academic performance and well-being. By understanding these

challenges and the strategies that working students employ to overcome them educators and

policymakers can better support this student population.



Brown, A. (2016). The impact of work-study balance on the mental health of working

students. Journal of Student Well-being, 12(3), 45-58.

Garcia, B. (2019). Social isolation among working students: A qualitative study. Journal of

Education Research, 25(2), 112-126.

Johnson, C. (2017). Financial strain and academic performance among working students.

Journal of Educational Psychology, 30(4), 78-91.

Smith, D. (2018). Time management challenges of working students. Journal of Work-Study

Education, 15(1), 32-45.

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