ODC ET Term-3

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Management Development Institute, Gurgaon Name of Programme:- PGDM (2022-24) (Academic Year: 2022-23) End Term Examination, Term-Ilt Name of the Course: Organizational Design & Change (ODC) Name of the course Faculty: - Prof. Madhushree N. Agarwal Sections- B and C Nature of Exam:- Open book / Open Notes Date & Time of Examination: - 29 March, 2023 at 10.15am Maximum Marks:- 50 Weightage:- 30% Maximum Time:- 2 Hours and 30 Minutes Instructions: a. This question paper contains one page and a case. b. Possession and use of Mobile / Laptop is prohibited, c. Only Non-Programmable calculator can be used d. Marks are indicated in the right hand parenthesis against each question e. Please adhere strictly to the word limits mentioned in the question paper. Each answer should not exceed ONE handwritten SIDE. Overshooting page/word limits will be penalized. f. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks g. No marks for length of answers. Marks will be for analysis and precision in answering. Read the case on Kent Chemical and answer the following questions. a. What were the critical performance goals that Kent Chemical Products was not being able to meet before the 2006 reorganization? Please analyze Exhibit 1 for this answer..........(1 side) (10 Marks) . What were the organizational problems that were responsible fot this? Justify your answer by referring to Exhibit 2 ........(1 side) (10 Marks) c. Were the GBDs a good solution to the problems identified above? Why/why not? Why did they fail? Refer to Exhibit 3 for this answer... --(1 side) (10 Marks) d. Do you think the recommendation of Sterling Consultants will be more successful in solving the problems at KCP? Why/why not? Refer to Exhibit 4 for this answer........ (1 side) (10 Marks) e. Based on your analysis, as well as classroom inputs on the management of change, what would be your specific recommendations to Peter Fisher to make the process of managing change at KCP more effective?.... (1 side) (10 Marks)

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