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Boulder Name: Level up the Josh Jones Law firm

Boulder Objective: ensure a high performance from our team by providing
them with a great job enviroment, tools and procedures and also all the
resource they need to achieve the goals.
Boulder Type Boulder Length Boulder Owner Department

30 Day Dorian Flores Intake/Sup/Lien neg

Milestone Deadline Owner

Milestone 1 Meet Mr. Jones to set goals for the next four months
and identify areas where you can help the firm level up. Task 1

Identify areas where staff are spending too much Task 2 Dorian Flores
time on non-billable tasks.
Develop a plan for streamlining workflows and Task 3
automating tasks.
Train the team with the new tasks and evaluate Task 4 20, 2023
initial perfomance

Milestone 2
Implement a time tracking system and train the Task 1
team on how to use it.
Create Coching session constantly and follow up Task 2 Dorian Flores
the action plans for each team member Novem
ber 20,
Create knowledge base Task 3 2023

Implement a system for tracking and managing Task 4

client feedback.

Milestone 3 Evaluate team's performance and reassign the tasks Task 1

if needed
Evaluate KB and improve ir if requiered Task 2 Dorian Flores
Evaluate automations and add new tools Task 3 20, 2023

Milestone 4
Task 1
Fix all bugs in the plan January
20, 2023 Dorian Flores
Set kpi's and track them with metrics Task 2

Create budget for bonuses and implementing them Task 3

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