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- has more than year existence

- high popularity and long term

- sustain over time and high market demand


- short term existence

- emerge and fades quickly

Elements and characteristics of Trends

*Duration of time - life span of product/ideas of trends don't disappear quick.

*Acceptability - popular accepted by many individuals

*Cultural basis - rooted on people’s culture, traditions, and beliefs.

*Agents of trends - Driver, enable, blocker

* Trend spotting - It is the action of identifying a trend before it becomes mainstream or reaches its peak

* Cool hunters - observations and predictions based on changes of new or existing "cool" cultural fads
and trends.

* Trends spotter – a person who identifies and makes predictions about developing trends in the culture
at large or in a particular field

*Trend analysis - analysis that becomes possible if trends spotting pays attention on wider area.

5 types of trends

*Microtrend - little things that happen.

- common that we get used to it.

* Macrotrend - endure long time

- affect society

* Megatrend - last for decades /10 years

*Gigatrend - half of century or more

- so general it affects most area of life.

* Nano trend - yet to expected

- can be alternative trends that exists in trends.

4s models

*Set up - question what, where, when of trend

- process of finding whole trend

*Wide scanning - observe numerous field and quick documentation.

*Deep scanning - ethnographic understanding of trending area and thoroughly documentation.

*Scenario - make idea tangible and revision if necessary.

* Scrutinize - examine your product/idea.

Strategic thinking

- think conceptually with regard to the attainment for success.

- employ mental processes that are conceptual, systematic, imaginative and opportunistic.

Intuitive thinking
- quick and ready insight

- use common sense

* Rational - (left brain) Intuitive - (right brain)




- organization

- administration


- knowledge/facts

- detail


- emotion






Rational mind/speech-based mind/ left brain

-AKA analytic thinking

-thinks in detail

-focus on structure

-words, thoughts and reasoning coming from our speech-based cognition.

Intuitive mind/ vision based/ right brain

-AKA synthetical thinking

-also include non-verbal emotions, feelings and intuition from our vision-based cognition.

-details not important


*Uncritical person

-have not develop intellectual skills

-naive, easily manipulated, narrow minded and ineffective in their use of language.

*Selfish critical person

people who use their thinking to get what they want, without considering how their actions might affect
other people.

*Fair minded critical person

Fair-minded critical thinkers work to improve their thinking whenever they can. They want things for
themselves, but they aren't selfish.

-opening of global economy and increase trade between nations

-countries liberalize their import protocols and welcome foreign investment

-globalization liberalize their visa rules and procedures so as to permit the free flow of peep from
country to country

Globalization begin at the end of 19th century and beginning of 20th century.

*Globalization is the free movement of goods, services and people across the world in a seamless and
integrated manner.

*Not all countries are good at producing all sorts of goods hence they benefit trading with each other.

*Globalization also means that countries subscribe to be rule and procedure of WTO (WORLDS TRADE


-group/peeps work together to complete a task and achieve same.

-a synchronized and coordinated activity


-work on same project for mutual benefit instead of competing with each other

-goals are same but interest is individual

-complete by dividing labor between participants

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