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Sample Answers for Important Interview Question.

1.)How to Negotiate for a higher salary with your manager?

I've had a great time working here and am proud of the contributions I've made thus
My talents and passion seem to fit nicely with the value I add to the team. based
on my
prior successes. I'd like to talk about the potential for changing or like
upgrading my remuneranation.

Could we set a date for discussing a salary review or adjustment?

This way, we can monitor my development and have this talk again when
it's appropriate to make sure my pay is in line with my contributions.
2.)How to Introduce Yourself through Phone?
Sample 1-
I have a bachelor's degree in Csc from Jain University.
For the past 2 years, I've been working in my current X role at BMY company, where
I've gained experience in X AND Y skills.
I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and expertise to your company
as well.

Sample 2-
I recently graduated with a degree in BCA. During my studies,
I developed a strong foundation in Skills & Technologies like x and Y.
I also completed an internship at AB Company where I worked on this ABC Project.
I'm excited to apply my knowledge and skills in a professional setting."

sample 3:
A).Hello, thanks for this opportunity and your time, I am a Software Engiineer at
ABC Company where my
daily responsibilities include Maintainin Software Functionality,Establishing New
Documentation,Building applications with Code etc..

B).Hi thaks for calling, its my pleasure to talk with you, I am currently working
as sales assistent, I consider myself to be a person who ensures high levels of
customer satisfaction,
and keeping upto date with the prodcut information. My skills include solid
communincation adn interpersonal skills and i never hesitate to give my best.

c).I Graduated from Amrita university with bachelors degree in cse, i first got
into this industry as an assiciate at x company,Being a fresher i worked and aso
learned different internal working operations
later i worked in company y where i got promoted to senior assossiate where i have
handled x and y project.

D).Hi i am Jaya, I would describe myself as a person who always tries to priortize
completing my tasks on time.
Also i never hesitate to ask questions. I like to work w ith the team where i
will utilise my collaberative skills to keep up the project work
4.)How do you handle challenging situations or tight deadlines in your work?
When faced with challenging situations or tight deadlines, I believe in staying
and prioritizing tasks. I'll typically start by breaking down the problem into
steps and creating a timeline. Communication is crucial during these times, so I
everyone on the team is aware of our goals and any potential roadblocks. I'm also
and open to adjusting our approach if needed to meet our objectives.
5.)Can you work effectively with colleagues from different departments?
Absolutely.I will have the opportunity to collaborate on a cross-functional project
where I will closely work with teams from other departments.
I will be coordinating our efforts,To ensure a smooth collaboration. I will also
initiate regular meetings and establish clear communication channels for open
This will help us stay aligned and achieve our project goals successfully.
6.)Why did you choose this field/industry?
"I've always been passionate about Computer science Field because x and Y reasons.
I find the challenges in this field intriguing and
I am really excited about the potential for innovation and impact it offers."
7.)What do you know about our company?
"I've researched extensively about ohoo company. I'm impressed by your commitment
towards your mission and the Value which you bring to people.
Your recent project particularly caught my attention.
I'm eager to contribute to a company that aligns so well with my values and
8.)Why did your Previous job?

Sample 1-
Well, actually ,I thought about moving to a position where I can confront more
difficult tasks,
I also wanted a change of environment so that I can work on myself to pursue a
better carrer than my previous one .
But if I have to be really honest then my work in my previous company was no
longer a challenging one for me.
So I decided to try out a few more new choices.

Sample 2-
Well, I have loved my time atx company and I am really proud of the successful
projects and campaigns that I have conceived and managed.
However, I think you know the time has come for a change. They were going through
some management change and a lot of projects were on hold.
I have been thinking for a while that I would like to work for a bigger company
with more opportunities for growth. This position seems like a great fit.

sample 3-
Since i have Joined this company, i had very great time but somehow being in this
office makes me think
that my initial career goals which i had and also personal circumstances have
changed. So i tried to reevaluate my long term career path and
i think that my current role doesnt align my future aspirations.So thats why i want
to switch my job

sample 4-
Hi,my decision is defintly not because of my dissatisfaction towards work. the
of knowledge gained in the past few months are massive.
I would now like to move forward and dive deep into complex aspects of my field.
so thats why I want to switch jobs because I want to take up more challenges and
responsibilities to enhance my skills
and broaden my knowledge.

sample 5-
I have been working in chennai for almost 3 years now.Right now i thought it would
be best for me
to look for an opportunity that helps me move back to my hometown to be with my
parents as they need my attention.
Your company is offering a job that is suited for my profile. This alsoS offers a
great learning experience and has a branch in my hometown as well.
I am sure I can be a great addition to the team.”

sample 6-
I wouldnt say that i resigned my previous because of dissatisfaction, but due to my
travel Time.
As i have Hodophobia, it would be best for me to have office in my nearby location.
I am looking for a change because the distance between my home and my current
office is a lot and it has started to take a toll on my body.
I will also be able to focus on my work and at the same time, will be able to
learn and take up more responsibilities.
9.)where do you see your self in 5 Years.
sample 1-
I see myself in a position where I have developed my skills
and expertise in my current field. In the next five years, I am hoping to have made
a significant contributions to your organization's

sample 2-
I think would aim to take on more responsibilities than i am taking in today and
possibly assume a
leadership role within the company, depending on the opportunities that arise.

sample 3-
I plan to continue learning and growing, possibly by pursuing additional
certifications or
advanced degrees to stay updated in my field. Additionally, my goal is to be a
asset to my team and company.

sample 4-
In oogle Company, as a fresher i wanted to work on X Role but unfortunatey after
hiring us from college , there werent any project assigned to us.
I always look for an opportunity to thrive and learn, but somehow i felt that there
wouldnt be any growth if i stayed in a company without doing any prodcutive work.
I decided to leave in search of a better fit.
Whereas in OHO company , I realized that the job responsibilities and the company
culture weren't a good fit for my career goals and values.
the company underwent a significant restructuring, which resulted in a shift in job
roles and a change in my day-to-day responsibilities.
But your company complety looks different than 2 of my previous compaanies.So i am
really interested in Joining here.
3.)Tell me about your Project?
I had the opportunity to lead the x project that involved variuos challenges. This
experience not only honed my technical skill but also reinforced my ability to
overcome x and y
problems which i had before the begginig of the project.
10.)Are You ready to relocate right?
-I'm definitely open to relocating for the right opportunity. I was anyway eagerly
looking forward for a location to take on new challenges.
I'm flexible and willing to consider the possibility of relocating."
-Ideally, I'd like to continue working in my current location because
I have strong ties here. However, if the role and the company align with my career
goals, I would consider relocation as long as
it's a reasonable distance and the terms are fair."
11.) How to Negotiate salary
sample 1-
I've done some research and considering my skills and experience,
I was hoping for a salary in the range of 8 lakh per year.

sample 2-
I believe that my experience definitly reflect the value I can bring to the
I'm open to discussing this further and finding a mutually agreeable
compensation package. So For now, my desired package is 10LPA"

sample 3-
Thank you for asking. Based on the responsibilities of the role,
I would be comfortable with a salary in the range of 13 to 15LPA.
12.) Give an example of your creative thinking ability
sample 1-
One example would be , I have demonstrated my creative thinking skills through a
project during my time in our Final Year of college.
My Task was to find innovative solutions to improve the efficiency of a certain
Instead of following the traditional approach, I proposed a method which
incorporated with some latest Technologies.
I also Reasearched and identified some amazing ideas.
Later, I got to know that my Idea was the game changer in that project after
listening to my staff members and friends

We were given a chance to conduct Interactive games and shows for our Juniors on
their First day.
I planned for certainf engaging activities which not only booseted the confidence
of my juniors but at the same time, they got
so engaged with each other that they satarted to socialise with each other.
13.) Why do you have a career gap of two year(for female)
sample 1-
I have had this career gap due to my pregnancy.During that time, I made a conscious
decision to take a temporary break from my professional life to focus on my family.
So for a couple of yeras i prioratized my personl life, family and prepared for
the exciting transition into parenthood.

sample 2-
I had to take some time away from my career because i was on a maternity break. I
had to take this voluntary gap from my career due to the birth of my daughter
However, during this time I did not sit idele because i consistenly worked on
myself technically and also I kept revising and learning about the new and emerging

trend from my field

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