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Chapter 13 – Planned Maintenance

This chapter contains the following information:

z Overview on page 13-2

z Safety Equipment Tests on page 13-12

z Mechanical Maintenance on page 13-20

z Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure on

page 13-23

z System Lubrication Procedure on page 13-40

z PM Test Results & Checklists on page 13-65

z Hawkeye Planned Maintenance on page 13-74

z System Maintenance Performed by Operator on page 13-75

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–1 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Overview

13.1 Overview

13.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of the Planned Maintenance (PM) procedure is to ensure a high
level of performance and reliability as well as eliminate unnecessary system
Cleaning, adjusting and checking the system annually will reduce the number
of remedial calls and increase the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF).
These regular checks and adjustments will also increase component life and
prevent situations which may be hazardous to the patient or operator.

13.1.2 Type and Frequency of Maintenance Maintenance performed by Service Engineers.

Planned Maintenance, unless otherwise specified, is carried out annually and
should only be performed by suitably qualified Service Engineers. To assist
with record keeping, a chart is provided in Section . These records provide
valuable information on the status of the system, and indicate if scheduling
of an additional service or is required. These maintenance procedures are
listed in Table 13-1 – Maintenance Checks Performed by Field Engineers on
page 13-3 and described in Section 13.2 and for systems fitted with Hawkeye
Section 13.8 must also be carried out. Maintenance performed by Operator.

There are however some maintenance procedures which need to be carried
out more frequently by the operator. These maintenance procedures are listed
in Section 13.9 on page 13-75.

13.1.3 Planned maintenance - Infinia II

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–2 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Overview

Table 13-1: Maintenance Checks Performed by Field Engineers

Infinia GP Maintenance Checks 12 Month 24 Month

Safety Checks
Pressure Sensitive Device Functionality Test FE
Collimator exchange and identification Check FE
Emergency Button Shut-off Test FE
System emergency check FE
Table's pallet checks FE
Gantry Stopping Distance test FE
Gantry back cover switch test FE

Mechanical, HW and Image Checks:

Motion noises FE
Rotation Gear Leakage FE
CDL TRX & RCV cleaning FE
Slipring cleaning FE
Timing Belts & Pulleys FE
Rear Roller FE
Lateral Gear Backlash FE
Floor Plates & Locker Anchors. FE
Collimator Carts. FE
RCU Switches FE
Switches: Check the ON/OFF panel FE
Head Rest, Arm Rest and Leg Supports
Mattress is not torn and is clean.
Looking for scratches on the monitor screen.
Gantry Display Unit (GDU) FE
Image QC
Weekly QC FE
COR Calibration, if DROT fails. FE
Gantry Lubrication FE
Table Lubrication FE
Radial Lead Screws and Nuts FE

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–3 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Overview

Table 13-1: Maintenance Checks Performed by Field Engineers

Linear Bearings & Rails FE

Full Back-Up (if changes are made) FE
CDL Transmitter & Receiver Cleaning FE
Slip Ring Cleaning FE
General Cleanup - Back of Gantry. FE

Hawkeye Maintenance Checks: 12 Month 24 Month

All tests FE
Safety Tests
All defined tests FE
QC Tests
High Contrast Resolution FE
Low Contrast Resolution FE
Noise &Uniformity FE
System Calibration:
SDC alignment test FE
Pin Alignment FE
Mechanical Checks:
X-ray Tube check for cracks and leakage FE
Checks of Rotor Covers for cracks. FE

System lubrication is only required every two years, and should be carried
out according to the procedures described in Section 13.7

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–4 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Maintenance performed by Service Engineers

13.2 Maintenance performed by Service Engineers

13.2.1 Preparation for Maintenance Service

1. Schedule the Planned Maintenance service at least one week in advance.
2. Make sure that the following items are available on site:
a. Action Check List. (This is contained in Section 13.7)
b. Appropriate software (ensure that version is correct)
c. Standard tool set
d. Oil and Grease - according to Section 13.6
3. Ensure that the Field Engineer is provided with an updated service call

4. Request that the customer orders the necessary Tc99m isotope.

5. The customer should be made aware of the following:
a. The nature of the work to be carried out.
b. Duration of Planned Maintenance Service - max. one working
c. What should be expected.
6. One day before the PM service call, verify with the customer that the
system is operating properly and that the Tc99m isotope is on site.

13.2.2 Implementation
This document contains a lists of procedures that should be carried out at
predefined intervals. On completion of each procedure, the Planned
Maintenance Test Results & Checklists (Section 13.7 on page 13-65) should
be filled in accordingly. Where requested, FEs must sign in the appropriate
space. Flow charts are provided (see Figure 13-1 through Figure 13-4) to
show the order in which the procedures should be carried out and the steps
that should be taken in the event of unsatisfactory test results.
1. Before starting the PM Service, enter the required system information in
Section 13.7.1. The name of the FE should also be entered.
2. Perform the Safety Planned Maintenance procedures according to
Section 13.3 and record the findings in Safety Mechanism Test Results
(see Section 13.7.2).

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–5 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Maintenance performed by Service Engineers

3. Complete the Mechanical Maintenance Planning procedures according

to Section 13.4 in this document and record the results in Mechanical
Maintenance Check List (Section 13.7.4).
4. Every two years, perform the System Lubrication Procedure as described
in Section 13.6 and record the points greased in the System Lubrication
Chart in Section 13.7.10.
5. Perform the General Performance Checks according to Section 13.7.5
and record the results.

Any system malfunctions that are detected should be scheduled for immediate

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–6 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Maintenance performed by Service Engineers

Contact customer and check if the system
is operating properly

Working No
properly Service Call


Safety Equipment Tests

Pressure Sensitive Device

Operation Test

Collimator ID
Mechanism Check

Collimator Locking Mechanism


Emergency Button
Shut-OFF Test

Emergency Unit Check

Table Safety Mechanism Check

Figure 13-1 Planned Maintenance - Flow Chart

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–7 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Maintenance performed by Service Engineers

A. General
PM flow
Schedule Service

YES Check Rotor



YES Check Lateral

Lateral Adjustment


Abnormal Pinpoint axes Check Radial

Noise during Radial 1 Adjustment
Motion (use RCU to help)


YES Check Radial

Radial 2 Adjustment NO

Major Repair or
Lubrication Required YES

Weekly QC B YES Check Swivel
Swivel 1 Adjustment


DROT C YES Check Swivel
Swivel 2 Adjustment

Fitted No


Bed Up/Down
If changes Actuator.
are made


Check and
Bed In/Out Adjust
Appendix A6

Figure 13-2 Planned Maintenance - Flow Chart 2

If Periodical NM Calibration & QC fails, go to Figure 13-3

If COR Test fails, go to Figure 13-4
If Options are fitted, go to Figure 13-5

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–8 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Maintenance performed by Service Engineers

Is the Peak No
Schedule appointment to
B within acceptable remake maps


Is the Energy Schedule appointment to
Resolution remake maps

Acquire new sensitivity

min. 10Mcounts, TC99, > 5% Schedule appointment to
No Sence Map. Run remake maps
Utest with NOS Image

< 5%


Figure 13-3 Planned Maintenance - Flow Chart B

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–9 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Maintenance performed by Service Engineers


No Check for Back-lash in: Did you carry out

Perform CROT
C CROT Passed? Rotation, Lateral, Corrective
Radial and Swivel Actions?


Schedule appointment for:

Motion System Calibration
See Chap.1 in Millennium VG - System Calibration

Figure 13-4 Planned Maintenance - Flow Chart C

Pin Alignment
(X-ray center of Rotation)
Chapter 13 – Planned Maintenance

Enhanced X-ray QC
Chapter 9 – Quality Control

Figure 13-5 Planned Maintenance - Flow Chart D

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–10 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Maintenance performed by Service Engineers

13.2.3 Service Completion Instructions

1. A copy of the PM Report (Section 13.7) must be printed out and left in
the site log book. Ensure that all relevant information has been entered
and that signatures appear in all the appropriate places
2. Place the backup diskettes in the designated place and notify the

Make sure that the backup diskettes are labeled and that the current date is
recorded on the label.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–11 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Safety Equipment Tests

13.3 Safety Equipment Tests

The purpose of the Safety Equipment Test is to reduce the occurrences of
equipment or component failure and prevent problems which may be
hazardous to the patient or operator.

The Safety Mechanism Tests in Section 13.7.2 should be carried out every
twelve months.


Failure to perform these safety tests may result in damage to the equipment and/
or injury or harm to patients under examination and/or operator.

13.3.1 Pressure Sensitive Device Functionality Test

1. Rotate the Gantry slowly and press the Pressure Sensitive Device (PSD)
PSD Coll and PSD Cross-Bar at the nine different locations along the
outer edges of Head #1 as shown in the diagram below.
Repeat the test for Head #2.

(1) (2) (3)

1 30 5 70 9
(8) (9) (4) 11
40 6 80
2 10
(7) (6) (5)

PSD Coll PSD Cross Bar (CB) - On Both Heads

Figure 13-6 Pressure Sensitive Device Functionality Test

2. In each test, the rotation movement must stop, and the appropriate
message should appear. If the test is successfully in all of the eight
locations on both collimators and eight locations on both Cross Bars, fill
out the PSD Operation Check in Safety Mechanism Test Results in
Section 13.7.2).
3. If the PSD activation fails in one or more of the locations, dismantle the
PSD and check the functionality of the troublesome switch with a Digital
Volt Meter.

Important Any defective or suspect PSD switches should be replaced.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–12 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Safety Equipment Tests

13.3.2 Collimator Identification Check

1. Set the Gantry to H-Mode.
2. Verify that the system identifies the collimators correctly.
Use the Gantry Handler for this test.



b. Calibration > Gantry Handler > Control > Software > Get Configuration

3. If the collimator ID does not match, unload both collimators onto the
Collimator Cart.
4. Verify that the Cross bar of the Body Contour mechanism is properly
5. Verify that there are no broken or bent contacts, either on the Collimator
ID Cards or on the Detector Head PCBs. If there are broken or bent
contacts on the Head PCB or Collimator ID Card, replace the defective
part or schedule a service call.
6. For each additional pair of Collimators:
a. Perform Collimator Exchange and load the Collimators.
(keep the heaviest for last).
b. During Collimator exchanges, verify proper alignment of cart and
adjust if necessary (refer to Section 13.5.7). Check the wheels for
breakage and wear and tear. Replace damaged parts where necessary.
i Verify that the system correctly identifies the loaded |
ii Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for the newly loaded Collimators.
7. Complete the Collimator Identification Check list in Section 13.7.4.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–13 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Safety Equipment Tests

13.3.3 Emergency Button Shut-off Test

1. Perform Computer Shutdown procedure and wait until the Acquisition
Station shuts down.
2. Power OFF the system
3. Disconnect cable connector J5 (Computer Power Cable) from the IPS
Front Panel.
4. Switch the Circuit Breaker ON and verify that it remains in the ON
position. If a fault exists, the Circuit Breaker will retain its OFF position.
5. While Circuit Breaker is ON, verify that the yellow “STAND-BY” light
is lit.
6. Press the E-Stop button that is connected to J7 on the IPS Front Panel.
Verify that Circuit Breaker jumps to OFF.
7. Release the E-Stop button that is connected to J7 on the IPS Front Panel.
8. Repeat steps 4 - 7 and test the E-Stop located on the Display Panel.
9. Switch Circuit Breaker ON and verify that it remains in the ON position.
If a fault exists, the Circuit Breaker will retain its OFF position.
10. Press the green ON button and check that the green light is lit.
11. Press the E-Stop button that is connected to J7 on the IPS Front Panel.
Verify that Circuit Breaker jumps to OFF.
12. Release the E-Stop button that is connected to J7 on the IPS Front Panel.
13. While Circuit Breaker is ON, verify that the yellow “STAND-BY” light
is lit.
14. Repeat steps 9 - 12 and test the E-Stop located on the Display Panel.
15. Connect cable connector J5 (Computer Power cable) on the IPS Front
16. Power-up the system and the Acquisition Station.
17. Enter the results in the Emergency Button Shut-off Test in Section

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–14 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Safety Equipment Tests

13.3.4 Emergency System Check

1. Set the system to Whole Body (H-Mode).
2. Using the RCU, press Radial IN for Head #1 and while the Head is in
motion, apply pressure on one of the PSDs.
3. Verify that the System Paused: PSD activated message appears on
the Gantry Display, check that all motions are disabled except for the
RADIAL OUT motion.
4. Press and release the RCU ENABLE Lever and check that the message
System Paused: PSD activated disappears.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for Head #2.
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for pressure to the Cross-Bar PSD.
7. Set the system to L-CARDIAC (L-Mode).
8. Move the Heads in the Lateral IN direction, and during motion press one
of the PSDs.
9. Verify that the message System Paused: PSD activated appear on
the Gantry Display.
10. Verify that all motions are disabled except for the LATERAL OUT
11. Press and release the RCU ENABLE Lever and check that the message
System Paused: PSD activated disappears.
12. Repeat steps 8 to 11 for Head #2.
13. Repeat steps 8 to 12 for pressure to the Cross-Bar PSD.
14. Complete the Emergency Unit Check in Section 13.7.2.

13.3.5 Patient Table Safety Mechanism Checks Stretcher Checking Procedure

1. Push the stretcher out to its maximum limit.
2. Look under the entire length of the stretcher for fractures.
Pay particular attention to the points where the stretcher comes into
contact with the roller mechanism.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–15 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Safety Equipment Tests

13.3.6 Gantry Stopping Distance Check Purpose

The Stopping Distance tests are used to define the hardware and software
stopping distance of different gantry axes in case of hardware/software stop. Radial, Table Fwd/Back, and Table Up/Down Axis Tests Radial Axis Detector #1 Test

Navigation: a.

b. Calibration > Gantry and X-ray Utilities > Stopping Distance Tests

1. Select the H-Shape related axes radio button.

2. Check the Radial #1 box on the Stopping Distance Test screen.
3. Click <Start>.
The following message appears on the screen

4. Press <Set> on the RCU.

Note: No instruction for this procedure is displayed on the GDU
The Gantry moves to the Test starting position and the following mes-
sage appears on the screen.

5. Press <Go> on the RCU to start the Hardware Stopping Distance test
The Radial motion begins - Detector #1 moves inward.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–16 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Safety Equipment Tests

Wait about 2 seconds to allow motion to reach maximum velocity and

press the PSD.
6. The motion stops and the following message appears on the screen:

7. Press <Enable> on the RCU.

Press <Go> on the RCU to start the Software Stopping Distance test.
8. The Axis motion continues for a short time and stops.
9. Press [Next] to review the test report.
10. Press <Back> to repeat the procedure for the other Axes Table Fwd/Back, and Table Up/Down and Radial Axis #2 Tests

The tests for these axes are performed exactly in the same way as described
in Section, but ensure that the appropriate box is checked.

Note These tests may be performed consecutively by selecting multiple check boxes on
the initial screen as shown in Figure 13-7

Figure 13-7 Initial Screen for Multiple H-Shape Related Axes Selection

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–17 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Safety Equipment Tests Report.

Figure 13-8 Stopping Distance Test Report

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–18 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Safety Equipment Tests Rotation and Lateral Axis Tests Rotation Axis Test

Navigation: a.

b. Calibration > Gantry and X-ray Utilities > Stopping Distance Tests

1. Select the L-Shape related axes radio button.

2. Check the Rotation box on the Stopping Distance Test screen.
3. Perform steps 3 to 10 in section Section

Note Rotation and Lateral tests may be performed consecutively by selecting multiple
check boxes on the initial screen as shown in Figure 13-7

Figure 13-9 Initial Screen for Multiple L-Shape Related Axes Selection

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–19 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance

13.4 Mechanical Maintenance

Perform the checking procedures according to Section 13.4.1 and enter the
results in the Mechanical Maintenance Checklist in Section 13.7.4.

For mechanical adjustments and part replacing procedures, refer to

Section 13.5.

During the annual Maintenance Service the rear covers of the Gantry Stator
and all Rotor covers should be removed before PM Service commences.

During the 24 month Lubrication and Maintenance Service, all covers should
be removed before PM Lubrication Service commences.

Note The 24 month Lubrication and Maintenance Service takes two days to complete.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–20 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance

13.4.1 Checking Procedures

No Checking Procedure

1 Remove Gantry Rear Cover, and run GLEVEL.

Check for noise - Pay attention to excessive or unusual motor noise, “dunking or knocking”
sounds, and any other abnormal noise from gears brakes and rails
Check cover alignment and any damage to covers.
Re-align if necessary, and order replacements for any damaged parts.

2 Check the Rotation Gear for leakage.

If there is oil "sweat", wipe off with a cloth.
If the leakage is more than “sweat”, schedule a time to replace the gear as soon as

3 CDL Transmitters and Receivers.

Check that all transmitters and receivers of the CDL are not loose or damaged. Use a
vacuum cleaner and a dry cloth to clean the CDL. Physically check that cables are intact
and correct placed in the groove.
Use a canister of compressed air and clean the Codier Ring and the sensors on the Zero
Index PCB

4 Slip Ring:
Shut down the system and switch OFF the circuit breaker.
Warning: Do not touch the Slip Rings unless the system is turned OFF.
Using a vacuum cleaner and dry cloth, remove all dust and grit.
Use an Anti-static wrist strap when cleaning electronic parts.
Turn ON the system.

5 Gantry Stator Cleaning

Using a vacuum cleaner, and a dry cloth do a general clean up of the back of Gantry Stator.
Use an Anti-static wrist strap when cleaning electronic parts

6 Timing belts and Pulleys of all applicable belts.

Check the timing belts for wear and tear and verify that the pulleys are properly secured to
the shafts.

7 Support Roller
Check the back roller of the Stator (Bed support in tunnel) for smooth operation. Replace if

8 Lateral Gear Backlash:

Check the backlash of the lateral gear of each Head as per Section 13.5.6.

9 RCU Switches
Check the function buttons and the enable lever for proper operation, and that they are not
Check the spring loaded switches for proper release. Replace if necessary

10 Floor Anchoring Screws

Check the collimator locking plate anchoring screws. Ensure that they are properly
tightened and If any are missing, replace.

11 Collimator Carts:
Check wheels for any signs of breakage, wear and tear.
Replace if necessary.
This should be carried out together with Section 13.3.2

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–21 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance

12 Gantry Lubrication, refer to Section 13.6.2.

Check for corrosion or rust on metallic bodies and welding.
a.Oil all black oxide plated parts of the Gantry with SAE68M or similar oil. (Old Gantry)
b.Oil the Lateral Spline Shaft connecting to the Lateral Gears.

13 Table Lubrication, refer to Section 13.6.3.

a. Oil the Ball Screw, the Ball Nut and the End Bearings of the Ball Screw.
b. Check for corrosion and rust on metal bodies and welding.
c. Check the left & right Actuators for Damage and longitudinal scratches on the aluminium
telescope structure.

14 Radial Lead Screws, Nuts and Bearings:

a. Verify that parts are not rusty
b. Verify that parts are not bent or distorted.
c. Check for proper oiling - oil if necessary.
d. Check backlash between the screw and nut. if needed, replace screw and / or nut.

15 Radial & Lateral Linear Bearings & Rails:

a. Verify that parts are not rusty.
b. Verify that parts are not bent or distorted.
c. Check for proper oiling - oil if necessary.

16 Swivel & Cross-Bar Mechanism:

a. Verify that parts are not rusty.
b. Verify that parts are not bent or distorted.
c. Check backlash between the worm and worm wheel. Adjust if needed (see Section
d. Grease worm wheel teeth and linear bearings of cross-bar

17 Front End Sensors Test

Check the Front End Sensors. Write down the voltage in the table provided.

18 Periodic NM Calibration & QC

If QC fails: Create new Uniformity Map (refer to Chapter 8 – Maps Creation)
Acquire image minimum 30Mcounts, NO Uniformity Correction and run Uniformity Test. If
CFOV is <5% (image without Uniformity Map) run processing. If CFOV is >5%, make an
appointment to create new maps for all the Isotopes used.

19 COR Test (refer to Section 6.3).

If CROT test fails:
a. Check for backlash in Rotation Unit, Radial, Lateral and Swivel, See Section 13.5.
b. Check Mechanical Calibration, ref. Mill. Infinia – System Calibration Chapter 1.2 through
Chapter 1.2.4. If major calibration is required an additional service call should be scheduled

20 Full Back Up,

If any changes have been made. Refer to Section 4.17.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–22 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

13.5 Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

13.5.1 Rotor Backlash Checking And Readjustment

Check the backlash of the Rotor as follows:

1. With the Gantry in H-Mode, rotate the Rotor to horizontal position.
2. Place an indicator on any end of the Rotor.
3. Put Decoy Collimators on the Heads.
4. Using the RCU, move both Heads to Maximum IN position.
5. Take a measurement, then move the Heads to Maximum OUT position.

Maximim travel (reading of the Indicator must be within 0.5 - 1mm. If

the reading is out of these limits, readjust the backlash of the Rotor.


Head #2

Head #1
Infinia System

Figure 13-10 Positioning the Indicator

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–23 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

13.5.2 Rotor Backlash Readjustment

Figure 13-11 refers:

1. Remove theIPS and Stator Back Covers.
2. Remove the Stretcher support.
3. Open the Motor Cover.
4. Slightly loosen the nut of the Rotation GearAdjustment screw.
5. Loosen the four screws holding the Rotation Gear to the Stator.
6. Adjust the backlash between Pinion and Ring Gear by moving the
Rotation motor up and down.
7. Tighten the four screws holding the Rotation Gear to the Stator.
8. Check the backlash as described in Section 13.5.1.
9. If the backlash is within the specification, adjust the Adjustment screw to
the Stator cross-bar and tighten its nut
10. If the backlash is out of specification, repeat Section 13.5.1 and readjust
the Adjustment screw.

Adjustment Screw Nut

Adjustment Screw

Rotation Gear

Figure 13-11 Rotor Backlash Readjustment

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GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

13.5.3 Swivel Backlash Checking and Readjustment Swivel Backlash Checking

Check the Backlash of the Swivel Mechanism on Heads #1 and #2.

1. With the Gantry in H-Mode, rotate the Rotor to the vertical position.
2. Place an Indicator on the Slide angle (covering the Rollers) in a suitable
place close to the Rotor (see Figure 13-12 ).



Figure 13-12 Positioning the Indicator

3. Attempt to swivel the Head manually to simulate swivel motion.

The maximum allowable travel (shown on the Indicator) is 0.3mm.

4. If the reading is more than this limit, readjust the backlash of the Swivel
Mechanism (see ).
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the other Head.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–25 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure Swivel Backlash Readjustment

1. Move the system to the Stretcher position ("Hospital Bed").
2. Check the backlash in the Stretcher position (see Step 2. in Section
3. Rotate Head #2 to the position shown in Figure 13-13.

Head #1

Head #2

Adjusting Head #2 Adjusting Head #1

Figure 13-13 Head Configuration for Swivel Backlash Adjustment

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GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

4. Loosen the four NC 5/16" screws of the Worm Housing (see A in

Figure 13-14).


Head #2 Head #1

Figure 13-14 Worm Housing

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GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

5. Open the two screws and remove the Swivel Motor Assembly (see
Figure 13-15).

Swivel Motor

Set Screws

Figure 13-15 Swivel Motor Removal

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GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

6. Loosen the five Set Screw Lock Nuts shown in Figure 13-16.

Set Screws

Lock Nuts

Figure 13-16 Swivel Adjustment

7. Tighten the five Set Screws (if necessary) until they just contact the
Worm Housing.

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GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

8. Perform Swivel Backlash Adjustment as follows:

a. Tighten the file NC 1/4" Set Screws 1/8th of a revolution for every
0.15mm of backlash measured.

The backlash measurement to be used in the adjustment is the LOWER

measurement of the H-Mode (Section and Stretcher backlash
measurements (Section Using the lower measurement for adjustment
will avoid jamming the swivel mechanism.

b. Using an Allen Key and a spanner, hold each of the five set screws in
place while tightening its locking nut.
c. Tighten the four NC 1/4" screws of the Worm Housing.
d. Check the backlash of the relevant Head and perform readjustment if

Note If the Swivel Mechanism jams after adjustment, open the five set screws and slightly
loosen until the mechanism swivels freely.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–30 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

13.5.4 Rotor Brake Checking, Mounting And Adjustment


10 10 Fixing Screws

Infinia System Only 2 of the 3 Fixing Screw (10) Locations are shown

Figure 13-17 Rotation Brake Assembly

Important Ensure that the Rotor Brake friction surfaces are kept clean from oil and grease. Rotor Brake Checking Procedure

With a Feeler gauge, check that the air-gap between the Stator (7) and the
Armature (1) at 3 points are 0.2 mm. Rotor Brake Adjustment

1. Loosen the 3 fixing screws (10) and the adjuster nut (8): The air gap (slu)
between the Stator (7) and Armature (1) at three points on the
circumference should be 0.2mm and identical. (check with a feeler
gauge). Re-tighten the fixing screws.
2. If the rotor thickness is less than 5.3 mm, replace the unit.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–31 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure Rotor Brake Removal Procedure

1. Shut down the system.
2. Unplug the Rotor Brake power connector from the socket on the Gantry
3. Unfasten the 3 securing screws (10) from the Rotor Brake unit.
4. Remove the Rotor Brake Unit. Rotor Brake Replacement Procedure

1. Fit the hub (4) and the key on to the shaft (5) and secure with a retaining
2. Fit rotor (3) on to Hub (4).
3. Insert fixing screws (10) through adjustment tube (9) the holes provided
in the stator, and screw the stator to the counter friction surface.
4. Remove the transportation clips (blue plastic clips on adjustment tube
(9), 3 PC.).
5. Adjust the air gap Slu to 0.2mm, see Section
6. Connect to electrical power source.

Important Ensure that the Rotor Brake friction surfaces are kept clean from oil and grease.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–32 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

13.5.5 Radial Brake

Note All numbers shown in parenthesis refer to Figure 13-18. Checking

With a feeler gauge, check that the air-gap between the Stator (7) and the
Armature plate (1) at three points is 0.15 mm. Dismounting
1. Disconnect the Brake connector.
2. Remove the Retaining Ring (11).
3. Remove the Set Screw (10).
4. Remove the Allen screws that secure the Stator (7) to the Gear Shaft (5).
5. Pull out the Brake, being careful to retain the Key.

Keep the Key, the Set Screw and the Retaining Ring for re-use when mounting the
new Brake on the Gear. Mounting
1. Mount and screw the Stator (7) to the flat surface of the Radial gear. Do
not tighten the screws.
2. Connect the connector.
3. Push hub (4) and key onto the shaft (5).
4. Insert the hub into rotor (3) and secure with Set Screw (10) and
Retaining Ring (11).
5. Tighten the Allen screws to the Gear.
6. Connect the GND Cable Lug to the nearest Allen screw.
7. Adjust the air gap Slu to 0.15 mm with a feeler gauge (see below).

Important The friction surfaces must be kept clean from oil and grease.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–33 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure Adjustment
1. Loosen the four fixing screws (9) at the stator (7) and push the complete
counter friction surface (#6), (finger disc) towards the stator while the
feeler gauge is inserted: the air-gap SLU at three points on the
circumference should be identical. Retighten the fixing screws.
2. If the rotor's thickness is less than 2.6 mm, replace the unit.

Infinia System



10 Set-Screw
11 Retaining Ring

Figure 13-18 Radial Brake

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–34 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

13.5.6 Lateral Gear Backlash Specific Tools Required

Backlash Indicator Tool, P.N. ZT011301533. This tool is included in the

Installation Kit of system. Lateral Gear Backlash Checking Procedure

1. Remove the Rotor Covers to gain access to the Lateral Gears.

2. Set the system to H-Mode, 0o (head #1 up).

3. Make a vertical line on the Rotor wall at a distance of 200 mm from the
center of the lateral gear hub, as per Figure 13-19.

Infinia System
Backlash Indicator Tool
200 mm mounted on lateral gear


Rotor Wall

Figure 13-19 Backlash Indicator Tool Mounted on Lateral Gear

4. Mount the Lever of the Backlash Indicator Tool (P.N. ZT011301533)

onto the Lateral Gear Hub by means of the expanding bolt (see
Figure 13-20). Be sure to center the Backlash Lever before
5. Placing a ruler on the marked line, turn the Backlash Lever gently CW
and CCW and measure the motion (i.e., gear backlash).

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–35 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

6. Record the measurement.

7. Set the Gantry to 180o (Head #2 up), and repeat steps 3 through 6 for
Head #2.
8. Safety Criteria:

Always take the gear with the worst result as the safety criteria for the system being

z If the motion is below 3.0 mm, the lateral gear is OK.

z If the motion is between 3.0 and 6.0 mm, notify the customer that
body contouring in L-Mode must be disabled until the Lateral Gear
is replaced.
z If the motion is above 6.0 mm, the system should be down until the
lateral gear is replaced.

Infinia System

Expanding Bolt

Side View Backlash Lever

Expanding Bolt

Top View

Figure 13-20 Backlash Indicator Tool

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–36 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

13.5.7 Collimator Cart Readjustment

Due to uneven floor leveling, the Collimator Cart may need height adjustment
in order to ensure smooth Collimator Exchange, especially regarding accurate
operation of the Microswitch and avoidance of collision between the
Collimators and the Head assembly.

The height of each Collimator Cart should be checked and adjusted if

necessary using the procedure below. Each cart has four adjusters - two at
the front and two at the back.


Adjust only the M10 Nuts on the Collimator Cart as described below. DO NOT
adjust any other screws or nuts on the cart. The adjustment of other screws may
cause failure during the Collimator Exchange Procedure (see Figure 13-22).

1. Move the Table aside and perform Collimator Exchange with each one
of the Collimator Carts (see Figure 13-21)
2. If any abnormal behavior appears, readjust the cart (see Figure 13-22).

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–37 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

Collimators Cart


Cart Floor Plate

and Cart Guide

Locking Pin

Isometric View

Table Moved Aside

Collimators Cart
Top View

Figure 13-21 Collimator Cart Adjustment

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–38 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Mechanical Adjustments & Replacement Procedure

3. Using a 5mm Allen Key. open the three M10 nuts of the desired Cart
Height Adjusting screw (two on the side and one at the top).
4. Open the two lower set screws allowing adjustment of the top set screw.
5. Raise or lower the top set screw as required.

1. Make sure that the cart enters, exits and travels the guide freely.
2. Make sure that the Front Cam Follower located underneath the cart touches the
rubber bumper at the collimator exchange position.

3. Make sure that the Collimator does not collide with the Head Assembly.

6. Close the two lower set screws.

7. Tighten the three M10 nuts.
8. Repeat Steps 1 - 3 for all other desired height adjusters (see
Figure 13-22).

Upper Set Screw

M10 Nuts

Set Screws

Front Wheel Adjuster

Rear Wheel Adjuster

Figure 13-22 Collimator Cart Height Adjustment

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–39 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

13.6 System Lubrication Procedure

13.6.1 Overview

Lubrication constitutes an important part of the bearing and guideway


Lubricants perform the following function:

z Reduce friction
z Minimize wear
z Prevent corrosion
z Protect against contamination
z Increase component and system operating life Miscibility (capable of being mixed)

Greases may be mixed if the following preconditions are met:

z They have the same base oil type
z Their thickener types match
z They have a similar base oil viscosity
z Their consistencies match

Consultation is recommended if there is any doubt.


Greases made with different types of soaps will usually be incompatible and cause
the grease to liquefy or fail in some other way.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–40 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure Types of Lubricants

All mechanisms in the machine (with or without seals), except the Swivel
Worm mechanism are filled with lithium grease.

The use of mineral oil based Lithium soap grease is recommended.

Lubricants that satisfy these requirements are listed below. If not available,
a suitable equivalent may be used.
1. General Purposes: All Linear Guides, Ball Screws and Others:
z Alvania No-2
z Daphne eponex No-2
2. Swivel Worm Gear - White Grease
z Rocol Sapphire Extreme - CH060012211
3. Rotor Spur Gear:
z PAZ PAZVANIA Quantity of Lubricants and Lubrication Frequencies

The lubrication procedures described in this chapter should be carried out

every 2 years, or during the routine inspection if deemed necessary. The linear
bearings units are filled with 3 g (3 full grease pumps) AFB grease during
assembly, and this is the amount of grease normally used during re-greasing. Required Tools and Materials

z Phillips No 2 Screwdriver
z Phillips Right Angle Screwdriver (Z-shape or ratchet)
z Large Flat Screwdrivers (x 2)
z Allen Keys Set - Inch Size
z Allen Keys Set - Metric-
z Combination Pliers
z Long Nose Pliers
z Standard Grease Pump with Flexible Rubber Hose (see lubrication
kit below) and flush style coupling
z Grease Cartridge - Lithium soap grease; Section

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–41 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

z Paper Towels & Rags for wiping off the grease from the Gantry. PN
z Protective Gloves (optional)
z Combination Wrench 7 mm
z Combination Wrench 9 mm
z Combination Wrench 1/2"
z Flat washers - asst.
z Small flat screwdriver
z Lubrication Kit (supplied) - detailed in Table 13–2
z Medical Alcohol
z Paintbrush - 1/2" width with 10" length handle Lubrication Kit

Table 13–2: Lubrication Kit - UGP000004

Catalog Quantity per

Part Name
Number System

Grease Gun ZT83001190K 1

Flexible Hose ZT 83001195K 1

Grease CH060000120 1 Tube (400g)

Straight Grease Fittings HY000110571 20

45o Angled Grease Fittings HY000110574 6

Tapered Adapter (fits on the end of the grease gun hose) MEC0005205 1

Socket Set Screws HS400003015 10

Big Bearing Wapper (spare) HC010435502 4

Small Bearing Wapper (spare) HC010430502 4

Coupler (flush style) ZT83001091K 1

90o Angled Grease Fitting HY000110576 2

O-ring OR000102010 2

For the Gantry Lubrication procedure, refer to Section 13.6.2.

For the Patient Table Lubrication procedure, see Section 13.6.3.

Note Rocol Sapphire Extreme - CH060012211 should be used to lubricate the Swivel
Worm Gear. It is not included in the kit and should be ordered seperately.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–42 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

13.6.2 Gantry Lubrication Procedure

The Gantry Lubrication procedure consists of the following steps, which must
be performed in the given order:
z Cover Removal - described in Section
z Lubrication- described in Section
z Re-assembling the covers - use Section in the reverse order.
z Clean the work area.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–43 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure Removal of Gantry Covers

See Figure 13-23 for a general view of the Gantry Covers.

Infinia System

Rotor XRT Service Cover

Rotor XRT Cover 1
Rotor XRT Cover 2

Head #2 Cover

External Lateral

Head #1 Cover
Stator Back

Rotor DET Cover 2

Rotor DET Service Cover

Rotor DET Cover 1

Figure 13-23 Gantry Covers

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–44 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

1. Remove the two service covers (MEC005391 and MEC005392).

13mm screws

Close Rotor Detector Window Cover
19mm screws

MEC005391 MEC005392
XRT Service Cover DET Service Cover

Figure 13-24 Service Covers

In systems without the Hawkeye option, disassemble cover MEC005639

next to the DET Service cover.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–45 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

2. Disassemble Rotor Cards Service Cover 2 (MEC006564) and Rotor

Cards Service Cover 1 Cover (MEC0066565).


Figure 13-25 Rotor Cards Service Cover

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–46 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

3. Remove Rotor Detector Covers MEC006568 and MEC006569.

MEC007515 MEC007514

Figure 13-26 Rotor Detector Covers

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–47 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

4. Disassemble Rotor XRT covers MEC006566 and MEC006567 (see

Figure 13-27).

MEC006566 MEC006566 MEC006567

Figure 13-27 Rotor XRT Covers

5. Remove the Stator Upper Rear Cover (MEC007111 - upper section (see
Figure 13-28).
6. Re-fit the Upper Rear Cover (MEC007111 - lower section).

Upper Back Cover

Lower Back Cover

Figure 13-28 Rear Stator Cover Assembly

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–48 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

1. Unload the Collimators from the system, and fit the Decoy Collimators
to protect the Detectors (see Decoy Collimators on page A-14).
2. Bring the Gantry to H- Mode (Bone Scan).

3. Rotate the Gantry to 90o, and move both Heads to maximum Radial IN
4. Remove the eight conical Phillips screws (NC-8) that secure the Left and
Right Rotor Covers to the front section of the Rotor Top Cover.

5. Rotate the Rotor to a position between 30o and 40o, and remove the two
NC-12 Allen screws from the rear side of the Right and Left Rotor Cover
(one from each cover).

Note Only two of the screws are accessible in this position

6. Rotate the Rotor to carefully in the reverse direction and remove the
other two NC-12 Allen screws from the rear side of the Right and Left
Rotor Cover (one from each cover).

7. Return the Gantry to 90o position and pull the Rotor Side Covers slightly
out to facilitate the removal of the Upper Rotor Cover.

8. Carefully rotate the Rotor to 180o position, remove the eight conic
Phillips screws (NC-8) that fasten the Right and Left Rotor Covers to the
rear of the Rotor Top Cover.
9. Pull out the two Rotor Side Covers and the Rotor Top Cover.
10. Bring the Gantry to L- Mode maximum OUT position, using Thallium
Home Position.
11. Rotate the Gantry to gain access to the Head Cover securing screws.
12. Remove each Head Cover by removing the four Phillips screws located
on the rear side of the Head (close to the Gantry) and pulling out the
Head Cover.

13. Rotate the Rotor to 135o.

14. Remove the two Phillips screws that fasten the Wide Spring Slide to the
Lateral Cart next to Head #2 (see Figure 13-29).
15. Remove the two screws from the External Cover of the Lateral Cart
located next to Head #2, and pull the cover out.

16. Turn the Rotor to 225o and repeat steps 14 and 15, removing the External
Cover of the Lateral Cart located next to Head #1.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–49 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

Infinia System
External Cover

Wide Spring Slide

Fastening Screws

External Cover

External Cover

Figure 13-29 Releasing the Wide Spring Slides from the Lateral Cart

17. Rotate the Gantry to 90o.

18. Remove the MID and Inner Covers (moving the Heads IN and OUT in
the lateral axis to gain access to all the screws), see Figure 13-30 and
Figure 13-31:
a. Remove the three Phillips screws holding each Mid Cover at the
Bottom (Figure 13-30).
b. Remove the 3 screws holding each Inner Cover at the bottom
(Figure 13-30).
c. Remove the Phillips screw that holds the wide Spring Slide.
d. Move the Heads IN.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–50 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

e. Remove the 3 Phillips screws holding each Mid Cover at the top
(Figure 13-31).
f. Pull out the two Mid Covers.
g. Remove the 3 Phillips screws holding each Inner Cover at the top
(Figure 13-31).
h. Pull out the Inner Covers.

Infinia System

Lateral Mid

Lateral Inner Covers

Inner Cover Screws

Mid Cover
Holding Screws
Rotor Front Cover

Figure 13-30 Removing the Bottom Screws of the Mid and Inner Covers

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–51 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

Inner Cover
Lateral Inner Covers
Holding Screw

Mid Cover
Holding Screws

Lateral Mid Covers

Rotor Front

Infinia System

Figure 13-31 Removing the Top Screws of the Mid and Inner Covers

19. Set the system to H-Mode, Rotation = 90o, and remove two Rotor Front
Covers (see Figure 13-32):
a. Remove the two Phillips screws holding the external side of each
b. Remove the four Phillips screws holding the internal sides of the

c. Rotate the Rotor to 270o.

d. Remove the two Phillips screws holding the external side of each
e. Remove the four Phillips screws holding the internal sides of the
f. Pull out the covers.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–52 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

Infinia System

Front Cover Holding Screws Rotor Front Cover

(Up and Down Sides)


Figure 13-32 Disassembling the Rotor Front Covers

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–53 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure Lubrication

The various Gantry Greasing Points (GP) are identified by numbers.

For the Greasing Points (GP) of the radial motion system, refer to
Figure 13-33.

For the Greasing Points of the Lateral Motion system,

refer to Figure 13-34 and Figure 13-38.

For the Greasing Points of the Swivel Motion system, refer to Figure 13-35

For the Greasing Points of the Rotation Motion system, refer to Figure 13-36


To prevent damage to the system, lubrication should be performed only according

to the following instructions, which should be carried out slowly and carefully.

All excess grease should be removed from the lubricated parts and surrounding

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–54 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

Motor & Gear

Nut Clamp GP41 Leading Screw
Motor & Gear of Head 1

GP 33
GP 25

GP 28
GP 36

GP 37 GP 29

GP 40
GP 32
Nut Clamp GP42

Leading Screw
of Head 2

IN/OUT Head 2
Gear & Motor

Infinia System

Figure 13-33 Lubrication Point of the Radial Motion System

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–55 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

Lateral Axis

Infinia System

Figure 13-34 Spline Greasing

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–56 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

Linear Bearing
Cross Bar

Worm Teeth
Grease Area

Linear Bearing
Grease Point

Figure 13-35 Linear Bearing and Worm Teeth Lubrication Points

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–57 Direction 2411012-100

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Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

Figure 13-36 Lubricating the Spur Gear

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–58 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

GP 25 GP 28 GP 29 GP 32

Figure 13-37 Greasing Points of the IN/OUT Rail Opposite to the Lateral Motor

20. Grease the Lead Screw of IN/OUT Cart #1, repeating Step 3, lubricating
either GP 43 or 44, whichever is accessible).

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–59 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

GP 11 GP 23

Tapered Adapter

Infinia System

Figure 13-38 Greasing the Lateral Lead Screw Bearing House

21. Grease GPs 1, 5, 15 and 19 on the Lateral Moving Blocks according to

their type.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–60 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure Lubrication Procedure

1. Lubricate the Ball Nut of the Head 1 IN/OUT Lead Screw by attaching
the flexible hose of the grease gun to the angled grease fitting shown as
GP41 and apply three pressure strokes (providing about 3 g of grease).
For Head #2 use GP42

Refer to Figure 13-33 to identify the location of the Ball Lead Screws
and the Ball Nut.
2. Spline Greasing:
Squeeze a small amount of grease onto the Spline (see GP 24 in
Figure 13-34) and spread it on the surface uniformly.
3. Greasing the Spur Gear:
a. Refer to Figure 13-36, apply the lubricating grease to the spur gear
through the hole covered by plastic plug using the flush style
coupler. Apply three pressure strokes (providing about 3 g of grease)
b. Rotate the Gantry between 50 to 70 degrees, via the RCU.
c. Repeat steps a and b, above, for five times to spread the grease
uniformly on the Spur Gear.
4. Set the system to Thallium Home position (L-Mode).
5. Lubricate the IN/OUT and Lateral Moving Blocks by attaching the
flexible hose of the filled grease gun to the grease fitting of the GPs
listed below, and perform three pressure strokes (providing 3 - 4 g of
z On the Lateral Moving Blocks - see Figure 13-34
GPs 1, 4, 5, 8 - Head #2
GPs 9, 12, 16, 19 - Head # 1.
z GPs 33 and 40 on the IN/OUT Moving Blocks - see Figure 13-33.
6. Lubricate lateral Bearing Housing through GP11 for Head #1, as shown
in Figure 13-34) and slowly pump lubricant into the bearing house, until
grease appears from the gap between the screw and the bearing housing
on the opposite side, shown in Figure 13-38. For Head #2 use GP 23.
7. Greasing the Lateral Lead Screw Ball Nuts through GPs 21 for Head #1
and GP 22 for Head #2 by attaching the flexible hose of the grease gun to
the angled grease fitting and performing three pressure strokes
(providing 3g of grease).

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–61 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

13.6.3 Patient Table Lubrication

1. Remove the eight fastening screws of the upper front cover of the Patient
Table and pull it away. See Figure 13-39.

Upper Front Cover



Lower Front Cover

Pedal Guide

Infinia System

Figure 13-39 Removing the Patient Table Upper Front Cover

2. Remove the four fastening screws of the Lower Front Cover of the
Patient Table and pull it away. See Figure 13-39.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–62 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

3. Move the Stretcher into the Gantry to gain free access to the Lead Screw
Nut. See Figure 13-40.

4. Insert an 90o angled grease fitting with an O-ring into the available G.P.
on the Nut of the Lead Screw, with the tip pointing toward the upper
cover, unless a grease fitting is already installed.
Attach the Grease Gun Hose to the Grease Fitting and apply 3-4 g grease
(three pressure strokes).
5. Squeeze a small amount of grease onto the short and spring pins on the
Linear Cart. See Figure 13-41.
6. Push down and hold the Pedal. Squeeze a small amount of grease onto
the Pedal Guide and spread it around the Guide. See Figure 13-39.
Release the Pedal.
7. Squeeze a small amount of grease onto the Linear Rails, next to the Cart;
spread it on the surface uniformly along 20 cm and move the Stretcher
OUT along the greased region. See Figure 13-41.
8. Reassemble the Upper Front Cover.
9. Clean the area.

Infinia System



Linear Rail
Linear Rail Nut Lead Screw

Location of
Angled Grease Fitting

Figure 13-40 Front Upper Part of Patient Table - Front View

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–63 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Lubrication Procedure

Linear Rails


Greased Area Spring Pins

Short Pin
Infinia System

Figure 13-41 Lubricating the Patient Table Linear Rails - Bottom View

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–64 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance PM Test Results & Checklists


This section of the document (Section 13.7) should be printed out and all
required information entered into the appropriate spaces. On completion the
printed sheets should be left in the site log book. Ensure that signatures appear
in all the appropriate places

13.7.1 General Information




VH: ___________CoDe: _____________ Hawkeye:

13.7.2 Safety Mechanism Test Results


Pressure Sensitive Device Functionality Test

Collimator Identification Check

Emergency Button Shut-off Test

Emergency System Check

Patient Table Safety Mechanism Checks

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–65 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance PM Test Results & Checklists

13.7.3 Results of Stop Distance Test

Stop Distance for LATERAL Axis mm/10

halted by hardware is: Pass: Fail:

Stop Distance for LATERAL Axis mm/10

halted by software is: Pass: Fail:

Stop Distance for ROTATION Axis deg/10

halted by hardware is: Pass: Fail:

Stop Distance for ROTATION Axis deg/10

halted by software is: Pass: Fail:

Stop Distance for RADIAL 1 Axis mm/10

halted by hardware is: Pass: Fail:

Stop Distance for RADIAL 1 Axis mm/10

halted by software is: Pass: Fail:

Stop Distance for RADIAL 2 Axis mm/10

halted by hardware is: Pass: Fail:

Stop Distance for RADIAL 2 Axis mm/10

halted by software is: Pass: Fail:

Stop Distance for LINEAR Axis mm/10

halted by hardware is: Pass: Fail:

Stop Distance for LINEAR Axis mm/10

halted by software is: Pass: Fail:

Stop Distance for HEIGHT Axis mm/10

halted by hardware is: Pass: Fail:

Stop Distance for HEIGHT Axis mm/10

halted by software is: Pass: Fail:

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–66 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance PM Test Results & Checklists

13.7.4 Mechanical Maintenance Check List



3.1 General - Glevel

3.2 Rotation Gear

3.3 CDL Transmitters & Receivers

3.4 Slip Ring

3.5 Gantry Stator Cleaning

3.6 Timing belts & pulleys

3.7 Support Roller in “tunnel”

3.8 Lateral Gear Back Lash

3.9 RCU Switches

3.10 Floor Anchoring screws

3.11 Collimator Carts

3.12 Gantry Lubrication

3.13 Table Lubrication

3.14 Radial Lead Screws, nut and Bearings

3.15 Radial & Lateral Linear Bearings and Rails

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–67 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance PM Test Results & Checklists

13.7.5 General Performance Results

13.7.6 Periodical NM Calibration & QC

Periodical NM Calibration & QC Source/Actual Value


Peak Position

Energy Resolution

Integral Uniformity UFOV


13.7.7 COR Test

COR Test


Infinia II System Service Manual 13–68 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance PM Test Results & Checklists

13.7.8 Fuses and Sensors - Front End Sensors Test


PORT HEAD 1 HEAD 2 Tolerance

DOC_temp_1 10 - 50
DOC_temp_2 10 - 50
CAD_temp 10 - 50
HV_outV 950 - 1120
Analog_5v +/- 0.25
Digital_5v +/- 0.25
Analog-5v +/- 0.25
Analog_15v +/- 0.25
Sim_ref -0.01 - +0.01
Ss_ref -0.01 - +0.01
Dc_ss_ref 0.9 - 1.3
Evdet_ref 0.4 - 0.8
Hv_ref 4.0 - 4.7
Pur_ref 0.0 - 0.1
Ev_offset -0.01 - +0.01
En_dc_ref 0.8 - 1.2
Evdet_dc 0.0 - 0.1
Dacs_ps 5.0 - 5.1
Vref_adc_l 1.25 - 1.4
Vref_adc_h 3.4 - 3.55
Vref_pmg 9.9 - 10.1
Ground -0.01 - +0.01
HV_GND -0.2 - +0.2

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–69 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance PM Test Results & Checklists

13.7.9 Full Backup

Full Backup


Infinia II System Service Manual 13–70 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance PM Test Results & Checklists

13.7.10 System Lubrication Charts Gantry Lubrication

When greased, check the Greasing Points detailed below:

IN/OUT Rails:

Greasing Point Check Mark

GP 33

GP 36

GP 37

GP 40

GP 25

GP 28

GP 29

GP 32

IN/OUT Lead Screw Ball Nut:

Greasing Point

GP 41 or 42

GP 43 or 44


Spur Gear

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–71 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance PM Test Results & Checklists

Lateral Moving Block:

Greasing Point Check Mark

GP 1

GP 5

GP 15

GP 19

GP 4

GP 8

GP 12

GP 16

Lateral Lead bearing Housing:

Greasing Point Check Mark

GP 23

GP 11

Lateral Lead Screw Ball Nut:

Greasing Point Check Mark

GP 9 or 10

GP 21 or 22

Field Engineer Signature: __________________________

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–72 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance PM Test Results & Checklists Table Lubrication

When lubricated, check the following:

Greasing Point Check Mark

Linear Screw Nut

Linear Cart Short and Spring Pins

Pedal Guide

Linear Rails

Verify that all grease points listed in the above charts have been lubricated.

Field Engineer Signature: __________________________

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–73 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance Hawkeye Planned Maintenance

13.8 Hawkeye Planned Maintenance


The Planned Maintenance procedure for the Hawkeye subsystem must be

carried out only by a qualified service engineer authorized by the Vendor.

13.8.1 Purpose

The purpose of the Hawkeye Planned Maintenance procedure is to maintain

a high level of performance over the lifetime of the product.

13.8.2 Frequency

Planned Maintenance for the Hawkeye Option should be performed during

regular Infinia Maintenance visits (once per year).

Table 13-3 specifies the Hawkeye Planned Maintenance Procedures.

Table 13-3: Planned Maintenance Procedures

Type Test Name Description

Pin Alignment X-ray Center of Rotation See Section 7.3.1 on page 7-21
Diagnostic Tests Diagnostics All tests except for AIACoDe Board DRAM
Test, Diagnostics on page 10-2

QC Tests Resolution, Alignment, CT See Section 9.5.2 on page 9-11

Scale and Slice Thickness

Low Contrast Resolution See Section on page 9-99

Noise & Uniformity See Section on page 9-106
X-ray Tube Assembly Remove the Rotor Cover from the X-ray
tube side and examine the X-ray Tube
Assembly for cracks and leakage.

Rotor Covers Examine the Rotor Covers for cracks.

If the Hawkeye Planned Maintenance procedure passes without special

problems, it should take between two to three hours.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–74 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Maintenance Performed by Operator

13.9 System Maintenance Performed by Operator

The Maintenance and Setup procedures for the imaging system performed
by the user can be broadly classified into the following types:
z Precautionary measures
z Cleaning the system
z Procedures to test the safety devices
z Maintenance procedures

It is necessary that Planned Maintenance be performed by a qualified service

engineer every 12 months. Contact your local GE Service office to schedule
Planned Maintenance.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–75 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Maintenance Performed by Operator

13.9.1 Functionality Tests and Required Maintenance

The table shown below is a list of recommendations, functionality checks and

maintenance procedures that are the responsibility of the operator.
Task Daily Weekly Monthly
Functionality Checks and Routine System Maintenance
Precautionary Measures (see Precautionary Measures on
√ √ √
page 13-77)
Emergency Buttons Test (see Emergency Buttons Test on

page 13-82)
Pressure Sensitive Device (PSD) Functionality Test (see
√ √
Pressure Sensitive Device Test on page 13-82)
Pallet Release Handle Test (see Pallet Release Handle Test

on page 13-83)
Enable Lever Test (see page 13-83) √
Collimator identification check (see Infinia Parts Catalog) √
Gantry Motion Initialization (see Infinia Parts Catalog). Verify

that there is no unusual noise.
Verify that the ON/OFF switches are functioning √
Verify that there are no cracks on the Head Rest, Arm Rest

and Leg Support. Verify cleanliness.
Verify that the mattress is clean and is not torn √
Verify that there are no scratches on the monitor screen √
Check the Gantry Display Unit (GDU) for clear and complete

General cleanup in area in back of Gantry. √
Acquisition Computer Maintenance
Full back-up for system calibration and configuration if

changes are made
Anti-virus updates and scans (see Anti-virus Software on
√ √
page 13-78)
Archiving reports (see Archiving QC Reports on page 9-30 and

Archiving and Cleaning Problem Reports on page 13-81)
Quality Control
Daily QC (X-ray Daily QC and CoDe Daily QC if relevant)

See Chapter 9 – Quality Control.
COR Test (see C.O.R. QC Test on page 9-51) √
COR Calibration (if COR Test fails) √

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–76 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Maintenance Performed by Operator

13.9.2 Precautionary Measures

The precautionary measures to be followed are listed below.
1. Check the cables for nicks, cuts and exposed wires.
2. Never place any items on the collimators or detectors. This can cause
damage to the crystal or the collimator and may necessitate their
3. Maintain the room temperature at a constant level (between 20 - 25oC;
68 - 77oF). Do not allow a temperature change of more than 3oC (5oF) per
Hour. Failure to do so can damage the crystal which may necessitate its
replacement or cause poor uniformity.
4. To protect equipment from corrosion and to assure a safe operating
environment, humidity should be between 40 - 60%, non-condensing.
5. Check for proper movement during all mechanical operations and for
any unusual noises.

13.9.3 Cleaning the Imaging System

Do not use detergents or organic solvents to clean the imaging system. These
may damage the finish and may also cause structural weakening.

Clean the surface of the system with a cloth moistened with 95% ethyl alcohol,
including the table, head-holders, and accessories

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–77 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Maintenance Performed by Operator

13.9.4 Maintenance of Acquisition Computer

It is recommended to perform weekly maintenance procedures on the

acquisition computer so that it runs properly.

A Weekly Maintenance reminder appears once a week (as shown in

Figure 13-42).

Figure 13-42 Weekly Maintenance Reminder

The following procedures should be performed on a weekly basis:

z Update anti-virus software
z Archive and clean QC report files as described in Archive QC Data
on page B-11.
z Archive and clean problem report files by using Archive and Clean
Problem Reports from within the Logs tab as described in Archiving
and Cleaning Problem Reports on page -81. Anti-virus Software

All new Infinia systems are shipped with Symantec’s Norton AntiVirus. This
software includes a complimentary temporary subscription to Symantec’s
virus protection updates. It is the responsibility of the user to perform virus
protection updates. Once the complimentary subscription expires, it is the
responsibility of the user to re-subscribe.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–78 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Maintenance Performed by Operator Anti-virus Update Settings

When the Norton AntiVirus software is installed on the acquisition console,

it is configured so that LiveUpdate starts automatically. To modify or check
the configuration settings for LiveUpdate, perform the following:
1. Double-click the Norton AntiVirus 2004 icon on the Windows

The Scan for Viruses dialog appears (see Figure 13-43).

Figure 13-43 Scan for Viruses Dialog

2. Click on the Options button at the top of the dialog.

The Auto-Protect dialog appears.

3. Select LiveUpdate from the left side of the dialog.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–79 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Maintenance Performed by Operator

The Automatic LiveUpdate dialog opens (see Figure 13-44).

Figure 13-44 Automatic LiveUpdate Dialog

The following settings are recommended:

z Enable automatic LiveUpdate
z Apply virus protect updates
 Apply updated without interrupting me
z Notify me of Norton AntiVirus program updates
4. Press [OK] when finished.

For additional information refer to Norton AntiVirus Online Help. Manual LiveUpdates


Manually update the Norton AntiVirus software.

1. Double-click the Norton AntiVirus 2004 icon on the Windows Desktop.

The Scan for Viruses dialog appears (see Figure 13-43).

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–80 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Maintenance Performed by Operator

2. Click on the LiveUpdate button at the top of the dialog.

LiveUpdate Express runs automatically. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Close the dialog when completed.

For additional information refer to Norton AntiVirus Online Help. Archiving and Cleaning Problem Reports


z To save Problem Reports for later reference.

z Clear space for Problem reports.

Global Navigation Screen

Logs Tab Opens Logs Procedure panel

Archive and Double click. Opens Archive and Clean

Clean Problem Reports screen.

Archive and Clean Problem Reports Screen

Select When Archive problem reports is

Archive and selected, a checkmark appears.

Select Type in name of Archive Location

archive (recommended to CD) or select [Browse...]
location to select a different location.

Clean Options are three months, two months, one

Problem month or Now (cleans all problem reports)
created prior

Starts Problem Report Archive. When

completed, the Reports Archive appears,
showing a list of the reports that have been

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–81 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Maintenance Performed by Operator

13.9.5 Maintenance of Safety Devices

The Imaging system has four types of safety devices:
z Red Emergency Button (on the GDU) and Wall Mounted Emergency Button

z PSDs

z ENABLE lever (on the right hand side of the RCU)

z Pallet Release Handle

Each of these devices have to be tested on a daily/weekly basis as detailed

below (refer to Chapter 1 – Safety Guidelines for a description of each safety
device). Emergency Buttons Test

The operator should test the Emergency Buttons weekly as follows:

1. Shut down the Acquisition Station.
2. Press each Emergency Button - Wall Mounted and the Red Emergency
Button on the ON/OFF panel of the Gantry in turn.

The system responds by stopping all motion and powering down.

3. Restart the system as follows:
z Turn the Emergency Button clockwise a quarter turn. The Emergency
Button is spring-loaded and should pop out.
z Raise the Circuit Breaker on the Gantry’s rear panel.
z Press the ON button next to the Circuit Breaker.
z Verify that computer power is on. Pressure Sensitive Device Test

The Pressure Sensitive Devices should be tested both daily and weekly as
follows: Daily Test

The Daily Test should be performed on each detector separately and on each
Body Contour PSD.
1. Click on [Gantry Reset].
2. The Gantry resets and prompts to test the PSD.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–82 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Maintenance Performed by Operator

3. Press a PSD (Detector 1, Detector 2, Body Contour PSD on Detector 1,

Body Contour PSD on Detector 2).
4. The Gantry then performs a series of automatic System Tests and
prompts to press <GO>.
5. More tests are performed. When completed, the Gantry Display Unit
displays IDLE and the current Start position. Weekly Test

The Weekly Test should be performed on each detector separately and on

each Body Contour PSD.

Perform the following

1. Start a Tomo acquisition.
2. Press a PSD (either Detector 1, Detector 2, Body Contour PSD on
Detector 1, or Body Contour PSD o n Detector 2). The system should
stop all motion.
3. Press the <UNLOAD> key on the Remote Control Unit to verify that the
detectors move outward.
4. Press the <GO/PAUSE> key on the RCU to continue the acquisition. Pallet Release Handle Test

Test the Pallet Release Handle weekly as follows:

1. Press the Pallet Release Handle.
2. Push the Pallet in, towards the Gantry until Pallet movement stops. The
Patient Table IN/OUT window of the Gantry Display Unit should
display about “200 cm” (78 ins).
3. Pull the Pallet out, away from the Gantry until Pallet movement stops.
The Patient Table IN/OUT window of the Gantry Display Unit should
display about “-10 cm” (-3.94 ins). ENABLE Lever Test

The ENABLE Lever should be tested weekly in both manual and automatic modes.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–83 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6
Planned Maintenance System Maintenance Performed by Operator Manual Mode

1. Press the <CW> key of the Remote Control Unit. The Gantry should not move.

2. Now press the <CW> key and the ENABLE lever together. The Gantry should
start moving.

Infinia II System Service Manual 13–84 Direction 2411012-100

GE Healthcare Rev. 6

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