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The Grand Canyon is a majestic geological wonder located in the state of
Arizona, USA. Carved by the Colorado River over millions of years, this vast
canyon stretches approximately 277 miles (446 kilometers) long and reaches
depths of over a mile (1.6 kilometers). The canyon's mesmerizing landscape
showcases intricate rock formations, layered with rich hues that change with the
shifting sunlight. Visitors are captivated by the sheer size and intricate details of
the Grand Canyon, making it a breathtaking destination for those seeking the
awe-inspiring beauty of nature.

1. *What is the main geological process that formed the Grand Canyon?*
- A. Volcanic activity
- B. Glacier erosion
- C. Wind deposition
- D. Colorado River erosion

*Answer: D. Colorado River erosion*

2. *How long is the Grand Canyon approximately?*

- A. 100 miles
- B. 200 kilometers
- C. 277 miles
- D. 500 kilometers

*Answer: C. 277 miles*

3. *In which U.S. state is the Grand Canyon located?*

- A. California
- B. Arizona
- C. Utah
- D. Nevada

*Answer: B. Arizona*

4. *What is the depth of the Grand Canyon?*

- A. Half a mile
- B. 1 mile
- C. 2 miles
- D. 5 miles

*Answer: B. 1 mile*

5. *What is the primary agent responsible for carving the Grand Canyon?*
- A. Glaciers
- B. Wind
- C. Colorado River
- D. Earthquakes

*Answer: C. Colorado River*

6. *How would you describe the rock formations in the Grand Canyon?*
- A. Smooth and flat
- B. Jagged and rugged
- C. Sandy and loose
- D. Icy and slippery

*Answer: B. Jagged and rugged*

7. *What makes the Grand Canyon a captivating destination?*

- A. Tall skyscrapers
- B. Vast shopping malls
- C. Awe-inspiring natural beauty
- D. Theme parks

*Answer: C. Awe-inspiring natural beauty*

8. *Which term best describes the changing colors of the Grand Canyon rocks?*
- A. Monochrome
- B. Dynamic
- C. Static
- D. Transparent

*Answer: B. Dynamic*

9. *Approximately how many kilometers is the Grand Canyon's depth?*

- A. 1.5 kilometers
- B. 2 kilometers
- C. 1.6 kilometers
- D. 3 kilometers

*Answer: C. 1.6 kilometers*

10. *What river played a crucial role in forming the Grand Canyon?*
- A. Mississippi River
- B. Amazon River
- C. Colorado River
- D. Nile River

*Answer: C. Colorado River*

1. Adi: …

Ina: I think it’s great.

A. Have you read this book?

B. What do you think of this book?
C. What is it?
D. Do you know this?
E. How do you do?

Jawaban: B

2. From the dialogue below, John is … .

Dave: So, what do you think of my singing?

John: It’s really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune.
Dave: Thanks, John.
John: No problem, Dave!

A. asking for help

B. giving an opinion
C. asking for an opinion
D. giving help
E. giving attention

Jawaban: B

3. From the dialogue below, Dio is…

Dio: Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?

Jon: Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.
Dio: Thanks, Jon.
Jon: No problem!

A. asking for help

B. giving help
C. giving opinion
D. asking for an opinion
E. asking for help

Jawaban: D

4. We can conclude that Mita is …

Mita: What do you think about the fairy?

Bayu: I think she deserves to return to heaven

A. asking for information from bayu

B. asking bayu’s opinion
C. giving her opinion to bayu
D. agreeing with bayu’s opinion
E. disagreeing with bayu’s opinion

Jawaban : B

5. From the dialogue below, Rose is…

Jade: What do you think of my drawing?

Rose: It’s amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.
Jade: Thank you so much for you opinion, Rose!
Rose: My pleasure.

A. asking for attention

B. asking a question
C. giving an opinion
D. giving help
E. asking for help

Jawaban : C

6. From the dialogue below, Jul is …

Jul: Ria, what do you think of the cake I bake?

Ria: It’s really delicious, Jul. I love it!
Jul: yes!

A. asking for an opinion

B. asking for help
C. requesting for attention
D. giving an item
E. giving opinion

Jawaban : A

7. From the dialogue below we can conclude that … .

Andy: What do you think about the restaurant?

Budy: I think the price is too expensive

A. Budy is expressing pleasure

B. Andy is expressing pleasure
C. Budy is expressing displeasure
D. Andy is expressing displeasure
E. Budy is giving opinion

Jawaban :E

8. Which dress suits the woman?

Woman: Look at me! Does this long red dress suit on me, John?
Man: I don’t think so. I think the green long dress is better than the red one.
Woman: How about the short black one, then?
Man: Yes, that suits you. You look gorgeous with that one.

A. The short red one.

B. The short green one.
C. The short black one.
D. The long red one.
E. The long green one.

Jawaban : C

9. What is the dialogue about?

Woman: What do you think of my appearance? Do I look okay?

Man: Well, yes. But it will be more elegant if you wear a long black dress.
Woman: Alright.

A. The woman’s dress

B. The elegant woma
C. The woman’s black dress
D. The woman’s appearance
E. The man’s complaint about the woman

Jawaban : D

10. What is the best solution they have?

Man: Oh my god, this traffic is making me crazy.

Woman: Absolutely! I think there must be an accident.
Man: I think so too. It’s almost seven o’clock. We’ll be late for school.
Woman: We’d better tell our teacher that we’re coming late, because of the traffic. We
hope and pray that traffic will be fine soon and we will not miss the first lesson.
Man: Okay, let’s call her.

A. make themselves crazy

B. come late to school
C. call the teacher
D. hope and pray
E. miss the first lesson

Jawaban : C

1. *Question:*
What is the main purpose of an analytical exposition text?
- A) To entertain
- B) To inform
- C) To persuade
- D) To describe

- C) To persuade
Analytical exposition texts aim to persuade readers by presenting arguments and supporting

2. *Question:*
What is the generic structure of an analytical exposition text?
- A) Orientation, Complication, Resolution
- B) Thesis, Arguments, Reiteration
- C) Introduction, Body, Conclusion
- D) Problem, Solution, Recommendation

- B) Thesis, Arguments, Reiteration

Analytical exposition typically includes a clear thesis statement, followed by supporting
arguments and a restatement of the main point.

3. *Question:*
Which language features are commonly found in analytical exposition texts?
- A) Dialogue and monologue
- B) Descriptive language
- C) Rhetorical questions and modality
- D) Flashback and foreshadowing

- C) Rhetorical questions and modality

Analytical exposition often employs rhetorical questions and modality to strengthen arguments.

4. *Question:*
What is the role of the thesis statement in an analytical exposition text?
- A) Introduce the main characters
- B) Summarize the main idea
- C) Create suspense
- D) Provide a resolution

- B) Summarize the main idea

The thesis statement succinctly states the main idea or argument of the analytical exposition.

5. *Question:*
What does the term "modality" refer to in analytical exposition?
- A) Verbs that express possibility or necessity
- B) Descriptive adjectives
- C) Similes and metaphors
- D) Past tense verbs

- A) Verbs that express possibility or necessity

Modality helps convey the degree of certainty or probability in the arguments presented.

6. *Question:*
Which of the following is NOT a purpose of the analytical exposition text?
- A) To entertain
- B) To persuade
- C) To inform
- D) To explain

- A) To entertain

Analytical exposition texts focus on presenting arguments and persuading rather than

7. *Question:*
What is the role of the reiteration in an analytical exposition text?
- A) Introduce new arguments
- B) Restate the main points
- C) Develop the conflict
- D) Conclude with a cliffhanger

- B) Restate the main points

The reiteration reinforces the main arguments and summarizes the key points made in the text.

8. *Question:*
Which of the following is an example of a rhetorical question in analytical exposition?
- A) "The sky is blue."
- B) "Can we afford to ignore this issue any longer?"
- C) "The flowers bloomed in spring."
- D) "He ran as fast as the wind."

- B) "Can we afford to ignore this issue any longer?"

Rhetorical questions are often used to engage the reader and emphasize a point without
expecting a direct answer.

9. *Question:*
What type of language is commonly used to express opinions in analytical exposition?
- A) Objective language
- B) Emotional language
- C) Descriptive language
- D) Informative language

- A) Objective language

Analytical exposition relies on objective and unbiased language to present arguments logically.
10. *Question:*
In analytical exposition, what is the function of supporting arguments?
- A) Introduce the main idea
- B) Create suspense
- C) Strengthen the main point
- D) Provide a resolution

- C) Strengthen the main point

Supporting arguments provide evidence and reasoning to strengthen the main point or thesis in
analytical exposition.

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