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Project Name: Black W.A.T.C.H.

Surveillance and
Social Credit System
“We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty”
Proposed by: David Mar Lu Carisma, Florenz Bergantin, Jerome Lee Yu
Overview: The Black WATCH Surveillance and Social Credit System is designed to enhance
surveillance and and a tool control over the population of Oceania by leveraging advanced
technologies, psychological tactics,and strategic infrastructure. The goal of this project is to
advocate for maximizing productivity value and improve quality of life and security by being honest
to one another and to the State.
I. Components:
Wrist Watch: Mass produce wrist watches for citizens to wear in their daily lives to check the time and
will act as an access clearance to buildings, public areas, amnesties, and goods. Equipped with
advanced technology, the watch contains functions and acts as the backbone of the system and
instrumental to building a secure environment .They are three variants of the Black Watch: The analog
Classic, the smart Standard, and the advanced Interrogators Watch.

BlackWatch Data Collector: Integrate radio towers with Portable Data Collectors, establish routers in
public buildings, neighborhoods, and residential buildings. It collects data from all Standard and
Interrogators watch in an area and sends back responses to connected watches.

Centralized Monitoring Hub: Establish a centralized hub where data from all BlackWatch
Portable Detector is collected, analyzed, and monitored in real-time by government authorities.
The hub utilizes advanced algorithms to identify suspicious behavior, track individuals, and cross-
reference data with existing records.
Integrated Citizen ID System: Implement a comprehensive citizen identification system, utilizing
the identifications codes stored in smart watches. This ID serves as a key element for monitoring
and tracking individuals, allowing authorities to maintain detailed records of citizens' movements
and activities. As a further layer of security, Citizen ID will be categorized according to social
status and contribution: The higher the social standing, the higher the level clearance. Citizens
are ordered to watch at all times in public or in the sight of other people. Failure to wear the
watch in public will face charges that will result in jail time or probation and the demerit of social
score credit. ID’s will undergo renewal every year to avoid the production of counterfeits.

Attendance Machines and Access Control System: Establish scanners in entrances of buildings
and public areas. Mandatory scanning of the watch is required in entering or exiting and in order
to access a certain building or area. Inadequate credit levels or being restricted will result to deny
of access to entry. The machine is also instrumental in the synchronization of watches to the time
zones of the areas upon scanning.

A.I. Integrated Credit Score System: Develop and integrate Artificial Intelligence into the database
of the Centralized Monitoring Hub to assist the recognition of patterns and score individuals into
their credit. It also assist on notifying agents and personnel authorized with the Interrogators watch
about violators present in their area.
II. Implementation:
Production Phase: Begin by producing the first generation of Black Watches to be assembled in
watchmaking factories, with the help of the Ministry of Plenty to provide manpower, materials,
and parts. Information about production is highly classified.

Distribution: Distribution of the watches will be controlled by the Ministry of Plenty. The
type of watch given to the citizens will be according to their social class and job
description. The proles will be given the analog Classic, the Outer and Inner party will
given the Standard smart watch, and the advanced Interrogators watch will be issued to
authorized personnel and agents in government institutions.

Citizen Registration: Enforce a mandatory citizen registration process, requiring individuals to

provide biometric data for the creation of a unique ID. The ID becomes essential for accessing
public services, employment, and other societal activities. Social status and contribution will be
factored in accordance of the services that will be provided.

Activation of the System and Synchronization of Watches: After the success of

distribution and registration of the watch to the citizens. At a certain day, at 12:00 noon, all the
watch will be synchronize with the system via routers, declaring the use of their watch in their

I. Wrist watch dress code - Citizens must wear their watch at all times, it is a sign of respect
and good citizenship towards the society, it is an acceptance and the swearing to allegiance
towards Big Brother. Not wearing the watch in public is an act of rebellion to the idea of
advocating honesty and time consciousness, and is therefore a thoughtcrime.
II. Honesty and Punctuality - Being honest Tardiness and Dishonesty are prohibited. Being
late for school or work are not allowed and negatively affects the individuals’ credit score
Being dishonest promotes insecurity of the lives of people, and being late disrespects our
beautiful nation.
III. Credit Score Policy - Promoting good citizenship and gain benefits by accumulating credit
score and maintaining it. Having good behavior towards the state is rewarded and those who
are not will be punished.
IV. Non-Compliance Policy -

Consequences of Violation:

Reeducation Initiatives:
Individuals found in violation of not wearing the watch will undergo reeducation initiatives,
focusing on the importance of good citizenship and honesty, and the individual's role in
maintaining it.
Psychological counseling will be provided to address potential dissenting attitudes and
encourage a shift towards cooperative and honest behavior.
Repeated violation of tardiness and dishonesty are subject to probation and

Community Watch Programs:

Citizen-led community watch programs will be established to identify and report instances
of non-compliance, fostering a sense of shared responsibility.
Citizens will also act on enforcing others to compliance, those who failed

Gradual Escalation of Penalties:

Penalties for persistent violations will escalate gradually and accumulate negative credit
points, including more significant fines, community service obligations, and potential
temporary relocation for intensive reeducation programs.
Recurrent non-compliance may result in more severe consequences, such as monitored
rehabilitation or restricted personal freedoms.
Lost or Broken Watch:
Lost or broken watch will be detected as non-compliance penalty and deducts credit score
overtime, exceeding the non-compliance allowance will mark the citizen. Agent who were issued
with an interrogators watch nearby will be notified of its last location and must investigate and deal
with it. Citizens who were caught will be sent to the Ministry of Love for reeducation or
Citizens who reported themselves with Lost or Broken Watch within the non-compliance allowance
with be punished and spend their time in probation, jail, or in community service to recover their
credit scores until they got their watches repaired or issued a new one.

Projected Success and Effect:

Prevention of Dissent: The Black W.A.T.C.H. Surveillance and Social Credit System aims to
advocate for a pervasive atmosphere of constant surveillance, discouraging dissent and non-
conformity. The mere awareness that their actions are being observed at all times contributes to
self-censorship and compliance.
Efficient Law Enforcement: By utilizing advanced technology and data analysis, the system
promises more efficient law enforcement. Authorities can respond quickly to potential threats,
minimizing the risk of organized resistance or rebellions.
Totalitarian Control: The implementation of the Black W.A.T.C.H. Surveillance and Social Credit
System reinforces the government's control over the population. The constant surveillance and
immense peer pressure, and then the potential consequences of dishonesty and dissent contribute
to a submissive and obedient citizenry.

Timeline Process:
1. Preparation Phase (Months 1-3):
a. Feasibility Study: Conduct a thorough feasibility study to assess the technical,
financial, and societal implications of the Black W.A.T.C.H. Surveillance and Social Credit
System. Ensure that the necessary technology, infrastructure, and resources are
b. Legislation and Propaganda Planning: Draft legislation that authorizes the
implementation of the system and provides legal immunity for its creators.
Simultaneously, plan a propaganda campaign emphasizing the benefits of
increased security and societal stability.
2. Production and Distribution Phase (Months 4-9):
a. Production: Order factories to mass produce the Standard and Interrogators with
an amount enough to provide the population of a major urban area.
b. Centralized Hub Development: Simultaneously develop the centralized monitoring hub
along with the BlackWatch Data Collectors to be established in buildings, infrastructures,
and public areas.
c. Citizen Registration: Initiate a mandatory citizen registration process. Design and
set up Black Watch registration centers. Enforce compliance through penalties for
d. Distribution: Prioritizing the provision of Black watches to the Inner and Outer Party.
Standard watch
3. System Activation and Testing (Months 10-15):
a. Gradual Activation: Activate the attendance machines, access controls, and
synchronize the watches gradually in major urban centers first. Monitor and assess its
performance before expanding to suburban and rural areas. This phased approach
allows for adjustments based on initial feedback.
b. Algorithmic Calibration: Fine-tune the surveillance and the Artificial Intelligence
integration within the centralized hub based on real-world data. Identify and rectify any
false positives or negatives to enhance the system's accuracy.
c. Training of Monitoring Personnel: Train government personnel responsible for
monitoring the system. Emphasize the importance of identifying potential threats
and maintaining the perspective of good citizenship towards the state is always the
good idea. .
4. Propaganda and Conditioning (Months 16-21):
a. Launch Propaganda Campaign: Launch a comprehensive propaganda campaign
through state-controlled media outlets. Emphasize the positive aspects of the Black
W.A.T.C.H. System such as increased security, crime prevention, and societal stability.
b. Conditioning Programs: Introduce conditioning programs in schools, workplaces, and
public spaces to normalize wearing of the Black Watch. Utilize psychological tactics to
instill a sense of compliance, obedience and honest environment.
5. Full Implementation (Months 22-30):
a. Increase the reach and area of control: Expand the Black Watch System to suburban
and rural areas, covering the entire population. Ensure that establishments and public
areas have attendance machines and access controls is in place to support the system's

b. Enforce mandatory wearing of the watch: Citizens must now comply and get
comfortable in wearing the watch at all times and Citizens are now capable of monitoring
themselves for compliance by the fear of losing benefits.
c. Penalties for Non-Compliance: Enforce strict penalties for non-compliance with the
policies or attempts to sabotage the functions of the system.
d. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Maintain continuous monitoring of the
system's effectiveness. Use real-time feedback to make adjustments and improvements,
and addressing any emerging issues.

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