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This growth marketing approach takes several steps beyond the traditional marketing activities and
is based on the so-called “pirate funnel” that goes through the six crucial steps aimed at promoting
and strengthening your brand among your customers. The six steps are Awareness, Acquisition,
Activation, Retention, Revenue, Referral, which constitutes the AAARRR “pirate funnel” model for
marketing growth.

Our plan consists of several interconnected stages: Research, KPIs and Metrics of Success, and
Promotion Strategy. Each stage is elaborated below in more detail. The document concludes with an
implementation timeline and the pricing structure for the proposed services.

Understanding internet usage in Saudi Arabia:

(Presented in pie chart)

1. Internet penetration: As of January 2022, the internet penetration rate in Saudi Arabia was 74.8%,
with a total of 23.4 million internet users in the country.

2. Mobile usage: Mobile devices are the most common way to access the internet in Saudi Arabia,
with a mobile penetration rate of 99% as of January 2022.

3. Social media usage: social media is hugely popular in Saudi Arabia, with the country having one of
the highest social media penetration rates in the world. As of January 2022, there were 23.3 million
social media users in Saudi Arabia, representing a penetration rate of 72.5%. Facebook is the most
popular social media platform in the country, followed by Instagram and Twitter.

4. Online video: Online video consumption is also on the rise in Saudi Arabia, with YouTube being the
most popular platform for video content. As of January 2022, there were 25.7 million YouTube users
in the country, representing a penetration rate of 79.9%.

Takeaway message:

The above data suggests that the internet is an increasingly important part of daily life in Saudi
Arabia, with high levels of usage across a variety of platforms and devices.

Our Recommendation:

It is recommended that Shurfah leverage the rising usage of the internet by establishing a strong
digital presence. Doing so will enable the company to capture the spike in online activity and
increase its credibility and brand awareness to new heights, befitting its status as a major player in
the industry through undertaking a comprehensive overhaul of the current:

1- Social Media Management

2- Content strategy
3- Software development
4- Ads management
5- SEO optimization

Scope of work:
As technical experts, we understand that a brand's website serves as both its first impression and
home base. Our role is to ensure that all marketing efforts aimed at driving traffic to the site result in
a seamless and enjoyable user experience. By creating a top-ranking website and orchestrating a
pleasant customer journey, we strive to keep visitors engaged for as long as possible. Ultimately, the
success of all online and offline marketing campaigns hinges on the website, and we are committed
to optimizing the landing process to transform visitors into loyal brand ambassadors.

(recreate the below image in a creative way)

Software Development Support:

(inforgraphic, or graphs not just text)

Website development refers to the process of designing, creating, and maintaining a

website. It involves several steps, including:
1. Planning: This involves defining Shurfa’s brand identity, identifying the target
audience, and determining the content and features that will be included on the site,
which is done in alignment with the PR marketing team
2. Design: This involves creating a visual layout for the website, including the colour
scheme, typography, and overall style.
3. Development: This involves the coding and creating the functional elements of the
website, such as forms, buttons, call-to-action and navigation menus.
4. Testing: Once the website is built, it needs to be tested to ensure that it works
properly and is user-friendly. This involves testing for bugs, broken links, and other
5. Launch: Once the website is tested and any issues are addressed, it is ready to be
launched. This involves making the site live on the internet.
6. Maintenance: This involves updating the content, fixing any bugs or issues that arise,
and making any necessary changes or improvements.

UI/UX Development:
(inforgraphic, or graphs not just text)

UI/UX development refers to the process of designing the user interface and user
experience for a website or application. It involves several steps, including:
1. Research: The first step in UI/UX development is research. This involves identifying
the target audience and their needs, as well as researching industry best practices
and competitor websites or applications.
2. Wireframing: Once the research phase is complete, the next step is wireframing. This
involves creating a basic layout for the website or application, including the
placement of buttons, forms, and other user interface elements.
3. Prototyping: After the wireframes are complete, the next step is prototyping. This
involves creating a working model of the website or application, which can be tested
by users to ensure that it is user-friendly and meets their needs.
4. Design: Once the prototype is complete, the next step is design. This involves
creating the visual elements of the user interface, including the color scheme,
typography, and overall style.
5. Development: After the design is complete, the development phase begins. This
involves writing code and creating the functional elements of the user interface, such
as forms, buttons, and navigation menus.
6. Testing: Once the user interface is built, it needs to be tested to ensure that it is
user-friendly and meets the needs of the target audience. This involves testing for
usability, accessibility, and user experience.
7. Launch: Once the user interface is tested and any issues are addressed, it is ready to
be launched. This involves making the website or application live on the internet.
8. Maintenance: After the website or application is launched, it needs to be
maintained. This involves updating the content, fixing any bugs or issues that arise,
and making any necessary changes or improvements to the user interface to ensure
that it continues to meet the needs of the target audience.

SEO proposal:
Shurfa’s SEO Audit:
Category Problem Findings Impact Justification for Impact Solutions How We do It Priority Activity
We will Analyse entire
Can have negative It takes 0.5 seconds for your website visitors to form an opinion about it
Website failed in Css/Js and optimize them
Website Speed impact on the which determines whether they like your site or not. 55% of the visitors Website Speed need to Increase Immediate CODEX ongoing
google page speed to improvise the speed on
Brand leave a website within 15 seconds.
All Devices
With our expertise in
Website is not Can have negative Development we will be
Website Usability plays in Important role in User Experience and Can Website should be compatible with all
Usability compatible on all impact on the optimizing each and every Immediate CODEX ongoing
increase in Bounce rate leaving a bad impression over customers Devices
Devices Brand section of website to be
more usable
Currently the
We will optimizing the
placement of
Customer Can have negative Customer Journey on a website identifies how satisfactory is the experience User journey should be smooth and content/images &
Journey is not impact on the of a customer visiting our Website. A frustated user journey can create a website should work as a guide to all links/buttons in order to Immediate CODEX Monthly
(including Images)
Satisfactory Brand negative impression for the brand user make user journey
are confusing the
incosistent tone Collabrate with the
Entire content of Website should be
and style of poor connection marketing team in
A consistent and well-defined brand voive can help create a stronger optimized/aligned in a manner that
Brand Voice writing, with target creating clear brand vision Immediate PR Team Monthly
connection with its target audience differentiates itself from the
unidentified brand audience that resonates with the
value audience
Currently Brand Our technical team will
Identity of Shurfa Can have negative Website should work as a mirror of the brand replicating entire brand Entire Website UI/UX & Content has to incoporate the brand
Brand Identity is Missing in terms impact on the guidelines including the fonts/color scheme/ images/ sub-brands identity. A be rewamped as per the brand guidelines into Website Immediate PR Team Monthly
of brand theme Brand website not following brand guidelines can end up loosing visitiors guielines of Shurfa with the assistance of
and guidelines PR/Marketing team
Currently Brand
Vision/Mission/Objective should be Our Web designing team
Brand Vision/Mission/Obj Sharing shurfa's mission and vision openly inspire customers to become
Doesn’t reflect framed in a way that gives a clear will incoporate the
Visios/Mission/Ob ectives are not advocates for your brand by attracting customers who share your same Immediate PR Team once
brand strength picture about the brands goals and vision/mission/objective
jectibe included on vision and beliefs
objectives into Website
UI/UX /User Journey/Brand Related Issues

Currently there
are sub-brands
mentioned on With the assistance of PR
website but logos Team/Marketing team will
Affects brand's its important to always showcase brand association details to increase brand Each sub brand should be presented in
Brand Depth are not clickable be creating a separate Immediate PR Team as needed
credicility loyalty and trust detailed way(having a separate page).
and does not lead page/portfolio for each sub
to any details brand
about the sub
brands of Shurfa
Our Web designing team
will be developing all the
Reduces customer Multi-age website gives you an oppurtunity to engage your customers more
Single page Current Website is pages and making it a
engagement time on the website which gives us a chance to know more about their online Multi-page development Immediate CODEX as needed
Website Single multipage website with the
on the webiste behaviour, their preferences and their dislikes
assistance of PR/Marketing
Our Web designing team
Currently does not will be developing
Brands Websites should have a section for showcasing all the latest update including Creation of News/Updates Section and
have a section for news/update section the Immediate CODEX as needed
News/Updates any investment/acehivement/development etc keeping it updated
news/updates assistance of PR/Marketing
Our Web designing team
Current form on Website should have 2 separate forms for the vistior to reach out and for
Contact will be developing
website for Can Damage sending inquires. As contact form requires only the basic details whereas the
Forms/Inquiry Creation of Contact & Inquiry Form Contact/Inquiry forms the Immediate CODEX ongoing
inquiry/contact Brand Reputation inquiry form needs more details in order for the sales team to call back the
Form assistance of PR/Marketing
isdame customer
Currently call to
Our Web designing team
action buttons are Reduce the Website should have call to action on multiple places in order to make the Call to actions buttons need to be
Call to Action will be developing call to Immediate CODEX as needed
missing from chances for Leads user journey easy and simple and let them connect with brand added
action buttons
Content/Images Our Web designing team
User are not optimized Increases the Website content should be engaging and in order to hold the vistior on will be doptimizing the
Website UI/UX need to be re-vamped. Immediate CODEX quarterly
Engaggement to make the bounce rate website and let them keep exploring the website UI/UX with the assistance
content/images of PR/Marketing team
Spelling and Currenly Website
our team will perform 3
grammatical content have Affects brand
Spelling and grammatical mistakes leads to poor ranking on search engines Content proofreading levels of proofreading of Immediate CODEX ongoing
error correction some spelling and image negatively
the webiste content
on all pages. gramaticall errors

Current We have tools and Expert

Considering the visitors /target market website should be available in multi-
Multi Lingual-Eng Translation of Affects brand translators who will get the
languages and translation must be accurate to accommodate a wide range Correct Alignment of translation Immediate CODEX as needed
Arabic inclusion website is not image negatively website translated in multi
of customers and to reduce bounce rate
accurate languages
Plan of action:

SEO Campaign Process

Phase 1: foundation (add details o month 1-4 and remove hours) in one page

Phase 2: Optimization (add details o month 5-8 and remove hours) in one page

Phase 3: Growth maintenance (add details o month 9-12 and remove hours) in one page

(refer to the codx proposal that was sent 2 weeks ago)

Month to Month Campaign Activities e
M onth 1 M onth 2
(4 0 H o u rs L in k B uildin g ) + 1 5 F re e H o u rs fo r S etup (4 0 H o u rs L in k B uilding ) + 2 0 Fre e H o u rs o f O n site

O nsite Tasks O nsite Tasks

C om petition R esearch- 10 Hours M eta Tags C reation & Im plem entation 5 hours
K eyw ord R esearch & S election - 10 H ours C ontent O ptim isation - 10-20 Hours
K eyw ord M apping S heet - 1 hour N ew Landing P age C reation - If R equired 10 H R/ P age
U R L O ptim isation - 2 Hours S chem a M arkup Im plem entation - 5 Hours

O ffsite Tasks O ffsite Tasks
Link B uilding - 30-40 Links 30 hours Link B uilding - 30-40 Links - 30 Hours

W eekly R eporting - 2 Hours W eekly R eporting - 2 hours

E xpectation: E xpectation:
• N o Im provem ent In K eyw ord Rankings * 10% K eyw ords W ill S tart R anking

M onth 3 M onth 4
(4 0 H o u rs L in k B uildin g ) + 2 0 F re e H o u rs O n site + l0 H o u rs C R O (4 0 H ou rs Lin k B uildin g) +l0 Fre e H ou rs o f A nalyti cs +l0 H o u rs C R O

O nsite Tasks O nsite Tasks

M obile O ptim isation G oogle A nalytics G o al S etup

Site S pee d O ptim isation Resolving G oogle S earch Console E rror
W ebsite A rchitecture E nhancem ent Hotjar Im plem entation
C onversion R ate O ptim isation

ffsite Tasks O ffsite Tasks
Link Building - 30-40 Links - 30 H ours Link B uilding - 30-40 Links - 30 Hours
W eekly R eporting - 2 hours W eekly R eporting - 2 hours

E xpectation: E xpectation:
• 20% K eywords W ill S tart Ranking • A t Least 30% K eyw ords W ill start ra nkin g

M onth s M onth 6
(4 0 H o u rs L in k B uildin g) +l0 Fre e H o u rs G M B + l0 H o u rs A ud it (4 0 H o urs Link B uildin g ) + l0 F re e H o urs S em rus h A u dit

O nsite Tasks O nsite Tasks

1 st Cam paign P erform ance A nalysis S E M R US H A udit & Web Fixes

A dd/replace keyw ords based on perform ance
O ptim ise Blog for Internal Linking
G oogle My B usiness O ptim isation

O ffsite Tasks O ffsite Tasks
Link B uilding - 30-40 Links - 30 H ours Link B uilding - 30-40 Links - 30 Hours
W eekly Reporting - 2 hours W eekly R eporting - 2 hours

E xpectation: • 70% K eyw o rds w ill S ta rt R anking

Keyword Research:

Ads Management Proposal:

(inforgraphic, or graphs not just text)

This process involves planning, creating, monitoring, and optimizing Ad campaigns to

achieve Shurfa’s specific business goals. Below is our approach in managing ads:

Define Goals: This is done in alignment with the marketing/PR team

Objective: To increase website traffic, generate leads, boost sales, and increase brand
Identifying Target Audience: This involves understanding the demographics, interests,
behaviour, and location of the target audience.
Ad Platforms selection: Based on the target audience, the next step is to choose the
advertising platforms that would best reach the audience. For example, Facebook, Google
Ads, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Twitter are popular ad platforms.
Ad Campaigns creation: This involves designing ad creatives such as images, videos, and
copy, selecting ad formats such as text ads, display ads, and video ads, and setting the
budget and bid for each ad.
Campaigns Launch: The ads should be monitored closely to ensure they are running as
Monitoring Performance: Once the ads are launched, the performance should be monitored
regularly to ensure they are meeting the set goals. Metrics such as click-through rate,
conversion rate, and cost per conversion should be tracked.
Ads Optimization: Based on the performance metrics, the ad campaigns should be
optimized. This could involve adjusting the budget, bid, ad copy, targeting, or creative.
Test Ads: Ad testing is an ongoing process to determine the best performing ads. This
involves creating different ad variations and testing them to determine the most effective
Reporting: We will be submitting monthly reports to track the progress of the ad campaigns.
Reports that we generate highlights the key performance metrics and provide insights on
how to improve the campaigns.
By following these steps, we can effectively manage the advertising campaigns across all
platforms and exceed Shurfa’s business goals.

Executive summary:
Our digital marketing and business strategists have carried out an extensive analysis that forms the
backbone of this document. We reviewed the major industry-specific market trends, evaluated
competitor promotion strategies and have come up with unique recommendations for Shurfah.

To achieve these goals, we will develop a detailed, step-by-step plan based on this action plan to
take your brand to new heights. We will monitor all crucial metrics and adjust the growth marketing
activities at every stage to make sure your brand is treated with the utmost efficiency and

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