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**Nursing Diagnosis:**

Impaired Comfort related to inflammation and pain associated with chronic calculous

1. Goal: Alleviate pain and discomfort.
- Intervention: Administer prescribed analgesics as per physician's orders.
- Intervention: Encourage the use of relaxation techniques such as deep
breathing exercises.
- Intervention: Position patient in a comfortable position, such as semi-
fowler's position, to relieve pressure on the abdomen.

2. Goal: Prevent complications related to cholecystitis.

- Intervention: Encourage the patient to adhere to a low-fat diet to minimize
gallbladder stimulation.
- Intervention: Provide education on the importance of maintaining adequate
- Intervention: Monitor vital signs, pain level, and signs of complications

3. Goal: Enhance patient's knowledge about the condition and self-care management.
- Intervention: Educate the patient about the signs and symptoms of
cholecystitis exacerbation and when to seek medical attention.
- Intervention: Discuss the importance of follow-up appointments and compliance
with prescribed medications.
- Intervention: Provide information on dietary modifications and lifestyle
changes to prevent future episodes.

- Administer analgesics promptly and reassess pain levels periodically.
- Encourage the patient to adopt a low-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and
lean proteins.
- Monitor vital signs regularly, paying close attention to temperature spikes,
which could indicate infection.
- Educate the patient about the benefits of staying hydrated and provide assistance
with obtaining fluids as needed.
- Use teaching aids such as pamphlets or diagrams to enhance the patient's
understanding of cholecystitis and self-care management.
- Collaborate with the healthcare team, including dietitians and physicians, to
ensure a comprehensive care plan tailored to the patient's needs.

- Evaluate the effectiveness of pain management interventions by assessing the
patient's pain level and comfort.
- Monitor for any signs of complications or worsening of symptoms.
- Assess the patient's understanding of the condition and self-care management
- Review the patient's compliance with medication regimen and dietary
- Adjust the care plan as needed based on the patient's response to interventions
and ongoing assessment.

**Nursing Diagnosis:**
Impaired Comfort related to inflammation and pain associated with chronic calculous

1. Goal: Alleviate pain and discomfort.
- Intervention: Administer prescribed analgesics as ordered by the physician.
- Intervention: Encourage the use of relaxation techniques such as guided
imagery or distraction methods.
- Intervention: Monitor and document pain intensity using a pain scale before
and after interventions.

2. Goal: Prevent complications related to cholecystitis.

- Intervention: Encourage adherence to a low-fat diet to reduce gallbladder
- Intervention: Monitor vital signs, particularly temperature, for signs of
- Intervention: Provide education on the importance of maintaining adequate
hydration to prevent gallstone formation.

3. Goal: Enhance patient's knowledge about the condition and self-care management.
- Intervention: Educate the patient about signs and symptoms of cholecystitis
exacerbation and when to seek medical assistance.
- Intervention: Provide dietary counseling regarding foods to avoid and promote
a healthy lifestyle.
- Intervention: Discuss the importance of compliance with medication regimen and
follow-up appointments.

- Administer analgesics promptly and reassess pain levels periodically.
- Encourage the patient to adopt a low-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and
lean proteins.
- Monitor vital signs regularly, paying close attention to temperature spikes,
which could indicate infection.
- Educate the patient about the benefits of staying hydrated and provide assistance
with obtaining fluids as needed.
- Use teaching aids such as pamphlets or diagrams to enhance the patient's
understanding of cholecystitis and self-care management.
- Collaborate with the healthcare team, including dietitians and physicians, to
ensure a comprehensive care plan tailored to the patient's needs.

- Assess the effectiveness of pain management interventions by evaluating changes
in pain intensity and patient comfort.
- Monitor for signs of complications such as fever, jaundice, or abdominal
- Evaluate the patient's understanding of dietary recommendations and self-care
- Review medication adherence and follow-up appointment attendance.
- Modify the care plan as needed based on the patient's response and ongoing

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