Essay 3

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Write an essay of at least 300 words on the following topic:

Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile
phones for communication has a negative effect on young people’s
reading and writing skills.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Name: Phạm Nguyễn Tuyết Hạnh

In this contemporary, given the technological development, access to computers

and smartphones is increasing considerably. Some people claim that the prevalence
of these gadgets has led to a negative impact on youngster’s reading and writing
skills. However, from my perspective, I firmly disagree with this notion. This
essay will argue why technology does not affect young people’s literacy
Some people have perceived that mobile phones and computers are convenient for
interaction resulting in overreliance. These days, phones or computers provide
word suggestions by typing one or two letters. Furthermore, people tend to use
short forms or slang in digital communication. Consequently, not only does
technology reduce youngsters’ vocabulary and grammar, but it also minimizes
their ability to memorize data.
Despite the minority of disadvantages, the idea that using phones or computers
reduces young people’s reading and writing skills is preposterous. Nowadays,
digital reading platforms provide access to a virtually unlimited array of books,
articles, blogs, and other written materials, which can enhance young people's
reading skills. There is a further point to consider is convenience and availability.
Digital reading materials can be accessed regardless of time or place. To cite an
illustration, when people need to read a newspaper, they can read it immediately
with a single device such as a phone or tablet.
Moreover, technology allows people to share their writing pieces through blogs,
comments and receive reactions or feedback from others. Consequently, it
motivates people to write more and improve their writing skills. For instance,
many bloggers started their jobs with the aim of expressing their feelings.
However, later on, they can earn money from that and it becomes an
encouragement to improve writing skills.
As a final observation, this essay argues that the idea of the negative impacts on
young people’s reading and writing skills created by the increase in gadget use is a
flawed understanding. In addition, I entirely believe that digital communication
assists people’s literacy.
327 words

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