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Digital Communication (ECL 1501)

Assignment I

1. What is Sampling Theorem? What are the different types of Sampling technique?
[2 +4]
2. Describe digital communication system with block diagram? [4]

3. What are the advantages of digital communication system over analog

communication system? [3]

4. Give examples of three channels, which are used for purpose of communication?
5. Mention two reasons why a signal should be sampled for transmission through
digital communication system? [2]

6. Mention three benefits of representing a real narrowband signal by its equivalent

complex baseband form? [3]

7. What is quantization? Give an example. [2]

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of PCM System? [2]

9. What are the disadvantages of Delta Modulation? [2]

10. Find the signal-to-quantization noise ratio for linear quantization when input of
PCM system is a sinusoidal signal. [4]

11. Describe the block diagram of transmitter and receiver section of the DM (Delta
Modulation) system. [5]

12. Consider a sinusoidal signal given by S(t)=3cos(100πt)

Find the signal-to-quantization noise ratio when the signal is quantized using 10-
bit PCM. Also, find the minimum number of bits needed to achieve a signal-to-
noise ratio of at least 40 dB. [5]

13. Compare PCM, DPCM, DM, and ADM systems. [4]

14. With the help of neat block diagrams, explain the transmitter and receiver of PCM
system. [5]

15. Bandwidth of the input PCM is restricted to 3 KHz. The input varies from -4.8 to
+4.8 V and has the average power of 40 mW, the required signal-to-quantization
noise power ratio is 30 dB. The modulator produces binary output. Assume
uniform quantization. Calculate the number of bits required per sample. [3]

16. A PCM system uses a uniform quantizer followed by an 8-bit binary encoder. The
bit rate of the system is equal to 30×106 bits/second. What is the maximum
message signal bandwidth for which the system operates satisfactorily? And
calculate the o/p signal to quantization noise ratio when a full load sinusoidal
modulating wave 1 MHz frequency is applied to the input. [4]

17. With the help of neat block diagrams, explain the transmitter and receiver of
DPCM system. [5]

18. Explain the transmitter and receiver block diagram of ADM system. [5]

19. An analog signal having 4 KHz bandwidth is sampled at 1.25 times the Nyquist
rate and each sample is quantized into one of 256 equally likely levels. Assume
that the successive samples are statistically independent. What is the information
rate of this source? Can the output of this source be transmitted without error
over an AWGN channel with a bandwidth of 10 KHz and an SNR ratio of 20 dB?
20. What is Companding? Define A-Law and µ-Law compressors. [2+2+2]

21. Define: Slope overload Distortion and Granular Noise [2+2]

22. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of TDM system? [3]

23. With the help of neat block diagrams, explain working principle of TDM system.
24. With the help of neat block diagrams, explain working principle of FDM system.
25. Distinguished between the basic multiplexing techniques? [2]

26. In what situation multiplexing is used? [2]

27. Why sync pulse is required in TDM system? [2]

28. Why guard bands are used in FDM system? [2]

29. Twenty-Four voice signals are sampled uniformly and then time division
multiplexed. The sampling operation uses flat top samples with 1 µS duration.
The multiplexing operation includes provision for synchronization by adding an
extra pulse of appropriate amplitude and 1 µS duration. The highest frequency
component of each voice signal is 3.4 KHz: (i) Assume a sampling rate of 8 KHz,
calculate the spacing between successive pulses of the multiplexed signal. (ii)
Repeat (i) assuming the use of Nyquist rate sampling. [5]
30. Write down multiplexing hierarchy for the following digital communication
System: (a) AT & T, (b) CCIT. [3+3]

31. Write down the transmission bandwidth and signaling rate of a PAM/TDM
system. [2]

32. Sketch the Split phase Manchester waveform and Alternate mark inversion (AMI)
for the sequence 1101010010. [3]

33. Derive the Probability of Error for Matched Filter. [5]

34. Prove that the output signal of a Matched filter is proportional to a shifted version
of the autocorrelation function of the input signal to which the filter is matched.
35. Mention possible causes of Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) in a digital
communication receiver. [3]

36. Sketch the frequency response characteristics of an ideal Nyquist low pass filter.

37. What are the practical difficulties in implementing an ideal Nyquist low pass

38. What are the different types of line coding? What are the properties of a line code?
39. Derive the Probability of Error for Optimum Filter. [5]

40. Show that the matched filter and correlator are two distinct, independent
techniques which yield same result. [5]

41. Sketch the Polar RZ, Unipolar NRZ, Polar NRZ for the sequence 1101010010.
42. What is Raised Cosine Spectrum? [2]

43. Mention the Nyquist criteria for distortion less Baseband transmission. [2]

44. Explain the geometric representation of signals [5]

45. A QPSK modulator transmits one of the following four signals during each time
slot of T sec. Xi (t)=√(2Ps ) Cos[ω0 t+(2i-1)π/4] ; i= 1, 2, 3,4 ; where 2ω0 T=nπ (n
is an integer)
(a) Draw signal space diagram using orthonormal coordinates.
(b) Determine maximum distance between any two signals. [5]
46. (i) Draw the signal constellation for a binary phase shift keyed signal set if the two
signals are: X1 (t)=√((2Eb)/T) Cos[ωct-π/4] 0≤t≤T
X2 (t)=√((2Eb)/T) Cos[ωct+π/4] 0≤t≤T [5]

47. Write down the importance of the of Orthogonality in Digital Communications.


48. What is Schwarz Inequality Theorem? [2]

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