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TTC – Khair Khana branch

Level one
02:00 – 04:00 PM

Basera Mohammadi
Artificial Mind and tecnologhy
Table of Contents



What is Artificial Intelligence?......................................................................................................................1

Definition of Artificial Intelligence...............................................................................................................1

History of Artificial Intelligence....................................................................................................................2

Goals of Artificial Intelligence.......................................................................................................................2

Applications of Artificial Intelligence...........................................................................................................3

Types of Artificial Intelligence......................................................................................................................4

Examples of Created Artificial Intelligence...................................................................................................5

Dangers of Artificial Intelligence...................................................................................................................6

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence...................................................................................................................6

Challenges of Artificial Intelligence..............................................................................................................6

Connection between Artificial Intelligence and Technology.........................................................................7

Artificial intelligence is a technology that can think in its own way, but it's different from how
humans think. In this writing, I want to explain more about artificial intelligence and technology,
its history, and its uses in today's world.

Technology comes from the Greek words techne and logia, meaning, art and knowledge. It's
the practical use of knowledge and skills to create tools, machines, and other things.
Throughout history, people have had different ideas about what technology is. Some say it's a
way for humans to survive, while others say it's a way for humans to control the environment.
Technology includes both physical and software tools. It's the way we make and use tools,
machines, and materials to solve problems. It's a human activity that's been around for a long
time. Technology is about using knowledge to create things and solve problems. Today, many
technologies come from research, and there are research institutes all over the world.
Technology is about using resources efficiently. It's the systematic use of scientific information
and organized knowledge to do tasks. It includes all the knowledge, processes, tools, methods,
and systems used to make goods and services.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

When people hear "Artificial Intelligence," they often think of robots that can do tasks easily
and might replace humans in the future. But artificial intelligence is actually a technology that
can think in its own way. It's different from human thinking, but it tries to copy it. We use
artificial intelligence in our daily lives without realizing it. It's in things like internet searches and
social media. Since the future will have more artificial intelligence, it's better to learn about it
instead of worrying.

Definition of Artificial Intelligence

There's still no exact definition that all scientists agree on for artificial intelligence. But it's a
branch of computer science that aims to make machines that can do tasks that need human
intelligence. It's like making computers think and act like humans. This definition can be applied
to all machines that act like the human mind and can perform tasks such as problem solving and
History of Artificial Intelligence
The history of artificial intelligence goes back to the 1950s, during Second World War. In this
time, researchers came up with ideas that eventually led to the first artificial intelligence
systems. In the following years, as technology and computers got better, more complex
algorithms and models were made. Now, with advances in science and technology, artificial
intelligence is a big part of our everyday lives.
During World War II, German forces used a machine called the enigma machine to keep their
messages secret. English scientist Alan Turing tried to break these codes. Turing and his team
built a machine called bombe that could decrypt the enigma codes.
Both the enigma and bombe machines used machine learning, which is a part of artificial
intelligence. Turing thought the machine was smart because it could talk to him without
needing human-like senses. This is how artificial intelligence started, making machines that can
think, decide, and act like humans.
As technology got better, smart tools and services using artificial intelligence were made. Many
popular services like search engines and satellites use artificial intelligence. When smartphones
and other smart gadgets were made, artificial intelligence became a big part of human life.
From then on, artificial intelligence found more ways to help people, and people started to
know more about it.

Goals of Artificial Intelligence

The main goal of artificial intelligence is to make machines smart enough to do tasks that need
human intelligence. It's a big field of computer science that's related to making machines that
can do things that need human-like intelligence. It uses different methods, but machine learning
and deep learning are changing how it works.
As an advanced technology, artificial intelligence has lots of goals and uses. The goals are all
about making systems and machines that can think, learn, make smart decisions, and do hard
tasks. Let's look at the main goals.
1. Copying Human Intelligence
One goal of AI is to copy human intelligence and do tasks like recognizing faces, translating
languages, making choices in hard situations, and doing complicated math problems that
people used to do. The goal isn't to copy all human intelligence, but to give some smart tasks to
machines so they can do them right and fast.
2. Learning and Changing
Another goal of AI is being able to learn and change. Smart systems need to use special
algorithms and techniques to learn from their data and experiences and change for the future.
This helps them keep getting better and deal with hard problems and changes.
3. Smart Decision Making
Another goal of AI is being able to make smart decisions. Smart systems need to be able to look
at information and data and make good choices based on them. These choices can be big or
small, but the goal is for smart systems to use their resources well and make good choices in
hard situations and changes.
4. Thinking and Reasoning
Another goal of artificial intelligence is the ability to think and reason logically. Intelligent
systems need to be able to think logically, store knowledge, and make logical guesses. This
allows them to deal with complex issues, predict complex behaviors, and use their logic and
knowledge to solve problems.
5. Human-Machine Interaction
Another goal of Artificial Intelligence is the ability to create effective and useful interaction
between humans and machines. Intelligent systems must be able to understand human inputs,
communicate with humans, and provide outputs that make sense to humans. The goal is for
humans and machines to work together effectively.
As artificial intelligence continues to grow, its goals are moving towards greater abilities in
thinking, learning, decision-making, and interacting with humans. AI is a powerful technology
that can help humans solve complex problems and improve life quality. With its development
and advancement, we hope to achieve even greater goals and use the intelligent capabilities of
machines to improve the world.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has many applications in different industries and fields. From intelligent
systems in robotics to natural language processing and pattern recognition, artificial intelligence
has been used in unique and useful ways in different areas. Let's take a closer look at some of its
important applications.
1. Robotics
One major application of artificial intelligence is in the field of robotics. Intelligent systems can
be used to create smart robots capable of performing mechanical and control tasks. These
robots can be used in areas such as restaurant services, delivery services, agriculture, and even
healthcare. Additionally, AI plays a crucial role in self-driving vehicles, with the ability to
recognize obstacles, read road signs, and make intelligent decisions.
2. Natural Language Processing
Artificial Intelligence plays a very important role in natural language processing. Intelligent
systems can analyze, interpret, and generate natural language texts. This application is used in
areas such as machine translation, answering questions, summarizing texts, and analyzing
emotions in social networks.
3. Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
Artificial Intelligence is capable of recognizing patterns and images in data. Using machine
learning algorithms and neural networks, intelligent systems can detect common patterns and
features in images. This skill is used for facial recognition, object detection, medical image
analysis, and even fraud detection and system security.
4. Decision Support
Artificial Intelligence plays a crucial role in complex and strategic decision-making. By using
reinforcement learning algorithms and recommendation systems, more intelligent decisions can
be made in areas such as resource management, stock markets, and marketing.
5. Process Optimization and Resource Management
AI can help optimize processes and manage resources. By using optimization algorithms and
machine learning, the performance of various systems and processes can be improved. For
example, in supply chain management, artificial intelligence can help with production planning,
inventory management, and demand prediction.
6. Healthcare
In the field of healthcare, artificial intelligence can be used in disease diagnosis, medical image
analysis, drug design, prediction and prevention of diseases, and even smart surgical robots.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

There are different types of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based on specific features observed in a
specific type of AI.
1. Basic AI:
This type of artificial intelligence is designed for a specific task. It can only work in the areas it is
programmed for and cannot do tasks outside of its designated area. An example is voice
recognition tools like Siri and Alexa.
2. Advanced AI:
This type of artificial intelligence aims to copy human-like abilities in a machine. It can do tasks
that need human-like thinking. We still have a long way to go to reach this stage, but this is the
ultimate goal of AI research.
3. Machine Learning AI:
This type of artificial intelligence uses machine learning algorithms to learn from data and
patterns. It can improve over time and make better decisions.
4. Knowledge-Based AI:
This type of artificial intelligence works based on a database or knowledge that it is built for. It
can make decisions in specific areas it has been trained for. An example could be disease
diagnosis systems trained on medical data.
5. Neural Network AI:
This type of AI uses artificial neural networks designed to mimic the functioning of the human
brain. It can perform complex tasks and can learn and improve automatically.
6. Reinforcement-Based AI:
In this type of artificial intelligence, the machine learns automatically based on reinforcement -
if a specific action has a positive result, the machine is likely to repeat that action. This
technique is useful when the machine has to make decisions without having a clear pattern for
appropriate behavior.

Examples of Created Artificial Intelligence

Here are some examples of well-known artificial intelligence:
1) Google’s DeepMind
2) IBM Watson
3) OpenAI GPT-3
4) Tesla Autopilot
5) Alexa
6) Google Assistant
7) Sophia the Robot
8) Microsoft’s Cortana
9) Chatbots
Dangers of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence has many benefits, but it also has its own risks and challenges. Some
potential dangers include job loss, security risks, automated decision making, discrimination,
and ethical and philosophical risks. It is important for the development and use of artificial
intelligence to be properly supervised and guided.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence can increase efficiency, improve accuracy and quality, and create new ways
to solve problems. Some benefits include increased efficiency and productivity, and continuous
operations without the need for rest or sleep.
Fixing Mistakes:
In many tasks, including those that need to be very accurate, artificial intelligence can help
reduce mistakes and increase precision.
Analyzing Big Data:
Artificial intelligence can look at huge amounts of data and find patterns and connections that
people might not notice.
Working in Dangerous Places:
Robots and AI systems can work in dangerous places that could be harmful to people, like
working with radioactive materials or deep underwater.
Many Uses:
AI is used in lots of different areas, like medicine, business, science, transportation, and more.
Helping People:
AI can help people do everyday tasks easier and better, like managing communication, planning,
learning, and more.

Challenges of Artificial Intelligence

The challenges in the field of artificial intelligence include ethical issues, privacy preservation,
security threats, economic implications such as changes in the job market, and the need to
develop human capabilities to work with these technologies.
Connection between Artificial Intelligence and Technology
Artificial intelligence and technology are connected because different technologies are used in
artificial intelligence to copy the way the human brain works. For example, artificial neural
networks based on the structure and function of human neural networks are used in artificial
intelligence. Additionally, deep learning algorithms and cloud computing are widely used in the
development of AI systems.
Overall, various technologies such as cloud computing, image processing, natural language
processing, and the Internet of Things play an important role in the development and
advancement of artificial intelligence. These technologies help artificial intelligence to turn data
into information and use it for learning and decision-making. In other words, technology helps
artificial intelligence to process and structure information for accessing knowledge and deep

we can say that artificial intelligence with its capabilities in pattern recognition, natural language
processing, image processing, and decision-making has various applications in industries and
different fields. From robotics to healthcare, artificial intelligence has been able to improve
efficiency, accuracy, and speed of processes.

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