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Quarter 1

Political ideology

- ideas to direct or organize a specific political action


- an ideology where liberty on an individual must be protected


- an ideology where traditions must be conserved

- it is also based on hierarchy of power


- an ideology dictatorship and racism


- a political ideology that is against capitalism or Anti-capitalism

Social Democracy

- an ideology that supports capitalism


- a political ideology that aims to reduce inequality


- an ideology that only focuses on profit


- an ideology where the state recognized no limits to authority

- all freedom is removed from the citizen

Religious Fundamentalism

- rely on the authority of sacred religious text


- refers to communal identification with one’s nation


- an ideology that focuses on caring about the planet

The ability to get someone do something what you want



a type of power that employs the use of force, threats, and other forms of coercion


- the use of reward to make someone do something


- Only receive when occupying a certain position in an organization

- Depending on the position, it gives authority within the company, it lasts as long as you remain
in that role.


- comes from having a high level of knowledge within your area of expertise


- the kind of power that celebrity has

- people usually see them as role models


- a power that was stablished by individual’s position in an organization


- The kind of power based from an individual’s personality

Evolution of Philippine Politics

* Pre- Spanish Government

•barangay- basic political unit in Philippines prior to the 1400s.

•datu/Raja- Head
-exercised all powers of government

-he was the chief executive, law giver, chief guide and military head.

Sulnates of Mindanao

• sulnates - organizing communities of sulu and Mindanao.

3 Social Class

1. Maharlika (nobles)

2. Timawas (freemen)

3. Alipin (slaves)

Spanish colonial government in Philippines

* 1521, Spanish embark colonial pursuit in Asia as it launched Magellan expedition. - travelled to eastern
and central Visayas

*pH was ruled directly by Spain in 1898.

°governor- general

- most powerful official of Spain Colonial government in ph.

- consider as commander in chief of the military.

-full title was "Governor and captain- general of the Philippines.

Executive role

- handed by president of the republic of the Philippines

*President is representative of the country

- takes responsibility of governance

- overseeing LGU

- commander in chief and Armenia forces of ph.

- elected by direct vote for term of 6 years. Serve only 1 term (1 term = 6 years)

- term starts at noon of June 30th

•Qualification (mandated by 1987 constitution)

1. Must be natural born Filipino citizen

2. A registered voter

3. At least 4oy/o by day election

4. Lived in Philippines not less than 10 years before election

• president can be removed by Force through impeachment.

• power of president

1. Control executive Branch

- mandate all executive departments

2. Power of ordinance

- give executive issuances as streamline of policy and programs of administration

3. Power over aliens

- power over foreign country by deportation

4. Power of Eminent domain, escheat, land reservation and recovery of ill-gotten wealth.

5. Power of appointment

- appoint officials of Philippines government

6. Power of general supervision over local government

- mandate to supervise LGU in Philippines.

7. Suspension of the privilege of write of habies corpus.

8. Power to grant:

1. Reprieve - postponement of execution

2. Commutation - reduction of sentence

3. Pardon - exempt from punishment

4. Remission - return of properties confiscated

5. Amnesty

- granting general pardon

- like they don't commit a crime

Legislative branch (Philippines congress)

- law makers

- 2 chambers senate (upper) and house of representatives (lower)

•senator - are law makers in senate

- have (24) senators

- w/ synchronized elections 12 senators are elected every 3 years

- senators have max of (2 terms) 6 years (1 term = 3 years)

- elections of senator are held on 2nd Monday of may


1. Natural born Filipino citizen

2. At least 35 y/o

3. Can read and write

4. Registered voter

5. Resident of Philippines not less than 2 years

•congressmen/ women - lawmaker composing house of rep.

- compose not less than 250 members

- representative have max of 3 term (9 years) (1 term = 3 years)

- elections in house of representatives is at noon of June 30th.

• Qualifications

1. Natural born Filipino

2. At least 25 y/o

3. Able to read and write

4. Registered voter and resident for at least 1 years in the district they will be elected.
* Bill are law in making

* Bills can be voted by president, but can overrun it by house of rep by gathering 2/3 votes. If president
don't act it'll be a law I'm 30 days.

• Judiciary Department

- power vested in supreme court

-settle legal controversies

- determining whether there has been grave abuse of discretion

• power of judiciary department

1. exercise original jurisdiction over case affecting ambassador etc.

2. Review, reverse, reverse modify/ affirm on appeal as law or rules the courts may provide

3. Assign temporary judges to lower courts

4. Order change of settings of trial

5. Promulgate rules concerning protection of constitutional rights

6. Appoint officials and employees of judiciary

• Qualifications

* Members of supreme court, court of appeals and tax appeals

1. Natural born Philippines citizen

2. At least 40 y/0

3. At least 15 years of practice of judge

• members of sandiganbayan

1. Natural born Philippines citizen

2. At least 40

3. 10 years practice as judge

• judge of regional trial courts

1. natural born Philippines citizen

2. At least 35

3. At least 10 years law practice in Philippines

• shariah district court

1. Natural born Philippines citizen

2. 35 y/o

3. 10 years of law practice

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