A3 Tree-Inventory

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Below are the findings found by the researchers during the site visit. Its name, along with a picture, its
location in the Children’s Park, and if it is native (N) or non-native (NN) are indicated.
Red Lip Tree Along the Cherry Tree On the
– 8 (N) west (Aratiles) corner of
pathway plantbox,
– 1 (NN) southwest

Avocado On the Palm Tree Scattered at

south the front
– 1 (N) plantbox – 6 (NN) (east side)
and one (1)
at the west

Purple At the front Moringa At the

Allamanda gate, south (Malunggay) northern
– 8 (N) and north
– 1 (NN) eastern part
of the park,

Mango Tree – In the Java Plum At the

1 (N) northwest (Duhat) western
part of the part of the
playground, – 1 (N) park, beside
along the the sitting
parthway area
Siris Tree In the
– 1 (N) part of the
along the

The given site, Balikbayan Park, is located at the Gracia Village, situated at the Brgy. Nancayasan,
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. There located the Civil Service Commission Regional Office 1 Field Office, Senior
Citizen Building, Stimulating Therapeutic Activity Center, Philippine Red Cross-Urdaneta Branch, Our Lady
of Grace Chapel, a tennis court, a basketball court, and lastly, the Children’s Park. As for the Children’s Park
intended use, it goes beyond just providing a space for recreation; it serves several purposes, all aimed at
enhancing the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of children. To achieve these, trees
and landscaping play a vital role for various reason. It serves as a shade and shelter, provides cooling effect,
air quality movement, environmental education, wildlife habitat, physical and mental well-being, play
opportunities, and community gathering spaces. In conclusion, incorporating trees into park and
maintenance is essential for creating inclusive, sustainable, and vibrant outdoor spaces where children can
play, learn, and thrive.
In contrast, poor maintenance of children’s parks can have significant effects, including safety hazards,
unsanitary conditions, decline in aesthetic appeal, negative community perception, limited accessibility,
loss of recreational opportunities, and negative impact on property values. Based on the data collected,
trees and landscape in the Children’s Park, although incorporated, are not maintained for several reasons.
This is concluded by the researchers’ observations, both positive and negative, which will be further
discussed on the following:

● Red Lip Tree – A Red Lip Tree preferred tropical and sub-tropical or monsoonal climate zone. It is
suitable for planting along streetscapes, parks, and gardens as a tree or as a dense hedge for it
preferred full sun (Flora Fauna Web, 2022). The young leaves are often yellow or orange and are
very commonly planted very closely to form hedges for visual or sound blockage (Jake, 2017).
However, added by Flora Fauna Web (2022), matured fruits may cause stains when dropped. It
requires moderate to lots of water as well, hence, require regular maintenance. As for its location,
western pathway is mostly used by locals, including children from pre-school to junior high school.
Some are also located in a way that a pathway going to the Children’s Park cannot be utilized due to
its unpruned stems and leaves.
Figure 1. Unpruned stems and leaves of Red Lip trees obstructing the access point going to the park.
● Avocado Tree – Avocado requires very little pruning once the tree has been established. Many of it
in the Philippines are grown without the benefit of fertilizer. The practice of irrigating avocado trees
in the country is also uncommon. Despite of these advantages, disadvantages are also present.
Borers, insects, bugs, and fruit fly attacks the entire tree, from leaves, trunk, shoots, and fruits. Root
rot is one of the major diseases of the tree as well (Sotto, R. C., n. d.).
● Purple Allamanda – Allamanda is a shrubby climbing species with showy purple to pink flowers that
has been cultivated as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical regions of the world (Sandoval, R.,
2019). It prefers full sun, growing in hot and dry habitats. This species is well adapted to drought
with moderate wind tolerance (Useful Tropical Plants, 2019). Nonetheless, all parts of the plant are
toxic to animals (livestock and pets) (Sena Filho et al, 2007) and humans if consumed, and the milky
sap (latex) may irritate the skin upon contact (Tobar-Vargas et al., 2013; Useful Tropical Plants,
● Mango Tree – The Mango is widely cultivated as a fruit in frost-tree tropical and warmer subtropical
climate. It grows fast compared to other trees. It also has evergreen leaves which would help
absorb more carbon dioxide from atmosphere. Even so, strong winds during the fruiting season
cause many fruits to fall prematurely. If trees grow well enough for it to have falling mangos, the
cars might be hit by the mangoes. Accidents might occur along with a dirty road (PBworks, 2007).
● Siris Tree – The genus Albizia comprises approximately 150 species, mostly trees and shrubs native
to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and Africa (Parrotta, 2002). It is a medium to fast-
growing, drought-tolerant, nitrogen-fixing tree, widely introduced and now found throughout the
tropics. It is commonly used as an ornamental, shelter, for erosion control, as a forage crop and as a
source of hardwood (Datiles, M. J., Sandoval, J. R., & Rodriquez, P. A., 2017). Yet, it includes its
known status as a colonizer and invader that threaten native flora, its tolerance of a wide range of
soil conditions and climates, its known status as an environmental and congenital weed, and its
ability to propagate by both seed and by cuttings (Gupta, 1993; Hocking, 1993; Lowry et al.,
1994; Randall, 2012; PIER, 2016).
● Cherry Tree (Aratiles) – Aratiles is a fast-growing tree that makes for a favorable shade tree. The
ripe fruit is very popular among Filipino children and leaves are used for making tea (Stuart
Xchange, 2023). Meanwhile, they should be watered plenty, despite their reputation as resistant to
drought. Since it is a popular fruit with birds, it could make pathways dirty, thus, needed regular
maintenance (Dean, J., 2024).
● Palm Tree – Palm trees are adaptable to different climates. They require minimal maintenance and
are drought tolerant, making them a low-maintenance landscaping option. Most palm trees thrive in
areas with full sun exposure, as they require at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. They are
also visual appealing – lush green foliage provides a striking contrast against the clear blue sky,
making palm trees stand out in any setting. Furthermore, palm trees are generally resistant to pests
and diseases. They have a natural defense mechanism that helps them ward off common pests and
diseases, reducing the need for chemical treatments or extensive pest control measures (Ablison, n.
● Moringa (Malunggay) – It is one of the more popular and publicized plant that is acknowledged to
have nutritional, as well as medicinal value. The plant is easily accessible as it can be found not only
as part of the wildlife, but also in the backyards of many Filipino homes (Philippine Herbal Medicine,
n. d.). Although packed with health benefits, moringa, in the aesthetic aspect, is unfit to the site. It
produces abundant foliage, flowers, and seed pods, which can create a mess when they fall to the
ground. Additionally, these trees have deep taproots and extensive lateral roots, which can
potentially cause damage to pathways. Without proper care, they may detract from their aesthetic
value and longevity within the park.
● Java Plum (Duhat) – Java Plum, scientifically known as Syzygium cumini, is an evergreen that thrive
in warm climates with ample sunlight and well-drained soil. They can be found growing wild
alongside riverbanks or cultivated in orchards across India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and parts
of Southeast Asia especially the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia (Braganza, L., 2024). But, when
it bears fruit, the trees are messy and smelly. Birds munch on the fruit and poop as they fly off
leaving a purple stain. The fermenting fruit around the tree smells and attracts swarms of flies.
(Market Manila, 2005). With these reasons, Java Plum or Duhat Tree in a Children’s Park, although
offer some benefits, such as shade and habitat for wildlife, should be carefully considered whether
planting them aligns with the goals and needs of the park and visitors.
● Grass – Based on the site visit conducted, the grass on all parts of the park is not well-maintained.
Figure 2. Pictures above were the current situation of the ground on the park including the plant box.

To provide a safe and enjoyable environment for children to engage in various forms of play and
recreation, the researchers come up with the recommendations These recommendations would contribute
significantly to its ecological, aesthetic, and functional qualities, enriching the experiences of visitors and
fostering a deeper connection with nature.


i. Red Lip trees at the west side along the pathway will be sustained. Santan shrub would be
alternately placed except for the access points going to the park for users’ safety, emphasis on
entry, and natural sound barriers. This alternate order is also recommended on the rest of the
southwest part of the park.
*Santan is a flowering shrub native to the Philippines. It doesn’t require much care at all, too – just
grow under full sunlight and trim to control growth (Buganan, G., 2023).
Image 1. A view of the Red Lip trees aligned in the west side of the park.

Image 2. View of recommended bushes to be placed alternately with the Red Lip trees using SketchUp.

ii. One (1) Mango tree will be sustained for it improves air quality and serves as sunshade to the
Image 3. A user using the mango tree as a sunshade.

iii. Santan shrubs will be added in the plant box to reduce damp from a water source and to not let
users access the park passing through it.

Image 4. A screenshot from SketchUp showing the modified plant box with Santan shrubs.

iv. Purple Allamanda will be sustained but pruning and trimming are recommended to avoid skin
contact to the users, especially the children.
v. One (1) Siris tree located at the northwest part of the playground will not be relocated as it can
serve as a sunshade to the users. Instead, regular maintenance is needed to avoid unwanted
vi. The Cherry Tree (Aratiles) at the southwestern corner of the park serves as a sunshade, hence,
no need to remove. However, pruning should be done as it obstructs the west pathway leading
to injuries.
vii. One (1) Java Plum near the swings should be pruned to reduce accidents.
Image 5. A view of Java Plum after pruning, using SketchUp.
viii. The current location of the Palm trees will be sustained for the park’s visual appearance.

Image 6. View of Palm trees from the outside of the park.

ix. Through the observations of the researchers during site visit, the grass needs regular
maintenance. Uneven coverage is noticeable, especially in the playground equipment. Therefore,
an excellent wear tolerance is recommended such as Bermuda grass. According to
Wonderkidshub (2023), known for its exceptional durability, Bermuda grass can withstand rough
play and still maintain its vibrant green appearance. Its fine texture also provides a relatively soft
surface for children, reducing the risk of injuries during falls or tumbles.

Image 7. A model from SketchUp visualizing the grass when properly maintained.

i. Moringa at the plant box should be relocated at the northern part along with the others.
Image 8. Images showing the plant box at the western part of the part.

Image 9. The view of the Moringa at the northern part where others will be relocated.

ii. One (1) Avocado tree will be relocated to the northern part as it is obstructing the view of the users
and to avoid borers, insects, bugs, and fruit fly come near the playground equipment.

In conclusion, based on the findings and discussion, comprehensive maintenance plan of landscape
and trees are necessary, such as pruning, weeding, and watering. This is to ensure the long-term health and
beauty of the park’s landscape. If implemented, it will surely provide a safe, stimulating, and inclusive
environment where children engage in active play, foster social connections, explore their creativity, and learn
about the world around them.

Ablison. (n. d.). Pros and Cons of Palm Trees. Retrieved from https://www.ablison.com/pros-and-cons-of-
Buganan, G. (2023, October 27). 10 Low-Maintenance Outdoor Plants That are Good for Beginners. Retrieved
from https://www.realliving.com.ph/home-improvement/gardening/10-low-maintenance-plants-for-
Braganza, L. (2024, January 5). Duhat: 10 Health benefits of Java Plum, and Side Effects. Retrieved from
Datiles, M. J., Rodriquez, P. A., & Sandoval, R. (2017, March 1). Albizia lebbeck (Indian siris). Retrieved from
Dean, J. (2024, January 5). Fruit of the Philippines – Aratilis. Retrieved from
Flora & Fauna Web. (2022, August 19). Syzygium myrtifolium (Roxb.). Retrieved from
Jake. (2017, December 25). Syzygium myrtifolium. Retrieved from
Market Manila. (2005, March 5). Duhat/Java Plum. Retrieved from
PBworks. (2007, May 15). Mango Tree. Retrieved from ecop.pbworks.com/w/page/18520697/Mango%20Tree
Philippine Herbal Medicine. (n. d.). Malunggay (Moringa oleifera Lam.). Retrieved from
Philippine Medicinal Plants. (n. d.). Aratiles. Retrieved from www.stuartxchange.org/Aratiles
Sandoval, R. (2019, November 9). Allamanda blanchetti (purple allamanda). Retrieved from
Sotto, R. C. (n. d.). Avocado Production in the Philippines – Rachel C. Sotto. Retrieved from
Wonderkidshub. (2023, June 25). Bess Grass for Kids: Creating Safe, Durable, and Playful Outdoor Spaces.
Retrieved from https://wonderkidshub.com/best-grass-for-kids#:~:text=Grass%20Varieties%20Ideal

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