SSE 208 Poverty

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POVERTY • Material lack or want

• Capability deprivation
Poverty, the state of one who lacks a usual or socially
• Multidimensional deprivation
acceptable amount of money or material possessions.
Poverty is said to exist when people lack the means to
satisfy their basic needs


Poverty entails more than the lack of income and

productive resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods.
Its manifestations include hunger and malnutrition,
limited access to education and other basic services,
social discrimination and exclusion, as well as the lack of
participation in decision-making.

United Nations Manifestation

Poverty is a lack of income and productive resources

sufficient to ensure sustainable livelihoods; hunger and ABSOLUTE POVERTY
malnutrition; ill health; limited or lack of access to
Absolute poverty is a state in which a person cannot
education and other basic services; increased morbidity
meet their most basic needs. This means that if you are
and mortality from illness; homelessness and inadequate
in absolute poverty, you are not able to get the minimum
housing; unsafe environments; and social discrimination
amount of food, clothing, and shelter that you need to
and exclusion. It is also characterized by a lack of
participation in decision-making and in civil, social and
cultural life.” RELATIVE POVERTY

• Historically, POVERTY has been defined in monetary Relative poverty refers to a situation in which your
terms, using income or consumption levels. In order income falls below a certain percentage of the national
to be able to compare poverty levels across countries median income.
and over time, those that live below a given level of
income called the poverty line (Ravallion, 2010) are EXTREME POVERTY
classified as poor.
That number also includes extreme poverty that is
• Over the last decades, this economic definition of defined by the UN as “a condition characterized by
poverty has been complemented by other severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food,
approaches to conceptualise poverty: basic needs safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter,
approach, capabilities approach, human education and information. It depends not only on
development approach and multidimensional income but also on access to services.”
poverty approach (Handley et al., 2009).
A leading scholar on poverty and development, clusters
poverty definitions into four groups: ✓ 736 million – people still live in extreme poverty
✓ 10 percent – of the world’s population live in
• Income poverty extreme poverty, down from 36% in 1990.

✓ 1.3 billion – people live in multidimensional poverty. ASEAN
✓ 50 percent – of people living in poverty are under 18.
✓ 1 in 10 – individual is extremely poor. ➢ Among ASEAN countries considered, Myanmar has
the highest share of population living below the
national poverty line in the ASEAN region, with 24.8
percent of the population doing so in 2017. As of
2021, Indonesia had 10.1 percent of its population
living beneath the poverty line
➢ The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic
pushed 4.7 million people in Southeast Asia into
extreme poverty in 2021, as 9.3 million jobs
disappeared, compared with a baseline no-COVID
scenario, according to a new Asian Development
Bank (ADB) report presented at the Southeast Asia
Development Symposium (SEADS).

• In the Philippines 6.1% of the population live on less

than $1.90 per day, 26% live on less than $3.20 per
day and 55.1% live on less than $5.50 per day (World
Bank Data)
• The DSWD's 'Listahanan 3' survey finds out that
about 30 million Filipinos are poor.
• There are over 5.6 million Filipino families living in
poverty as of 2022, according to findings of
the Listahanan 3 survey released by the Department
of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).
• In individual terms, two out of five Filipinos are poor,
Burundi is the world’s poorest country followed by or at least 30 million Filipinos are considered poor.
Central African Republic, DR Congo, South Sudan and Moreover five out of 10, or half of all indigenous
Somalia as the poorest. The richest countries are peoples households, are poor. This number is about
Luxembourg, Singapore, Ireland, Qatar and Switzerland. 27% of the 111 million total Philippine population
• The Rural Poverty Portal reports that half of the
• 19 of the 20 poorest countries are all located in poor in the Philippines live in rural areas. The
Africa. The first non-African country on the list is poorest of the poor are the indigenous, landless
Afghanistan, ranked 15th. laborers, fishermen, small farmers, mountain folk
and women. Deforestation, depleted fisheries, and
unproductive farmland are major problems for these
• The average family income needed to meet the
minimum basic food and non-food needs of a family
with five members in 2021 was estimated at PhP
12,030 per month. This amount is also called as the
poverty threshold, which was higher by 11.8 percent
from the estimated PhP10,756 monthly poverty
threshold for a five member family in 2018. On the
other hand, the average family income needed to

meet the minimum basic food needs of a five- a good income. In many countries, traditional jobs
member family in 2021 was placed at PhP 8,379 per like farming are disappearing.
month, an amount higher than the food threshold in
2018 of about PhP 7,553. ( LACK OF GOOD EDUCATION

Poverty is a cycle and without education, people aren’t

• At the regional level, the able to better their situations. According to UNESCO,
regions with the lowest over 170 million people could be free of extreme poverty
poverty incidence among if they only had basic reading skills. However, in many
families in 2021 were areas of the world, people aren’t getting educated. The
National Capital Region reasons vary. Often times, families need kids to work,
(NCR), Cordillera there aren’t schools close by, or girls aren’t being
Administrative Region educated because of sexism and discrimination.
(CAR), Region III, and
• The Autonomous Region
Conflict has a huge impact on poverty. In times of war,
in Muslim Mindanao
everything stops. Productivity suffers as well as a
(ARMM) consistently
country’s GDP. It’s very difficult to get things going again
figured with the highest
as foreign businesses and countries won’t want to invest.
poverty incidence among families at 29.8 percent in
For families and individuals, war and conflict can make it
2021. Moreover, more than half of the regions
impossible to stay in one place. It’s also very common for
posted significant changes in their incidences from
women to become the primary breadwinners, and they
2018 to 2021. The regions with significant increases
deal with many barriers like sexual violence and
were NCR, MIMAROPA, and Regions I, III, IV-A, VI, VII,
and X. On the other hand, significant decreases were
• At the provincial level, the provinces which belonged
to the group with the least poverty incidence among According to the World Bank, climate change has the
families in 2015, 2018 and 2021 were Bataan, power to impoverish 100 million people in the next
Batanes, Benguet, Bulacan, Capiz, Cavite, Guimaras, decade or so. We know climate change causes drought,
Ilocos Norte, Laguna, Pampanga, and Rizal. The floods, and severe storms, and that can take down
provinces of La Union, Siquijor, and Tarlac were successful countries while pulling poor ones down even
included in the least poor cluster since 2018. further. Recovering is extremely difficult, as well,
Meanwhile, the other provinces that joined this especially for agricultural communities where they
roster of least poor cluster in 2021 were: Apayao, barely have enough to feed themselves, let alone
Batangas, Cagayan, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur, prepare for the next harvest year.
Ifugao, Kalinga, Lanao del Sur, Palawan, and Quirino
• Sulu was consistently included in the cluster with
relatively high poverty incidence among families in Whether it’s gender discrimination, racism, or other
2015, 2018 and 2021. Basilan was in the poorest forms of social injustice, poverty follows. People who are
cluster in 2018 and 2021, while the new entrants in victims of social injustice struggle with getting a good
2021 were Agusan del Sur, Davao Occidental, education, the right job opportunities, and access to
Sarangani, and Zamboanga del Norte. resources that can lift them out of poverty.


• This is the first reason a lot of people think about. Infrastructure includes roads, bridges, the internet,
When you don’t have a good job, you aren’t getting public transport, and more. When a community or
families are isolated, they have to spend a lot of money,
time, and energy getting to places. Without good roads, SDG GOAL 1: NO POVERTY
traveling takes forever. Infrastructure connects people
to the services and resources they need to better their • By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of
financial and life situation, and without it, things don’t men, women and children of all ages living in poverty
get better. in all its dimensions according to national definitions
• Implement nationally appropriate social protection
LACK OF GOOD HEALTHCARE systems and measures for all, including floors, and by
2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and
People who are poor are more likely to suffer from bad
the vulnerable
health, and those with bad health are more likely to be
• By 2030, build the resilience of the poor and those in
poor. This is because healthcare is often too expensive or
vulnerable situations and reduce their exposure and
inaccessible to those who need it. Without money for
vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and
medicine and treatment, the poor have to make really
other economic, social and environmental shocks
tough decisions, and usually essentials like food take
and disasters
• Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a
HIGH COSTS variety of sources, including through enhanced
development cooperation, in order to provide
The last root of poverty is simple: stuff costs too much. adequate and predictable means for developing
Even the basics can be too expensive. According to stats countries, in particular least developed countries, to
from the World Food Programme, the poorest implement programmes and policies to end poverty
households in the world are spending 60-80% of their in all its dimensions.
incomes on food. Food prices are also very unpredictable • Create sound policy frameworks at the national,
in certain areas, so when they rise, the poor have to keep regional and international levels, based on pro-poor
cutting out other essentials. Housing is another essential and gender-sensitive development strategies, to
that is rising. Global house markets have been climbing, support accelerated investment in poverty
according to the International Monetary Fund. eradication actions
The World Bank on September 30, 2020 approved a
The government needs to be involved. However, many
$600-million loan to cushion the coronavirus pandemic’s
governments are either unable or unwilling to serve the
impact on poor Filipino households.
poor. Social welfare programs, redirecting funds away
from those who need it, failing to build good The latest loan support would help fund the Philippines’
infrastructure, or actively persecuting the population. If conditional cash transfer program, known as the
a government fails to meet the needs of the poor, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4Ps.
poor will most likely stay that way.
The amount would also be used to support
the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s
programs to go digital and hasten cash transfers to poor
ACTION PLAN households
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known
as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations
in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, “POVERTY IS THE WORST FORM OF VIOLENCE”
protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people - Mahatma Gandhi
enjoy peace and prosperity.

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