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Name& Surname:

A-Complete the dialogue with the P.Continuous Tense (6x4=24)

Jack: Hello, Mark! Where are you?

Mark: Hi, Jack! I’m at my cousins’ house. My aunt ……………………….(wash) the dishes, my brothers
………………………….(play) football in the garden and our dog ………………………(chase) the cat.What
about you?

Jack : I’m sure you ……………………..(have) great time . I …………………………..(not study) form y
Maths exam. I need your help.

Mark : Well, my parents ……………………………..(drive) to get us at the moment. Can I call you when I
get back home?

Jack: OK! Bye…

B-Write the correct form ADJECTIVE (sıfat) or ADVERB (zarf). ( 8X2=16)

1- In my opinion , you should drive the car ………………………….. (careful)

2- My teacher is very old.He uses glasses because he can’t see …………………….. (good)
3- This is a(n) ……………………….picture from Van Gogh. ( amazing)
4- Our new teacher speaks German very …………………..( fast) I can’t understand her.
5- Linda always answers my phones ……………………..(angry ).
6- Do you want to be a ……………….dancer? (good)
7- I don’t need your help. My homework is very ……………….(easy).
8- Look at Roberto. He is dancing ……………………(amazing).

C-Describe the physical appearance of the person in the picture. ( 5X2=10)

Hair : ……………………………………………………………….


Eye : ……………………………………………………………….

Height (1.85 cm): ………………………………………………….

Weight (80 kg): ……………………………………………………

Distinguishing Feature : ( any tattoos , non-smoker)


D-Write the Turkish meaning of the given words. ( 5X3=15)

1- Don’t forget beauty is in the eye of the beholder !:

2- Don’t judge a book by its cover! :

3- A friend in need is a friend indeed! :

4- Well done! Your grades are perfect. Keep up your hard work! :

5- Do you think my outfit is elegant? :

E-Write the names of the clothes according to their explanation. (5x3=15)

A-Coat B- Gloves C- Trainers D- Shirt E- Nightgown

1- You should wear this to protect your hands and fingers from cold …….
2- This outfir can be long or short. You can wear it when the weather is cold outside ……..
3- This is an outfit when you prefer to wear at a party to look beautiful ………
4- This is an outfir you wear inside a jacket.It can be an office clothe. ……….
5- You should wear them when you do sports or phsyical exercises ………….

F-Look at the body image and write the names to the correct places. (10X2=20)

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