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Date 25/12/2022


To: Addis Economics Research

Name: Blen Tsegaye Zewde

Positon: Junior researcher

Dear sir/ Madam

I would like to apply for your company. I am very glad to apply in your well known
institutional firm having graduated with BA degree in Economics with an overall CGPA of
3.43 from Jimma University. I am confident that I have necessary qualifications as well as
great interest to discharge the responsibility and related assignments given to me and thereby
to contribute to my party in achieving in your institutional objectives.

As shall end over to reorient to your institution policy in the direction in which it can render
maximum service to the society as well as to your institution. Please refer to the enclosed CV
and other sheets for the detail of my educational background and some of my instructors
consent in expressing in their opinion about my ability and character.

Yours, Sincerely:
Email: blentsegaye1
Tel: +251935123863

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