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In short, unlike young couples who rush into getting kids, these individuals can afford the substantial
expenses of raising a child from childhood to independence, without exhausting their budget.
However, early marriage can have serious consequences for both individuals and communities. Find
out more about the pros and cons of marriage by reading on. They would like to get into matrimony
as soon as their courtship is over. The younger a girl is, the more children she can give birth to.
Before a person, especially a student understands anthropology, he or she should fully understand
the meaning and Life and Anthropology The heart of the nation is its culture and tradition. This
controversy has recently risen and been debated in court inMassachusetts. On the other hand, the law
system would be considered building tightly, making the fair and avoiding forced marriage in social
life. Saving Money: It's easier to build wealth and accumulate assets as a married couple. The more
unemployed people, the higher the poverty level is observed within a country. It lies at the core of
the family system which is the smallest, but the most important, unit of a society. This is particularly
true if the old parents are battling health conditions like high blood pressure, arthritis and high
cholesterol. Married women also see bumps in salary (unless they have children). Especially, in
eastern culture, women are the worst-sufferer of elderly interference, as it is reported in an article,
“Some marital arguments and conflicts are settled better when only the spouses are involved. Photo:
Orhan Cicek Source: Getty Images Keeping traditions preserved is one of the primary tasks in many
African countries. For example, the percentage of girls married before age 18 in Niger is 77%, in
Chad 71%, in Mali 63%, in Cameroon 61%, and in Mozambique 57%. The parents of the couples
will help them build a house, and give some money as capital for them to start a new life. The
inevitable distance between two people in love, the restless neediness of love. It is possible for both
partners to be content with their chosen spouse, but conflicts may also arise due to differences in
values, personalities, and expectations. Longevity? Research shows that married people live longer
than those who are single: This is especially true for men. Again since in arranged marriage, a sense
of duty and responsibility prevails over the husband-wife relationship, the sexual entertainment as
well as emotional pleasure of having child is the only source of joys. Just talk to our smart assistant
Amy and she'll connect you with the best. The presence of young, active grandparents enjoying
every minute of their relationship with their grandchildren is something to stir smiles on any parent’s
faces. Young and physically productive In developing countries, the problem of early marriage is
followed by higher productivity. There is so much controversy concerning homosexuality and
marriage. Not only do those who have sex at least two times a week report feeling younger, they also
enjoy better heart, lung, and muscle health. The immature individuals, who get married, are not
always stable enough to cope with the difficulties that come with marriage. On the other hand, the
disadvantages of early marriage can include social isolation, limited financial resources, and an
inability to have a career before settling down. The influence of peer pressure is increasingly forcing
school going boys to engage in teen sex. Marriage is a personal choice, based on individual desires.
This essay delves into the complex realm of arranged marriages, examining both their positive and
negative aspects while exploring their cultural, legal, and societal implications. A union where one or
both partners are under the age of 18 are referred to as a child or early marriage. Girish
MALHOTRA, PE EPCOT International Quality By Design International Pharmaceutical Academy
October 19-20, 2009 Somerset, New Jersey. The prevalence of arranged marriages varies from one
country to another, with Pakistan having a high rate of arranged marriages (90 percent), in contrast to
Japan, where only 25-30 percent of all marriages are arranged. Parenthood has now taken a sharp
turn and cases of children being brought up in single families have increased significantly. We’ll
occasionally send you promo and account related email. Termination of education Some cultures gold
that girls are for marriage and school should be for the boys. There are two cases where this is
prevailing, one being the interaction between Aadam Aziz and Naseem Ghani. In most cases of
arranged marriages the two partners can have a say in it after several meetings with one another or
even just once. Advocacy should be carried out to reduce the prevalence of early marriage by
empowering the less privileged sections of the society and ensure that societies develop the culture
of learning for all individuals regardless of their gender. Also, this type of marriage is chosen because
of social status. Any family who wants their son or daughter to marry a Yoruba, regardless of tribe,
nationality, or race, should fulfil this traditional condition. Most people in these countries believe that
arranged marriage can help the marriage stronger and happier, and it could be pleasant experience for
both parties because they can have so many options and benefits. The husband (Al- Bundy) and wife
(Peggy Bundy) presented a disconnection between the two. So, instead of looking for losers and
winners from the late-marrying landscape, it may be more reasonable to say that either both the
benefits and costs of late marriage cross the lines of class and gender. Such examples include when
two people are in love they are at their best to impress the other person, they wear their best clothes,
they are at their best behaviour and project many things that they are actually not, and also it takes a
while between couples to shed the veil after marriage when they are more open and comfortable
towards each other. Globally, the prevalence of Child marriage robs girls of their childhood and
threatens their lives and health. Early marriage, often known as child marriage, is a partnership
between two persons while one or both parties are under 18. Early children in the initial stages of
marriage makes couples lack compatibility. When couples are discovering where they want to stay,
what they want to do, kids get to be part of the developments instead of arriving later when couples
have already set their identity. There are numerous of benefits accrued to getting kids at a later date
in your marriage. Developmental cognitive studies indicate that early brain development forms the
basis of intellectual progress and learning Egbo, 2009. However, the causation is unclear, and we
don't know for sure that the marriage is the cause of the happiness: It might also be that the people
who marry are already more prone to expressing happiness. (Read Ten Reasons Not to Get a Divorce
for more information.) Less Risk of Being Lonely. The western parents commonly allow their sons or
daughters to marry whom they love. Instead of dating and meeting people and comparing them
against one’s ideals, they leave that part of the work to someone else. (Professor’s House, n.d., pars.
6). However, couples who have been in marriage for long enough often take the decision of having a
baby as more of a choice. Despite this, there are still plenty of people who choose to tie the knot,
whether for romance, tradition, or religion. On the one hand, marrying young has some advantages.
There is no doubt that the older the couples are before they start having children, the larger the gap
of generations will be between them and their offspring. In some cases the husband can be abusive
to the wife without any reason.
Therefore, “children are mostly regarded as the main source of emotional satisfaction. By marrying
late, you find enough financial security for your future. As older parents, the couples might be forced
to brief their younger kids about death and mortality, and make early preparations for their passing
out sooner in their kid’s lives than they would have to if they gave birth at an early stage in their
marriage. In Togo, for the same age groups, these rates are 286 and 39, respectively. Outline: Same-
Sex Marriage Update and the Rule of Law. Sarah wrote in that she realized she wanted to marry
within her city when she saw a friend having a hard time adjusting to a new city and felt hat her
personality was closer to that friend. He never felt threatened by what I did or how often I was away
from home. Answer: Disadvantages might include: limited sex life or sex life fading over time,
dealing with spouse's family, having finances and assets linked with another, expense of paying for a
ceremony, and less individual freedom. However, many do get a qualify for tax credit and get
deductions for filing jointly. Getting children later in marriage allows couples to have an established
career. Therefore it is advised to get kids as early into your marriage as possible. Immigrant women
are under a high risk of violence because of their immigration status. However, this choice, came
along with another worry. As can be seen the divorce cases in Saudi Arabia is just about 2,000 cases
in 2008, while the divorce rate in. One can the plan for studies and retirement much earlier, and with
more experience than if kids start coming along in the midst of one’s career. Question: Does
traditional marriage offer more advantages for men rather than women. Families may encourage
their children, particularly daughters, to marry at a young age in order to protect their honor and
ensure that they are financially stable. About Us Editorial Policy Privacy Policy Terms of Use Privacy
Settings CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE. When grandparent are at their advanced age they have
limited time to spend with their grandchildren because they need care and attention just like their
grandkids. Married women also see bumps in salary (unless they have children). What does god
prohibits and permits about sexual relationship between husband. Counterargument and Refutation
One of the most potent argument raised by opponents of early marriage is that marrying young may
result in poverty for the couple. Your fellow students use high quality materials, textbooks and notes
to ensure high quality. Therefore, the couples will begin to have a feeling as though they do not
really know where they fit socially. Also, in some tribal communities, it is a tradition to have many
children. Relationships should be purely personal: religion and government don't need to be involved.
Faithfulness acts as a protective shield, preventing harm and the spread of infectious diseases.
Question: What problems can in-laws create for a woman in a marriage. When the word marriage
comes to mind people automatically also think of the word love but in may parts all over the world
the tradition of arranged marriages take place and are considered a normal part of life that upholds
cultural values that have been practiced for centuries. An component of Midnight ’ s Children, by
Salman Rushdie that I peculiarly enjoyed was the repeating subject of loving person in pieces.
Susan, a writer, worked for 4 years, earned enough to pay for her own wedding, and married at 29.
“My mother told me to be financially independent before I tie the knot and I will tell my kids the
same”, she said. Kids are bearing earlier in marriage increases chances of miscarriage especially when
woman gets married at the tender age. In addition, early marriage often exposes girls to violence and
abuse, as they may not have the skills or resources to negotiate for their rights within their marriage.
As older parents, the couples might be forced to brief their younger kids about death and mortality,
and make early preparations for their passing out sooner in their kid’s lives than they would have to
if they gave birth at an early stage in their marriage. This system of matchmaking allows the parties
to know each other well. Read also Top 9 examples of gender inequality in the society and their
causes No friends and loneliness After marriage, many young girls get separated from society
(especially if she moves into a new place of residence) and focus on their families and household
duties. You’re also physically healthier and more able to run around after little ones that you would
be in your 30s and 40s. There are two cases where this is prevailing, one being the interaction
between Aadam Aziz and Naseem Ghani. This story first starts out with chaos in the Oblonskys
household. Knowing where arranged are being practiced, it is also important to know that arranged
marriages are practiced when the two partners are chosen by others for some specific reasons or due
to the person's traditions, beliefs, and culture. Question: What are the disadvantages of traditional
marriage. On the same note, I probably would not propose having kids right away if couples have not
stayed together long enough prior to their marriage. The eligibility for marriage is determined by age
and any applicable restrictions. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. If the
two people do not know much about each other, it would be better for their marriage because they
will find out new and interesting facts about each other during the time they spend together after
marriage. You also learn from the marriage of your friends, see what they like or not. Boys can also
be married off as children; however, girls are the majority of the time. Answer: Disadvantages might
include: low income due to lack of career advancement, restrictions on where you live and work
because you have to take your partner into account, people live a long time nowadays so you will be
together for decades, people can change a lot over a period of just ten years when they're young, as
well as people choose their partners more wisely with the extra experience of age. But the question
that arises here is: how should the willing parties of marriage consent. This has led to conflicting
ideas on the best number of children a couple should have. Love just happens, no one can ignore it or
even try to ignore it. They do not get enough medical care services, social support, and improved
working conditions. There are some arguments that suggest that children usually try to model
themselves with their parents and especially those of the same sex, while at the same time regarding
the parent of the opposite sex as a love model whose approval and affection are required by
identifying with the parent who is of the same sex as the child (Coley, 2008). One has to take on
household responsibilities, child rearing responsibility etc. Therefore, becoming a parent early in a
marriage gives a woman’s body a better chance of recovering from demands of childbearing, which
enable one preserve their youth. Our personality grows and we become more patient and
understanding which helps us make better decisions as we cruise along with life. In arranged
marriage, romance and passion between the husband and the wife is of secondary importance,
whereas duties towards others are of primary importance. If your answers to the questions are
positive, then there exists no reason to prevent you from making a success of getting a baby in their
late stages in marriage. Most of them are quite young and have little understanding about STIs and
unexpected pregnancy, as well as how to protect themselves from such infections. Love marriages
are considered more preferable than arranged marriages because they involve marrying someone you
truly love and desire to spend.
Am telling you man this writer is absolutely the best. ”. Definition of early marriage: early marriage
is the practice of marriage for girls and boys at an early age. In addition, early marriage often exposes
girls to violence and abuse, as they may not have the skills or resources to negotiate for their rights
within their marriage. The idea of falling in love with someone is great because if the person is
known from before, it makes it easier knowing that the rest of the upcoming marriage life will be
spent with that person. When the in-laws interfere and impose their views, this can cause stress to
the marriage.” (Professor’s House, n.d., pars. 5) In love marriage, the chance of the balance of status
between the bride’s and the bridegroom’s families is comparatively low. Getting children early means
that the couples are likely to obtain kids when their health is at its very robust best. Even much
worse is going to the store and have to take turns (Lee 9). Petty problems and irritating habits
become magnified over time. (These Marriage Counseling Questions You Can Ask Each Other can
help.). Having children early in marriage life aids financial stability of couples. In some
communities, marriage is seen as a rite of passage and a necessary step towards adulthood. In recent
times, an increasing number of couples choose to live together before tying the knot in order to assess
their suitability for marriage. As in free-choice, also called love or romance marriages, both partners
know each other from before and do not have much left to find out or maybe in some cases, a
number of new things can be found between couples. So there is less focus on one’s partner and less
unrealistic expectations.” (Bohn, 2009, pars. 4) Since people do not have much scope to get intimate
with the opposite sexes, sexuality remains the source entertainment during the first few years until
they become engaged with their children. Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic: a multi-
stakeholder effort. In arranged marriage, romance and passion between the husband and the wife is
of secondary importance, whereas duties towards others are of primary importance. Couples who
decide to get kids late in their marriage constantly struggle to make up with their kids mindset and
stamina. And lastly, very religious and cultural son and daughters will just agree to an arranged
marriage because of the way they have been brought up since childhood and they know that they will
not have to worry about their parents of not approving or rejecting of their choice of spouse. He
never felt threatened by what I did or how often I was away from home. Read also Unhealthy
marriage practices in Nigeria High level of poverty Young people breed more children. However, it
depends on different cultures around the world. By delaying the marriage age, women can now
explore what they want, what their dreams and aspirations are, and what goals they want to achieve.
There is always no room to of learning in cases of hurried child bearing. Kids are bearing earlier in
marriage increases chances of miscarriage especially when woman gets married at the tender age.
Below you'll find a list of the main advantages and disadvantages of marriage. This leads to social
renunciation and shame put on her family. Early marriage can also have negative impacts on the
health of young girls, as they may be at higher risk for complications during pregnancy and
childbirth. Most couples who decide to sire kids early in their marriage do this as a sign of the next
step in their relationship. This portfolio represents my professional nursing growth. Love may or may
not bloom throughout your marriage, and if it does not — it can cause you great misery.
Responsibilities of the household, child rearing responsibilities, these too burdensome to a young

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