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[G.R. No. L-9141. September 25, 1956.]

Testate Estate o !L"#$"! %ERNAN&E', (e)ease(. RE$*BL"C !% T+E
$+"L"$$"NES, )amat- Appellee, /s. ANGEL"NA !ASAN 0&A &E %ERNAN&E',
$R"SC"LLA !. %ERNAN&E', a( ESTELA !. %ERNAN&E', Oppositors-Appellants.
Olimpio Fernandez and his wife Angelina Oasan had a net worth of P8,600 on December 8,
191! D"ring the #apanese occ"pation the spo"ses ac$"ired se%eral real properties, and at the
time of his death on Febr"ar& 11, 19' he had a net worth of P(1,89! )he *ollector of
+nternal e%en"e assessed a war profits ta- on the estate of the deceased at P.,61!60, which
his administratri- ref"sed to pa&!
a the "nconstit"tionalit& of the war profits ta- law for the reason that it is retroacti%e2
es%irt"allawlibrar+// chan

b the inapplicabilit& of said law to the estate of the deceased Olimpio Fernandez, beca"se

the law ta-es indi%id"als2 and chanrobles%irt"alawlibrar&

c the separate ta-ation of the estate of the deceased Olimpio Fernandez from that of his
wife3s, beca"se Olimpio Fernandez died before the law was passed!
(A )Appellant 3s contention that the law is in%alid or "nconstit"tional beca"se it acts
retroacti%el&, th"s %iolating the d"e process of law cla"se, is not s"pported b& reason or
a"thorit&! )he ta-, insofar as applicable to the estate of the deceased Olimpio Fernandez, is
both a propert& ta- and a ta- on income! +t is a propert& ta- in relation to the properties that
Fernandez had in December, 191 and it is an income ta- in relation to the properties which

he p"rchased d"ring the #apanese occ"pation! +n both cases, howe%er, the war profits ta- ma&
not be considered as "nconstit"tional!
)he doctrine of "nconstit"tionalit& raised b& Appellant is based on the prohibition against e-
post facto laws! 4"t this prohibition applies onl& to criminal or penal matters, and not to laws
which concern ci%il matters or proceedings generall&, or which affect or reg"late ci%il or
pri%ate rights !
b )he contention that the deceased Olimpio Fernandez or his estate sho"ld not be
responsible beca"se he died in 19' and was no longer li%ing when the law was enacted at a
later date, in 196, is absol"tel& witho"t merit! Fernandez died immediatel& before the
liberation and the act"al cessation of hostilities! 5e profited b& the war2 there is no reason chan robles%irt"alawlibrar&

wh& the incident of his death sho"ld relie%e his estate from the ta-!
* )he last contention is also witho"t merit! )he propert& which Olimpio Fernandez was
possessed of in December, 191 is pres"med to be con"gal propert& and so are the properties
which were ac$"ired b& him d"ring the war, beca"se at that time he was married! )here is no
claim or e%idence to s"pport the claim that an& of the properties were paraphernal properties
of the wife2 so the pres"mption stands that the& were con"gal properties of the h"sband
chan robles%irt"alawlibrar&

and wife! 7nder these circ"mstances the& cannot be considered as properties belonging to
two indi%id"als, each of which shall be s"bect to the ta- independentl& of the other!

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