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Czarlice Nicole Andrade was born on November 7, 2004, and raised in the Philippines, where she experienced a childhood filled with memorable moments. Her childhood was a mix of laughter and heartwarming moments. One memory that stands out is the time she accidentally broke a family picture while sliding down the stairs in front of her relatives. It was one of those moments that became a family legend, bringing both laughter and a bit of embarrassment. Family is everything to Czarlice. Her mom and her mom's side of the family are her rock, her constant support system. They've been there through it all through thick and thin, shaping her into the person she is today. Their love is like a warm hug that she carries with her wherever she goes. Speaking of relationships, she's all about that "forever friends" vibe. To her, platonic love is the real deal, and she's lucky to have experienced it with a close classmate. Plus, she's all about those friends who get that sometimes you just need your alone time. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows for Czarlice. She's got a fear that hits close to home - being left out or feeling alone. It's a fear that drives her to cherish every moment and every relationship she has, making sure no one ever feels forgotten. Looking into the future, Czarlice sees herself fresh out of college in five years, though she's not quite sure where life will take her job-wise, she's drawn to fields that blend her passion for storytelling with her creativity and strategic thinking. Whether it's journalism or marketing, she knows she wants a career that allows her to make a difference and express herself. When she's not pondering the future, you can find Czarlice immersing herself in the captivating world of Genshin Impact, where she can escape reality and embark on thrilling adventures. But she's not one to shy away from real-world experiences either - she's eager to try her hand at volleyball someday, adding a bit of physical activity to her list of hobbies. Czarlice has an open heart, courage, and resilience in the face of everything. She's on a self-discovery journey, pursuing her goals and valuing the relationships and experiences that really give life value.

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