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Methods schools and universities use to help students find suitable jobs

Nowadays the laboral world offers a wide variety of jobs, so the difficulty of finding the most
suitable one has been increasing. In spite of this, there are different methods that schools and
other institutions use to find the best one for each person.

One useful tool that can help students to find their ideal job could be participating in work
experience programmes. Seeing the reality of the job that you are interested in can give a
more realistic vision of how is working in real life like. By consequence, some people can figure
out if they really want that job or not. In addition, I see really beneficial for students to learn
from a more practical view how to do their jobs. Work experience programmes give
experience and unique knowledge to people.

Another brilliant method is the careers advise. Giving information and advise to the students
always helps to make an important decision. Knowing the pros and cons that a job has could
be esential to make the right choice.

Taking everything into account, I believe that work experience programmes are the most
effective method to find your ideal job. It is proven that students who have this kind of
experiences since the beggining of their careers are less likely to end up leaving their studies.
As I see it, it is crucial to know how your job in real life is in order to be aware of how your life
will be the next few years.

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