Impact of Migration

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Migration has both positive and negative impacts on the destination and origin

Positive impacts on the destination location:

1. Increased cultural diversity in the destionation location
2. Skills gaps are filled
3. Boost to the local economy
4. Imigrant groups can increase birth rates

Negative impacts on the destination location:

2.Language and cultural barriers can exist
3.Increased pressure on natural resources
4.Racial tensions and discrimination

Positive impacts on the origin location:

1.Unemployment can reduceas thereis lesscompetition for jobs
2.Less pressure on natural resources
3.Less pressure on services such as education and healthcare

Negative impacts on the origin location

1.Fewer people to pay tax
2.Brain drain could harm economic development
3.Often gender imbalances

Positive impacts of migration onmigrants

1.Opportunity to get better job
2.Improved quality life
3.Safety from conflict

Negative impacts of migration on migrants

1.Migrants may run out of money
2.Migrants may be exploited
3.Issues securing accommodation or housing arrival

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