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Cortez: Everything around us is made up of matter.

Lanz: From the air we breathe to the water we drink
Dream: even our own bodies are made up of matter!
Ceniza: The Earth, and everything on it, even YOU is made of matter, and so are all the billions of stars
and planets in the universe.
Bryce: Matter is made of atoms. Molecules are formed when two or more atoms join together.
Louie: Like atoms, we must join together in taking care of our planet's health because Earth matters.
Paul: Why did we choose "Matter Earth" as our group name? It is because we know the importance of
taking care of our planet’s health and its significance to everyone who lives in it. (exp)
Seb: Our name is also inspirational, how? Our group name encourages everyone to contribute or to do
an action that would make a good and meaningful impact on our planet’s health. (exp

And lastly, we chose Matter Earth as our group name because we are ready to engage and interact with
activities that would greatly improve our planet’s condition.
MATTER and EARTH has an impact on all of us from the moment we are born till we die. Without
MATTER EARTH, we, physically, wouldn't have existed.
M to the A to the double T E and R
what matters? matter earth
E to the A to the R T H
who matters? matter earth

we know how to collaborate

we are 8 but we concentrate
we are broading knowledge

teaching minds
touching lives
with the life we view (fast “wida life”)

what matters?
who matters?
who are we?
Egyptian Creation Story

(flores) : Form out of formlessness, order out of chaos, and the struggle to sustain that order are the
heart of the ancient Egyptian stories of creation.

(bestoso) :Who created the universe and how can we might depend on where and when you were in
ancient egypt??

(paul) : the myths do however share some common threads.



(Seb) : Myths aren’t meant to be taken literally. Instead, they help us to understand our world by
examining complex themes and creating inner reflection.

(Louie) : These themes often include: what is right? and what is wrong? What is our role or purpose?
How should we live and what happens when we die?

(Bryce): these are truly at the core of the human experience and govern how we interact with our world
and each other. And due to our wonderful diversity, the conversation and reality of these ideas change
not only from place to place but also from time to time.


(Flores): What is a non-scientific theory?

A Non-Scientific theory relies on tradition, personal experience, intuition, logic and authority to arrive at
- Various non-scientific theories about the origins of our universe remain famous among the scientific
field, as well as the entire world, like how the Christians claim that God, our Creator, is the root of
everything in existence.
— Ancient Egyptians are polytheistic meaning they believe in more than one God.

(Rhianna): Ancient Egyptian creation myths are the ancient Egyptian accounts of the creation of the
world. The Pyramid Texts, tomb wall decorations, and writings, dating back to the Old Kingdom (c. 2700–
2200 BCE) have provided the majority of information regarding ancient Egyptian creation myths.
Surviving for over 6000 years, these myths also form the earliest religious compilations in the world as it
is longer than any other in human history.

(Paul): The Ancient Egyptians religion and mythology survived for nearly 6000 years, longer than any
other in human history !! mapapa wow

(same person): The reason for these changes may vary but include not only the tide of social values, but
also the political lanscape as various groups or pharaohs tried to put themselves at the forefront of
divine importance.


(Bryce): Still, despite change, some elements seem to be common among egyptian muthology. One of
these elemets is the idea of the relationship between CHAOS and ORDER.

(Ceniza): The idea of order and justice, which egyptians called MAAT it was central to their view of the
universe and their daily life.


(Ceniza): It is Interesting that so many mythologies have this idea tgat the universe started in chaos or

(Lanz): To which order was then brought leading to the creation of the world, the gods and humankind.
(Rhianna): Why do so many have this idea and where did it come from? Afterall… the big bang theory of
the universe is a 20th century idea derived from scientific observation.. How is it that early people 6 or 7
thousand years ago already knew this trough their mythologies??

(Paul): Now let’s learn about the Bremner-rhind papyrus: the overthrowing of apep, the enemy of ra

(Paul): This story comes from an ancient scroll, known as the BREMNER-RHIND PAPYRUS, currently at the
British Museun in London.

(Bryce): This scroll contains a book called “The overthrowing of Apep, the enemy of Ra”… Which
describes the creation of the universe from the perspectuve of it’s creator.



(seb): Start in a great sea of chaos, which they called “Nu”. This sea of chaos was a formless void.

(seb): and within this sea was Neb-er-tcher, which means “the limitless one”.

(louie): Neb-er-tcher desired to create the world and experience it.

(Bryce): He spoke his name “Atum”, and created his form out of the chaos. Atum rose out of the sea, the
Nu, and realized he was alone. There was no land to stand upon or other to experience.

(paul): Atum spoke another word, the name of the firmament, and the waters of the nu receded
revealing a great mound for him to stand upon. (timestap for reference pic > 4:51)

(ceniza): Atum dreamed of his children, then spoke their names, Shu, and Tefnut creating them into
(lanz): Shu was the dryness of air, and Tefnut was moisture. Shu and teffnut desired to explore the
expanse of the nu and so they left Atum to wander.

(rhianna): Time had passed and Atum greatly missed his children and worried over them. He sent his eye
(mismong eye niya) to search for them in the chaos.

(Janna): The eye eventually found Shu and Tefnut and brought them back to their father. Atum became
happy and wept at the sight of his children return. From his tears were born people and all the creatures
of the world.

(paul): While the eye was gone, searching for Shu and Tefnut, another eye had grown in its place. When
it returned, it became distraught that it had been replaced, but Atum still loved his eye and placed it in
his forehead to watch over the world and it became the sun, the god Ra. The other eye became the

(seb): Shu and Tefnut had two children: Geb (the earth) and Nut (the sky). Geb and Nut were hugged and
so their father (Shu: the air) would seperate them during the day so that people and the animals coould
live there.

(louie): Next. Geb and Nut had four childrens:

Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nepthys. These are the gods who would live among men on Earth, with Ra ruling
over then all. He was the first pharao. The god’s role was to maintain Maat ( or Order and Justice), in the
face of chaos, represented by the great serpent Apep (also known as: Apophis by the greeks).

(flores): Apep was the chaos that was left behind when Atum rose from the Nu in primordial time.

(bryce): Ra would travel across the sky every day in his golden boat until he reached the underworld
where he would do battle with Apep. >> This was the struggle in the Egyptian mythology, to keep order,
and prevent chaos from reclaiming the world and returning everything to the waters of the Nu, including
the Gos and Atum-Ra itself.

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