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in China
The Origin of the
communist movement
It can be traced to the year 1918 when the intellectual of Peking
University formed the First Marxist Study in China

The First Communist Party was organized in 1921, with its

headquarters at Shanghai.

To start with it derived inspiration from the Russian Communists Party

and was affiliated to the Communist International or the Comintern.

The first party congress of the CCP was held at Shanghai on

July 1, 1921. it was attended by 50 delegates
Important figures…
Chen Tu Hsin,
Chang Kuo Tao,
Tung Pi- Wu
Mao Tse Tung,
Chou En-lai
Chu Teh
Adoption of the First Constitution

The First Congress adopted the first

constitution of he Communist Party of
China and elected Chen Tu Hsiu as its
Union with
Kuomintang 1922
The CCP could understand the growing sentiment of the
Chinese people. Hence it wanted to flourish by joining the
Kuomintang the Nationalist Party.

The main objective of the Comintern was to aid the

Nationalist revolution and develop the Chinese Communist
Party within the Kuomintang

Thus in 1922, encouraged by their party the memebers of

ccp joined KMT.
Union with
Kuomintang 1922

But the communist party continued its separate existence

Sun-Joffe Agreement (1923) gave wider scope for

communists infiltration.
Death of Sun and the
rift between CCP and
The death of Sun Yat Sen left the destiny of the Kuomintang
in the hands of the Marshal Chiang Kai- Shek the
commander in chief of the nationalists army.

It was on March 20, 1926 that Chiang imprisoned the

communist leader. Subsequently the Communists came
forward to sign an agreement for they were in a weak
Death of Sun and the
rift between CCP and
The death of Sun Yat Sen left the destiny of the Kuomintang
in the hands of the Marshal Chiang Kai- Shek the
commander in chief of the nationalists army.

It was on March 20, 1926 that Chiang imprisoned the

communist leader. Subsequently the Communists came
forward to sign an agreement for they were in a weak
Hankow Purge
● Communist were expelled form Kuomintang known as Hankow Purge .
● It brought humiliation to the ccp to the extent its existence seemed to be
Mao Tse Tung and
progress of ccp
● The ideas of Mao gave anew and a effective turn to the CCP when it was
loosing its ground before the rising power of Kuomintang.

● He wanted to start the movement form below and that is why he established
closer relation with the Chinese peasantry and worked to establish Soviet
Governments among the rural peasantry of Kiangsi province; especially after
the Hankow Purge.

● He was of the opinion that a communist party might function on abase of

peasant and army support better than on any urban base
Mao and Chu The
● Mao after his dismissal from the party politburo organized an effective
armed force with a band of armed peasants and defectors from the
Kuomintang armies and retired to Chingkan mountains. He was joined by
Chu The a well educated man and well trained army man and thus formed
the nucleus of the famous Chinese Red Army. Mao became the political
leader in the new communist regime of China.
● The alliance was unique in the sense it could easily avert the rivalry of
political power within CCP
Canton Commune
December 1927
● Hankow purge embittered the relationship between the two rival groups.
● A civil war broke out between the two several followers of the Communists
joined it - Canton Commune. But it did not last long.
● Defeated communists settled themselves in mountainous district of the
central province and established their capital at Juikin in South Kinagsi
Province. In 1927
● Ever since then Chiang Kai Shek began an offensive attack against the
Mao and Chu The
● Followed by a seven years of bloody civil war. During which the nationalist
government sent as many as 6 anti communists expeditions with a view to
suppress the peasant revolts .
● He then decided to demoralize the communists by an effective economic
Long March 1934
● Chiang collected about one million men for this purpose and surrounded the
Soviet districts, controlled by the Chinese Communists
● The economic crisis was so acute in the communists areas that they were forced
to flee abroad.
● The Red Army of about thirty thousand started its long escaping march in
October 1934 and reached Shensi in October 1935..
● Shensi was made the headquarter of the CCP
● It was from this place that the Chinese Soviet Government and the Central
Committee of the CCP issued a Declaration of Unity to resist the rising
menace of Japan
Ten Point Programme
of the communists
● ten point proposed National Programme.
● Resistance to Japanese invasion
● Assistance to famine stricken
● Improvement of ling conditions of workers, peasants soldiers students and
● Exercise of democratic rights and liberation of all political prisoners
Sian Incident

● Chiang was still preparing for his last campaign against the communists at
● He reached Sian on December 11 1936. he was soon captured by his own
Deputy Commander in chief General Chang Hsueh-liang
● He was in captivity for thirteen days during which the General Chang
induced Chiang Kai Shek to join hands with the communists for meeting
a common Japanese aggression. Known as Sian Incident
● Accepted the proposal for the communist Kuomintang union
The Communist
● After the union the Communists Party published a manifesto on September
22, 1937 supporting the national government.

● The communist party henceforth were to strike for the realization of Dr.
Sun Yat Sen’s Three principles.
Advantages of the
● The Japanese invasion of 1937 was a blessing in disguise for the growth
and establishment of the Chinese Communists Party.
● The nationalist Army failed to cope with the Japanese forces because of it s
reliance on the positional warfare.
● They were overwhelmed by their counterparts Japan with their superior
● Japanese occupation of the eastern coastal forced the national government
to retreat.
● Occupation of the coastal China by the Japanese led to the loss of
revenue from these areas.
● Kuomintang had no contact with the masses of the rural areas.
● On the other hand the communists had already established their
relations with the peasant population in rural areas.
● In course of time the nationalist guerilla were absorbed among
communists guerilla and worked secretly in the Japanese occupied
● When Japan surrendered in 1945 the communists became the
masters over the areas which had been occupied by her.
Communist Kuomintang Rift
● The alliance between the two was based on mutual suspicion and
● The people’s political council set up to work as a war time parliament was
indirectly dominated by the Chinese communists.
● Chiang alleged that the communists were utilizing the Council as a
propaganda forum for winning over the neutrals to their side.
● In fact the communists were to devote all their efforts for their own
expansion. - 70%
● 20% - to fignt the Kuomintang and ten per cent to fight the Japanese.
● The communists organization in the rural front was highly
successful between 1937 – 1940
● Increased the membership in CCP’
● CCP’s phenomenal rise shocked the Kuomintang AND
● Explored every opportunity to increase their strength.
● Mao was always aware of the fact the war with the Kuomintang was inevitable
for communists success in China
● So he was ready to seize power in china by use of bullets.
● Mao utilized the Japanese invasion to strengthen communist movement while
Chiang tried to crush the communists and imposed several restrictions.
● Charges and counter charges went on between the two.
● In 1937, three communists party organizations were suppressed and several
anti Japanese democratic governments were established in Japanese occupied
parts of china
● Kuomintang was threatened by various rural movements
● Chiang’s efforts to establish one in the rural areas ended in smoke
● Thus the Kuomintang could not challenge the communists in the Japanese
occupied areas of china
Anhwei Incident 1941

● The Two divisions were fighting against the Japanese close to Shanghai
● Conflict between the two led to the attack on Communists by the
Kuomintang forces in Anhwei.
● 6,000 communists lost their lives
● Mao challenged the action of Chiang –
● It was the failure of the communists to obey the orders of the High
Clash in 1945
● Soviet enters the war against Japan
● USA drops bombs on Japan defeat of Japan inevitable
● Both – Communists and Kuomintang were ready to capture power
● Chu Teh, the commander of the Red Army ordered his forces to occupy the
Japanese occupied territories in china as early as possible
● Chiang was well aware of the design of the communists and ordered Chu
Teh to withdraw his order to his forces
● When the Latter refused – gap widened
● A civil war broke out in August in 1945
● The communists forces marched into Manchuria on August 11 1945 to
accept the surrender of Japanese and puppet forces
● Mao declared that the communist forces would emerge successfully from
the Civil war
Failure of Marshal
Mission 1945
● USA was unhappy with quarrels going on in China
● She had floated a huge amount of money to the nationalist government to
fight against the Japanese forces effectively
● Owing to her initiatives both the communities were brought together. 10
October 1945
● Difference of opinion arose between the two
● Communists demanded a democratic coalition
● General George C. Marshall was sent by USA to settle the matter
● Kuomintang was certain of the support of the USA
● The Communists denounced the former’s leanings to USA
Defeat of Kuomintang
● Conflict continued after the surrender of Japan in Manchuria in 1946
● Initial success of the Kuomintang did not demoralize the communists
● They had their guerilla bases where their agrarian reforms were introduced
● They obtained ungrudging allegiance from the peasants
● Peasants mass opposed the nationalists everywhere tooth and nail
● By 1949 the Communists occupied most of the northern southern parts of
● Nationalists suffered defeat despite the support from USA
● In the long run the nationalists were compelled to leave the mainland of
China to take refuge in Farmosa – protected by the USA
● the victorious communists proclaimed people’s republic of china on
october i, 1949. with mao as its chairman and chou en lie as the
Causes for succes
● Japanese Aggression
● Corruption – among the officials
● Kuomintang distrusted the people depended solely on the landlords – few in
● Communists relied on the common people – majority
● Reforms
● Won the hearts of the people through favorable reforms
● Simplicity
● Sustained and sincere efforts
● Sincere concern for the welfare of the people
● Discipline among the troops
● Never looted the people- civilians nor outraged women
● It appealed to the people and lent their ungrudging support to the cause of
the communists against the Kuomintang when they had to face them in the
civil war
Transformation OF
● Agriculture
● Establishment of Communes
● Irrigation
● Afforestation Programme
● Growth of Industry
● Steel production
● Coal, electricity and oil
● Five year plan

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