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Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,

Malabon City

“The Rise of Modern Populism and Its Impact on the Political Behavior

to the selected Students in the City of Malabon University.”

A Thesis presented to the faculty of College of Arts and Sciences of the

City of Malabon University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject of

Thesis Writing and Defense

Presented By:
Acero, Joed
Ballicud, Leo Angelo
Catam-isan, Mark Jay
Celis, Harold
Ingeniero, Angela Mae
Inopiquez, Mary Joyce

Presented To:
Jojit A. Bautista, MAEd
Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City


This thesis entitled, “The Rise of Modern Populism and Its impacts on
the political behavior to the selected students in the City of Malabon
University” prepared and submitted by JOED ACERO, LEO ANGELO BALLICUD,
HAROLD in partial fulfillment for the degree of BACHELOR OF ARTS IN POLITICAL
SCIENCE, has been examined and hereby recommended for approval and

Mx. Jojit A. Bautista



Prof. Ezekiel Borja, MIT Prof. Fernando Alarcon Jr.

Member Member

Prof. Jojit A. Bautista, MAEd Prof. Marichelle Erin Garcia-Cruz

Thesis Adviser Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement in the degree of BACHELOR


Prof. Marichelle Erin Garcia-Cruz

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

This study was done with the moral encouragement and technical assistance
of Mx. Jojit Bautista. By way of expressing gratitude to Mx. Bautista, the researchers
wish to acknowledge the advice and help that was extended to the researchers. At
the same time, we take full responsibility for the entirety and every chapter of the
study. With the help of Mx. Ezekiel Borja and Mx. Ferdinand Alarcon who has
extended to them their brilliance, the researchers were able to enrich and finish this

To Mx. Andres Francisco Enage for validating the research instruments and
for the word of encouragement to push this study.

The researchers would like to express their debt of gratitude to their family
who have extended to them various types of support and assistance to enable the
researchers to be inspired to study. To collectives, masses, and people’s struggle. To
the respondents, scholars, and writers whose have been rich source of information
needed in study, the researchers are greatly indebted their profound gratitude.

It is hoped that through this study, the awareness and interest of scholars,
and educators in the filed pf political science will be enhanced.

The Researchers,

A. M. I
M. J. I.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Table of Contents
APPROVAL SHEET.......................................................................................................................1
Chapter I........................................................................................................................................5
The problem and its background...............................................................................5
Theoretical Framework.............................................................................................8
I. P. O Model.........................................................................................................10
Statement of the Problem.......................................................................................11
Scope and Limitations of the Study.........................................................................12
Significance of the Study........................................................................................13
Definition of Terms................................................................................................14
Chapter II....................................................................................................................................15
Review Related Literature.......................................................................................15
Local literature......................................................................................................15
Foreign Literature..................................................................................................18
Foreign Studies......................................................................................................19
Chapter III..................................................................................................................................21
Research Design....................................................................................................21
Locale of the Study................................................................................................22
Population and Sampling Technique........................................................................22
Research Instruments............................................................................................23
Data Gathering Procedure......................................................................................24
Chapter IV...................................................................................................................................29
Results and Discussions..........................................................................................29
Chapter V.....................................................................................................................................36
Summary of Findings.............................................................................................36

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Malabon City


Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City


This research was entitled “The Rise of Modern Populism and Its impacts on

the political behavior of the selected students in the City of Malabon University”. It

aimed to determine the impact of the rise of modern populism on the political

behavior of the respondents in terms of their political views, empirical thoughts, and

electoral choice. The respondents from Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in the

City of Malabon University were chosen using purposive sampling method. To gather

information for the study, the researchers used instruments such as survey

questionnaires and cellphones. To present the data, the researcher used pie graphs

and figures to understand the results precisely. At the end of the study, researchers

conclude that the rise of modern populism impacted the political behavior of the

respondents in terms of political views, empirical thoughts, and electoral choice.

Keywords: Democracy, Modern Populism, Political Behavior, Populist, Populate, Thin-


Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Chapter I
The problem and its background


The Philippines as a democratic country where it populates actively adapt to

the political ideas that are logically related and is identified with coherent principles
and values called political ideology that lends legitimacy to political institutions and
political principles that offer people and leaders a plan for collective action to
institute change in the political life of a nation, or a guide to policy choices to those
who believe in it for their action, which has been the breeding ground for a
particular interpretation of democratic ideals that have generated the rise of Modern
Populism that expand across diverse disciplines. Although, there is continued debate
about whether populism is an ideology (e.g., Mudde, 2004), a style (e.g., Jagers &
Walgrave 2007: Wodak 2015), a discourse (e.g., Laclau 2005), or a strategy (e.g.,
Weyland 2001). We considered the definition of populism as a ‘thin-centered
ideology that considers society to be ultimately separated into two homogenous and
antagonistic groups: “the pure people” and the “corrupt elite,” and argues that
politics should be an expression of the volenté générale (general will) of the people’
(Mudde 2004; Mudde and Rovira Kaltwasser 2017). According to Munro (2020),
states that populism came to be identified in the second half of the 20th century
with the political style and program of Latin American leaders such as Juan Perón,
Getúlio Vargas, and Hugo Chavéz.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

The rise of modern populism can be seen today as populism has extended
well beyond. According to Munro (2020), states that Populism is typically critical of
political representation and anything that mediates the relation between the people
and their leader or government. Modern populism represents a specific
democratizing path that resulted in processes of social and political incorporation
through an electoral regime that sought the position that could successfully promote
the social and political incorporation of the popular sectors. According to Mueller
(2016), argued that Populists claim that they alone represent the whole people. It is
the state of being present that haunts representative politics, especially amid a crisis
that divides the society into two antagonistic groups: the majority of the people that
mostly includes the low-income sector, and on the other side, the richest in society.
Populists view politics as a contest between a pure mass of people and a vile elite.
(Leigh, 2021).

However, rise of modern populism in the Philippine context is a response of

the populate to the failure of democratic institutions to address the immemorial
problems of corruption, poverty, peace and order, injustice, and elitism. Buendia
(2021), states that four (4) terms of president's failure after Corazaon Aquino's term
led to populist leaders who project to belong to the 'non-elite' class or who can
identify themselves to the long-aspired interests and goals of the masses. Populist
politicians target social issues to appeal to voters, neglecting the wider sphere of
policies and politics and may, sure enough, believe the idea that politics is
undeniably a moral struggle between good and evil, pitting ordinary people against
powerful elite forces.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

According to Meyer and Wegner (2020), it is perhaps unsurprising that

supporters of populists themselves hold populist attitudes, in that they think that a
(corrupt) elite is unresponsive to the demands of the (pure) people. Populists
garnered fondness of the masses who characterized themselves with the struggles
of the masses against inequalities, discrimination, and prejudices by the rich and
corrupt politicians. According to Buendia (2021), states that Duterte's projection as
the messiah who would deliver out the masses from poverty, injustices, clean up the
criminal syndicates, and oligarchic rule erode the country's democratic institutions'
functions. This has been an appealing argument for the masses due to the growing
inequality and massive financial crisis.

The rise of populism in the past two decades has motivated much work on
the determinants of populist voting (Guriev and Papaioannou 2020, or Guiso et al.
2017 and Rodrik 2017). If populism is a coherent, underlying set of attitudes that
are present in the minds and emotions of voters, it should be measurable by asking
people questions in survey. (Geurkink, et al., 2019).

In this study, the researchers aim to determine the rise of modern populism
and its impacts on the political behavior to the selected students in the City of
Malabon University, whereas, the respondents will be coming from the selected
students in Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, the researchers will know how the
rise of modern populism impacted their political behavior.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Theoretical Framework

The theory that can be associated in this research is A Minimalist Theory of

Populism of 2018. According to Urbinati (2018), states that within the minimalist
theory, to analyze the ideological tropes of all those interpretations of populism, the
relation of rhetorical apparatus and national culture as a style of politics, and
strategies constructed by leaders to achieve power. To avoid normative judgments
to pursue an unprejudiced understanding and to be inclusive as it can of all
experiences of populism is the goal. Mudde (2004; Mudde and Kaltwasser 2013a)
has contributed the utmost to defining the ideological frame within this non-
normative minimalism. He argued that populism as a ‘thin-centered ideology that
considers society to be ultimately separated into two homogenous and antagonistic
groups: “the pure people” and the “corrupt elite,” and argued that politics should be
an expression of the volenté générale (general will) of the people’. The observed
constant conjunction of the leaders who present themselves that they are one with
the marginalized is appealing to the voters. Politics intensifies its divisiveness and
polarization, and populist who have been the primary benefitting the political
borders. This stresses the notion that populism should be characterized based to
specific ideas which underlie it, as contradicted to certain political and economic
policies or leadership styles which populist politicians may portray. Populist
politicians target social issues to appeal to voters, neglecting the wider sphere of
policies and politics. Populists garnered fondness of the masses who characterized
themselves with the struggles of the masses against inequalities, discrimination, and
prejudices by the rich and corrupt politicians. Populists “tend to define the people as
those that are with them.” (Mudde, 2004).

This has been an appealing argument for the masses due to the growing
inequality and massive financial crisis. The rise of modern populism in the past two

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

decades has motivated much work on the determinants of populist voting (Guriev
and Papaioannou 2020, or Guiso et al. 2017 and Rodrik 2017). According to Meyer
and Wegner (2020), it is perhaps unsurprising that supporters of populists
themselves hold populist attitudes in that they think that a (corrupt) elite is
unresponsive to the demands of the (pure) people.

Whereas, in this study, the researchers used this theory to trace down the
origin of the rise of modern populism and its impact on the respondent’s political
behavior. Furthermore, this will serve as the foundation of knowing the impact of the
rise of modern populism on the political behavior to the selected students in the City
of Malabon University.


The Rise of Modern

The Rise of Modern Populism and Its
Populismand its
Respondents impacts on the
impact on the
political behavior to
Political behavior
the selected students
of the City of Malabon

Figure 1: Origin of the Rise of Modern Populism and Its impact on the

Political Behavior Diagram

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

I. P. O Model

The researchers used the Input- Process- Output Model. Firstly, the input
shows demographic profile of the respondents and the rise of Modern Populism and
Its impact on the political behavior to the selected students in the City of Malabon
University and including all the questions from the statement of the problem. Next,
the process presents research instrument which is survey questionnaire through
Likert Scale, the validation of the semi-structured questionnaire, the data gathering
process, data tallying, and the proof-reading of Chapter 1-5. Lastly, the output is to
determine the rise of modern populism and its impacts on the political behavior of
the selected students in the City of Malabon University.

Subsequently, the researchers constructed their own conceptual framework to

identify and evaluate the rise of modern populism and its impact on the political
behavior of the respondents.

Input Process Output

● Demographic
Profile ●Survey “The Rise of
●The Rise of Questionnaire Modern Populism
Modern Populism ●Validation of the and Its impact on
and Its impact on Questionnaire the Political
the Political ●Data Gathering behavior to the
Behavior ●Data Tallying selected students of
●All the question ●Proof Reading of the City of Malabon
from statement of Chapter 1-5 University”
the problem

Figure 2. Flow of the Study

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Statement of the Problem

This research is entitled: “The rise of modern populism and its impact on the
political behavior of the selected students at the City of Malabon University.” The
researchers would like to answer the following questions:

1. How does modern populism arise as time goes by?

2. What is the reason for the rise of Modern Populism?

3. Are the selected City of Malabon University students aware of what is

modern populism?

4. How it is used to persuade the selected City of Malabon University


5. How does Modern Populism impact the political behavior of the selected
City of Malabon University students in terms of:

a. Political views

b. Empirical thoughts

c. Electoral choice

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City


This study hypothesizes that if populism is defined as an “us versus them”

antagonism, as a contest between the “pure people and the corrupt elite”, as a
rhetoric of the demagogues who speak to populate what they want to hear from the
politicians in electoral campaigns, then the entire observed political forces will be
branded as being populist. If this study confines the analysis merely to the electoral
address, then “populism” is in every place and all that exists is “populist”. Hence, if
we apply the definition of populism as illiberalism (Pappas, 2019) then merely the
illiberal politicians will be characterized as being populists.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is about the rise of modern populism and its impacts on the
political behavior of the selected students in the City of Malabon University. The
respondents are from the selected students from Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
in the City of Malabon University. In the selection of the respondents, the
researchers were selected according to availability, accessibility, and consent.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Significance of the Study

This study would be beneficial to the following:

Scholars. This study will become a new source of information for scholars

and researchers who are interested in the same topic to be addressed.

Citizens. This study will help them gain better insight and understanding of
how ideological structure affects an individual’s behavior.

Philippine Political Culture. This study will help to assess the vitality of
Filipino culture embodied by different political ideologies as perceived by individuals.

Political Science. This study will provide analyses to political science to

further develop the proper perspective and sound judgment in achieving a better
implementation of political ideology and behavior.

Political Scientist. This study will serve as the new source of information
for political scientists. This will help them to acquire comprehensive knowledge of
the political behavior of Filipino regarding modern populism.

Philippine Political Science Association. This study will provide

information that can be helpful to political science associations to assess how
modern populism -impacts peoples’ political behavior. Also, this will help to present
in full bloom an understanding of the socio-political system.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally for better understanding as

they will be encountered through the paper.

Democracy. A form of government in which the power emanates and is

exercised from the people and representatives by the electoral system.

Modern Populism. As an ideology, refers to the political attitude that

highlights the idea of the contradiction of "the people" against "the elite” which
applied after the post-war liberal state.

Political behavior. It is the portion of human behavior that includes politics

and power. It demonstrates the influence of politics on a person's political ideology,
insights, and level of political participation.

Populist. It depicts a politician that claims to prioritize the interest of

ordinary people.

Populate. It refers to the entirety of persons who compose a community or


Thin-centered. It refers to an ideology that has limited by way of its political

program to offer which includes that it is incompetent to stand alone as a practical
political ideology.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Chapter II

Review Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies of the sub-
topics of this research that would serve as the foundation as it helps to strengthen
the study.

Local literature

The Rise of Duterte: A Populist Revolt against Elite Democracy

According to Heydarian (2017), stated that many voters believe that, while
Benigno Aquino may be the president, he is not the best candidate for the job. His
predecessor, Marcos, was the most popular and capable president in the post-
Marcos era. The greatest was no longer good enough, and a new breed of
leadership was required to repair the past’s errors. Ferdinand “Bong Bong” Marcos
Jr., who narrowly loss the vice-presidential election, was able to gain ground
precisely because of this political climate of dissatisfaction with the democratic order.
The former dictator’s son capitalized on public outrage and discontent by portraying
himself as a capable leader who would usher in a new era of governance that would
be as decisive and effective as his father’s. In reality, a growing segment of
Philippine society has begun to take a more optimistic view of the situation, while
significant plurals view him as a great president, at best, a tragic hero, at worst.

According to (Calonzo, 2021), His first issues that makes noise is his war on
drug program here in the Philippines it becomes a bloody step which earn him a title
example is the punisher, the dirty harry, Donald trump of the east. From the start of
his term way back 2016 Rodrigo Duterte challenge Philippines international loyalties
as well as big businesses and receive resentment from women's group and

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

the Catholic Church. On the days of the pandemic his miscalculation led the country
to be the one to has the highest case rates in Southeast Asia skyrocketing death toll
to tens of thousands give a big hit to Philippine economy but Rodrigo Duterte still
popular with a wide base meaning he is still appealing to people enough to give him
a race for this year.

According to Kreuzer (2019), Populists are supposed to thrive on their ability

to mirror, condense and radicalize popular demands ignored by establishment
politicians. This sketch on the election-promises and later policies of Philippine
strongman Rodrigo Duterte suggests that their success is less dependent on any
pre-existing radical popular demands, but on their authenticity as leaders who get
things done and realize a government that is perceived to work for the people. The
“success” of and widespread approval for Duterte’s deadly anti-crime campaign
suggests that Philippine democracy is at a crossroad.

According to Buendia (2021), states that four (4) terms of president's failure
after Corazon Aquino's term led to populist leaders who project to belong to the
'non-elite' class or who can identify themselves to the long-aspired interests and
goals of the masses. Populist politicians target social issues to appeal to voters,
neglecting the wider sphere of policies and politics and may, sure enough, believe
the idea that politics is undeniably a moral struggle between good and evil, pitting
ordinary people against powerful elite forces.

According to Buendia (2021), states that Duterte's projection as the messiah

who would deliver out the masses from poverty, injustices, clean up the criminal
syndicates, and oligarchic rule erode the country's democratic institutions' functions.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Local Studies

More than three (3) decades after the re-emergence of pre-martial law
‘democratic’ regime, Filipinos remain frustrated over the country’s national affairs –
corruption in government worsened and unabated (Quah 2018), political power
continue to be concentrated on the hands of the tiny elite and traditional politicians
and their clans who regain power after the 1986 ‘People Power Revolution’ (Tadem
and Tadem 2016, Teehankee 2018), and centralization of control and power at the
national government in spite of laws that guarantee local autonomy to local
government units (LGUs).

According to Curato (2017) takes the Duterterismo as inherent threat do

democratic institutions because it privileges power at the expense of truth.

According to Heydarian (2018:10) assessed that the populism of duterete

having integral potential of leading Philiipine democracy to “political breakdown and
autocratic takeover”.

According to Ortiz-ortega (2018) populist government can be Identified into

two notion they always show or highlight that the elites and outsiders are working
against the interest of the true people within the country. The next notion that
populist government can be identified is they showed or verbalizes that they are the
voice of the true people that they represent them on a higher post so no one should
stand against their way.

According to Thompson (2021) states that the developed locally which

Duterte nationalised the violent populism wooed rather than intimated voters with
the promises to protect "good people" against drug-induced evil. Duterte’s appeals
resonated the failures of liberal reformism and with the proletarian populist
alternative undermined.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Foreign Literature

According to Mueller (2016), argued that Populists claim that they alone
represent the whole people.

According to Meyer and Wegner (2020), it is perhaps unsurprising that

supporters of populists themselves hold populist attitudes, in that they think that a
(corrupt) elite is unresponsive to the demands of the (pure) people.

Populists view politics as a contest between a pure mass of people and a vile
elite. (Leigh, 2021).

If populism is a coherent, underlying set of attitudes that are present in the

minds and emotions of voters, it should be measurable by asking people questions in
survey. (Geurkink, et al., 2019).

Populism affects old established institutions, creates significant social

polarization, and causes economic and political problems; at times, it even
transitions into authoritarianism. However, ruling populism demonstrates
tremendous political endurance and, in general, enjoys governmental longevity.
Populism is disastrous for liberal democracy in the long run.

Populist movements are prone to polarization, which transforms them from

regular political organizations into those with authoritarian characteristics. High
levels of political polarization can inspire political opponents to engage in
undemocratic measures such as general strikes and coup attempts. This makes it
more difficult for the ruling party to make concessions, further polarizing the
country. The more polarized a society is, the more ready the people are to support
the incumbent's policies, even if they undermine democracy.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Foreign Studies

According to Pappas (2020), it is the polar opposite and the most formidable
foe of modern liberal democracy. Populism is a political alternative to democracy
that, while preserving elections, is antagonistic to the liberal democracy's essential
principles and institutions.

Populism is a political ideology that holds that the common people are
exploited by a privileged elite, and which seeks to resolve this. its aim is to considers
human action to be of central importance, and usually presents 'the people' as a
predominate good. It considers society to be ultimately separated into two
homogeneous and antagonistic groups: "the people" and "the elite", and sometimes
the term "middle class" as well (Wejnert, B. 2014 pg. 149).

The rise of modern populism in the past two decades has motivated much
work on the determinants of populist voting. (Guriev and Papaioannou 2020, or
Guiso et al. 2017 and Rodrik 2017).

According to Takis (2020) states that there is no effective populism without

charismatic leadership. The key factor in the emergence of a populist administration
is not being able to produce a leader who exemplifies all the qualities of political

According to Pappas (2019) states that the populism affects the old
established institutions, creates significant social polarization, and causes economic
and political problems; at times, it even transitions into authoritarianism. However,
ruling populism demonstrates tremendous political endurance and, in general, enjoys
governmental longevity. Populism is disastrous for liberal democracy in the long run.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

The related literature and studies will underpin this study. The foreign and
local literature, and the study served as proof that somehow the study is acceptable
and sensible because the same information and variable involved. Regardless if the
results are completely different from each other what matter the most is the related
information that it provides serving as the foundation to strengthen the study.
Specifically, the results in Chapter 4 of this study. Moreover, this chapter showcased
other studies administered by different researchers, which are truly beneficial for it
helps widen the knowledge and understanding of the current researchers with
regards to this study.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design, research instruments, the locale of
the study, research instrument, and statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers used a quantitative research approach.

According to Ostoya (2016) states that the best suited explanatory research design
(preferably than descriptive or exploratory research) is experimental research,
whereas to examine cause-effect relationships is the goal of the study.

According to Burns and Grove (2003) defined research design as the blueprint
for conducting a study and according to Parahoo (1997) affirmed that research
design is a plan that describes how, when, and where data are to be collected and
analyzed. The research design that the researchers had used in this study is
experimental research design. Hence, the researcher used this kind of research
design to determine Demographic Profile and The Rise of Modern Populism and Its
impacts on the political behavior of the selected students in the City of Malabon

Hence, this was applicable because as Atkinson (2008) stated that to

determine the relationship between one thing (an independent) and another (a
dependent or outcome variable) in a population is the aim of the quantitative
research. The researchers aim to determine the personal impacts of the rise of
modern populism to the respondents.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Locale of the Study

The respondents of the study are from the selected students of the City of
Malabon University. The City of Malabon University is a Local University College
located in Malabon City which has four (4) college department presided by Professor
Melissa Oreta. Selected students from the degree program of Bachelor of Arts in
Political Science that the researchers had chosen as the locale of the study.

Population and Sampling Technique

This study had fifty (50) respondents. The researchers used Purposive
Sampling Method is a way to gather and select people with special knowledge and
experience about the subject of the study. Since this study aim to determine the rise
of modern populism and its impacts on the political behavior of the selected students
in the City of Malabon University, the information for this study must e from
individuals impacted by the rise of modern populism in terms of their political views,
empirical thoughts, and electoral choice.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Research Instruments

The researchers used different instruments to gather data such as the survey
questionnaire and cellphone.

Survey Questionnaire
Underpin the method survey, the structure of the questions is already
prepared and just needed to be answered by the respondents even without the help
from the researchers. The researchers made sure that they will still guide the
respondents so that they could properly answer the survey questionnaire in a way
that it will still be appropriate to the need of this study. The researchers construct
the survey questionnaire based on its purpose and need of the study.

The survey questionnaire was validated by the professional. It is a four-point

scale Likert scale ranges strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree, and agree. The
three categories are Political views, Empirical thoughts, and Electoral choice. The
minimum expected score is zero (0) and the maximum expected score is twenty-five
(25) per terms. The interpretation:

GRAPH 1: 0.0-
0.6 0.8-
1.5- 1.5


Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City


The researcher used cellphone to conduct a survey through Messenger

application. They also consider the consent of their respondents upon stating the

Data Gathering Procedure

Before conducting a survey to the target respondents, the researchers

oriented the respondents about the research process to guarantee their consent.
After that, the researchers prepared their technical instruments such cellphones to
conduct a survey through Messenger application, screenshot for documentation, as
well as the questionnaire. Once everything was ready, they started the data

In doing the survey, the researchers carefully guide their respondents while
answering the survey questionnaire. At the same time, they made sure that every
question will be answered well. After that, the researchers assured of full
confidentiality of information. After the respondents have answered all the

This process had continued for two days until the researchers had already
fulfilled a total of fifty (50) respondents that they need for this study. After that,
they immediately proceed to data tallying for the survey. The researchers carefully
tallied the results of the survey so that the credibility and validity of the results will

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Figure 3. Research Flow


Answering of Questionnaire

Data Tallying

”The Rise of Modern Populism

and Its Impact on the Political
Behavior to the selected students
in the City of Malabon University”

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Scale Interpretation Description

5 Very high valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide
unbiased data for the study
4 High valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide
unbiased data for the study
3 Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide
unbiased data for the study
2 Less valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide
unbiased data for the study
1 Not valid at all The questionnaire is valid and can provide
unbiased data for the study

5 4 3 2 1
1. Clarity and Directions √
of items.
The vocabulary level,
language, structure, and
conceptual level of
participants. The
questionnaire directions
and the items are written
in a clear and
understandable manner.

2. Presentation and √
Organization of items.

The items are presented

and organized in logical

3. Suitability of items. √

The item appropriately

presented the substance
of the research. The
questions are designed to
determine the impacts

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

that are designed to


4. Adequateness of the √

The number of the

questions per area are
representative enough of
all the questions needed
for the research.

5. Attainment of Purpose. √

The instrument as a whole

fulfills the objectives
needed for the research.

6. Objective. √

Each item question

requires only one specific
answer or measures only
one behavior and no
aspect of the
questionnaires suggests in
the past of the researcher.

Andres Francisco Enage

Signature Over Printed Name
Questions Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

1. Modern Populism arise after the

failure of the government
institutions to address the
needs of the people.
2. Modern Populism arise to
promote the social, economic,
and political needs of the
ordinary people.
3. Modern Populism is a political
thought that originated from
Greece but since the concept
advocates the realization of
common will as against the
elites, the same is more
democratic and good for the
4. Modern Populists make
promises to address the needs
of the people in the middle of
the crisis.
5. Modern Populism challenges my
political views on the social
issues that affects the lives of
the ordinary people.
6. Modern Populist is presenting
the ordinary citizens.
7. Voting to modern populist is
based on their political will to
help the ordinary people.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Chapter IV

Results and Discussions

This chapter presents the data collected by the researchers. The results of the
data that the researchers had gathered during the data collection were discussed.

Graph 2: Age of the Respondents

Graph 2 shows the age of the respondents. The researchers gather fifty (50)
respondents or 100 % with a total number of fifty (50) respondents.

Graph 3. Gender of the Respondents

Graph 3 presents the sex of the respondents. It has a total number of fifty
(50) consisting of forty-six percent (46%) of Male, forty-one percent (41%) of
Female, nine percent (9%) of non-binary, and four percent (4%) of Prefer not to
describe the gender. It could be gleaned that most of the respondents are Male. The
researchers admit that men were more approachable than women because during

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

the data collection process, some women are disregarded answering the
questionnaire. Thus, it could be gleaned that majority of the respondents are Male.

Graph 4: Modern Populism arise after the failure of the government institution to
address the needs of the people.

Graph 4 presents the Modern Populism arise after the failure of the
government institution to address the needs of the people. Seventy percent (70%)
of the respondents agreed that the modern populism arise after the failure of the
government institution to address the needs of the people. Twenty-four percent
(24%) of the respondents are strongly agreed, while four percent (4%) of the
respondents are strongly disagreed, and two percent (2%) of the respondents are
disagreed. According to Buendia (2021), states that four (4) terms of president's
failure after Corazon Aquino's term led to populist leaders who project to belong to
the 'non-elite' class or who can identify themselves to the long-aspired interests and
goals of the masses. As a result, the modern populism arise as time goes by because
of the failure of the government institutions to address the needs of the people.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Graph 5: Modern Populism arise to promote the social, economic, and political
needs of the people.

Graph 5 shows the modern populism arise to promote the social, economic,
and political needs of the ordinary people. Sixty-two percent (62%) of the
respondents strongly agreed that the modern populism arise to promote the social,
economic, and political needs of the people. Eighteen percent (18%) of the
respondents are strongly disagreed, twelve percent (12%) of the respondents
disagreed, while eight percent (8%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that the
modern populism arise to promote the social, economic, and political needs of the
people. According to Musindi (2020) states that populist disregarding wider picture
policies and politics which target social issues directly to appeal votes. Thus, in sum,
the modern populism arises to promote social, economic.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Graph 6: Modern Populism is a political thought that originated from Greece but
since the concept advocates the realization of common will as against the elites, the
same is more democratic and good for the country.

Graph 6 depicts that the modern populism is a political thought that

originated from Greece but since the concept advocates the realization of common
will as against the elites, the same is more democratic and good for the country.
Fifty-six percent (56%) of the respondents are agreed. Twenty percent (20%) are
strongly agreed. While, sixteen percent (16%) disagreed, and eight percent (8%)
are strongly disagreed. According to Serhan (2020) states that even definitions of
populism have developed the means, still, many people are none wiser. In sum,
respondents are not aware what is modern populism.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Graph 7: Modern Populist make promises to address the needs of the people in the
middle of the crisis.

Graph 7 presents the modern populist make promises to address the needs of
the people in the middle of crisis. Fifty percent (50%) of the respondents are
agreed, twenty-four percent (24%) are strongly agreed. While, eighteen percent
(18%), and eight percent (8%) are strongly disagreed. According to Kreuzer (2019),
Populists are supposed to thrive on their ability to mirror, condense and radicalize
popular demands ignored by establishment politicians.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Graph 8: Modern Populism challenges my political views in the social issues that
affects the lives of the ordinary people.

Graph 8 presents the modern populism challenges my political views in the

social issues that affects the lives of the ordinary people. Fifty-eight percent (58%)
of the respondents are agreed; twenty-two percent (22%) are strongly disagreed.
While, sixteen percent (16%) are disagreed, and four percent (4%) are strongly
disagreed. According to Urbinati (2019) Populists have a singular relationship with
elections. They use them as a strategy to reveal a majority that, in their mind,
already exists in the country and that the leader brings to the surface and makes
victorious. In sum, populists claim that politics is a contest and claim that they
merely represent the populate to garner fondness in the populate.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Graph 9: Modern Populist is presenting the ordinary citizens

Graph 9 depicts the modern populist is presenting the ordinary citizens. Forty-
four percent (44%) of the respondents are agreed; twenty-two percent (22%) are
strongly agreed. While, also twenty-two percent (22%) are disagreed, and twelve
percent (12%) are strongly disagreed. According to Mudde (2004) populist tend to
define the people as those that are with them”.

Graph 10: Voting to modern populist is based on their political will to help the
ordinary people.

Graph 10 shows voting to

modern populist is based on their political will to help ordinary people. Sixty percent
(60%) of the respondent are agreed; twelve percent (12%) are strongly agreed.
While, ten percent (10%) are disagreed and eighteen percent (18%) are strongly
disagreed. According to Buendia (2021), states that Duterte's projection as the
messiah who would deliver out the masses from poverty, injustices, clean up the
criminal syndicates, and oligarchic rule erode the country's democratic institutions'

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Chapter V

Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings

This study sought to answer the following questions.

1. Consisting of seventy percent (70%) agreed that the Modern Populism

arise when the government institutions failed to address the needs of the
2. The majority of the respondents, with sixty-two percent (62%) of the
respondent’s agreed that the rise of the Modern Populism is to promote
the social, economic, and political needs of the people.
3. The majority of the respondents are not aware about what Modern
Populism is, consisting of fifty-six percent of the respondents.
4. The Modern Populism with fifty percent (50%) persuade the selected
students by making promises to address the needs of the people in the
middle of crisis
5. The majority of the respondents consisting of fifty-eight percent (58%)
agree that the rise of the modern populism impacted their political
behavior in terms of political views that affects the lives of the ordinary
6. Most of the respondents consisting of twenty-two percent (22%) of the
respondents agree that the rise of modern populism impacted the political
behavior of the respondents in terms of empirical thoughts.
7. The sixty percent (60%) of the respondents agreed that the rise of
modern populism affects the political behavior in terms of electoral choice
of the respondents.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City


After two (2) day of data collection, one (1) week of analyzing the data, and
almost two (2) months of crafting he final papers, the researchers therefore
conclude that

1. Based on the study, the modern populism arises because it has extended as time
goes by?

2. Based on the study, the reason for the rise of the modern populism the
democratic institutions to address the political turmoil.

3. Based on the study, the respondents are not fully aware about what Modern
Populism us

4. Based on the study, the selected respondents persuaded by the modern populist
by making promises to represent the needs of the ordinary citizen

5. Based on the study, the rise of modern populism impacted the political behavior
of the respondents in terms of political view on social issues.

6. Based on the study, that the modern populism affects the thoughts of the
respondents in terms of certain topic.

7. Based on the study, the majority of the respondents are populist themselves that
they think the corrupt is unresponsive to the needs of the people.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City


1. This study should provide standardize questionnaire so that the results

will be more valid.
2. Widen the locale of the study to easily generalize the results of the
study and to be more valid and have more reliable information.
3. The sample size is small and insufficient which is only 50 respondents.
Thus, there are difficulties to generalize the result of the study, so
increase the numbers of sample size.
4. Future researcher are recommended to gather lager amount of sample
size to produce more accurate results. These recommendations help in
increasing the reliability of the findings.
5. Expand the local of the study to gather more data to support the claim
of the study.

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City


Aalberg T., et al (2018) Populism as an Expression of Political Communication

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Cambridge University Press. (2009) Populism and the Politics of Rights: The Dual
Attack on Representative Democracy* Retrieved

Cambridge University Press. (2013) Populism and Liberal Democracy: Populists in

Government in Austria, Italy, Poland and Switzerland Retrieved

Cambridge University Press. (2014) The Populist Zeitgeist. Retrieved


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the Philippines Retrieved from

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Eisen N. and Porcile L. (2020) The Populist Paradox Retrieved

Heydarian J. (2017) The Rise of Duterte: A Populist Revolt Against Elite Democracy
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Jaminola III L. and Mendoza R. (2021) Is Duterte a Populist? Rhetoric vs. Reality
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Kruezer P. (2019) Populism, executive assertiveness and popular support for

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Personal Values, Populist Attitudes, and Ingroup Definitions in Support of Left-Wing
and Right-Wing Welfare Policies in Italy. Retrieved
Ortiz-Ortega, V. (2018). Populism and Democracy. Retrieved
Pappas T. (2016) Modern Populism: Research Advances, Conceptual and
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Parcon I. (2021) Dutertismo: Populism and Democracy Politics in the Philippines

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Pernia R. (2019) Human rights in a time of Populism: Philippines Under Rodrigo

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Spruyt B., et al (2016) Who Supports Populism and What Attracts People to It?
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Thompson M. (2021) Duterte's Violent Populism: Mass Murder , Political Legitimacy
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Witte M. (2020) Populism is a political problem that is putting democracy at risk,
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Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City




Name of Validator: Andres Francisco Enage

Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, MPA
Direction: This tool asks for your evaluation of the questionnaire to be used in the
data gathering for the study stated above, to establish its validity. You are requested
to give your suggestions and assessment using the criteria stated below; please
check (√) only one from the selection.

Scale Interpretation Description

5 Very high valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide
unbiased data for the study
4 High valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide
unbiased data for the study
3 Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide
unbiased data for the study
2 Less valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide
unbiased data for the study
1 Not valid at all The questionnaire is valid and can provide
unbiased data for the study

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

Validator’s Questionnaire Assessment

5 4 3 2 1
1. Clarity and Directions of √
The vocabulary level,
language, structure, and
conceptual level of
participants. The
questionnaire directions and
the items are written in a clear
and understandable manner.

2. Presentation and √
Organization of items.

The items are presented and

organized in logical manner

3. Suitability of items. √

The item appropriately

presented the substance of
the research. The questions
are designed to determine the
impacts that are designed to

4. Adequateness of the √

The number of the questions

per area are representative
enough of all the questions
needed for the research.

5. Attainment of Purpose. √

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

The instrument as a whole

fulfills the objectives
needed for the research.

6. Objective. √

Each item question

requires only one specific
answer or measures only
one behavior and no
aspect of the
questionnaires suggests in
the past of the researcher.

Andres Francisco Enage

Signature Over Printed Name

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

“The Rise of Modern Populism and Its impacts on the political behavior of
the selected students in the City of Malabon University.”

Literacy Questionnaire
We, the researchers from Bachelor of Arts in Political Science,3 rd-year, Section
A, are conducting a study about “The rise of Modern Populism and Its impacts on
the Political Behavior of the selected students of the City of Malabon University”. The
purpose of this study is to determine the impacts on the political behavior of the
selected students of the City of Malabon University of the rise of Modern Populism.
The questionnaires ask about how your political behavior was impacted by the rise
of modern populism. Your responses will be anonymous and will never be linked to
you personally. Your participation is entirely voluntary. If there are items you do not
feel comfortable answering, please skip them.
We appreciate your input!
Instructions: For each statement, please check whether you Strongly Agree,
Agree, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree.

Questions Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1. Modern Populism arise after

the failure of the
government institutions to
address the needs of the
2. Modern Populism arise to
promote the social,
economic, and political
needs of the ordinary
3. Modern Populism is a
political thought that
originated from Greece but
since the concept advocates
the realization of common

Pampano Rd. cor. Maya-Maya St., Brgy.Longos,
Malabon City

will as against the elites, the

same is more democratic
and good for the country.
4. Modern Populists make
promises to address the
needs of the people in the
middle of the crisis.
5. Modern Populism challenges
my political views on the
social issues that affects the
lives of the ordinary people.
6. Modern Populist is
presenting the ordinary
7. Voting to modern populist is
based on their political will
to help the ordinary people.


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