The Neurophysiology of Sleep in Parkinson's Disease

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The Neurophysiology of Sleep in Parkinson’s Disease

Hengameh Zahed, MD, PhD,1* Jose Rafael Pantoja Zuzuarregui, MD,1 Ro’ee Gilron, PhD,2 Timothy Denison, PhD,3
Philip A. Starr, MD, PhD,2 and Simon Little, MBBS, MRCP, PhD1

Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA
Institute of Biomedical Engineering and MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

A B S T R A C T : Sleep disturbances are among the most in PD with a particular focus on dissecting reported
common nonmotor complications of Parkinson’s disease electrophysiological changes. These studies show that
(PD), can present in prodromal stages, and progress with slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep are both
advancing disease. In addition to being a symptom of neu- notably disrupted in PD. We further explore the impact of
rodegeneration, sleep disturbances may also contribute to these electrophysiological changes and discuss the poten-
disease progression. Currently, limited options exist to tial for targeting sleep via stimulation therapy to modify
modulate sleep disturbances in PD. Studying the neuro- PD-related motor and nonmotor symptoms. © 2021
physiological changes that affect sleep in PD at the cortical International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
and subcortical level may yield new insights into mecha-
nisms for reversal of sleep disruption. In this article, we Key Words: sleep; electrophysiology; Parkinson’s
review cortical and subcortical recording studies of sleep disease; deep brain stimulation

Sleep is a fundamental biological process driven by particular appreciation of the strong association
distinct electrophysiological rhythms within the brain.1 between PD and sleep disorders has emerged.9-11
It has been found to be vital to health and severely A wide spectrum of sleep disorders have been impli-
disrupted in neurodegenerative disorders such as cated in PD, encompassing disorders of sleep–wake
Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease (PD).2,3 transition as well as parasomnias involving abnormal
From the first essay by James Parkinson on “the shak- movements during various phases of sleep.11-15 The
ing palsy,” PD has foremost been considered a move- most common PD-associated disturbances in sleep–
ment disorder.4 However, the last 2 decades have wake transitioning include increased sleep latency, fre-
brought an explosion in our understanding of the myr- quent awakenings, and sleep fragmentation, resulting in
iad nonmotor manifestations of PD.5-8 More recently, a wakefulness after sleep onset (WASO) and reduced
total sleep time.6,16-25 The parasomnias associated with
PD have also gained much attention and include rapid
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -to:- - Dr.
- - - Hengameh
- - - - - - - - - Zahed,
- - - - - - MD,
- - - -PhD
- - - -505
- - - Parnassus
---------- eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD), periodic
Ave., Box 0114, M-798, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA; E-mail: limb movements in sleep (PLMS), and restless legs syn-
drome.12-14 Sleep disorders such as RBD can even be
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: Drs. Zahed, the first prodromal symptom of PD prior to the emer-
Zuzuarregui, and Little have no financial disclosures or conflicts of inter-
est. Dr. Gilron consults for Rune Labs and is funded by NIH grant gence of formal motor symptoms.10,26,27 Altogether,
UH3NS100544 (PI: Starr). Dr. Denison is a technical consultant for Syn- sleep disorders were the second most prevalent non-
chron, Cortec Neuro and has received speaker fees from Medtronic
Inc. and stock in Medtronic and Bioinduction (<1%). Dr. Starr has
motor complaint among a large cohort of PD patients,
research support from Boston Scientific Inc. and Medtronic Inc. affecting about 64% of patients (PRIAMO study).6
Funding agencies: Funding was provided by the Defence Advanced Sleep dysfunction in PD also represents a significant
Research Project Agency (DARPA) - grant number HR001118S0041. strain on caregivers and can predict earlier transfer to
Received: 7 December 2020; Revised: 2 February 2021; Accepted: 16 nursing homes.28-30 Sleep disorders therefore impact
February 2021 the majority of patients with PD and produce trouble-
Published online in Wiley Online Library some symptoms for which currently limited treatment
( DOI: 10.1002/mds.28562 options exist.31-33

Movement Disorders, 2021 1


A better understanding of the ways in which the elec- patients,19,25,42 fewer studies have specifically evaluated
trophysiological rhythm of sleep is disrupted in PD may this sleep stage.
lead to new avenues for treating this significant and dis-
abling symptom. With this goal in mind, in this review N2
we provide a general synthesis of the current knowledge
Studies in PD have shown mixed results regarding the
of sleep pathophysiology in PD with a particular focus
total amount and percentage of N2,19,22,41,42,45,46
on electrophysiology. We explore the impact of these
although a recent meta-analysis suggests that the per-
electrophysiological changes and discuss the potential
centage of N2 is modestly reduced in patients with PD.25
for targeting sleep via stimulation therapy to modify
More notably, however, N2 sleep seems electrophysio-
PD-related motor and nonmotor symptoms.
logically altered in PD patients. Among the most distinc-
tive electrophysiological features of NREM sleep are K-
Overview of Normal Sleep complexes and sleep spindles, which are found in N2
sleep.36,62,63 Many studies investigating changes in
Physiology NREM in PD have focused on these distinctive features.
Sleep is broadly classified into alternating stages of In one of the earliest studies on sleep dysfunction in PD,
rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM (NREM) Comella et al found a qualitative reduction in K-complex
based on electroencephalogram (EEG), electrooculo- and spindle formation as well as reduced amplitude of
gram, and electromyogram (EMG) recordings during the delta waveform in 10 PD patients on dopaminergic
polysomnography (PSG).34 NREM sleep is notable for medications.40 Other studies have also found quantita-
slow rolling or no eye movements, parasympathetic tive reductions in K-complexes39 and reduced spindle
dominance, and rarity of dreams.35,36 EEG in NREM is amplitude and density in treated PD patients.50,52,55
dominated by larger-amplitude lower-frequency delta Spindle density appears even further reduced in PD
(0–4 Hz) and theta (4–7 Hz) activity.34,36 NREM is fur- patients with dementia55,57 and also appears reduced in
ther divided into 3 stages (N1–N3).34 N1 is the lightest patients with prodromal RBD.51 Although 1 study found
sleep stage and defined by the loss of more than 50% of no differences in the quantity or density of K-complexes
the posterior dominant alpha (8–12 Hz) rhythm that is or sleep spindles in a group of 12 treated PD patients
typical in a healthy awake state. N2 is characterized by compared with controls, the patients in this study had
the emergence of sleep spindles (brief transient oscilla- on average shorter disease duration, lower UPDRS
tions in the 12- to 14-Hz range, sometimes referred to as scores, and lower daily doses of levodopa.44 Two addi-
the “sigma” band) and K-complexes (sharp high-voltage tional studies did not directly investigate sleep spindles,
biphasic waves lasting more than 0.5 seconds). N3, also but rather used sigma band power after spectral analysis
referred to as slow-wave sleep (SWS), is the deepest stage in NREM as proxy.42,54 In these studies medication-
of sleep and is characterized by the dominance of slow naive early-stage PD patients exhibited increased sigma
delta waves (0.5–2 Hz), comprising at least 20% of any power in NREM compared with healthy controls and
given sleep epoch.34,36,37 REM sleep, on the other hand, initiation of dopaminergic medications normalized this
is associated with vivid dreaming and is characterized by change back to the level in controls.42,54 Caution should
a low-amplitude mixed-frequency desynchronized EEG be exercised in using sigma power to infer sleep spindles,
(similar to wakefulness), rapid eye movements, and typi- as this may overestimate sleep spindle frequency through
cally low muscle tone on chin EMG.34,36,38 inclusion of prefrontal sustained electrocorticographic
(ECoG) activity with sleep spindle estimates.64 Nonethe-
less, the contrast with previously mentioned studies
Cortical Electrophysiological showing reduced spindles in treated later-stage PD
Changes in PD During Sleep — EEG patients suggests that changes in sleep spindles and K-
complexes in PD may be dynamic, dependent on disease
Numerous PSG-based case–control studies examining stage, and modulated by dopaminergic medications.
sleep in PD have demonstrated distinct changes in each
of the different sleep stages.16,17,19,20,22-24,39-61 N3
The total amount and percentage of N3 sleep and its
NREM Sleep stability in PD have also been shown to be reduced in
Numerous studies in patients with PD have demon- individual and meta-analysis studies.20,25,50 However, not
strated alterations in the total amount of NREM and all individual studies have found a statistically significant
its electrophysiological markers and spectral proper- change, possibly because of smaller sample sizes limiting
ties.17,23,25,39,40,42,44,50-52,54,55,61 These changes seem to statistical power or other variabilities in patient demo-
be especially notable in stages N2 and N3. Although graphics.19,41,42,45,48,55 Furthermore, the reduction in N3
N1 overall appears to be slightly increased in PD appears to be progressive with disease duration.17,22

2 Movement Disorders, 2021

N E U R O P H Y S I O L O G Y O F S L E E P I N P A R K I N S O N ’ S

As expected from the decrease in the percentage of The polysomnographic features of RBD include
N3, slow-wave activity (SWA), which is defined as the increased electromyographic tone with or without overt
spectral power in the range of 0.75–4.5 Hz65 and is dream enactment behavior during REM sleep.74 The
most pronounced in N3, is also reduced in patients frequency of RBD has been estimated at about 33%–
with PD.23,25,42,55 Amato et al evaluated 36 patients 60% in PD.73 Reduction in muscle atonia during REM
with PD at various disease stages and found decreased sleep appears to be a characteristic finding in early PD
SWA in patients with PD compared with 12 age- (<3 years’ disease duration), even in patients with no
matched controls (Fig. 1A).23 This was especially nota- personal account of symptoms to suggest RBD.48 Fur-
ble in early-night sleep, which has a higher N3 and thermore, numerous studies show that RBD is a pro-
SWA content compared with later sleep. Moreover, dromal symptom in PD.76-81
SWA was further reduced in patients with more However, PD-associated REM alterations extend
advanced disease compared with patients with early- beyond the behavioral disruption in RBD and loss of
stage disease, again highlighting the progressive decline muscle atonia. Several studies have found that total
in deep sleep in PD. Another study in 9 previously REM time, percentage of sleep spent in REM, and
medication-naive early-stage PD patients also found REM density are decreased in PD.16,17,19,20,25,43,45,58,60
decreased power in the low-delta band (0.78–1.2 Hz) in As in NREM, the reduction in REM may progress with
NREM of PD patients compared with 10 age-matched disease duration.17 REM sleep also appears electro-
controls.42 Although they did not distinguish between physiologically disturbed in PD. Several studies have
N2 or N3 in their analysis, the low-delta power is likely found an increase in the high-theta/alpha power in
more reflective of the slow waves typical of N3. Last, a REM in medication-naive patients with early PD versus
study by Latreille et al also showed reduced amplitude controls.41,54,82 On the other hand, no between-group
of the slow waves themselves (waves in the range of differences in EEG power for any frequency bands were
0.1–4 Hz) in PD patients compared with controls, found during REM in PD patients on their usual dopa-
although the percentage of N3 or density of slow waves minergic medications compared with controls.83 This
did not differ between groups in this study.55 Taken discrepancy raises the possibility that dopaminergic
together, these studies demonstrate that N3 is also sig- medications dampen electrophysiological changes in
nificantly disrupted in PD with SWA reducing as PD REM in PD, although this needs to be further evalu-
progresses. Interestingly, the amount and stability of ated. Comorbidities such as dementia and depression
N3 may distinguish PD patients from controls.50 that can accompany PD may also alter the spectral
properties of REM sleep. For example, PD patients
who later developed dementia showed higher absolute
REM Sleep delta and theta power and a higher slowing ratio
The association between REM sleep behavior disor- (defined as the ratio of the power of ([delta + theta]/
der (RBD) and synucleinopathies such as PD is well rec- [alpha + beta]) in REM at baseline compared with con-
ognized.66-76 RBD is a parasomnia manifested by trols and PD patients who did not go on to develop
simple or complex motor behavior during REM sleep. dementia.57 PD patients with depression also showed

FIG 1. Slow-wave activity is reduced in PD patients and correlates with disease progression. (A) reduced slow wave activity (SWA) in NREM of PD
patients compared with controls. SWA is reduced in early PD and more so in advanced disease, especially in early night (dark blue line) compared with
late night (light blue line). CTL, control; DNV, de novo; ADV, advanced (adapted from Amato et al, 2018). (B) Plot of axial UPDRS III scores slow-wave
energy (SWE; defined as accumulated power in the SWA band). Higher SWE predicts slower progression of axial motor symptoms. Red lines, 95%
confidence interval (adapted from Schreiner et al, 2019). [Color figure can be viewed at]

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increased delta in REM compared with nondepressed provided a window through which PD-associated sleep
patients.61 However, caution should be exercised in changes can be studied in subcortical structures.
attributing the observed sleep changes to the presence Although for these invasive subcortical recordings nor-
of these comorbidities versus another confounding mal controls are absent, within and across subject com-
modifier. For example, patients who later developed parisons plus animal models provide a context for
dementia were also older, had more advanced disease, interpretation.
and were on higher levodopa-equivalent doses.

Summary of PSG-Based Studies NREM Sleep

Taken together, the above studies provide objective evi- The earliest intracranial sleep recordings in patients
dence that sleep is electrophysiologically and behaviorally with PD used multiunit activity (MUA) and micro-
disrupted in PD with relative loss of critical N2, N3, and recordings of single units.89,90 Analysis of the MUA
REM stages. It is important to acknowledge that certain mean firing frequency from electrodes implanted in
caveats limit the broad applicability of these case–control basal ganglia nuclei (caudate and globus pallidus) of
studies. Many studies have been based on a single-night PD patients showed that slow subcortical oscillations
PSG and limited by small sample sizes, low power, and are increased during deep sleep relative to wakefulness
high heterogeneity (Tables 1 and 2). Sex, age, disease and REM sleep. This demonstrates that neurons in the
duration, presence of RBD, medication status, cognitive basal ganglia undergo slow oscillations similar to that
impairment, and presence or absence of an adaptation detected via EEG from the cortex during NREM.
night (a night of adjustment with the sleep recording set- Microrecordings of single units in PD patients undergo-
tings) contribute to heterogeneity between studies.25 Fur- ing bilateral subthalamic nucleus (STN) implantation
thermore, the presence of comorbidities and non-PD after a prolonged period of dopaminergic therapy
medications, which could serve as cofounders, are not washout similarly showed that sleep modulates the fir-
described in many studies. For example, some studies ing pattern of STN neurons.90 Specifically, the mean
suggest that nocturnal motor symptoms (rigidity, spiking frequency in these neurons decreased during
reemergence of tremor in light sleep, PLMS),84 pain,59 sleep, as they adopted a more irregular and burst-like
nocturia,85 and hallucinations40,86,87 can contribute to pattern of firing.90 This burst-like pattern has also been
sleep changes, although such symptoms are not always seen subcortically in normal rats91 and vervet mon-
systematically evaluated. Finally, the majority of these keys92 during SWS, correlating with slow oscillations.
studies describe group-level differences, which limits These results implicate deep basal ganglia structures in
inferences on whether the identified spectral changes the physiology of sleep and suggest that many of the
index disease progression or represent dynamic within- canonical oscillatory findings seen with PSG are para-
subject biomarkers. Despite these caveats, 2 meta- lleled subcortically.
analyses of PSG-based studies in PD patients have con- Later studies have mostly used local field potential
firmed the reductions in total sleep time (TST) and per- (LFP) recordings to investigate electrophysiological
centages of N2, N3, and REM sleep and increases in changes during sleep. The LFP is the summation of
percentage of time spent in lighter sleep (N1) and REM synchronous activity in a population of neurons and
latency.25,88 The time spent in N3 and the ability to can be detected from macroelectrodes on clinical DBS
maintain NREM and REM sleep may be potential bio- leads.93 Thompson et al recently recorded from 10 PD
markers of PD.50 Furthermore, reductions in N3 and patients undergoing unilateral STN-DBS implantation
REM appear progressive with disease duration.17 with concurrent PSG for 1 night in the “off” dopami-
nergic state.94 Frequency domain spectral analysis of
the LFP recordings in these patients showed conserved
Subcortical Electrophysiological spectral patterns among the canonical frequency bands
Recording in PD During Sleep of sleep, similar to cortical recordings with EEG dur-
ing PSG. Specifically, overall subjects exhibited higher
Although our knowledge of sleep in PD has been delta and theta power during NREM compared with
mostly informed by PSG/EEG analysis as detailed wakefulness, whereas they exhibited higher beta and
above, PD more profoundly affects deep brain struc- gamma power in wakefulness relative to NREM.
tures including the basal ganglia. Therefore, studying However, they found significant across-subject vari-
the subcortical neurophysiological changes during ability in the relative power of subcortical frequency
sleep in PD, and their relation to the cortical changes bands between different sleep stages, suggesting indi-
observed will also be important and may yield vidual subcortical spectral fingerprints during sleep
additional insights. Fortunately, recent studies using per subject (Fig. 2B).
intracranial recordings from patients who have under- Multiple studies have previously established a strong
gone deep brain stimulation (DBS) implantation have relationship between excessive subcortical beta

4 Movement Disorders, 2021

N E U R O P H Y S I O L O G Y O F S L E E P I N P A R K I N S O N ’ S

TABLE 1. Summary of PSG-based studies during sleep in patients with PD

duration, Adaptation N2 – findings in PD compared
Study Sample Size Age, mean mean Medications night with control Parameters of interest

Brunner, 9 PD (DNV) 65.3  3.8 3.4  0.6 Med naive at Y Increased sigma/beta power. Sigma: 11.7–16.0 Hz
2002, 10 controls 61.2  2.2 N/A baseline DA meds resulted in decrease
Mov and post- in sigma/beta power back
Disord DA med to level of controls.
Christensen, 15 PD + RBD 62.4  5.2 N/R Usual meds N Reduced spindle density in Automated spindle
2014, Clin 15 PD − RBD 61.9  6.1 RBD and PD  RBD. detection + visual
Neurophys 15 iRBD 60.1  7.4 scoring per AASM
15 controls 58.3  9.5 Sleep spindles:
11–16 Hz, last
0.5–3 s, no
amplitude criteria
Christensen, 36 PD 65.4  6.4 3.6  4.5 Usual meds N Reduced stability in control/
2014, J 31 RBD 62.9  8.6 N/A PLM group compared with
Neurosci 25 PLMS 56.9  11.8 N/A iRBD/PD group.
Methods 23 controls 56.7  10.2 N/A
Christensen, 15 PD 62.7  5.8 6.7  4.5 Usual meds N Reduced sleep density Visual scoring per
2015, 15 controls 62.9  5.9 N/A AASM
Front Hum Sleep spindles:
Neurosci 11–16 Hz, last
0.5–3 s, no
amplitude criteria
Comella, 10 PD (ADV) 68  5 13  5 Usual meds Y Qualitative reduction in K- Visual scoring per R&K
1993, Ann complex and spindles. criteria
Neurol Reduced delta amplitude.
Emser, 12 PD 54.7  6.7 N/R Usual meds Y Reduced K-complex and Visual scoring per R&K
1988, J 12 controls 53.4  8.6 spindle density. criteria
Happe, 12 PD 64.8  6.4 6.3  4.5 Usual meds N No difference in quantity or Visual scoring per R&K
2004, J 10 controls 65.2  10.7 N/A density of K-complexes or criteria
Neurol sleep spindles.
Latreille, 68 PD without 63.0  8.5 4.1  3.1 Usual meds N Reduced sigma power in Sigma: 12–15 Hz
2016, dementia 70.2  7.6 5.7  4.5 parietal leads of PDD
Brain (PDnD) 64.8  10.9 N/A compared with PDnD
18 later developed patients and controls.
dementia (PDD)
44 controls
Latreille, 68 PD without 63.0  8.5 4.1  3.1 Usual meds N Reduced spindle density. Automated spindle
2015, dementia 70.2  7.6 5.7  4.5 PDD had even lower density, detection
Neurobiol (PDnD) 65.0  10.9 N/A amplitude, and frequency
Aging 18 later developed of sleep spindles.
dementia (PDD)
47 controls
Liu, 2019, 26 PD 67.0  8.6 5.2  4.4 Usual meds N Increased amplitude of frontal Delta: 0.5–4 Hz
Med Sci + depression 66.2  5.9 4.0  3.1 delta and theta in PD Theta: 4–8 Hz
Monit 12 PD − 67.0  0.8 N/A compared with controls,
depression irrespective of depression.
20 controls Higher frontal theta in PD with
depression compared with
PD without depression.
Margis, 8 PD (DNV) 64.9  6.1 3.0  2.7 Med naive Y Increased alpha and sigma Delta: 0.5–3.5 Hz
2015, Clin 9 controls 64.8  6.3 N/A activity and reduced delta Theta: 4–7.5 Hz
Neurophys power (left parietal), Alpha: 8–10 Hz
Sigma: 11–16 Hz
duration, Adaptation N3 — findings in PD Parameters of
Study Sample Size Age, mean mean Medications night compared with control interest

Amato, 2018, 9 DNV (med 52.6  3.13 2.30  0.6 Usual meds Y Decreased SWA in PD SWA: spectral
Ann Neurol naive) 61.6  3.56 7.05  1.5 early sleep delta power. power in range
13 ADV 61.4  2.84 9.98  1.7 DNV > ADV > DYS of 0.75–4.5 Hz


Movement Disorders, 2021 5


TABLE 1. Continued

duration, Adaptation N3 — findings in PD Parameters of
Study Sample Size Age, mean mean Medications night compared with control interest

14 DYS 56.1  2.98 N/A

12 controls
Brunner, 2002, 9 PD (DNV) 65.3  3.8 3.4  0.6 Med naive at Y Decreased low-delta power. Low delta:
Mov Disord 10 controls 61.2  2.2 N/A baseline DA meds further decreased 0.78–1.2 Hz
Reanalyzed post- the low-delta power.
DA med (42-
day mean)
Christensen, 36 PD 65.4  6.4 3.6  4.5 Usual meds N Lower amount and stability
2014, J 31 RBD 62.9  8.6 N/A of N3 in RBD and iPD vs
Neurosci 25 PLMS 56.9  11.8 N/A PLM and control.
Methods 23 controls 56.7  10.2 N/A
Latreille, 2015, 68 PD without 63.0  8.5 4.1  3.1 Usual meds N Reduced amplitude of slow Slow waves:
Neurobiol dementia 70.2  7.6 5.7  4.5 waves in PD irrespective >75 mV
Aging (PDnD) 65.0  10.9 N/A of dementia. and <4 Hz
18 later No difference in density of
developed slow waves.
47 controls
duration, Adaptation REM – findings in PD Parameters of
Study Sample Size Age, mean mean Medications night compared with control interest

Christensen, 2014, J 36 PD 65.4  6.4 3.6  4.5 Usual meds N Lower amount and stability
Neurosci Methods 31 RBD 62.9  8.6 N/A of REM in RBD and iPD
25 PLMS 56.9  11.8 N/A vs PLM and control.
23 controls 56.7  10.2 N/A
Gagnon, 2004, Neurology 7 PD + RBD 68.4  7.5 5.4  6.0 Usual meds N No between-group
8 PD-RBD 61.0  7.3 5.5  2.9 differences in EEG power
15 controls 65.5  6.3 N/A for any frequency band
during REM.
Latreille, 2016, Brain 68 PD — no 63.0  8.5 4.1  3.1 Usual meds N Higher absolute delta and Delta: 0.5–4 Hz
baseline 70.2  7.6 5.7  4.5 theta power and slowing Theta: 4–8 Hz
dementia 64.8  10.9 N/A ratio at baseline in PD Alpha: 8–13 Hz
18 later patients who later Beta: 13–32 Hz
developed developed dementia Slowing ratio:
dementia compared with other (delta + theta)/
(PDD) groups. (alpha + beta)
44 controls
Liu, 2019, Med Sci Monit 26 PD + depression 67.0  8.6
12 PD − depression 66.2  5.9
20 controls 67.0  0.8
5.2  4.4 Usual meds N Increased depressed nondepressed PD. Delta: 0.5–4 Hz
4.0  3.1 delta in PD
N/A compared
Margis, 2015, Clin 8 PD (DNV) 64.9  6.1 3.0  2.7 Med Naive Y Increased right frontal Alpha: 8–10 Hz
Neurophys 9 controls 64.8  6.3 N/A alpha, decreased relative Sigma: 11–16 Hz
beta power in the right Beta: 16.5–30 Hz
occipital region in PD.
Wetter, 2001, Mov Disord 17 PD (DNV) 65.9  2.9 3.4  0.6 Med naive Y Increased high-theta/alpha High-theta/alpha:
10 controls 64.5  2.2 N/A in PD. 7.8–10.5 Hz

oscillations and the “off” dopamine state in PD during was immediate after sleep onset and was so profound
wakefulness.95-100 Therefore, the earliest study using that only 3 of 10 patients showed an identifiable beta
LFP recordings during sleep in PD patients focused spe- peak in NREM sleep, whereas almost all patients had a
cifically on the STN beta signal.101 They found that STN well-defined peak in the beta band during wakefulness.
beta power is suppressed during NREM sleep compared It remains unknown how this finding compares with
with wakefulness. Notably, the beta reduction in NREM control subjects and whether the presence or absence of

6 Movement Disorders, 2021

N E U R O P H Y S I O L O G Y O F S L E E P I N P A R K I N S O N ’ S

an identifiable subcortical beta peak in NREM correlates segments of REM without atonia (but without observ-
with any sleep-related symptoms. However, studies in able movements) compared with REM with atonia
primate models suggest that increased STN beta power (Fig. 3B).100 However, the relationship between beta
in NREM sleep may be associated with insomnia sever- activity and tone in REM is likely not simple, as
ity.102 In a 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine another study showed that normal REM atonia is also
primate model, both a decrease in slow oscillatory activ- associated with increased subcortical beta activity.105
ity and an increase in beta oscillations in the basal gang- Interestingly, the increase in beta during REM atonia in
lia nuclei were seen during NREM sleep (Fig. 3A). the latter study was concurrent with the emergence of
Increased beta activity was associated with insomnia subcortical biphasic sharp field potentials that resem-
severity, and beta power was found to increase before bled pontogeniculo-occipital (PGO) waves (seen in cats
spontaneous awakenings. It is important to note that the during sleep) and preceded onset of muscular atonia.
PSG/EEG studies in human subjects have so far not Therefore, it is possible that an interaction between
detected a global increase in beta power in NREM in PD subcortical beta oscillations and PGO-like waves deter-
patients compared with controls. This difference could mines expression of muscular activity during REM. It
be related to mechanistic differences between 1-methyl- would be of great interest for future studies to more
4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) model and directly investigate whether beta power in REM is asso-
idiopathic PD.103 Specifically, MPTP causes highly selec- ciated with loss of REM atonia and RBD in patients
tive neurotoxicity for dopaminergic neurons, whereas in with PD.
PD neurodegeneration is much more diffuse and involves
many different nuclei including those critical to sleep reg-
ulation.104 In addition, MPTP produces an acute fulmi- Summary of Subcortical Studies
nant presentation compared with PD, which does not Altogether, these studies of intracranial recordings in
account for the chronicity and slower development of PD patients show that STN activity is modulated by
symptoms in PD. Nonetheless, it would be of great inter- sleep and that spectral patterns in STN activity corre-
est to see whether an association between increased late with sleep stages. Given the conservation of the
NREM subcortical beta power and awakening or other spectral patterns from STN-LFP recordings, several
sleep-related symptoms can also be seen in patients studies have shown that it is possible to accurately clas-
with PD. sify sleep stages from subcortical LFP recordings alone
using various automated machine-learning methods
with high sensitivity and specificity (Fig. 2).94,106,107
REM Sleep The subcortical studies also raise intriguing hypotheses
REM sleep also appears to modulate basal ganglia regarding the role of NREM and REM beta power in
beta oscillations. Urrestarazu et al showed that during PD-associated sleep dysfunction that require further
REM sleep high-beta activity (20–30 Hz) in STN is investigation.
slightly higher than during wakefulness and clearly Some important caveats and limitations apply to
higher than during NREM, but the low-beta range these studies. These studies so far have focused investi-
activity (13–20 Hz) was lower than in wakefulness.101 gation on sleep physiology in the STN and subcortical
In addition, REM sleep in 4 of 5 patients showed a involvement in sleep in other basal ganglia nuclei such
peak in the frequency range between the alpha and beta as the GPi and the thalamus remains largely unknown.
bands (10–15 Hz) that was not observed in wakefulness Similar to the PSG studies, the intracranial studies so
or NREM. far have also been based on a single night of sleep and
More recent subcortical recordings have shown that understandably limited by small sample sizes and het-
STN-beta power in REM sleep is generally between erogeneity in the patient population. Furthermore, most
NREM and wakefulness, although with significant vari- intracranial studies have been performed in the immedi-
ability both within and among subjects.94 Some of this ate postoperative period, leaving open the possibility
variability may be attributable to wearing off of dopa- that periprocedural parameters (such as use of anes-
minergic medications during the later part of the night, thetics and microlesional effects associated with sur-
which suppresses subcortical beta.95,96 Supporting this, gery) could affect the findings, although 1 study
within each subject, beta power increased between the completed a month after surgery showed consistent
first and fourth quarters of the night across all sleep results.107 Newer-generation DBS devices that allow
stages. However, there may also be other explanations chronic (multinight) sensing in addition to stimulation,
for the variability as there appears to be a possible link however, open up exciting opportunities.108,109 Con-
between beta oscillations and another cardinal feature current cortical and subcortical LFP recordings from
of sleep dysfunction in PD — loss of atonia during such devices will facilitate investigation of chronic neu-
REM. In the study by Urrestarazu et al the subcortical rophysiological changes outside the perioperative win-
beta peak during REM was more pronounced during dow and can provide information about subcortical

Movement Disorders, 2021 7


TABLE 2. Summary of subcortical recording studies during sleep in patients with PD


Sample duration, Sites of Type of Timing of Parameters of
Study Size Age, mean mean recording recording recording Medications Major findings interest

Movement Disorders, 2021

Chen, 2019, IEEE 12 PD 54.8  8.2 10.1  4.0 Bilateral LFP 1 month post-DBS >8 hours off short- STN LFP recordings can be used to Sleep staging per
STN implantation acting DA meds accurately stage sleep. AASM criteria.
>24 hours off long- Power of delta, theta, and alpha Delta: 1–4 Hz
acting DA meds bands increase in NREM and Theta: 4–8 Hz
decrease in wakefulness and REM. Alpha: 8–13 Hz
Beta and gamma power decrease in Beta: 13–35 Hz
NREM and increase in REM. Gamma band:
Alpha, beta, and gamma bands 35–50 Hz
contribute the most to
Christensen, 2019, J 9 PD 60.1  9.5 10.6  4.6 Unilateral LFP NR NR STN LFP recordings can be used to Delta: 0–3 Hz
Sleep Res STN accurately stage sleep. Theta: 3–7 Hz
Alpha: 7–13 Hz
Low beta:
13–20 Hz
High beta:
20–30 Hz
Low gamma:
30–90 Hz
Moiseeva, 1986, EEG 7 PD NR NR Caudate Multiunit NR NR Slow subcortical oscillations increase NR
Clin Neurophys 1 nucleus, activity during deep sleep relative to
epilepsy globus (MUA) wakefulness and REM sleep.
Stefani, 2006, Exp 9 PD NR NR Bilateral Single units NR >12 days off meds Mean spiking frequency in STN NR
Brain Res STN neurons is reduced in sleep as
they adopt a more irregular and
burst-like pattern of firing.
Thompson, 2018, 10 PD 58.4  10.5 N/R Unilateral LFP 3 weeks post-DBS 7.5 hours off meds Delta activity in NREM > awake state. Delta: 0–3 Hz
JNNP STN implantation Beta activity in NREM < awake and Theta: 3–7 Hz
REM. Alpha: 7–13 Hz
LFP recordings from STN differentiate Beta: 13–30 Hz
between sleep stages. Gamma: 30–90 Hz
Urrestarazu, 2009, 10 PD 62.2  5 11.4  6.3 Bilateral LFP 2–4 days post- “Off” state Beta activity in STN LFP of NREM < Sleep staging per
Mov Disord STN DBS wakefulness or REM. R&K criteria.
implantation Beta activity during REM without Beta: 15–30 Hz
atonia (but without observable
movements) > REM with atonia.
N E U R O P H Y S I O L O G Y O F S L E E P I N P A R K I N S O N ’ S

FIG 2. STN-LFP signals index sleep stages in classical power bands. (A) Representative spectrogram of the LFP recording acquired over the course of
1 full night’s sleep from deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrode implanted into the subthalamic nucleus (STN). A PSG-informed hypnogram (red line)
assessed by a sleep expert is aligned with the LFP recordings. AWM, awake with movement; AWOM, awake without movement; REM, rapid eye move-
ment; N1–N3, nonrapid eye movement stages 1–3 (adapted from Christensen et al, 2018). (B) Plots comparing the relative frequency contribution of
each spectral band with different sleep stages show shared sleep-stage dependent spectral patterns across subjects, although with some notable
across-subject variability. Each individual plot highlights the distribution of the power of a given frequency band to different stages of sleep for 10 differ-
ent subjects (adapted from Thompson et al, 2018). [Color figure can be viewed at]

changes and their relationship to cortical changes that neurodegenerative diseases more broadly.2,3 This link
would not be possible from classical PSG studies. was first investigated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD),
where studies have established a strong bidirectional
relationship between sleep disruption and increased
Impact of Sleep Disturbances on amyloid-β deposition.110-115 There is now emerging evi-
Parkinson’s Disease dence that sleep dysfunction may also be a risk factor
Pathophysiology for PD progression.10,116 Sleep appears to serve a cellu-
lar and metabolic restorative function by regulating
Although the electrophysiological classification of waste clearance and maintaining metabolic homeostasis
sleep has been well established, the function of sleep through effects on the glymphatic system.117 Early
and its cellular and electrophysiological hallmarks is work suggests that the efficacy of glymphatic fluid
still being determined. Emerging evidence suggests that transport correlates with the prevalence of slow-wave
sleep plays a critical role in the pathophysiology of activity during sleep and that flow stops with the onset

Movement Disorders, 2021 9


FIG 3. Alterations in subcortical beta signal during NREM and REM sleep in PD. (A) Parkinsonism in an MPTP-induced primate model is associated with
an increase in beta oscillations in the basal ganglia nuclei during NREM. GPe, globus pallidus externa; GPi, globus pallidus interna; STN, subthalamic
nucleus; FP, field potential (adapted from Mizrahi et al, 2020). (B) Spectral analysis of STN-LFP in PD patients shows a notable beta-band peak during
REM, which is further accentuated in REM without atonia (adapted from Urrestarazu et al, 2008). [Color figure can be viewed at]

of wakefulness.118 As such, a decrease in NREM and benefit,” although a direct link between this sleep bene-
SWS in particular, as shown to occur in PD, may also fit and function of the glymphatic system in PD is
result in reduced clearance of brain waste including unproven.123,124 However, a bidirectional relationship
alpha-synuclein aggregates. It is important to note that between sleep disturbances and disease progression is
because inclusions of aggregated α-synuclein in PD are also suggested by studies showing that the overall
predominantly intracellular,119 the relative impact of amount of SWS is inversely related to motor progres-
the clearance of abnormal proteins by the glymphatic sion in PD (Fig. 1B) and that poor sleep quality can be
system during sleep in PD remains unclear.120 Nonethe- predictive of more rapid gait deterioration.125,126 Fur-
less, α-synuclein similar to amyloid-β, has been found ther work is needed to establish a causal relationship
present in the brain extracellular fluid and cerebrospi- between sleep disturbances in PD and disease progres-
nal fluid at higher concentrations during wakefulness sion, but these early studies are notable.
than during sleep121 and higher even after sleep disrup- A further proposed function of sleep is the regulation
tion.122 This suggests that the sleep deficits observed in of neural activity to achieve synaptic homeostasis and
PD in the short term may exacerbate symptoms and in optimal plasticity as well as memory consolida-
the long term accelerate pathology and contribute to tion.127-131 More specifically, the synaptic homeostasis
disease progression, as shown in AD.113 Supporting hypothesis suggests that sleep reestablishes neuronal
this, motor improvement after sleep has been noted in synaptic homeostasis after plastic changes made during
some patients with PD and referred to as “sleep the awake state, thereby playing an active role in

10 Movement Disorders, 2021

N E U R O P H Y S I O L O G Y O F S L E E P I N P A R K I N S O N ’ S

consolidation of memory.127,129,132-135 Studies using postsleep word recall in patients with amnestic-pattern
visual, auditory, and motor learning tasks have shown mild cognitive impairment (MCI).170 Others have used
improved learning after a night of sleep and an increase transcranial electrical stimulation to induce slow-
in SWS correlating with a postsleep performance oscillating field potentials during early NREM sleep
enhancement in healthy adults.136-144 These studies sug- and have also observed improved performance on vari-
gest that the increased sleep fragmentation and ous memory tasks (such as declarative or motor mem-
decreased SWS and REM observed in PD could result ory) in healthy subjects,171-173 older adults,174 and
in worsened cognition and memory consolidation, patients with MCI.175 These studies, although in the
which may in turn impact next-day cognitive perfor- early stage, suggest noninvasive brain stimulation can
mance. Supporting this, one measure of working mem- alter sleep and impact memory.165 To date, only a few
ory improved following a sleep interval in PD patients studies have delivered daytime noninvasive transcranial
on dopaminergic medication and the degree of stimulation in patients with PD and measured the
improvement positively correlated with the amount of impact on sleep.176-180 Despite varied methodologies
SWS.145 Other studies have shown that sleep changes and stimulation sites, these studies have shown some
in PD, and in particular the presence of RBD and the modest improvements in sleep latency and fragmenta-
number of state changes during sleep, are associated tion, nocturnal awakenings, and subjective fatigue.
with and can be predictive of future development of Whether such approaches could have greater efficacy
cognitive decline and dementia.26,146-148 These findings by directly targeting specific sleep stages overnight in
suggest that overnight changes in sleep architecture in PD remains unknown.
PD may accelerate PD-associated cognitive decline
through worsening consolidation of memory and poor
maintenance of protein clearance, synaptic homeostasis, Effect of Conventional DBS on Sleep
and plasticity. DBS is an established and highly effective treatment
that has been utilized for more than 30 years to treat
motor symptoms of PD.181-183 Although DBS is cur-
Can Sleep Disturbances Seen in PD rently predominantly used to treat motor symptoms,
Be Reversed? other PD-related nonmotor symptoms including sleep
may also benefit from DBS.152,153,184 Some studies have
The mechanisms responsible for sleep-related changes shown improvement in various sleep-related metrics in
in PD are likely multifactorial and include impact of PD after DBS implantation, although effects may vary
PD-related symptoms, medications, and direct effects of with site and frequency of stimulation. Globally,
the disease on sleep neurophysiology via effects on improvements in TST and sleep efficiency, reductions in
structures that regulate sleep.11,12 Although determin- WASO, and subjective improvements in sleep quality
ing the relative significance of each has been challeng- and insomnia have been noted after DBS.185-198 Several
ing, there has been a recent appreciation that basal studies have also found specific increases in total REM
ganglia nuclei play an integral role in sleep–wake cycle sleep,199-201 whereas 1 study also found improvement
regulation and that PD-induced dysfunction in these in time spent in SWS but not REM.195 These improve-
subcortical structures may directly alter sleep.149-153 ments after DBS seem enduring, as the largest long-term
Regardless of the exact cause, numerous interventions follow-up study showed sustained improvements in
have been tried in subjects both with and without PD subjective sleep quality 3 years after bilateral STN DBS
to rebalance sleep activity, in particular to enhance implantations in patients with PD.202 Although encour-
SWS. These include medications (including dopaminer- aging, the mechanisms by which DBS may improve
gic agents),154-157 exercise,158 as well as various inva- sleep in PD is not clear. It is possible that DBS acts
sive and noninvasive brain stimulation modalities. through improving motor symptoms, although some
studies suggest that stimulation at specific nuclei may
Effects of Noninvasive Stimulation on Sleep directly alter sleep physiology.194
Various modes of noninvasive stimulation have been These studies so far have used conventional DBS,
used in the last decade to modulate aspects of sleep which delivers stimulation continuously irrespective of
such as SWS and have shown effects on subsequent a patient’s clinical or neural state. Although this
memory function.159-162 For example, employing approach has been reasonably effective for motor
acoustic stimulation phase-locked to the upslope of symptom management, a number of studies during
endogenous sleep slow waves to increase SWS,163,164 wakefulness have shown that delivering stimulation
several groups have shown performance improvement according to neural biomarkers of clinical state (adap-
in declarative memory tasks such as word-pair reten- tive DBS) during the day can further improve motor
tion in healthy subjects.165-169 This technique has also symptoms and reduce side effects.203-207 With the
shown promise in a clinical population, increasing recent emergence of sensing-enabled DBS devices, it will

Movement Disorders, 2021 11


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Author Roles
Dr. Zahed and Dr. Little jointly wrote the first draft of the article and reviewed and revised the article. Dr. Zahed
prepared the article for submission. Drs. Zuzuarregui, Gilron, Denison, and Starr reviewed and critiqued the article
and offered additional insights.

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