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1. created a huge impact and influence in the society Technology

where people has become dependent.







5. Is simply a merging of Technology and Entrepreneur Technopreneur


6. people who are intelligent, determined, creative, tech- Technopreneur-

nology savvy, and passionate about dealing with risk ship
and functions as a team.

7. person with various skills in marketing, communi- Entrepreneur

cation, and strategy has the potential demand for
goods and services whether as a sole proprietor, with
partners, or within a corporation.

8. Uses cutting-edge technology to develop new busi- Technopreneur


9. Involves himself in technological changes in produc- Technopreneur

ing goods and services for his organization.

10. Used technology as their driving factor in transform- Technopreneur

ing resources into goods and services, creating an
environment conducive to industrial growth.

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11. A person that has such a great passion for discov- Innovative Entre-
ering and developing new products, new ideas, and preneur
new processes.

12. who are willing to take risk in every new innovation Innovative Entre-
because they enjoy challenges. preneur

13. A person who immediately copies the existing prod- Imitating Entre-
ucts made by the innovative entrepreneur because preneur
there are no such new inventions or new innovations.

14. person that is skeptical about the changes that will Fabian Entrepre-
be made in the organization. neur

15. They are not risk takers as they wanted to anticipate Fabian Entrepre-
success into the market neur

16. Are reluctant to change as they are happy with the Drone Entrepre-
result of their business even if they have financial neur

17. 2 types of technology Technology Devel-

opers Technology

18. who develop a unique technology capable of driving Technology Devel-

a new business opers

19. who see a new technology development and under- Technology Users

20. close deals as they will diverse people to their busi- STRONG
ness ideas and products. COMMUNICA-

21. a deep understanding of his idea or product in order PRODUCT

to present it to the target customers in a detailed and MANAGEMENT
precise manner. KNOWLEDGE

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Tech-oriented as you will deal with the technical as- DEEP TECHNI-
pects of your idea or product. CAL UNDER-

23. know how to gamble in the competitive environment TAKE BIG RISKS
to gain branding not all idea or product are meant to
be successful in the business world.

24. Staying positive in all aspects of life is possible even PERSISTENCE

if there will be challenges and odds along the way,
hard road is next to success.

25. refers to the introduction of something new, unique, Innovation

and different that has not been invented yet.

26. What are the sequence of innovation New Idea, Intro-

ducing new things,
Practice of devel-
oping, Invention

27. Types of Innovation Sustaining innova-

tion, disruptive in-
novation, Break-
through innovation
and Basic Re-

28. Also known as Routine Innovation Sustaining Inno-


29. A company obtained feedback from the customer Sustaining Inno-

about the product and services rendered to improve vation
and provide greater value to the customer

30. Focus on how they will improve their product and ser- Disruptive Innova-
vices, did not pay too much attention on the smaller tion

31. Innovation from inside the company focus on how th Breakthrough In-
customer interacts with the market novation
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32. First released of Iphone January 29 2007

33. Key-driver of information Basic Research

34. a process of conducting a study about a specific Basic Research

problem and finding out solutions that will benefit
companies and industries in line with innovation.

35. Who describe research without any clear goals Soren-Peter Ole-

36. He stated that the goal of basic research is to collect Hoffman 2017
information about how nature and people are put

37. a basis that will improve a product or a service that Basic Research in
will gratify the consumers. Innovation

38. they need to possess Inspire

positive attitude, vision and ability to
communicate so that people will be able to
acquire what they should emphasize in
innovating products or services.

39. innovating new produts or services No risk. No Inno-

which they have no assurance it will survive in vation
the market.

40. An innovator should understand what they New product

intend to develop for the benefits of their processes
consumers and undergo with a structured
process which includes idea generation,

41. the new products and innovation in such a ownership

way he/she generates the ideas and develop
the appropriate business model.

42. accountability

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It is a standard that the team members
and leaders have the full responsibility and
obligation in the innovations.

43. Proper hiring and staffing of the people in the Training and
organization is a must to make sure that they are Coaching
cautions of their responsibility and right mindset to
perceive the future innovations.

44. building a product and rendering quality services to Idea Management

have brainstorming

45. It is a need to track the results if it is already an ideal Observe and mea-
Return on Investment. That is how the company will sure
measure their profitability whenever they released
new products to sustain the needs of the company
as well.

46. If the company achieve their return to investment, Net Result and
incentives for their employees is one way motivation. Reward
There are several ways to motivate people aside from
financial aspect such recognition for a job well done.

47. the presenter must be fully prepared and knows what Presentation
is the topic thoroughly

48. 10 incredible presentation idea Storytelling Idea

Musical Presenta-
Video Presenta-
Photo-Only Pre-
Immersive Pre-
Question Presen-
Humorous Pre-
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Animated Presen-
Props Presenta-

49. use visual aids to make a creative presentation. Props Presenta-


50. make the presentation livelier Humorous Pre-


51. one way of demonstrating the product Animated Presen-


52. ask questions to your audience in order for you to question presen-
know if they are interested and make them involved tation

53. the best way to promote. Demonstrative


54. make your audience or client prone from reading Photo-Only Pre-
slides word-for-word. sentation

55. tell a story where they will be interested to listen and Storytelling Pre-
focus too. sentation

56. set some captivating tune that will help your presen- Musical Presenta-
tation to standout tion

57. both visuals and audio content to make it as a video Video Presenta-

58. audience to get involve on discussions, games and Immersive Pre-

open forum giving them apart to play on the presen- sentation
tation and providing them with new initiative for the

59. selecting the best ideas among the list of different Idea Selection
innovative process.
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60. who introduced the Lead innovation management Michael Putz

61. What are the ABCs analysis A- ideas, those

that are absolutely
necessary for fur-
ther processing.
B- ideas are those
where you dis-
agree about good
or bad and are un-
C- ideas that have
no value and are
to be rejected.

62. the ideas without potential have to be selected quick- Rough Selection

63. the sifted ideas are further selected to get ranking Fine Selection

64. ideas are qualitatively analyzed and evaluated on the Detailed Analysis
basis of criteria.

65. Example of Product Ideas · Costumer benefit

· Differentiation
potential competi-
tive factor
· Technical and
economic feasibili-

66. can be used as method for new business model osterwalder

67. One of the top priorities in business is to meet the Customers needs
demands and needs of the customer.

68. Myths about customer needs · Customers have

latent needs,
needs they don't
even know they
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· Customers strug-
gle to articulate
their needs.
· Customers
needs change
quickly overtime
· Customers won't
know what they
want until they see
· It is impossible to
ever know all the
customers needs

69. is the process of determining whether your product Market Validation

is of interest to a given target market.

70. involves a series of customer interviews with people Market Validation

in your target market

71. He stated that market validation almost always takes Semick 2016
place before you've made significant investment in
your product/concept

72. an enormous task because the success of the busi- Decision making
ness relies on its process to come up with a great

73. 5 step decision process 1. Problem Recog-

2. Information
3. Evaluation of Al-
4. Selection Stage
5. Evaluation of

74. Selection Stage

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select the best ideas that will be used in the deci-

75. identify the different problems or need recognition of Problem or need

the consumer. recognition

76. are the basis or foundation of creating or producing Problem or need

a new product or services in the market. recognition

77. assessing the needs of the consumer, an innovative Problem or need

leader can generate excellent ideas for innovation. recognition

78. should provide different choices of products Evaluation of Al-


79. seek out the best deal as they will I compare the de- Evaluation of Al-
tails of the product, read many reviews if the product ternatives
is poor or excellent and probably compare prices of
which is more affordable

80. He stated that they may have had prior experience Flekel, 2013
with this exact decision or maybe they succumbed
to advertising about the new product or service and
they want to give it a try

81. a solution an innovative leader should be resourceful Information

in such a way that he or she can think of bright ideas. Search

82. He stated that one bad experience of buyer's remorse Flekel 2013
and your branding perception could be tarnished for-

83. This process depends on the evaluation of the vari- Evaluation of De-
ous assessment done for decision-making. cision

84. new Value Creation

products should have a value and will
be served as a solution to real customer

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85. generally used by startup companies or organiza- Business Model
tion that serve as a guiding tool to think of a better canvas
solution on how to generate new innovating ideas
and apply the strategies in marketing the products or

86. The Business Model Canvas was proposed by Alexander Oster-


87. The Business Model Canvas based on his earlier Business Model
book: Ontology

88. The nine elements that provides the business key Alex Cowan
drivers that is based on the Business Model Canvas
consists of the following by

89. What are the 9 elements of Business Model Canvas? Customer Seg-
Value Proposi-
Customer Rela-
Revenue Streams
Key Activities
Key Resources
Key Partnerships
Cost Structure

90. : Who are the customers? What do they think? See? Customer Seg-
Feel? Do? ments

91. Do you have a single or multi-sided market? If you Segment Dimen-

have a multi-sided market you'll have at least as many sions
segments. This will function effectively to both tradi-
tional and technology savvy customers.

92. - You should be able to visualize the individual cus- Segment Compo-
tomer types as "Personas" should understand what sition
they think, see, feel and do in your product.
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93. What job are you doing for the customer? What need Problems, Needs,
are you fulfilling? Make sure that you know what the Habits and Cur-
customers' really want and need at the same time, rent Alternatives
identify several alternatives that your customer uses

94. What's compelling about the proposition? Why do Value Proposi-

customers buy, use? tions

95. refers to the value a company promises to deliver to Value Proposi-

customers should they choose to buy their product. tions
A value proposition is also a declaration of intent or a
statement that introduces a company's brand to con-
sumers by telling them what the company stands for,
how it operates, and why it deserves their business
[Twin, 2019

96. most common value propositions are: · Newness

· High Perfor-
· Ability to cus-
· Design
· Brand/status
· Price
· Cost reduction
· Risk reduction
· Convenience

97. How are these propositions promoted, sold and deliv- Channels
ered? Why? Is it working?

98. describes how a company communicates with and The Channel

reaches its Customer Segments to deliver its Value Building Block

99. Five Types of Channel Phases: Awareness-

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After Sales

100. you need to think of ideas on how to reach out to your Awareness
consumers to introduce the company's products and

101. it is a great plan to first conduct this so that the Evaluation

company will be able to assess the organization's
Value Proposition.

102. there are options for customers on how to purchase Purchase

the product such as self-checkout and payment pro-
cedures where they can use Credit card, Cash on De-
livery or even doing payments on several merchants
for the convenient of the customers.

103. the convenience and faster delivery of products. How Delivery

they will be able to get their orders or products? It is
possible that it can be done through over the counter
or door-to-door delivery.

104. is where customers warranty in buying the products After Sale

or using the services and how will the company pro-
vide post-purchase customer support

105. How do you interact with the customer through their Customer Rela-
journey tionships

106. is an important aspect if you are doing a business be- Customer Rela-
cause your customer will be able to interact with you, tionship
they can ask questions precisely about the products
and services that the company is offering.

107. Customer relationship has three benefits that can Customer Reten-
provide to the company or organization. tion, Customer
Loyalty, Customer

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Companies that do a better job of managing customer Customer reten-
relations are more likely to see higher rates of this tion

109. When you have a good history with your customers, Customers Loyal-
it makes it more difficult for your competitors to lure ty
people away from your brand and is highly valuable
for businesses as repeat customers are nine times
more likely to buy from you than leads that have not
yet converted.

110. Positive customer relations give companies more in- Customer Satis-
sight into their customer's problems because it cre- faction
ates an open channel of communication for relaying
customer feedback.

111. How does the business earn revenue from the value Revenue Streams

112. is the amount of money that is brought into a compa- Revenue

ny through its various business activities (e.g. sales
of products and services).

113. is the building block presenting the cash a company Revenue Stream
generates from each Customer Segment.

114. Revenue Streams can be generated in many different Sale of physical

ways: product
Usage fee
Subscription fee
Brokerage fees
Volume and unit

115. The customer pays in cash for the product and the Sale of physical
customer is then free do whatever she or he wants product

116. Usage Fee

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The customer pays a user fee for a particular service,
the amount paid depending on the usage

117. The customer pays, for example, once a month, or Subscription fee
yearly, for a particular service

118. grants someone the right to use a particular product Lending/Rent-

for a fixed period of time in return for a fee. ing/Leasing

119. your company gets its revenue from an intermediate Brokerage Fee

120. business may charge fees for advertising a product, Advertising

service or brand.

121. company charges a fixed price for a product, if the Volume and Unit
customer choses to buy your product in higher quan- Selling
tities, they could get a discount

122. What uniquely strategic things does the business do Key Activities
to deliver its proposition

123. are the most important tasks a company must carry Key Activities
out in order to fulfill its business purpose. To be suc-
cessful, a company must carry out key actions that
are primarily dictated by its business model.

124. creates a bridge between your value propositions and Key Activities
the customer segments' needs.

125. Some typical key activities that are commonly prac- Research and De-
ticed by most organizations; velopment
Sales & Customer

126. are required to liaise with all other functions of Research and De-
the company whether it be production, marketing or velopment
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127. What are the typical functions of a research depart- New Product Re-
ment search
New Product De-
Existing Product
Quality Checks

128. producing a new product needs a lot of effort from New Product Re-
ideas to the production Research and Development is search
a department that undergoes all the possible under-
taking in designing the product, the expected produc-
tion costs and the time that it will take to producing
the product.

129. Through the research and development department, New Product De-
the product research eventually leads the develop- velopment
ment of the product due to the results achieved from
the research phase.

130. must make sure to examine the existing products if it Existing Product
requires an upgrade according the consumer's needs Updates
and benefits.

131. collaborate with the Quality Assurance Team in con- Quality Checks
trolling and do inspection process on the products.
They can evaluate all the products if it achieved the
quality standards set by the company.

132. also responsible for keeping an eye on innovations Innovation

and new trends within the industry and ensuring that
their product stays abreast of these trends.

133. what are the activities of Production Management? Selection of prod-

uct and design
Selection of Pro-
duction Process
Selecting Right

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Production Ca-
Production Plan-
Production Con-
Quality and Cost
Inventory Control
Maintenance and
Replacement of

134. the first step is to select the right product and the Selection of prod-
right design for the product uct and design

135. The production management must have full knowl- Selecting Right
edge of the expected demand for the product and Production Ca-
set the production capacity accordingly, since either pacity
a dearth or a surplus of the product may lead to
problems for the company.

136. this stage consists of deciding what production Selection of Pro-

process the organization will be using including the duction Process
right technology, machines, inventory management
system, etc.

137. The production manager must decide on the routing Production Plan-
and scheduling of the product. Routing is aimed at ning
creating a smooth flow of work by discovering the
easiest and most economical flow of work. Schedul-
ing, on the other hand, refers to the timing of activities
by mentioning a start and end time for each.

138. One of the most important concerns in making a Production Con-

product is coordinating the interaction of people, ma- trol
terials and machinery in order to produce products
on a set time frame. The production manager is also
responsible for monitoring and controlling the pro-
duction process. This is done by comparing planned
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production with actual production, exploring devia-
tions if any and ultimately correcting these deviations
to meet planned production.

139. · In today's economically driven world, consumers Quality and Cost

won't the maximum quality for the cheapest price and Control
access to the internet and a world of options make
them more discerning and fickler. Hence, it falls on
the production manager to not only ensure that he
is continuously improving the quality of the product
but also to reduce costs so their product can remain
competitive in the market in terms of price.

140. This is where most products are being checked to Inventory Control
make sure that there will be no overstocking or under-
stocking. Overstocking means the company will be
spending more money on materials that will ultimate-
ly go to waste. Understocking will affect production
and result in late deliveries.

141. The production manager must monitor the condition Maintenance and
of the machines and schedule regular maintenance Replacement of
to ensure that it will function continuously to avoid Machines
unexpected breaks in production.

142. is responsible for the growth of the company by get- Marketing Depart-
ting word of the company's existence and the value it ment
provides to its customers. The

143. The functions of the marketing department Strategy

Market Research
Product Develop-
Sales Support

144. The top management or the senior members of the Stretegy

marketing team are responsible for drafting and get-
ting approval of a marketing strategy for the company,
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based on its overall goals and missions before cas-
cading this strategy throughout the department and
creating goals based on it.

145. have the full knowledge on how to market the prod- Market Research
ucts and services of the company.

146. works in conjunction with the product development Product Develop-

team constantly. This is done by identifying possible ment
gap areas in the market for which the company can
develop a product to address an unmet need.

147. is responsible for all communication to go out in the Communication

market regarding the product.

148. works closely with the Sales team by providing them Sale Support
with customer leads, as well as promotional materials
for potential customers.

149. Responsible for organizing and executing events Events

such as seminars, product launches, exhibitions, etc.
they will typically call key or prospective customers
to such events as well.

150. play a key role in the purchase and post purchase Sales & Customer
behavior and experience of your customer. Services

151. What are the role of Sales and Customer Service Handling Prob-
Assisting in Sales
Clerical Tasks

152. Customer service representatives are the ones that Handling Prob-
handles customers call in case they need to clarify lems
something or they have a complaint about the prod-
ucts and services of the company. They have to be
customer-focused in order to maintain harmonious
relationship and to get positive feedback from their
customer to improve their services.

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153. Customer representatives help increase the sales of Assisting in Sales
the organization because they are the front officer
to their customers. They educate customers on the
value propositions the product offers.

154. The clerks are representative of the organization that Clerical Tasks
handles the role of the customer services representa-
tives wherein if customers would like to inquire about
the product and what are the possible suggestions.

155. What unique strategic assets must the business have Key Resources
to compete?

156. are the main inputs that your company uses to create Key Resources
its value proposition, service its customer segment
and deliver the product to the customer.

157. Types of Key Resources Physical Re-

Intellectual Re-
Human Re-
Financial Re-

158. are what we call tangible resources that most compa- Physical Re-
nies or organization uses to create its value proposi- sources
tion. Probably it includes equipment, inventory, build-
ings, manufacturing plants and distribution networks
that enable the business to function.

159. These are non-physical, intangible resources like Intellectual Re-

brand, patents, IP, copyrights, and even partnerships. sources
Customer lists, customer knowledge, and even your
own people, represent a form of intellectual resource.

160. are specifically the people behind the organization. Human resources
The employees are the most important assets of an
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161. includes cash, lines of credit and the ability to have Financial Re-
stock option plans for employees sources

162. What can the company not do so it can focus on its Key Partnership
Key Activities?

163. Four Types of Partnerships Strategic al-

liances between
Joint ventures to
develop new busi-
Buyer-supplier re-

164. This provide an idea where two companies will de- Strategic al-
velop harmonious relationship. Your company and liances between
another company can partner if you have no direct non-competitors
competition with and together both will be benefited.

165. "Coopetition" combines "competition" and "cooper- Coopetition

ation" into one idea. It may seem that these two con-
cepts are diametrically opposed, but in fact, com-
petitors can often benefit from cooperating with one
another strategically [Poarch, 2018). It seems that
your competitor can also be your partner in business
as long as you have cooperation on the ideas and
knowledge as how to improve products and services.

166. A company may join another company to create a Joint Ventures to

different entity which may be more profitable for the develop new busi-
both of you than if you were to operate separately. nesses

167. In every business, the buyer and supplier should Buyer-supplier re-
incorporate the characteristics of trust, quality, and lationships
commitment between them to maintain an amicable
relationship to achieve success.

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168. What is the business' major cost drivers? How are Cost Structure
they linked to revenue?

169. defines all the costs and expenses that your company Cost STructures
will incur while operating your business model.

170. There are two main categories of cost structure value-driven cost

171. to create more value in the product itself, not neces- Value-Driven Cost
sarily producing the product at the lowest possible

172. structures focus on minimizing the costs of the prod- Cost-Driven Cost
uct or service as much as possible.

173. refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, Intellectual Prop-

literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, erty
names and images used in commerce.

174. Types of Intellectual Property Copyright

Industrial Design

175. is a legal term used to describe the rights that cre- Copyright
ators have over their literary and artistic works.

176. a person's exclusive right to reproduce, publish, or Copyright

sell his or her original work of authorship (as a liter-
ary, musical, dramatic, artistic, or architectural work

177. is to protect the time, effort, and creativity of the Copyright Law
works creator

178. gives the copyright owner certain exclusive rights Copyright Acts

179. is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is Patent

a product or a process that provides, in general, a new

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way of doing something, or offers a new technical
solution to a problem.

180. cover anyone who invents a new and useful process, Utility Patents
article of manufacture, machine, or a composition of

181. include an original, new, and ornamental design for a Design patents
manufactured product.

182. go to anyone who produces, discovers, and invents a Plant patents

new kind of plant capable of reproduction

183. is any practice or process of a company that is gen- trade secret

erally not known outside of the company.

184. marks are applied to a manufacturer's or a seller's trademark

products and services to distinguish them in the mar-
ketplace-a valuable marketing tool, in some circum-

185. corporate symbol that contributes to the image the trademark

company is trying to build.

186. generally four types of marks Trademarks

Service marks
Collective marks

187. are used to identify products Trademarks

188. are used to promote a service Service marks

189. are used by organizations or associations to identify Collective marks


190. such as UL (Underwriters Laboratory) used to certify Certification

that a particular product has met the manufacturing marks
standards of an impartial third-party regulatory group
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191. design refers to the ornamental or aesthetic aspects Industrial Design

of an article. A design may consist of 3-D features,
such as the shape or surface of an article, or 2-D
features such as patterns, lines or color. Industrial
designs are applied to a wide variety of industrial
products and handicrafts.

192. such as patterns, lines and/or colour two-dimensional


193. such as shape, texture and/or surface of an article are three-dimension-

protectable by design right if they are not dictated by al features
functional considerations.

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