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The Office of the Principal,

The Concord School, Ibadan

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing
to express my deepest regret and sincere apologies for my actions that led
to my suspension from school for two weeks due to examination malpractice.

In retrospect, I realize the gravity of my actions and the negative impact

they have had on the integrity of our esteemed institution. I understand
that academic honesty is the cornerstone of education, and by engaging in
malpractice, I have not only violated the school's code of conduct but also
undermined the values of honesty, integrity, and fairness.

I want to assure you that my actions were not born out of a lack of respect
for the school or the examination process, but rather a momentary lapse in
judgment. I allowed the pressure of the situation to cloud my decision-
making, leading me down a path I deeply regret.

I am fully aware that my actions have consequences, and I accept the

punishment that has been meted out to me. The time I have spent in
suspension has given me ample opportunity to reflect on my actions and the
negative consequences they have brought upon me and those around me.

I want to use this opportunity to express my commitment to learning from

this experience. I am determined to make amends by upholding the values
that our school stands for and ensuring that such an incident does not
recur. I understand that trust, once broken, is hard to rebuild. However, I
am willing to take the necessary steps to regain the trust of the school
administration, my teachers, and my peers.

I am grateful for the support system that our school provides, which I
believe will be instrumental in my journey towards becoming a better
student and a more responsible individual. I am committed to making
positive contributions to our school community and maintaining the highest
standards of academic integrity moving forward.

Once again, I deeply regret my actions and the trouble they have caused. I
appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter. I look forward
to returning to school with a renewed sense of purpose and dedication to
upholding the values of our institution.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Olanrewaju Akinlalu

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