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Unit 2.

Personal Safety
Part I
Personal Protective Equipment

1. awareness of surroundings осведомленность в окружении
2. to assess effort оценить усилия
3. to eliminate risk/ hazard устранить риск/ опастность
4. to check the extent of harm проверить степень ущерба
5. to commence the job начать работу
6.. risk assessment оценка риска
7. to evaluate the risk оценивать риск
8. to reduce the hazard снизить риск
9. hazardous environment опасная среда
10. to follow all the safety measures следовать всем мерам безопасности
11. to plan your exit-strategy планировать путь отхода
12. to take precautions принимать меры предосторожности
13. to enhance safety on board повысить безопасность на борту
14. Personal Protective Equipment личные средства защиты
- safety helmet защитный шлем
- ear muffs противошумные наушники
- ear plugs беруши
- safety goggles защитные очки
- protective shield защитный щиток
- breathing apparatus дыхательный аппарат
- air purifying respirator воздухоочистительный респиратор
15. to adjust chin strap отрегулировать ремешок шлема
16. to provide ample protection предоставлять достаточную защиту
17. to be exposed to noise / chemicals быть подверженным воздействию
18. harmful substances вредные вещества
19. self-contained breathing apparatus дыхательный аппарат автономного
(SCBA) действия
20. properly fitting clothes подходящая по размеру одежда
21. oxygen deficient atmosphere атмосфера с недостаточным
содержанием кислорода
22. slip resistant sole нескользящая подошва
23. uncontaminated source незагрязнённый источник

Warm up.
Use the vocabulary above to answer the questions.
• Why is safety so important?
• How to develop the safety attitude?
• What things are included in personal safety?
• What things should you know before boarding the ship?

Task 1. Scan the introductory text and title the paragraphs.

• Escape routes
• Work on risks before working on the job.
• Calculation of risk
• Checking your personal protective equipment
• Awareness of surrounding

Awareness of surrounding
The first and most important step towards personal safety on ships is to be aware of
condition of working space
your surroundings. Awareness of surroundings includes knowing your working space, risks
and hazards present around you, and assessing the amount of efforts the job would require.
This would allow you to plan your job safely and efficiently.

Calculation of risk
After having a complete look of your surroundings, including risks/hazards, check the
extent of harm any kind of accident in that particular area can cause you. Always note that the
amount of risk involved with any job on ship is always greater than what you would have
calculated. Also, if you are suspicious that a particular procedure involved in the job might
lead to an unfavourable outcome, stop right there. Make sure you weigh your doubts properly
before commencing the job. неблагоприятный исход

Work on risks before working on the job
It is always better to find out the amount of risk involved with the job before getting
into it. Eliminate or minimise as many hazards as possible from your working place before
carrying out your assigned job. Note that it is not possible to make any job risk free; however,
minimizing the number of risks involved would drastically increase your level of personal

Checking your personal protective equipment What 5 factors should you consider on your PPE?
Personal protective equipment on ships provides you with tools to enhance your safety
on board. Ensure that you are using the right personal safety equipment as required by the
job. It is also imperative that you know the operation and working of all safety tools on board
ships. In emergency situation, these tools are your lifelines, which would get you out safe and
1. Consider that PPE fits you
secure. 2. Check the date of issue and date of expiry
3. Must be in good condition and quality
4. Never use substandard PPE
Escape routes 5. Use the right PPE as required by the job
Note that ships comprise of several machines, pipelines, and complex systems running
at extremely high working parameters. This makes the ship an extremely hazardous
environment to work in. While working on ship, trouble always comes uninvited and you

must be prepared for the same. Sometimes, in spite of following all the safety measures, things
might go wrong. For such situations, always plan your exit-strategy from your working place
through the easiest and fastest route possible.

Task 2. Read the information about “What is Risk Assessment?” Match the pictures
with the steps of “Risk Assessment” and discuss them with your partner.
Risk Assessment is the process by which hazard, risk and consequences are analysed
in order to determine what actions, if any, are required to reduce the risk.
It is important to evaluate the level of risk in each
circumstance. A risk assessment examines what could NOTE!
cause hazard, so that decisions can be made as to whether Hazard refers to a source
any precautions taken are sufficient. of potential harm;
For each area of the vessel, task and operation Risk is a) the
there should be carried out an assessment of the risk and probability that the
how to manage it. There are no fixed rules about how to hazard will cause harm;
undertake risk assessment and there will be many b) the severity of the
variables such as the kind of vessel, the type of cargo and consequence.
the nature of operations.

What are main steps of a risk assessment?

use PPE, eliminate the risk, get out of the risk, isolate the risk,

evaluate the risk, find an alternative, identify the risk,


identify the risk _________________________
evaluate the risk


eliminate the risk _________________________
find an alternative
If you can do it by your own efforts


isolate the risk _________________________
use PPE


get out of the risk

When the situation is out of control

Task 3. Read the text about “Personal Protective Equipment”. Fill in the gaps with the
corresponding English phrase or word given below.

volatized substances, leather gloves, during grinding and chipping, falling

objects, reduce the hazard, casual footwear, chin strap, safety helmets,
uncontaminated source, chemical resistant shield, avoid hypothermia, air
purifying respirator, while welding, flying particles and dust, hand protection,
provide adequate protection, a ship’s working environment, injuries, ear muffs,
ample protection, oxygen deficient atmosphere, chemical resistant gloves, slip-
resistant soles, in the event of a fall, breathing apparatus

reduce the hazard (снизить риск) but only provides a barrier against it.
PPE does not ______________
The effectiveness of the barrier is lost if the PPE is used incorrectly or is of the wrong kind.
Head Protection. ___________safety helmets (защитные шлемы) are used as protection against
боковые удары и аварийные ситуации
falling objects (падающие предметы), sideway blows and crashing situations. It is
essential that the __________
chin strap (ремешок под подбородком) is properly adjusted to hold the
helmet in place. ____________________
in the event of a fall (в случае падения) the used helmet should be
Ear Protection. __________ ear muffs (противошумные наушники) and ear plugs
provide adequate protection (предоставлять достаточный уровень защиты) to the ship’s crew
against exposure to high noise levels in areas like engine room, pump room and lights
operating machinery.
Face and eye protection. The most common
injuries (травмы) onboard the ship are caused due to
exposure to _______________________
flying particles and dust (летающие
частицы и пыль) generated ____________________ during grinding and chipping
(во время шлифовки и зачистки) and similar activities.
Safety goggles provide ____________________ ample protection

(достаточная защита) against these hazards. Notices to

this effect should be displayed at respective work areas.
Special ______________________
chemical resistant shield (химически
устойчивый щит) and goggles are used against exposure
to chemicals and __________________ volatized substances летучие
вещество). Protective shields are used during electric arc and gas welding.
Respiratory protective equipment. Respirators and ______________ breathing apparatus

(дыхательный аппарат) are essential for protection when work is to be carried out in toxic
or __________________________________
oxygen deficient atmosphere (атмосфера с недостаточным содержанием
кислорода). The _____________________
air purifying respirator (воздухоочистительный респиратор) consists
of a mask to which filters, canisters or cartridges are attached. Each cartridge is designed for
a specific gas and filters the toxic gas from the air, but cannot be used in oxygen deficient

atmosphere. Breathing apparatus (BA), like the self- contained BA (SCBA), supply air from
an _____________________
uncontaminated source (незагрязнённый источник). If in doubt always use the BA.
Hand Protection. Injury to the hand is another
common hazard. And the type of _______________ hand protection
(защита рук) to be used will depend upon the type of
work undertaken or the type of object being handled.
leather gloves (кожаные перчатки) are used
during routine maintenance work onboard. Whilst
chemical resistant gloves (химически стойкие
перчатки) are used for handling chemicals, acids and
other harmful substances. Special gloves must be
utilized ____________
while welding (во время сварки) or
undertaking other hot work procedures.
Foot Protection. _______________
casual footwear (повседневная обувь) offers little protection
onboard _________________________
a ship’s working environment (рабочая среда на борту судна). Proper industrial
footwear with _______________________
slip-resistant soles (нескользящая подошва) and reinforced toe cap
must always be used to minimize foot injury.
Body Protection. Clean and properly fitting clothes ensure comfort and hygiene
in normal working conditions. In cold climate the body should be well protected to
avoid hypothermia (предотвратить гипотермию).
(From: Seagull training program” Safety on board”, part 1)

Real Life Accident

Practice these words orally and learn them by heart

1. scaffolding настил, леса, подмостки

2. to erect on top of hatch cover установить наверху люковой крышки
3. to be underway быть на ходу
4. work permit допуск для выполнения работ
5. generic risk assessment общая оценка риска
6. accessible parts of the jib доступная часть крана
7. to loosen the securing rope ослабить страховочный трос
8. to climb down/ to descend спускаться
9. to tip over перевернуться
10. victim жертва
11. to undergo surgery перенести операцию
12. to repatriate возвращать на родину
13. treatment лечение
14. water ingress alarm system система оповещения проникновения
морской воды
15. to investigate разбирать
16. spurling pipe cover крышка трубы цепного клюза
17. to cover with canvas накрыть брезентом
18. to re- tension loose anchor lashings выбрать слабину якорных найтов
19. to knock off one’s feet сбить с ног
20. to provide with first aid оказать первую помощь
21. to seek tele-medical advice запрашивать медицинские рекомендации
22. to divert the ship изменить направление судна
23. medical treatment медицинская помощь

Task 4. Read and analyze three case studies. Fill in the chart with appropriate
information. Discuss each emergency situation with your partner. Why did this
1. Scaffolding had been erected on top of hatch cover number four of a general cargo vessel
to allow two crewmembers to paint the crane jib while the vessel was underway. Seas were
slight with no swell. A permit to work had been issued and the generic risk assessment was
considered. Both crew members were wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and
safety harnesses. After they had completed painting the accessible parts of the jib, the two
crew members loosened the top securing rope, removed their safety harnesses and started
descending the scaffolding from opposite sides. As they were climbing down the ship
suddenly began rolling and the scaffolding tipped over, collapsing on the hatch cover and
taking the two crew members with it. The two victims were badly injured, and the vessel
had to urgently deviate to evacuate them. One of them had to undergo surgery and both
were subsequently repatriated under medical escort for further treatment in their home
(From: MARS Report No 325 November 2019 (201974)

2. A 40,000GT containership was steaming at reduced speed on a westerly heading in

south-westerly monsoonal weather. At about noon, the chief engineer reported to the bridge
that the bow thruster water ingress alarm system was activated. Half an hour later the chief
officer and five crew members went forward to check on water ingress into the bow thruster
room. They found no water in the bow thruster room but found water leaking from the port
chain locker into the fore peak tank. Two crew members were instructed to pump out the
chain locker while the chief officer and three crew members went to the forecastle to
investigate the water ingress into the chain locker. They found the spurling pipe cover had
shifted, so they replaced it, covered it with canvas and cemented it in place. Then they
started re-tensioning the loose anchor lashings. While the crew were attending to the
anchor lashings, a heavy sea was shipped on deck. The chief mate and two crew members
were knocked off their feet and injured. However, one crew member escaped injury and
returned to the accommodation to raise the alarm. The injured crew members were
recovered, returned to the accommodation and provided with first aid. The master sought
tele-medical advice and then diverted the ship to the nearest port of call. The injured crew
members were landed there for medical treatment.
(From: Lessons learned for presentation to seafarers (FSI 20)

Case study 1 Case study 2

Scaffolding on top of forecastle of the

Place of the emergency the hatch covers of a 40000 GT container
general cargo ship vessel

People involved into

two crew members the Chief mate and
operation 5 crew members

personal protective equipment

PPE and safety harnesses not mentioned

ship suddenly began rolling

Reasons for emergency and the scaffolding tipped over a heavy sea was shipped on deck

Casualties two badly injured crew members the chief mate and two crew members

One of two crew members had to The master sought tele-medical advice
undergo surgery and both were and then diverted the ship to the
Treatment subsequently repatriated under nearest port of call. The injured crew
medical escort for further treatment members were landed there for
in their home country medical treatment

Consequences of emergency two badly injured crew members

injured chief mate and
two crew members

Video Activity
“Personal Protective Equipment. Who needs it?


1. suspended load висящий, подвесной груз

2. suffering страдание
3. pressure давление
4. risk assessment оценка риска
5. safe-working practices техника безопасности
6. strip лента
7. strap ремешок, ремень
8. substandard PPE средства индивидуальной защиты,
несоответствующие принятым стандартам
9. to put smb off отговаривать кого-то от чего-либо
10. in good condition в хорошем состоянии
11. to make sense иметь смысл
12. high-pressure hose шланг высокого давления
13. moisture влага
14. to be donned up быть застегнутым
15. to wear (wore, worn) PPE носить правильно, надлежащим образом
properly средства индивидуальной защиты
16. to damage the eyesight повредить зрение
17. to rely on smb полагаться на кого-то
18. to be worth doing smth стоит сделать что-либо
19. last resort крайняя мера
20. to follow risk assessment следовать оценке риска
21. impact удар, столкновение
22. to adjust отрегулировать
23. headband повязка на голову
24. to fit подходить (по размеру)
25. to get familiar with ознакомиться с чем-либо
26. to deteriorate ухудшать(ся), портить
27. deterioration ухудшение, изнашивание
28. shell of a helmet обшивка шлема
29. scratch царапинa
30. crack трещинa
31. brittle хрупкий
32. replacement замена
33. unhygienic негигиеничный
34. bumpcap защитный шлем
35. thermal liner термопрокладка
36. layer слой
37. extremes of temperature крайние значения температуры
38. to guard защищать
39. painful болезненный

40. to work next to работать рядом c…
41. splinter заноза
42. pinched finger защемленный палец
43. skin irritation раздражение кожи
44. cancer-causing agents вещества, вызывающие рак
45. to avoid contact with избегать контакта с…..
46. to absorb oil впитывать масло
47. corrosive chemicals едкие, разъедающие химические вещества
48. harmful substances вредные вещества
49. application применение
50. abrasion истирание
51. to distort деформировать
52. seam шов
53. to soil пачкать

Task 1. [00.00- 02.40] Watch the section. Fill in the gaps.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is there for a _________ good reason _______. It saves life
and prevents ___________,
injuries pain and suffering even in the best-run operations. Always use it
and don't let ___________
pressure from others put you off. After all, it’s your _____________,health

livelihood and even your life on the line.

But for PPE to be ___________
effectieve you need to use it____________,
properly otherwise, you end
up in the worst of all worlds. Oh… Would like that at all? Simple. If you think you are
protected, you take more ________ risks than normal. So, remember, PPE only provides you with
a certain level of____________.
protecrion For instance, if you stand under a ___________ suspended
load and it falls on you, no _______ hard hat ______ is going to make a difference.
Proper ________ __________ and _____________
risk assessment safe working practice ___________ should be the
first way used to protect yourself.
Then, if you use PPE as the ________ last _______ it was intended to be it may save
you from injury. But you need to use it properly. There are some simple rules. Want to hear
them? Keep items with you that you use all the time. That way they are always

Next point – don't use ________________PPE.

substandart Your ______________should
employer make
sure you have the PPE that is right for the job. You have a ___________to duty yourself to check
that it is in __________
proper condition ___________and to make sure that you use it properly in the right
situation and in the right way. That includes wearing it properly with ______ zips and ________

donned up and so on.

полностью одеты

Task 2. Match the words with their definitions.

1. suffering d a. is a careful and simple examination of what, in the place
of your work, could cause harm to people
2. overall e b. equipment that will protect the seafarers against health
or safety risks at work
3. risk assessment a c. are used to protect one’s hands and they are provided on
board ship.

4. PPE b d. physical or mental pain that a person is feeling
5. bumpcap f e. is a type of protective clothing which protects the body
from hazardous substance like hot oil, water, welding spark etc.
6. gloves c f. is a type of safety equipment that provides protection for the head.

Task 3. Match the words from column A with the words from column B. Use the
following word combinations in the sentences of your own. You can add more verbs.
1. safety a. assessment
2. high-pressure b. equipment
3. risk c. hat
4. suspended d. harness
5. protective e. practices
6. safe-working f. hose
7. hard g. load

Task 4. [02.41 -03.53] Watch the section. Complete the sentences with the correct form
of words from the box. Three words are extra.
chemicals, vents, goggles, safety officer, failing, procedure, eyesight, bulkhead,
worth, moisture, hose, side risk, risk assessment, injure

1. They are safety ________________,

goggles aren’t they?
2. Use those when you are washing ______________
chemicals off a ____________with
bulkhead a high-
pressure ____________.
3. One gust of wind could blow enough ________________ through those _____
vents on the
sides there and permanently damage your _____________.
4. Stop what you are doing and go and check with your immediate chief
failing that, you are a ______________.
safety officer
5. Follow the principles of _______ risk assessment_________and your own company
procedures hopefully you will never need to rely on protective equipment to
save you.
Task 5. [03.55- 08.58] You are going to watch the subsection about Head Protection.
Watch and write down English translation.
1. заботиться надлежащим образом о take proper care of

2. опасная работа dangerous job

3. надевать защитный шлем to wear a hard hat

4. защищать от падений и ударов to protect against falls and blows

5. легко отрегулировать ремешок easily to adjust a chin strap

6. ознакомиться с to familiarize to get acuainted to get aware of

7. в хорошем состоянии in good condition
8. предотвратить травму prevent injury

9. хранить подальше от прямых store away frome sunlights

солнечных лучей

10. проверить на царапины и трещины check for scratches and cracks

11. проверить дату изготовления check the date of manufacture

12. следовать политики в области follow safety policy

техники и безопасности
13. нужный размер make sure that it fits properly

Task 6. [03.55-08.58] Watch the sections again. Define whether the following statements
are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1. Hard hats don’t protect against falls, impact of the fixed objects, things falling on
2. It is enough just to wear head protection. ухудшение
3. Chemicals in glue and markering cause deterioration to the shell of the helmet, so
does sunlight.
4. The main type of head protection you come across is a hard hat, there's also a
bumpcap, which offers more limited protection, but it's not common.
5. Any piece of PPE needs looking after if it's going to stay effective for as long as

Task 7. Discuss with your partner. Read the safety policy every seafarer should follow.
Comment on each point. What will be the consequences if one can ignore the rules?
• to keep away from sunlight
• to fit properly
• to adjust a headband and straps
• to check a helmet for stickers, scratches and cracks
• to replace defective, unhygienic components
• to examine a helmet for the deterioration to the shell
• to check the date of manufacture
Task 8. [08.59-14.26] Watch the section. Choose the best option.
1. Extremes of temperature are one thing hand and arm protection is used to
_____________ against.
a. wear b. guard c. fit
2. His gloves have been damaged by the ____________ and now they are no use at all.
a. splinter b. oil c. chemicals
3. If gloves have holes, cuts or weakened seams, if they are distorted or, otherwise
damaged by chemicals or they are too heavily _________________to clean, get them
a. soiled b. spoilt c. damaged
4. Never allow gloves you use for _______________chemical to touch parts of the body,
equipment or furniture.
a. application b. handling c. protection
5. We know mineral oil can ______________ some cancer-causing agents.
a. avoid b. follow c. contain
Task 9. Check yourself. Answer the questions.
1. What equipment is used to avoid head injuries?
2. In your opinion, what injuries can one get if he doesn't use head protection?
3. What should one do before using head protection?
4. Which factors can make your head protection useless?
5. What should be done in case one found any defects on a hard hat?
6. What injuries may one get if he doesn't use hand and arm protection?
7. Is it reasonable to use the same gloves if one works with different objects and
8. What should be done with the gloves after contact with chemicals?
9. Why is it necessary to check PPE regularly?
10. What are the main reasons for replacement of PPE?

Part II***
Rendering Medical Assistance (STCW)


1. medical care медицинский уход

2. to render medical assistance оказывать медицинскую помощь
3. International Convention on Международная конвенция о подготовке,
Standards of Training, Certification дипломировании и несении вахты
and Watchkeeping for Seafarers моряков
(STCW code)
4. treatment лечение
5. prompt access быстрый доступ
6. to bear responsibility нести ответственность
7. to care for the health and well-being следить за здоровьем и благополучием
8. mandatory обязательный
9. medical kit (chest) аптечка
10. radio medical advice медицинские рекомендации по радиосвязи
11. to perceive воспринимать
12. to be on the spot быть на месте
13. site of the accident место происшествия
14. unconscious person человек без сознания
15. resuscitation equipment реанимационное оборудование
16. bleeding кровотечение
17. dislocations смещение (вывих)

Warm up
Discuss with your partner.

➢ Have you ever been injured? How did it happen? What kind of medical assistance
were you offered? Fill in your associations with “medical assistance”. Discuss in

Medical Assistance

➢ Answer the questions.

• What is “First Aid”?
• Who performs medical treatment on board?
• Where is medicine kept on board?
• What medical publications are available on board?
• What is the difference between medical assistance on board and ashore?

Task 1. Read the text and find as many word combinations with word “medical….” as
On board ships medical care differs from the one
rendered ashore because in case of sudden illness or an accident
and injury during the ship’s voyage, the chances of receiving
proper and effective treatment are not as good for seafarers as
for a worker on shore. This is the result of lack of direct and
prompt access to qualified medical assistance. The crew
member in charge of medical care (usually one of the officers)
has a great responsibility to bear as he has to care for the health
and well-being of the ship's crew.
Nowadays, it is mandatory to provide seafarers with
basic training in rendering first aid and medical services. The
medical training of shipboard personnel is the most important
factor in providing a satisfactory standard of health care on board. According to STCW
Convention all officers should know the basic information such as: training of personnel in
charge of the health care on board, the location and the contents of the ship's medical kit
(medical chest), the ship's medical guide and radio medical advice.
(From: “Marine guide note. Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Medical Care”)

Medical …

Task 2. Use the word combinations from Task 1 and fill in the gaps.
1. The Master of the ship is responsible for __medical care____ on ships which have no
qualified doctor on board.
2. All seafarers on board should be competent to provide __________________.
3. The care on board has to be given by non-professionals with a varying degree of
4. Radio ______________ is available free of charge to provide support in cases where
an individual suffers either illness or an accident at sea.
5. The sick bay will contain the ship’s ______________, which may be constantly
checked by the in-charged person on board.
6. All ships should carry _____________ along with other medical publications.
7. All ships should contain all the necessary equipment and medicine to render
______________ to her crew.

Task 3. Study the table of minimum standards of competence in medical first aid. Fill in
the gaps with the word from the box.

medical advice , aid , casualty , care , hazards , injuries , structure and function, kit.

Table A- VI/4-1
Specification of minimum standard of competence in medical first aid
Competence Knowledge, Methods for Criteria for
understanding and demonstrating evaluating
proficiency competence competence
Apply immediate First-aid _____; Assessment of The identification of
first aid in the Body _______________; evidence probable cause,
event of accident Toxicological ________ obtained from nature and extent of
or illness on board. on board, including use of practical injuries is prompt,
the Medical First instruction complete and
_______Guide for Use in conforms to current
Accidents Involving first –aid practice.
Dangerous Goods

(MFAG) or its national Risk of harm to self
equivalent; and other is
Examination of ________ minimized at all
or patient; times.
Spinal injuries;
Burns, scalds and effects Treatment of
of heat and cold; injuries and the
Fractures, dislocations patient’s condition
and muscular ________; is appropriate,
Medical _______of conforms to
rescued persons; recognized first-aid
Radio __________; practice and
Pharmacology; international
Sterilization; guidelines.
Cardiac arrest, drowning
and asphyxia.
(From: STCW Convention and STCW Code, 2011 Edition)

Task 4. Scan the text about “First Aid on Board” and comment on each step.
First aid is treatment aimed at preventing the death or further damage to health of an
ill or injured person perceived to be in a life-threatening condition. All crew members should
receive training in first aid and there are four main steps how they should render it:
STEP 1. Assess the situation!
(a) If giving first aid exposes you to danger, do not do it: call or go for help.
(b) If a person is still in danger, remove the danger or the person before giving first aid.
(c) If bystanders are in danger, warn them.
STEP 2. If you are alone, shout for help.
STEP 3. Choose the best place for first aid.
(a) On the spot.
■ Not if fire is present.
■ Not if there are potentially dangerous gases in the
■ Not if there are other risks at the site of the accident.
(b) In the ship’s infirmary (sick-bay) or in a cabin.
■ Not if the delay in moving the person is dangerous.
STEP 4. If there are several injured people,
(a) Attend first to any unconscious person.
(b) If there is more than one unconscious person:
■ check each for pulse and breathing;
■ begin resuscitation of a person who is not breathing or has no detectable heartbeat, (e.g.
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)).

(c) Attend to conscious patients:
■ treat bleeding by applying pressure to the wound;
■ wait until the patient has been moved to the sick bay before dealing with other injuries,
UNLESS! You suspect spinal injury.

What not to do when giving first aid

✓ DO NOT GIVE FIRST AID if you have doubts about your ability to do so correctly.
✓ DO NOT ENTER AN ENCLOSED SPACE unless you are sure it is safe.
✓ DO NOT MOVE THE PERSON without checking for: ● spinal injuries ● fractured
long bones.
(From: International Medical Guide for Ships 3rd Edition)

Task 5. Scan the text. Decide whether the following sentences are true or false. Correct
the false ones.
1. All crewmembers should receive training in first aid.
2. If giving first aid exposes you to danger, continue to evacuate a person.
3. If a person is still in danger, render the first aid as fast as possible.
4. If bystanders are in danger, warn them.
5. If there are several injured people, prioritize.
6. If somebody is in danger in an enclosed space, enter, observe the situation and give
first aid.
7. If you have doubts about your ability to give first aid, don’t do it.
8. If you see an injured person lying on the floor, move him to the safest area of the ship.
9. Give first aid at any place of the ship.

Task 6. Find English equivalents in the text. Use some of them in the situation of your
1. условия угрожающие жизни _____________________________________________
2. проходить обучение ___________________________________________________
3. оказывать первую помощь (2) ___________________________________________
4. произвести оценку ситуации ____________________________________________
5. предупредить рядом стоящих ___________________________________________
6. лазарет (2) ____________________________________________________________
7. оказать помощь человеку без сознания ____________________________________
8. нет четкого выраженного сердцебиения ___________________________________
9. сердечно-легочная реанимация___________________________________________
10. зажать рану ___________________________________________________________
11. подозревать травму позвоночника ________________________________________

Task 7. Match the words from the box with their definitions. Make up your own

healthy, treatment, medical evacuation, first aid, injury

immediate assistance in the case of injury or sudden illness by any person,

before the arrival of trained medical personnel
in a good physical or mental condition
transporting a person, especially by a helicopter, to a place where they
can receive medical care
harm or hurt; usually applied to damage inflicted on the body by an
external force
medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury

Task 8. Answer the questions.

1. Why is it important to use PPE while daily routine onboard?
2. What stages does risk assessment include?
3. Why should crew constantly improve their skills in rendering health care?
4. What should be avoided when giving first aid?
5. What are the minimum standards of competence in medical first aid?
6. What are the standard criteria for evaluating competence in medical first aid?
7. How should crewmembers demonstrate their competence and knowledge in medical
first aid?

Task 9. Translate the sentences.

1. Средства индивидуальной защиты должны соответствовать требованиям
конвенции СОЛАС.
2. Всегда проверяйте средства индивидуальной защиты на наличие дефектов, порчи,
царапин и трещин.
3. После работы с химикатами снимите перчатки и не прикасайтесь ими к телу,
оборудованию и мебели.
4. Средства индивидуальной защиты используются для того, чтобы избегать травм
при выполнении разных палубных работ.
5. Осуществляя высотные работы, страховочные ремни должны быть использованы
в обязательном порядке.
6. При надлежащем использовании средств индивидуальной защиты можно
избежать травм головы, повреждения глаз, а также химических ожогов и порезов.
7. Перчатки, в основном, используются для того, чтобы избежать контакта с
опасными веществами, защемления пальцев и контакта с металлическими занозами.
8. Перед использованием шлема следует проверить состояние его обшивки на

наличие трещин и дату истечения его срока годности.
9. Если в перчатках есть дыры и порезы, то их стоит незамедлительно заменить во
избежание различных травм.
10. Важно не передвигать пострадавшего, если подозревается перелом
11. Каждый член экипажа должен уметь оказать первую помощь и знать, как
производить сердечно - легочную реанимацию.

List of abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this publication

AES Anti-Exposure Suit

BA Breathing Apparatus
BPG Bridge Procedures Guide
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COSPAS- SARSAT International Satellite System for Search and Rescue Services
DCP extinguisher Dry Chemical Powder extinguisher
D/F Direction Finding
DPT Direct Printing Telegraphy
DSC Digital Selective Calling
EEBD Emergency Escape Breathing Device
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
ER Engine Room
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
FFA Fire- Fighting Appliances
FSS Fire Safety System
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GOC General Operators Certificate
GPS Global Positioning System
GRT Gross Registered Tonnage
HRU Hydrostatic Release Unit
ICS International Code of Signals
IMO International Maritime Organization
INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITU International Telecommunication Union
LSA Life- Saving Appliances
LT Local Time
MARS Marine Alerting Reporting Scheme
MLC Maritime Labour Convention
MES Marine Evacuation System
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
MOB Man Overboard
NAVTEX Navigational Telex
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
OOW Officer of the Watch
PA system Public Address system
PFD Personal Floatation Device
PLSA Personal Lifesaving Appliances
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PSC Port State Control

RCC Rescue Coordination Center
RTF Radio Telephony
SART Search and Rescue Transponder
SCBA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
SES Ship Earth Station
SMCP Standard Marine Communication Phrases
SMS Safety Management System
SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea
SSB Single Side Band
STAREC Status Recording System
STCW Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for
SVDR Simplified Voyage Data Recorder
TPA Thermal Protective Aid
VHF Very High Frequency
VTS Vessel Traffic Service
UHF Ultra-High Frequency
UTC Universal Time Coordinated


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