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Good [morning/afternoon/evening],

Today, I stand before you to talk about a very important topic that
affects our planet and all the living creatures on it – global warming.
Even though I am just a student in the fourth grade, it's crucial for all
of us, no matter our age, to understand what global warming is and how
we can help make a difference.
Global warming is a big problem that happens when the Earth's
temperature gets warmer. It's like when the sun makes our playground
feel hot, but on a much bigger scale. The Earth has its own blanket
called the atmosphere that helps keep it warm. However, some things
we do every day can make this blanket thicker, like when we use cars
that run on petrol or diesel, or when we use too much electricity.
Now, you might be wondering, "Why is it a problem if the Earth
gets a little warmer?" Well, when the Earth gets too warm, it can cause
many problems. Imagine if our classroom got too hot – it would be
uncomfortable, right? Similarly, global warming can make our planet
uncomfortable too.
One of the biggest issues is that the ice in places like the North Pole
and South Pole starts melting. This is not good because it makes the sea
levels rise, and some places that are close to the sea might get flooded.
Think about your favorite beach or park – we wouldn't want them to
disappear, right?
Global warming also affects the animals and plants that live on
our planet. Some animals might find it hard to live in warmer places,
and some plants might not grow as well. It's like changing the rules of
the game for them, and we want to make sure everyone can play happily
in our Earthly home.
So, what can we do to help? Well, there are simple things we can all do
to make a big difference. We can save energy by turning off lights when
we leave a room, or by using less water when we brush our teeth. We
can also plant trees because they help absorb the extra carbon dioxide
in the air, which is like giving the Earth a big, green hug.
Remember, every small action adds up to make a big impact. Just
like how all our small steps in the school assembly create a beautiful
march, our small efforts to save the Earth can create a wonderful
In conclusion, my dear friends, let's be superheroes for our planet.
Let's be the guardians of the Earth and protect it from the villain called
global warming. Together, we can make our world a better place for
ourselves and for future generations.
Thank you.

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