W1-W2 Assessment

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My Reflection

How do you spend your free time? There are a batch of activities to bask around us yet
this simple question will embarrass many people who are unsure of how to best spend their
free time. Despite the fact that there is a wide range of activities to choose from, many people
struggle to find productive ways to pass the time. This is a common concern among every

Enjoyable pastimes come in two forms, indoor and outdoor. Both indoor and outdoor
have nearly endless possibilities things to do. Doubtless, it is easy to define indoor and outdoor
recreational activities because the definition of these terms speaks for themselves. Indoor
recreational activities are held inside of a building. Usually things that are fun to do even inside
the house, halls, and room, indoor activities are things you can do without getting all sweaty
and tired because of the sun while outdoor activities are held outdoors in the open air. In my
perspective, the difference between indoor and outdoor activities is outdoor activities are
considered to be better because it focuses in maintaining our health and keep fit all the time.
Outdoor activities have enormous choices. When talking about the benefits of indoor and
outdoor recreational activities, lengthy and immense list will be served. Firstly, it is beneficial to
our physical aspects. There are tons of indoor and outdoor activities that can help us when it
comes to physical aspects such as physical activities like sports, diving and many more. When
you care so much about physical health, you ought to do outdoor activities because it trains
every part of body and improves our health the most and also keeps our mind active with brain
activity that we have to do while playing video and simulation games. Secondly, social aspects
such as social activities like parties, banquets, picnics and many more, service activities and
cultural activities. Adults and children alike can experience the social benefits of indoor and
outdoor activities. Participating in these kinds of activities provide everyone from young kids to
seniors with an opportunity to meet and build relationships with others. Participating on a team
will help you to form lasting friendships with people who share your passion. Thirdly, mental
aspect. Such as Arts and crafts activities, dramatic activities, musical activities, travelling and
many more. These kind of activities can help our mind relaxes from the daily routine and you
absorb new experience and knowledge about the surrounding world and it will be most likely to
develop your self-confidence and creativity by making things around you interesting and
enhances our senses. Lastly, emotional aspect. Different indoor and outdoor activities can
always be beneficial to emotional aspect just like mental aspect. When out in nature and doing
these activities, it can clear our head and switch off from the rest of the world. So, while we
explore the great outdoors, our mind is free to explore our thought which encourages a healthy
mindset and specific behaviour can be developed.

Overall it can be said that, recreational activities help in overall development of one’s
physically, socially, mentally, and emotionally. It not only helps to gather knowledge but to use it
ethically to lead a healthy and better life. It teaches one to think with reason and live with a
more practical approach to life. It also enhances ones all round development, thus helping to
achieve success in ones endeavour.

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