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1- Engineers shall at all times strive to serve
a) their own interests b) the public interest
c) their family's interests d) a &b

2- For a certain project if Misbenefits due to risks - Benifits / Cost equals a

negative number, you ....... to finance this project

a) will agree b) will not agree c) none of previous

3- Identifying the highest risk priority is step 3 of risk estimation

a) True b) False c) Maybe d) none of previous

4- Engineers shall accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more

than one party for services on the same project

a) True b) False c) May be d) none of previous

5- To avoid plagiarism, you must reference your own opinions.

a) True b) False c) Maybe d) none of previous

6- A thing is safe if its risk is judged to be acceptable.

a) True b) False c) Maybe d) none of previous

7- A student didn't do his part of a group presentation,this is an example of

a) cheating b) sabotage c) fabrication d) none of the above

8- Plagiarism is giving your assignment to another student to copy it.

a) True b) False c) Maybe d) none of previous

9- From the reasons that make students engage in academic dishonesty

a) integrity b) victimless crime c) honor d) a&b

10- Students do plagiarism because of dishonesty only.
a) True b) False c) May be d) none of previous

11- As uncertainty decrease in manufacturing a product, the safer it

a) True b) False C) Maybe d) none of previous
12- A professional code shouldn't be....
a) coherent b) in conflict c) helpful d) A & B

13- All codes consider the obligations of the engineer towards the
a) True b) False c) Maybe d) none of previous
14- What should an engineer do if he has potential conflict of interest that
might influence his work?
a) nothing b) benefit from it c) hide it d) none of the above

15- A risk is the potential that something harmful and wanted may occur
a) True b) False C) Maybe d) none of previous
16- An engineer shouldn't accept or pay a bribe is an example of following
canon number the fundamental canons of US NSPE.
a) 1 b)3 c) 5 d) none of previous

17- An engineer can accept the responsibility for coordination of an entire

project and sign the engineering documents for the entire project.
a) True b) False c) Maybe d) none of previous
18- Codes of ethics are not able to address all situations.
a) False b) True c) Maybe d) none of previous

19- Engineers shall be guided in all their relations by the highest

standards of
a) honesty b) integrity c) dishonesty d) a & b

20- An engineer should reveal confidential information about a project

without the consent employer.
a) True b) False C) Maybe d) none of previous

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