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What is the Right Organization Design?

Article in SSRN Electronic Journal · December 2006

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.961013


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2 authors:

Narinder Anand Richard L. Daft

Warwickshire College Vanderbilt University


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Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 329–344, 2007 ISSN 0090-2616/$ – see frontmatter
ß 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.orgdyn.2007.06.001

What is the Right

Organization Design?

INTRODUCTION departments. Duncan’s article provided

important insights about the conditions
A start-up company in Florida, called World
under which different internal arrangements
Response Group (WRG), developed an unu-
would achieve a company’s mission. His
sual woven mat for the horticulture indus-
insights are still referenced in management
try that was made from all-natural fibers.
textbooks today.
Horticulture growers in the U.S. produce
The purpose of this article is to present
hundreds of millions of potted plants each
key developments in organization structure
year. The product, called SmartGrow, dra-
and design that have occurred since Dun-
matically reduced weed growth in potted
can’s article and describe when each can be
plants and simultaneously provided impor-
used for greatest effect. We will briefly
tant nutrients – all with no chemicals. Smart-
review the important structural designs from
Grow raw materials and manufacturing
30 years ago and then describe key develop-
expertise were available in China and India.
ments since that time. The concepts are orga-
As the company grew, the managers and
nized into three eras, which reflect
board members talked frequently about
substantive changes in management think-
organization structure. Two schools of
ing from vertical organization to horizontal
thought emerged. One group wanted to
organizing to open boundaries via outsour-
import raw materials into the U.S. for man-
cing and partnering.
ufacturing by WRG and thereby have direct
control over manufacturing, marketing, and
sales. These functions would be depart-
ments within WRG. The second group
wanted to import already manufactured ERA 1: SELF-CONTAINED
and packaged products from overseas, out- ORGANIZATION DESIGNS
source marketing to an agency, and hire a The first era of organizational design prob-
horticulture distribution company to handle ably took hold in the mid-1800s, and was
sales. The second group pushed the concept dominant until the late 1970s. In Era 1, the
that no one within the company would ideal organization was self-contained. It had
ever touch the product. Nor would there clear boundaries between it and suppliers,
be functional departments for manufactur- customers or competitors. Inputs arrived at
ing, marketing, and sales. the organization’s gate, and after a transfor-
That discussion of structure within WRG mation process, left as a completed product
would not have occurred 30 years ago when or service. Almost everything that was
Robert Duncan published his seminal article, required during the transformation process
‘‘What is the Right Organization Structure?’’ was supplied internally. Design philoso-
in Organization Dynamics in 1979. At that phies from this era emphasized the need to
time, organizations were thought to be self- adapt to different environmental and inter-
contained, and structure defined the report- nal contingencies and the ability to control
ing relationships among internal functional the different parts of the organization
through reporting relationships in a vertical Horizontal Overlays and Matrix
chain of command.
The structure of self-contained organiza- Few organizations can be successful
tions can be thought of as: (1) the grouping of today with a pure functional structure,
people into functions or departments; (2) the because the resulting functional or divi-
reporting relationships among people and sional silos inhibit the amount of coordina-
departments; and (3) the systems to ensure tion needed in a changing competitive
coordination and integration of activities environment. Organizations break down
both horizontally and vertically. The struc- silos by using a variety of horizontal linkage
tures of this era, including functional, divi- mechanisms to improve communication
sion, and matrix designs, rely largely on the among departments and divisions. These
vertical hierarchy and chain of command to coordination relationships are often drawn
define departmental groupings and report- on organization charts as dotted lines. Many
ing relationships. organizations use full-time product man-
agers, project managers, or brand managers,
to coordinate the work of several depart-
ments. The brand manager for Planters Pea-
In a functional structure, activities are nuts, for example, serves as an integrator
grouped together by common function from by coordinating the sales, advertising,
the bottom to the top of the organization. and distribution for that product. General
Each functional activity – accounting, engi- Motors Corp. has brand managers who are
neering, human resources, manufacturing, integrators responsible for marketing and
etc. – is grouped into a specific department. sales strategies for each of GM’s new mod-
Most small companies use this structure, as els.
do many large government organizations Organizations that need even stronger
and divisions of large companies. horizontal coordination may evolve to a
matrix structure. The matrix combines a
vertical structure with an equally strong
horizontal overlay. While the vertical struc-
The divisional structure occurs when ture provides traditional control within
departments are grouped together based functional departments, the horizontal
on organizational outputs. The divisional overlay provides coordination across
structure is sometimes called a product struc- departments to achieve profit goals. This
ture or profit center. Most large companies structure has lines of formal authority along
have separate divisions that use different two dimensions, such as functional and
technologies or serve different customers. product or product and region. Some
People within each division have more pro- employees report to two bosses simulta-
duct focus, accountability, and flexibility neously. For example, after a regional mar-
than would be the case if they were part of keting promotion went $10 million over
a huge functional structure. For example, budget, Nike Inc. managers engineered a
United Technologies Corporation (UTC), matrix structure that assigned dual respon-
which is among the 50 largest U.S. industrial sibility by product and region to manage
firms, has product divisions for air-condi- the introduction of new products each year.
tioning and heating (Carrier), elevators and Headquarters establishes which product to
escalators (Otis), aircraft engines (Pratt & push. Then product managers determine
Whitney), helicopters (Sikorsky), and aero- how to do it, but regional managers have
space (Hamilton Sundstrand), among others. authority to modify plans for their regions.
Each division acts like a stand-alone com- Nike’s matrix provides a counterbalance
pany, doing its own product development, between product manager and regional
marketing, and finance. manager ambitions.
ERA 2: HORIZONTAL ing and launching a new automobile model.
ORGANIZATION DESIGN The team included highly accomplished
WITH TEAM- AND PROCESS- individuals from research and product
BASED EMPHASIS engineering – two groups that are tradition-
ally in separate silos in Ford. There were
The second era of organizational design
two team leaders, one with experience in
started in the 1980s. As the world grew
product development and another with
increasingly complex, organizations of Era
expertise in launching vehicles in the mar-
2 experienced the limits of traditional
ket on time. In the development phase, the
designs. Coordination between departmen-
team invested a considerable amount of
tal silos within the organization became
time learning about customer requirements
more difficult, and vertical authority-based
firsthand, by talking to potential owners in
reporting systems often were not effective in
addition to relying on market research
creating value for customers. At the same
reports. The research scientists and engi-
time, information processing capacity of
neers shared a common office space, dis-
organizations improved greatly, due to the
cussed emerging issues over group lunches,
availability of personal computers and net-
and improved product design through hall-
works. Design philosophies of this era
way chats. The team was sheltered from the
emphasize the need to reshape the internal
rest of the organization and provided with
boundaries of the organization in order to
resources rapidly as and when required.
improve coordination and communication.
For example, when discussions with the
The horizontal organization emphasizes
Japanese battery supplier were stalling
reengineering along workflow processes
because of language difficulty, the Ford
that link organizational capabilities to cus-
corporate office dispatched an engineer flu-
tomers and suppliers. While traditional self-
ent in Japanese to help the team out. Once
contained organizations of Era 1 embodied
the prototype vehicle was developed, the
the need for hierarchical control and sepa-
team shifted into launch mode in order to
rate functional specializations, the horizon-
get it ready for production. The team
tal organization advocated the dispensing
started working more intensively with out-
of internal boundaries that are an impedi-
side suppliers that provided critical parts
ment to effective business performance. If
for the new vehicle and were always
the traditional structure can be likened to
around to solve manufacturing problems.
a pyramid, the metaphor that best applies
The Escape Hybrid SUV was launched on
to the horizontal organization is a pizza –
time and is regarded by industry experts as
flat, but packed with all the necessary
a successful product for Ford.
Other firms that have used the horizontal
organization for new product development
include Xerox Corp., Lexmark Printers,
and Eastman Kodak Co. Another domain
New product development is one context in which this design works effectively
in which the horizontal organization design is in back-office tasks of financial services
is most appropriate. Take the example of firms that involve handoffs to multiple
Ford Motor Co.’s Escape gas-electric hybrid departments. Barclays Bank in the U.K.
sport utility vehicle (SUV), conceived in uses the horizontal design for its mortgage
response to consumer demand and compe- services, incorporating legal and relocation
tition from rivals such as Toyota Motor services in addition to traditional tasks
Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. Ford adopted such as loan sanctioning and credit
the horizontal organization design, which assessment.
involved creation of a cross-functional team The design features of the horizontal orga-
to handle the entire workflow for develop- nization are summarized in Table 1.

What is it? Breaking down internal boundaries and vertical silos to make subunits
work together horizontally
Design principles (1) Organize around complete workflow processes rather than tasks.
(2) Flatten hierarchy and use teams to manage everything.
(3) Appoint process team leaders to manage internal team processes.
(4) Let supplier and customer contact drive performance.
(5) Provide required expertise from outside the team as required.
Advantages (1) Rapid communication and reduction in cycle time of work done.
(2) Individuals working together on teams develop broader perspective,
more flexible and empowered roles.
(3) Rapid organizational learning is facilitated.
(4) Improved customer responsiveness.
Disadvantages (1) Separation of business activities into processes and non-process functions
may be problematic.
(2) Cinderella problem: non-process bits of the organization could feel neglected.
(3) Teamwork could get in the way of functional specialization.
(4) Traditional departments may instigate turf battles.
When to use When the organization can create better value by improving internal coordination to
enable greater flexibility and tailored responses to fit customer needs.

Design Principles empowers employees, decentralizes deci-

sion-making, and allows for greater learning
Five principles govern the design of a across the organization. Third, appoint team
horizontal organization. First, organize leaders to manage the internal process in
around complete workflow processes rather addition to coordinating the work. It is
than departments. The key is to move away important to realize that monitoring the
from a traditional department-centered team’s processes is as important as taking
mindset of breaking things down by func- care of expected outputs. In the Escape
tions. Instead, think about how different Hybrid team, one individual took the lead
pieces of work are holistically accomplished role during development and adopted a
in the organization. For example, at Progres- relaxed and exploratory mindset, while
sive Casualty Insurance Company, adjusters another individual took on a more task-
and claims personnel are organized into oriented and deadline-driven role during
teams that handle the entire claims process the launch phase. Fourth, allow team mem-
from beginning to end. Departmental bound- bers to interact with customers and suppliers
aries are eliminated, and the claims response directly, so as to adapt and respond quickly if
takes a few hours rather than a week. Second, required. Direct contact allows members to
diminish hierarchical differences and use keep abreast of changes in the environment
teams to carry out the work, which is what more quickly. Finally, provide required
Progressive does. The use of team structure expertise from the outside as and when
requested by the team. A good team realizes employees adjust to the lack of traditional
that it does not have all the answers, and and direction. Second, there is the Cinderella
therefore it should not be shy about asking problem: employees belonging to parts of the
for help when needed. organization that have not been earmarked
as horizontal might feel relatively neglected.
The emphasis on cross-disciplinary team-
work and immediate customer gratification
There is rapid communication among could stand in the way of deeper technical
team members with different functional specialization that can result in innovative
backgrounds, resulting in reduction in the products. Finally, managers in entrenched
time for getting workflows completed. Mem- departments may feel a loss of turf and
bers of a team develop a broader perspective may act politically to stymie attempts at
and become adept at solving problems that effective horizontal collaboration.
have the potential to hinder the effectiveness
of the entire organization. Employees
When to Use
become more flexible in terms of skill and
competence by being aware of the roles of The horizontal design is best when the
others, and thus feel more empowered to organization can create better customer
make decisions. Being part of the team also value by improving internal coordination
guarantees some recognition and social sup- so as to be flexible and responsive to custo-
port. Overall, the level of learning within the mers’ needs. By creating key workflow pro-
horizontal organization increases tremen- cesses and defining support tasks, there is a
dously compared with the traditional pyra- better line of sight to customers. This design
mid structure, because of close contact with should be used when the organization is able
both customers and suppliers at either end to move to the mindset of a team-based
of the workflow. For example, Ford execu- structure without great difficulty, and also
tives used the horizontal approach to cus- when it is able to trade off the short-term
tomer service for the Escape SUV. Several losses incurred in making the new structure
horizontally aligned groups were responsi- work against the gains that eventually accrue
ble for core processes such as parts supply from it.
and logistics, vehicle service programs,
and technical support. As the processes took
hold, learning and responsiveness increased
The third era of organizational design came
into its own in the mid-1990s, with rapid
As with any design option, the horizontal improvements in communication technology
organization has its fair share of drawbacks. in the form of the Internet and mobile
First, the identification of complete and self- phones. Era 3 also coincides with the rise
contained work processes within an organi- of emerging economies such as China and
zation can be problematic. It may be difficult India, where there is a great pooled of skilled
to separate workflows from departmental expertise in performing very specific tasks
tasks in a straightforward manner. Strong such as low-cost manufacturing and soft-
departments within a firm might fight hard ware development. The external and internal
because they might perceive a loss of ‘‘turf.’’ boundaries of the organization opened up as
Even where the identification is done well never before. Managers became increasingly
and in a politically astute manner, there can comfortable with the idea that their organi-
be a short-run increase in costs while transi- zation could not efficiently perform all of the
tional arrangements are perfected and as tasks required to make a product or service.
In the early years of the era, large and bloated catering and cleaning requirements and its
organizations shed a lot of tasks that were employees (comprising engineers, architects,
completed internally, and this led to a diffi- logistics experts, cooks, and cleaners) live
cult period of adjustment. Later on, start-up and work alongside servicemen and women
organizations were designed at the outset to in many active theatres around the world.
be more lightweight by having a number of Much of the sophisticated weaponry used by
tasks performed externally. the military – such as the F-117 fighters, the
Patriot missile, and the Global Hawk drone –
is maintained on site by PMCs. A study of the
use of PMCs by the military in Bosnia
showed that outsourcing had reduced troop
The biggest trend in the design of organiza- numbers by 24% and cut operational costs by
tions in Era 3 has been, without doubt, the 27%. As this illustration shows, the hollow
outsourcing of various pieces of work done design form allows for more flexibility, better
internally to outside partners. The phenom- use of specialist external technology, and
enon became most noticeable in the shifting greater efficiency.
of the manufacturing function from the U.S. More conventional examples of the hollow
to cheaper areas of production in Asia. In design abound. Sneaker companies Nike and
1986, a Business Week article noted that a Reebok Ltd. pioneered outsourcing of man-
number of industries – including auto, steel, ufacturing to Southeast Asian contractors
machine tools, consumer electronics, and more than 20 years ago, and showed how
semiconductor chips – were shifting their profitability could be improved by adopting
production elsewhere, and hence could be a hollow design. More recently, much of the
characterized, in contrast to traditional man- mundane work of the financial services
ufacturers, as ‘‘hollow corporations.’’ More industry – such as processing insurance
than 20 years later, business commentators claims, approving mortgage loans, and ana-
recognize that adopting the hollow organiza- lyzing financial statements of companies –
tion design form has led to more value crea- has been accomplished by outsourcing part-
tion, because U.S. firms now focus on honing ners located more than halfway across the
profit-making functions such as design and globe. Another area is customer service
marketing. work, from simple tasks such as confirming
bank or credit card balances to sophisticated
ones such as providing technical support for
computer users. Rapid developments in
There are now few industries that remain communication technologies have allowed
untouched by the hollow organization work that would have previously been kept
design option. Take the case of the U.S. in-house to migrate abroad. This trend has
military. Faced with contradictory demands affected large and small companies alike. For
– for greater troop deployment to fight ter- example, Fluor Corp., a medium-sized Cali-
rorism around the world and pressure to cap fornia-based architectural services company,
the number of active personnel and reservists outsourced much of the work of generating
who are called up – the military has turned blueprints and specifications for a multi-bil-
towards ever increasing use of private mili- lion dollar Saudi Arabian petrochemical
tary company (PMC) contractors to provide complex to a team of 200 Filipino architects
all services except the core one of fighting employed by partner firm in Manila. Like-
battles and securing defensive positions. For wise, solo architects working in the U.S. can
instance, Kellog Brown & Root, a subsidiary make use of freelance architectural contrac-
of the Haliburton Corporation, builds and tors based in Hungary (where there is an
maintains military bases that have been abundance of trained architects) to render
deployed in Iraq and also provides for all plans into three-dimensional specifications.

What is it? Outsourcing internal organization processes that support an organization’s mission
Design principles (1) Determine non-core processes – those that are not
(a) critical to business performance,
(b) creating current or potential business advantage,
(c) likely to drive growth or rejuvenation.
(2) Harness market forces to get non-core processes done efficiently.
(3) Create an effective and flexible interface through a contract that aligns incentives.
Advantages (1) Cost savings due to less capital expenditure and overhead.
(2) Tapping into best sources of specialization and technology.
(3) Market discipline that leads to supplier competition and innovation.
(4) Flexibility in using lower cost and higher quality inputs.
Disadvantages (1) Loss of in-house skills.
(2) Possible decrease in internal innovation capacity.
(3) Costs of transitioning to hollow state.
(4) Higher monitoring to align incentives.
(5) Reduced control over supply.
(6) Competitive threat of being supplanted by suppliers.
When to use When there is heavy price competition with pressure to cut costs and there is
enough of a market outside the organization to perform required processes.

The design features of the horizontal orga- outsourced everything else. Second, harness
nization are summarized in Table 2. market forces to outsource non-core pro-
cesses. With increasing globalization and
installation of high-touch informational tech-
Design Principles
nology systems, it is possible to offshore
There are three principles governing the work to places that are not only cheaper,
design of the hollow organization. First, but also of higher quality. Big tax and audit
determine core and non-core business pro- firms, for example, routinely outsource the
cesses in the organization. Typically, core filing of individual and corporate tax returns
processes share these characteristics: they to India-based firms such as MphasiS where
are critical to business performance, they highly qualified local accountants complete
create current or potential business advan- the task at a fraction of the price that an
tage, and they are likely to drive future equivalent U.S. employee would cost. Third,
growth and rejuvenation. All other processes write an effective and flexible contract to
can be deemed non-core and are likely can- align incentives between the firm and the
didates for being outsourced. For example, in outsourcing provider. One sensitivity issue
building the Cayenne SUV, Porsche retained in using PMCs in war zones is that such firms
critical processes such as engine production, are ultimately accountable to shareholders
transmission manufacturing, and final rather than the U.S. military, and therefore
assembly – contributing to just about 10% incentives have to be put in place to ensure
of the finished automobile as core – and continued cooperation.
The main advantage of the hollow organi- The modular organization was another design
zation is in the cost savings that comes from that was popularized in the early 1990s. The
utilizing a lesser amount of capital expendi- image that it presents of the organization is
ture and in carrying a less administrative one of a collection of Lego bricks that can snap
overhead. This design also provides greater together or be hived off as necessary. The
organizational flexibility by allowing the use design is similar to the hollow organization
of higher quality inputs at less cost. Firms can in its use of outsourcing. Crucially, however,
focus on what they do best, while tapping into what is different and distinctive about this
the best sources of specialization and technol- form is that outsourcing conforms to pieces
ogy that outsourcers can bring with them. The of the product rather than outsourcing orga-
growing market for outsourced services, in nizational processes (e.g., human resources,
turn, makes providers more competitive and warehousing, and logistics) in the hollow
innovative, thereby adding more to the bot- form. The assembly of decomposable product
tom line of the hollow organization. chunks provided by internal and external
subcontractors is the defining feature of mod-
ular organization design.
There are several downsides to using the Examples
hollow design option. There is a loss of in- The making of Bombardier’s Continental
house skills, and with that possibly the business jet shows how flexible modular orga-
reduced capacity to innovate. The costs of nizations can be. The jet can fly eight passen-
transitioning to a hollow state are high, and gers comfortably from coast to coast in the U.S.
include intangibles such as reduced employee without stopping to refuel. Bombardier has
morale. Also, if the supplier is distant both broken up the design of the aircraft into 12
geographically and culturally, then there may large chunks provided by internal divisions
be additional costs in terms of increased mon- and external contractors. The cockpit, center,
itoring or switching to another supplier. Hol- and forward fuselage are produced in-house,
low organizations have less control over the but other major parts are supplied by manu-
supply of their products because of depen- facturers spread around the globe: tailcone
dence on outsourcing partners, and there is (Hawker de Havilland, Australia), stablizers
even a threat of being supplanted by suppli- and rear fuselage (Aerospace Industrial
ers. To illustrate, Motorola Inc. hired BenQ, a Development, Taiwan), engines (General
Taiwanese manufacturer, to design and Electric Co., U.S.A.), wing (Mitsubishi, Japan),
develop handsets for its American markets; fairings to improve aerodynamics (Fischer,
BenQ then used the expertise gained to create Austria), landing gear (Messier-Dowty,
a market for itself in mainland China. Canada), and avionics (Rockwell Collins,
U.S.A.). It takes just four days for employees
in Bombardier’s factory in Wichita, Kansas to
When to Use
snap the parts together. There were a number
The hollow design is usually considered of upsides for Bombardier in using the mod-
when an organization faces heavy price com- ular design. The firm was able to share devel-
petition, and consequently, pressure to cut opment costs with its partners, slash the cycle
costs. This prompts managers to see what time required to launch a new product, and
processes can be done cheaper outside the enter the market at a price point that was
organization. In order to avoid being held about $3 million less than its nearest compe-
hostage to a single supplier, there has to be titor.
enough of a market to stimulate efficiency in Other industries in which modular organi-
the performance of outsourced processes. zations tend to be prevalent include automo-

What is it? Assembling decomposable product chunks (modules) provided by internal and external
Design (1) Break products into manageable modules.
principles (2) Design interfaces that allow different chunks to work together.
(3) Outsource product chunks that are produced more efficiently by others.
(4) Design the organization to focus on assembling and distributing chunks created
in-house and outside.
Advantages (1) Cost savings and speed of responsiveness.
(2) Take advantage of competence beyond one’s boundary.
(3) Scope to experiment with different suppliers that focus on improving their own part.
(4) Increased ability to innovate through recombination of modules in different ways.
Disadvantages (1) Not all products may be amenable to chunking into modules.
(2) Poorly specified interfaces that hinder modules from work can hamper assembly.
(3) Laggards can hold up innovation that occurs concurrently across a chain of collaborators.
When to use When it is possible to specify the nature of product modules and to design interfaces
that allow them to join up and function.

bile manufacture, bicycle production, consu- that can be made more efficiently by external
mer electronics, household appliances, power contractors. PalmOne Inc., the manufacturer
tools, computing products, and software. of personal digital assistants, uses modularity
The design features of the horizontal orga- in the product to focus on developing the
nization are summarized in Table 3. software while outsourcing various hardware
modules to subcontractors such as HTC of
Taiwan. Finally, enable the organization to
Design Principles
focus on assembling the different chunks of
Four principles govern the design of mod- the product created in-house and outside.
ular organization. First, break products up
into separable modules that can be made on
a stand-alone basis. Second, design interfaces
that allow different modules to work with The prime advantage of the modular struc-
each other. If this aspect is poorly done, then ture is its efficiency and speed of response.
it can cause tremendous headaches down the Nissan operates the most efficient automobile
line. Bombardier learned this principle from plants in the U.S., thanks to its modular orga-
tough experience while outsourcing modules nizational design. Parts such as the frame,
for aircraft that it developed before the Con- dashboard, and seats are built by contractors
tinental jet. Third, outsource product chunks and shipped to the assembly line. Modular
design also allows firms to take advantage of competitors, changing technology, and new
competence beyond their own boundaries. By regulations. Organizations around the
partnering with HTC, PalmOne was able to world are embedded in complex networks
reduce defects by 50%. Firms can experiment of relationships: competing fiercely in some
with the use of different suppliers that focus markets while collaborating in others. Col-
on being the best in their class. Another laboration or joint ventures with competitors
advantage for modular firms is the increased usually takes the form of a virtual organiza-
ability to innovate through the recombination tion – a company outside a company created
of modules in different ways. Nissan, for specifically to respond to an exceptional
example, can use its assembly line to build market opportunity that is often temporary.
many more different models of autos than The metaphor for this design comes from
rivals, thanks to its greater modularity. virtual memory in a computer, which makes
it act if there were more storage capacity than
actually present.
One key issue that limits applicability of
the modular organization design is the fact
that not all products or production processes When Marks & Spencer (M&S), the vener-
are amenable to chunking into modules. Sec- able British retail chain, suffered dramati-
ond, poorly designed interfaces can hinder cally declining sales in its core product of
modules from working with each other and women’s clothing, it turned to a one-time
lead to costly rework. DaimlerChrysler rival for help. George Davies is a serial entre-
adopted a highly modular design for its preneur who has previously set up two com-
two-seater Smart Car, but the launch was panies that have competed successfully with
beset with a number of problems because M&S. Together they created a virtual orga-
various parts of the car would not snap into nization called Per Una, with the objective of
place as planned and required extensive getting younger women interested in a range
debugging. Finally, firms have to manage of fashionable but reasonably priced cloth-
partner firms as if they were part of one large ing. The arrangement was unusual for M&S,
coalition – and this is where the modular which is famously insular and likes to keep
design differs significantly from hollow. all its branding and merchandising in-house.
Innovation has to occur concurrently across In launching Per Una, M&S provided only
a chain of partner firms in order to create a retail shelf space and marketing support.
new generation of products, and laggards Davies contributed everything else, includ-
can hold up the entire development cycle. ing apparel and accessories, logistics, and
sales training. M&S benefited from increased
traffic into its stores, while Davis retained a
When to Use
major share of the profits. Per Una proved to
The modular design is used when it is be a big hit and helped revive M&S’ business
possible to break up the organization’s fortunes, and was later absorbed completely
product into self-contained modules, and into M&S. This example illustrates the key
where interfaces can be specified such that features of the virtual organization – will-
the modules work when they are joined ingness to collaborate with unlikely partners,
together. capitalizing on market opportunity, and dis-
solving the virtual entity when it has served
its purpose.
Virtual organization design is very preva-
lent in the high-technology industry where
Few of today’s companies can go it alone concurrent competition and cooperation is
under a constant onslaught of international rife. For example, Symbian Ltd., a software
developer for mobile phones, is a virtual offices, facilities, and other types of infra-
organization set up by a consortium of com- structure. It exists in people’s minds. What
petitors for handsets, including Nokia AB makes it coherent is the sense of purpose and
oyj, Sony Ericsson, Samsung Electronics resources that are dedicated to achieving
Co., Panasonic, and Siemens AG. Large goals. For example, Billable Hour, a small
and mature companies also use virtual orga- business specialty wristwatch and greeting
nization design to respond swiftly to a com- card retailer, relies on a far-flung network
mercial opportunity. For example, rivals of partnerships, linked by technology, to pro-
P&G and Clorox have recently collaborated duce its goods. Third, each partner brings its
with each other to create a new generation of domain of excellence to bear. Fourth, disband
plastic wrap, Glad Press ‘n Seal, to compete or absorb once the opportunity evaporates.
with market leader Saran. For example, at the height of the dot-com
The design features of the horizontal orga- boom, Procter & Gamble Co. used technology
nization are summarized in Table 4. partners to create a virtual organization
called, with the aim of selling
cosmetics online. After the boom faded away,
Design Principles
P&G disbanded the organization and
There are four principles governing the absorbed the learning from the experience
design of the virtual organization. First, cre- into a more traditional cosmetics division.
ate boundaries around a temporary organiza-
tion with external partners. The organization
may look like a separate entity as in a joint
venture. Second, use technology to link peo- The virtual organization provides firms
ple, assets, and ideas. Often the virtual orga- with the ability to move nimbly to exploit a
nization is not tangible in terms of separate favorable market opportunity. Virtual design



What is it? Creating a company-outside-a-company to respond to an exceptional (often temporary) opportunity

Design (1) Create boundaries around a temporary organization with external partners.
principles (2) Use technology to link people, assets, and ideas.
(3) Each partner brings its domain of excellence.
(4) Disband or absorb once the opportunity evaporates.
Advantages (1) Ability to move nimbly to respond to market opportunity.
(2) Allows a firm to provide product extension or one-stop-shop service.
(3) Leverage organizational assets distributed across partners forming the virtual firm.
(4) No commitment to keeping the organization going after initial opportunity vanishes.
Disadvantages (1) Increase in the load of communication to ensure there is no duplication or redundancy.
(2) Lack of trust could break down communication and coordination.
(3) Employees in the virtual entity may have partisan or weak organizational identification.
When to use When it is possible to explore a fleeting market opportunity by partnering with other

also allows a firm to provide a product organizations. In such situations, typically
extension that would have been impossible one organization does not have the neces-
otherwise, and also to jointly leverage orga- sary capability to respond, and it is necessary
nizational assets that are distributed across to look around to see what other organiza-
partnering firms. In the Glad joint venture, tions (including competitors) can offer. The
for example, the wrap was invented in P&G design works best when there is clear under-
labs but marketed under Clorox’s well-estab- standing among partnering organizations as
lished Glad brand name. Since then, the two to their rights and obligations.
companies have continued the collaboration
with the introduction of Glad Force Flex trash
bags, which make use of a stretchable plastic
also invented in P&G labs. Finally, another
advantage of the virtual form is that it can be
easily disbanded or absorbed once the oppor-
tunity for collaboration goes away, or it can be The shifting emphasis from vertical designs to
made into a stand-alone entity if the oppor- horizontal designs to partnership designs has
tunity becomes larger. reshaped the roles of managers. The biggest
change has been from having direct control
over resources required for performance
toward dependence on others over whom
The major downside of virtual organiza- there is no direct control. Even with more
tion design is that it requires a tremendous dependence and less control under newer
amount of communication and understand- structural designs, managers are still respon-
ing to keep it going. Partners need to talk to sible for performance outcomes. For a man-
each other to avoid duplication and redun- ager who is used to a traditional top-down
dancy. One recurring problem with the Per approach, it is hard to let go of control. The late
Una organization was that some of its apparel business guru Peter Drucker once noted that
was strikingly similar to what M&S had the problem with large company managers is
designed. Another problem is that lack of trust that they are used to giving orders and not to
or misalignment of incentives could break working with a partner – a totally different
down communication and coordination. In proposition.
the Per Una case this problem manifested A nice example is provided by the tran-
itself in terms of M&S’s indefinite return pol- sition of Strida, a U.K.-based company that
icy – customers can bring in goods that they sells lightweight foldable bicycles, from a
are dissatisfied with any time; George Davies, functional design, vertically integrated man-
on the other hand, wanted a time limit on ufacturer to a completely hollow form. In
when customers could come back in to claim a 2001, Strida received a large order from an
refund or exchange, so as to protect the profit- Italian customer, willing to buy at a price that
ability of the operation and also its reputation was below the cost of producing the bicycles
for fair commercial exchange. A final draw- in the U.K. The CEO of the company, Steed-
back is that employees in the virtual entity man Bass, immediately began investigating
may have partisan or weak organizational ways of making the organization more effi-
identification, and this, in turn, may reduce cient. First, he decided to shut down the in-
their commitment. house production plant and identified a
manufacturing partner in the Far East who
could make the bike at lower cost. He used
When to Use
expert contractors to continue developing
The virtual design is used when it is pos- new bicycle models, to design the owner’s
sible to explore a fleeting market opportu- manual, to design the company’s Web site.
nity by partnering with complementary He used various Web-based software ser-
vices to ensure smooth communication For routine, commodity-type sourcing, due
between the designers and the manufacturer, diligence is less important. But for a signifi-
to manage accounts, materials and docu- cant partnership, trust in the partner is essen-
ments. He then turned to a long-time vendor tial. Check for gaps in skills and competency
to take over the back-end operation of the to assess whether the partner can deliver what
company – including warehouse manage- your business needs. It is good to investigate
ment, order fulfillment, inventory control, prospective partners by talking to other com-
customer service, inbound container man- panies they’ve partnered with and to develop
agement, and accounts generation. The a sense of how well suited their culture and
company has low overhead and is now struc- priorities are to your own. For hollow and
tured to ramp up and down quickly in modular designs, it is good to understand the
response to market fluctuations. Bass focuses process being outsourced and what to expect
almost exclusively on managing the various from the partner. When the partner takes it
relationships that make up the business. Bass over, your control will be gone. The partner
had loved making his own bikes, and there- will get most of the benefit from improve-
fore the biggest barrier in making the transi- ments, innovation, and efficiencies.
tion was in his willingness to find, trust, and
hand over that responsibility to someone else
Select People With Lateral
that could do it more efficiently.
Organizing Skills
A study of the fit between executive style
and executive roles by the Hay Group Lateral organizing skills refers to the abil-
distinguished between operations roles and ity to work with people across organizations,
collaborative roles. Operations roles have tra- including those with whom lines of respon-
ditional line authority and are accountable sibility and accountability are a little fuzzy.
for business results, typically through direct People who are part of a horizontal team or
control over people and resources. Successful who work with outside partners must have
operations managers set goals, establish ana- excellent coordination, personal influence,
lyses, take risks, and are intensely focused on and negotiation skills. Soft skills dominate
results. Collaborative roles, however, lack hard skills in the newer organization designs.
direct authority over horizontal colleagues A process owner or a partner cannot simply
or partners, and are nonetheless accountable order a change. It’s about influence, influ-
for key business results. Successful managers ence, and influence to adjust the relationship
in collaborative roles are extremely flexible to serve new demands. Managers with lateral
and proactive, achieve outcomes through organizing skills may also act as evangelists,
personal communication and influence tai- convincing people to give up their own needs
lored to people and situations, and asser- for the greater good of collaboration for cus-
tively seek out needed information. tomer satisfaction.
The old way of managing was to defend
the unit’s boundaries and oversee its perfor-
Seek Clarity, Not Control
mance by emphasizing operations roles.
However, collaborative roles are more com- As relationships move from vertical to
mon in new organizational structures. The horizontal and from work that can be
key manager demands for succeeding with observed to work performed elsewhere,
newer structural designs are as follows. much time has to be devoted to the front
end of the relationship–setting expectations
and creating structure. Every conceivable
Get the Right Partner on the Bus
issue must be discussed and probably writ-
In a hollow or modular design this means ten down in contracts with outside partners.
spending time to get to know a potential Memos of understanding are effective for
partner’s strengths, weaknesses, and goals. process teams. The respective goals, incen-
tives, and desired outcomes should be suppliers. The product had to be supplied in
defined in advance. During the relationship, bulk for horticulture nurseries, and in appeal-
problems surely will arise and changes will ing individual packages for retail sales. The
be made, but clarity in the beginning is time and travel overseas was only a fraction of
essential. Steedman Bass of Strida says that the cost of buying machines and building a
careful negotiation beforehand is critical. small manufacturing plant. Building strong
‘‘Good contracts are important. They may relationships with sales distributors and a
be time-consuming, but taking the time to marketing agency was more challenging.
write and negotiate good contracts that work These businesses were focused on their own
for both parties is essential. You’re placing a needs more than on a partnership. Moreover,
lot of reliance on people, and it has to work. the board member who worked with distri-
We did our homework up front, thinking of butors had something of an autocratic tem-
how we wanted the relationships to work, perament, which made it hard to connect with
and that has probably eliminated 98% of the the prospective partners. The CEO, however,
potential misunderstandings on either our had a knack for building horizontal relation-
part or theirs.’’ Bass also emphasized, ‘‘I ships with growers and university researchers
had never used contracts to sue or punish for testing product efficacy. The science sup-
partners; I used them to mutually establish porting the superior efficiency of SmartGrow
the playing field and rules of the game.’’ was thereby accomplished at minimal cost.
After some trial and error, the hollow organi-
zation form proved a boon to WRG.
Design Coordination
The movement from Era 1 to Era 3 has
vastly expanded the array of organization
Some amount of mutual control with part- design choices available to managers. The
ners can be asserted through explicit colla- new designs – particularly variations of the
boration mechanisms. For an outside partner, horizontal and hollow forms – that have
example mechanisms might include a Leader- evolved in the past three decades offer a
ship Governance Board of senior executives number of advantages, but as we have noted,
that meets quarterly, or monthly meetings of each has particular challenges as well. The
team leaders, or periodic visits to each others’ shift from vertical to horizontal thinking and
sites to see the work, build relationships, and behavior can be difficult. The implementa-
discuss results. Scheduled periodic discus- tion of a horizontal or sourcing design has its
sions of metrics, performance results, and own challenges. Realigning a large company
written reports should also be part of the along horizontal processes can require a
coordination process with internal or external wrenching change in people and culture.
partners. Adopting a hollow form may require less
change in culture, but a new manager para-
digm will be needed, with special focus on
finding suitable external partners and build-
ing relationships that serve both partners.
After much debate, the managers at WRG, the Maintaining external collaboration requires
start-up horticulture supply company its own expertise. With increasing global
referred to at the beginning of this article, competition, managers have to be astute
decided to adopt a hollow rather than a func- and realistic about the organization design
tional organization design. It was a learning that provides them with competitive advan-
process for managers and board members tage and their customers with greatest value.
because the team’s experience had been in
traditional structures. A manager and board
member made trips to India and China to
meet and build personal relationships with

Robert Duncan’s original article titled ‘‘What Norman Jonas’s 1986 article ‘‘The Hol-
Is the Right Organization Structure? Decision low Corporation,’’ Business Week, 3 March,
Tree Analysis Provides the Answer,’’ Orga- 57–59, attracted widespread attention to the
nizational Dynamics, 1979 (winter), 59–80, growing trend in outsourcing. The key prin-
provides a brief overview of functional, divi- ciples of the hollow form are summarized by
sional, and matrix structures. Stewart A. Simon Domberger in The Contracting Organi-
Clegg’s book Modern Organizations (Sage, zation (Oxford University Press, 1998). Exam-
1990) traces the evolution from traditional ples of the hollow form can be found in the
to contemporary organization designs. The following articles: Anthony Bianco and
classic reference on divisional structures is Stephanie Anderson Forest, ‘‘Outsourcing
Strategy and Structure (MIT Press, 1962) by War,’’ Business Week, 15 September 2003,
Alfred Chandler. Matrix (Addison-Wesley, 42–49; Pete Engardio, Aaron Berstein, and
1979) by Stanley Lawrence and Paul Davis Manjeet Kripalani, ‘‘The New Global Job
is the definitive introduction to the topic. Jay Shift,’’ Business Week, 3 February 2003,
Galbraith’s Designing Complex Organizations 36–48; and Pete Engardio and Bruce Einhorn,
(Addison-Wesley, 1973) provides a brief yet ‘‘Outsourcing Innovation,’’ Business Week, 21
comprehensive description of Era 1 designs. March 2005, 86–94. More generally, John
In their book Reengineering the Corpora- Hagel III and Marc Singer discuss the Era
tion (HarperBusiness, 1993) Michael Ham- 3 philosophy of design in their aptly titled
mer and James Champy discuss how article ‘‘Unbundling the Corporation,’’
reengineering horizontal processes can cut Harvard Business Review, March–April 1999,
costs and improve customer value. John A. 133–141.
Bryne’s ‘‘The Horizontal Corporation,’’ Busi- The article titled ‘‘The Modular Corpora-
ness Week, 20 December 1993, 76–81, provides tion’’ by Shawn Tully and Tricia Welsh, For-
a number of original illustrations of compa- tune, 8 February 1993, 106–115, helped
nies that have adopted the horizontal design. spread awareness of this Era 3 option to a
The principles of team-oriented organization wide business audience. A comprehensive
design are succinctly articulated by Albert discussion of the modular form can be found
Cherns in ‘‘The Principles of Sociotechnical in Carliss Y. Baldwin and Kim B. Clark,
Designs,’’ Human Relations, 1976, 29, 783–792. Design Rules: The Power of Modularity v.1
The Ford Escape SUV example used in the (MIT Press, 2000). Academic articles discuss-
article is adapted from Chuck Salter’s article ing the key features of the modular form
‘‘Ford’s Escape Route,’’ FastCompany, Octo- include the following: Ron Sanchez and
ber 2004, 106–110. Frank Ostroff’s book The Joseph T. Mahoney, ‘‘Modularity, Flexibility,
Horizontal Organization (Oxford University and Knowledge Management in Product and
Press, 1999) is a comprehensive exposition Organizational Design,’’ Strategic Manage-
of that design option. A wonderful firsthand ment Journal, 1996, 17, 63–76; and Melissa
report of an organization moving from pre- A. Schilling and Kevin T. Steensma, ‘‘The
dominantly Era 1 vertical lines of command Use of Modular Organizational Forms: An
to Era 2 horizontal processes can be found in Industry Level Analysis,’’ Academy of Man-
Mary Walton’s Car (W.W. Norton, 1999). agement Journal, 2001, 44, 1149–1168. Exam-
ples of the modular form can be found in Business School Press, 1998). The P&G-
Philip Siekman’s ‘‘The Snap-Together Busi- Clorox virtual organization example was
ness Jet,’’ Fortune, 21 January 2002, 104A– drawn from Patrica Seller’s article ‘‘Teaching
104H; and David Welch’s ‘‘How Nissan Laps an Old Dog New Tricks,’’ Fortune, 31 May
Detroit,’’ Business Week, 22 December 2003, 2004, 166–180.
60–62. Transitioning from a traditional organi-
William Davidow and Michael Malone’s zation design to a more contemporary option
book The Virtual Corporation (HarperCollins, can be challenging. A number of books pro-
2003) provides a good introduction to the vide guidance on how the redesign challenge
opportunities and challenges of the virtual can be met, including Bruce Pasternack
form. A framework that considers when the and Albert Viscio’s The Centreless Corporation
virtual form should be favored is provided (Simon & Schuster, 1998); David Nadler and
by Henry Chesbrough and David Teece in Michael Tushman’s Competing by Design
their article ‘‘When is Virtual Virtuous? (Oxford, 1997); Henk Volbreda’s Building
Organizing for Innovation,’’ Harvard Business the Flexible Firm (Oxford, 1998); Jay Gal-
Review, January–February 1996, 65–73. Shona braith’s Designing Organizations (Jossey-Bass,
Brown and Kathleen Eisenhardt theorize 2002); and Michael Goold and Andrew
the virtues of temporary organizations in Campbell’s Designing Effective Organizations
their book Competing on the Edge (Harvard (Josey-Bass, 2002).

N. Anand is a professor of organizational behavior at IMD, Lausanne. He

has also taught at London Business School, Tanaka Business School
(Imperial College, London), the Indian School of Management, and the
Owen Graduate School of Management (Vanderbilt University). Anand’s
current research examines new forms of organization design, knowledge-
based innovation in professional service firms, and social networking
in organizations. His work appears in journals such as Academy of
Management Journal, Annual Review of Sociology, Organizational Dynamics,
Organization Science, and Personnel Psychology. He consults as a
management educator for a global list of corporations including
HSBC, Credit Suisse Financial Corporation, and Mc-Graw Hill

Richard L. Daft holds the Brownlee O. Currey, Jr. Chair in the Owen
Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, where he
studies and teaches leadership, high-performance cultures, and change
management. Daft has authored 12 books, including his best selling
textbook, Organization Theory and Design, 9th ed. (Thomson, 2007). Daft
also co-authored Fusion Leadership: Unlocking the Forces that Change People
and Organizations (Berrett-Koehler, 2000), and has published dozens of
scholarly articles. He has been involved in management development
and change consulting for many organizations, including Bridgestone/
Firestone, the National Academy of Science, American Banking Associa-
tion, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Allstate Insurance, Pratt & Whitney, and State
Farm Insurance (email:


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