GR12 Exams

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Final IB Exams

and results
Greg River



April 28-May 19

Building 19,
Exhibition Hall 3
(3rd Floor)
Conduct of examinations- notice to
Seating arrangements

● You will be seated in the Exhibition Hall

3 in Building 19
Candidates themselves (rather than their
desks) must be seated a minimum of 1.5
metres apart and must not be able to
overlook the work of other candidates (for
example, when seated in an auditorium) or
to exchange information.
Each candidate must have sufficient space
to accommodate the authorized material,
such as data booklets and maps, required
for the examination.
All candidates must be facing in the same
Entering the Exam room

● Only authorized materials required for the examination may be taken to your desk. All
personal belongings, including any communications devices, must be left outside. If
required for belongings to be placed at the back of the examination room, ensure that
any mobile phones, smartwatches are switched off.
● Once candidates have entered the examination room, they are subject to the IB’s
regulations governing the conduct of examinations.
● Candidates are admitted to the examination room 15 minutes before the examination
is due to begin. They must enter the room in a quiet and orderly manner.
● Once the candidates have entered the examination room, the examination is in
progress until all scripts and any other examination materials have been collected.
What can be brought into the Exam room?
● Candidates do not take to their desk or table any form of container (for example, a pencil case) in which to hold their stationery.

Candidates may take to their desk or table only the following items.

● General stationery (for example, pens, pencils, an eraser, geometry instruments and a ruler)
● A bilingual translation dictionary is permitted for all subject groups (except studies in language and literature, language
acquisition) including classical languages examinations. The dictionary must not contain notes of any kind and is only
permitted if the response language of the examination is not the best language of the candidate; an electronic dictionary is not
● Other materials specified by the IB as required for a particular examination (for example, an approved electronic calculator)

Pens and Pencils:

● The use of pencil is permitted for drawing graphs or diagrams. If possible, candidates should be encouraged to use a pencil with
a soft lead that produces dark lines, rather than a pencil that tends to result in thin grey lines. This will aid the electronic
scanning of candidates’ scripts. Coloured pencils are only permitted for examinations in geography.
● Candidates are not permitted to use correcting fluid/pens. A candidate must neatly cross out any mistakes (except when there is
a mistake in a question number box—in this instance, the relevant box must be completely filled in (shaded in) and the next one
● Candidates must write their answers in either dark blue or black ink (except for multiple-choice examination papers, when pencil
is used), and use a soft pencil that produces dark lines for graphs and diagrams. The use of colour is only permitted in
geography examinations. Gel pens must not be used as they cause difficulties during the scanning process.


● Candidates must not share stationery, dictionaries, calculators or other material during an examination. You should bring a ruler
and charge your calculator!
● If unauthorized material is found in a candidate’s possession, they are likely to be held in breach of regulations, regardless of
whether they intended to use the material during the examination.
● Personal belongings not required for the examination must be removed from candidates. However, articles that a candidate may
consider a “lucky charm” or similar may be placed on a candidate’s desk or table at the discretion of the coordinator.
Academic misconduct

The following actions are examples of misconduct relating to the written examinations and will be reported to the IB:

● stealing examination papers

● failing to obey the instructions of the coordinator/invigilator
● communicating with another candidate
● helping or receiving help from another candidate
● impersonating another candidate
● possession of unauthorized material
● consulting material outside the examination room during a period of absence
● behaving in a way that may disrupt the examination or distract other candidates
● submitting work for assessment that is not authentic
● removing or attempting to remove from the examination room examination material, such as answer booklets or examination
● leaving the examination room without permission
● continuing to answer an examination paper when told to stop by an invigilator or the coordinator
● discussing the content of any examination paper with any person outside their immediate cohort within 24 hours after an
examination ending
● attempting to either gain or solicit information about the content of an examination within 24 hours of the examination ending.

12.2 The coordinator/invigilator has the right to expel from the examination room any candidate whose behaviour is deliberately
interfering with the proper conduct of the examinations.
● (2022) Lateness: During the first 60 minutes of an examination, the coordinator/invigilator may allow late arrivals into the
examination room to take the examination. Whether a late arrival is allowed into an examination is entirely at the discretion of
the coordinator.

After 60 minutes—If there is no acceptable reason for lateness, the candidate must not be allowed into the examination;
neither can the examination be rescheduled for a later time. Unacceptable reasons for lateness are circumstances reasonably
within the control of the candidate, such as misreading/misunderstanding the examination timetable or oversleeping. The
candidate must be shown as "absent" from the examination on the answer coversheet. The candidate will not be eligible for
the award of a grade in the subject concerned. Acceptable reasons normally arise from circumstances beyond the control of
the candidate (for example, civil unrest, road accident).

(2023) Lateness: Due to the introduction of new timezones some leniency may apply. Students will
complete a DP Late Candidate arrival survey (not currently available). The IB will then determine what
constitutes an acceptable reason and if the examination will be counted. I strongly recommend arriving on
time and avoiding this procedure.

● Temporary absence: if a candidate has to go to the bathroom, feels ill, or has an emergency situation, they may be allowed
to leave the examination room and return. A candidate must be supervised during a temporary absence from the examination
room. There must be no communication with any person other than the person who is supervising the candidate. During a
temporary absence, the candidate must not take any material out of the examination room, have access to material during the
absence, or return with any material.

● Early departure from the examination: candidates must not be allowed to leave the examination room during the first hour or
during the last 15 minutes of an examination. On the occasions when two or more examinations are scheduled for the same
time of day, but end at different times, the coordinator may decide whether candidates are permitted to leave the examination
room before the last 15 minutes of an examination. If a candidate leaves the examination before the scheduled finishing time,
they must not be allowed to return. If a candidate leaves an examination early, they must remain under supervision until
the designated end time of the examination, with no access to cell/mobile telephones, internet or any digital devices that
would enable communication with external IB candidates or any other person. The supervised candidates are permitted to talk
to other candidates (in their school) that have completed the examination and they may refer to any paper-based study notes.
Calculators (Calculator Guidance 2023)
(List of permitted calculators)

Environmental Systems and Societies and Business Management:

A four-function (plus, minus, multiply, divide) calculator, scientific calculator or GDC is required for all


Calculators are not allowed for paper 1.

For paper 2 and paper 3, while all questions requiring a calculator can be answered fully using a
four-function calculator (plus, minus, multiply, divide), GDCs are allowed during the examination. The
graphing functions on these calculators may assist students and it is therefore recommended that all
students are familiar with the use of GDCs.

Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Design Technology:

Calculators are not allowed for paper 1. On paper 2 and paper 3, a GDC calculator is required.

Mathematics- No Calculator permitted for Paper 1 AA (SL and HL). All other courses and papers
require a GDC calculator. Calculators will be put into "press to test mode"
Running late?
Contact Ms Claire, Ms Audrey/Mr Vish or Mr River ASAP

● (refer to slide 10).

Student arrival times
AM session arrive no later
than 9:30am for 10:00am
exam start

PM session arrive no later Link to EXAM SCHEDULE

than 1:30pm for 2:00pm

PM sessions arrive no
later than 2:30pm for
3:00pm start.
Adverse Adverse or unforeseen circumstances are
circumstances those that are beyond the control of the
candidate and which might have a negative
impact on his or her performance.
This includes events that may threaten the
health or safety of a candidate. Adverse
circumstances may also include an event
that affects the whole school community,
such as civil unrest or a natural disaster.
● minor disturbances in the examination
Situations that are room
NOT considered ● a candidate misreading the timetable
and/or failing to attend an examination
adverse ● candidates misreading the instructions
of the examination paper and/or
circumstances answering the incorrect questions
and have no ● a school failing to or incorrectly
communicating errata details before an
means of appeal examination
● calculators not being available for an
examination that requires them
● any form of technological failure
including calculators
● data booklets/resource booklets, etc. not
being provided (or wrong versions being
● timing or administrative errors in the
exam room or in the exam schedule
● the school misusing technology (such as
the music audio package)
Receiving results and offers

Staggered release
to candidates
Exams EUR’s are
Requires PIN and
Personal Code possible

April 27-May 19 May-July July 6 July 6-20 July 10-15 PARTY!

3:00pm KSA

Read Universities
Candidates confirm
Results Pack conditional
Receiving results JULY 6

All information:

Candidates Results Pack

or online:

Results are available:
3:00pm KSA
Staggered release to candidates
Requires PIN and Personal Code
lssue of results to universities and admission centres

Results are released through a secure IB website to those universities nominated by the
student to receive them. Students can nominate to send electronic or paper format to the
universities. This universities will receive a copy of the Transcript of Grades.

In April students will complete a Google form nominating institutions to receive their
results and document legalisation requests. A summary will be sent to parents. We
then register this information with the IB.
A maximum of six institutions worldwide can be selected. Regardless of whether the results
are sent in electronic or paper format. Of these six, no more than three institutions can be
selected from Canada and the USA (of these three, only one for the USA).

An admissions centre counts as one request. If an admissions centre is processing a

candidate’s university application, complete one request only for the admissions centre; do not
submit a request for each university.
Universities that receive results electronically will be able to access results by logging into the
IB university results website. Universities that receive results in paper format will be sent the
results in the weeks following the issue of results. All results for the USA and Canada are sent
out by 31 July.
Legalisation of Documents
$170USD paid to TKS Business Office by card per legalisation request

In some countries, the IB Diploma Programme Results and DP Course Results document need to
be legalized by the relevant chancellery, embassy and/or consulate to be valid for entrance to

The legalization of the diploma itself, which only displays the candidate’s name and school, is
usually not required. It is typically only the Transcript of Grades that is required.

Below is a list of countries which legalization has been required in past years. It is the responsibility
of the candidate to check with the specific university for legalisation requirements.
Brazil Bulgaria Cyprus Czechia (Czech Republic) Egypt Georgia Greece Israel Italy Mexico Portugal
Romania Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Taiwan United Arab Emirates Ukraine

Note: There are two different IB documents:

● IB Diploma Programme Results: The IB legalizes the IB Diploma Programme Results
document showing the results that the candidate obtained.
● The Diploma of the International Baccalaureate (IB Diploma) only shows the candidate’s
name and is legalized only in exceptional circumstances when specifically required.
What is an Enquiry Upon Results (EUR)?

Purpose of EUR
The EUR process is intended as a final safeguard against errors in the marking system. It is
an opportunity for schools to highlight to the IB when they believe a mistake has been
The purpose of EURs is to provide candidates with the marks that they should have received
during the marking period if a mistake has been made. It is very important to ensure that
examiners are not inappropriately influenced by the fact that the candidate is unhappy with
their initial mark, or is close to a grade boundary. Candidates cannot apply for a EUR,
however, one can be requested by the coordinator if it is believed an error has occurred.

● Candidates' marks can go down as well as up as a result of a category 1 EUR, therefore the
candidate’s permission must be sought for submitting work for the EUR.
● A category 1 EUR (re-mark) fee is $130USD paid to the TKS Business Office by card
● EUR’s take up to 28 days to process

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