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1-9. Write the letter of your chosen answer.

1. What is the meaning of communication?
A. A source of credible information in which contents are provided through
an editorial process determined by journalistic values.
B. Refers to the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or exchange
information to someone else.

2. What is the meaning of the media?

A. Channel or ways we use to transmit or communicate messages;
communication tools.
B. The ability to analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms.

3. Define Digital Literacy/ Technology Lliteracy.

A. A way to use and produce information from the traditional and new media.
B. The ability of an individual, either working independently or with others, to
responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use technological tools.

4. Before in the basic concept of literacy, if you call someone literate

he/she knows at the very basic level how to ____ and _____.
A. Read and solve equations
B. Analyze and remember
C. Read and write
D. Evaluate and read

5. Merriam- Webster dictionary defined Netiquette as

A. Set of rules about the proper and polite way to communicate with other
people when using the internet.
B. The connection between technological advances and people’s
6. It is a Physical ang psychological well-being in a digital World.
A. Digital Commerce
B. Digital Access
C. Digital Health and Wellness
D. Digital Literacy

7. Those Freedoms Extended to everyone in a digital World.

- A.
A. Digital Rights and Responsibility
B. Digital Literacy
C. Digit Etiquette
D. Digital Law
8. Electronic Responsibility of action and deeds.
- C.
A. Digital Rights and Responsibility
B. Digital Communication
C. Digital Law
D. Digital Etiquette

9. Teaching and learning about technology and its Use.

- D.
A. Digital Communication
B. Digital Access
C. Digital Law
D. Digital Literacy

10-12. Fill in the blank

10. Media Literacy is the ability to ______, analyze, evaluate, and create
media in a variety of forms.
- access

11. Accessing information from media requires _____ _________, being

literate with media use will be of great benefit to everyone.
-ample knowledge

12. Digital access refers to the _________ to fully participate in digital

13.How do Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy
differ in terms of use?

14-17. Identify if the given question is Media Literacy, Information

Literacy, and Technology Literacy. Wrong spelling wrong, jusko ko
naman grade 11 na tayo guyz.

14. Dan decided to create contents and post it to his social media accounts.
He makes YouTube videos, Tiktok videos, and he also writes blog posts
- Technology Literacy

15. Nay Lucia, wants to listen to the latest news in town. However, her
mind battled whether to listen to the television or to just scroll and search
- Media Literacy

16. This type of literary is also referred to as digital literacy.

- Information Literacy

17. Grade 11 Stem students writing a quantitative research paper would

first search for information for a specific purpose and assured that they
would access that information in an effective way.
- Information Literacy
18-20. Enumerate the 3 key Principles of Digitag Citizenship.
- Respect your Self/ Respect Others
- Educate Others/ Connect With Others
- Protect your Self/ Protect Others

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