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Lesson 5: Soil Components

Living organisms in the soil

Small Organisms (Micro-organisms)

- These are organisms too small to be seen by a naked eye and can be seen by a microscope.
- The most common soil micro-organisms are bacteria and fungi. They obtain food from the
decay of plant and animal materials. When bacteria and fungi die they decay and add
nutrients in the soil and they form humus.
- Some bacteria fix nitrogen from the air into the soil. Bacteria also changes some nutrients to
forms which are usable to plants.
- Fungi can be as small as moulds or as large as mushrooms. Moulds decay most plant
materials including wood. They help in decomposition of plant materials.
Lesson 5: Soil Components

Large Organisms (Macro-organisms)

- Some large organisms found in the soil are earthworms, termites, ants, millipedes,
centipedes, mice, beetles, snails, slugs and crickets.
- These soil organisms make tunnels as they borrow into the soil. By doing this they loosen the
soil and improve soil drainage as water moves through these tunnels. The tunnels also
improve aeration which is good for root growth.
- The large organisms eat up plant materials helping in decomposition. They produce their
waste which adds nutrients in the soil.
- They also die, decompose and increase soil fertility.
Lesson 5: Soil Components


Section A: Highlight the correct answer

Section B: Write true or False after the statement.
Section C: Answer the questions in the spaces provided.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________




2. ___________________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________________




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