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Prom day

It’s a big event above all for the graduating students and of course for the invited guests too. On this
day they got a ribbon from the school, which symbolize, that they are the oldest students in the
school on the other hand an ordeal for the graduation.

First of all, the graduating classes keep a speech, in which they say thank you for their teachers,
family and friends. Most of the time it’s a bit funny but also a bit serious.

After the speeches every class shows a performance, in which can be anything. Most of the time the
students choose a pretty fast music and they make good-looking movements. After these
performances comes the big moment. They dance a beautiful waltz the girls in amazing wedding
dresses. At the end of the event, they have the opportunity to dance with the relatives and take cool

Every year the 11th grade helps by the organisation. It’s a great way to see, how difficult to organize
this event, and how hard-working should they be next year, to perform those dances.

In my opinion, this event is a big experience for the graduating students as well as for the 11th grade.
It’s a very big and important event, if somebody skips it than one makes a big mistake. He/she gives
up every common rehearsal and experiences.

But on the other hand, it cost plenty of money. The wedding dresses of the girls can have extremely
high prices, not everybody can afford this much money. It isn’t easy to dance in front of a huge
audience, it can cause a lot of stress and stage fright. Also, the students have to prepare to the final
exams at the end of the year. Because of the rehearsals they can’t concentrate on learning.

All in all I can say, that I’m looking forward to our prom day. It looks such a big experience and a lot of

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